Chapter 232 Splashing paint (seeking tickets for subscription)

"Brother Hu, what are we going to do today?"

"I saw that old man Liu crying yesterday when he heard that his wife had been beaten."

"Finally, he was pulled away by the 120 ambulance."

"Haha, we didn't attack too hard, and we still called for an ambulance."

"Okay, Ermao, speak softly."

A man wearing a black leather jacket with a fierce face patted Ermao and said.

He also had a fringe of fake fur on the collar of his jacket, but that didn't help much in this cold wind.

"Damn it, it's too cold here. If it weren't for the second son of the Zhao family, we might still be under the blanket."

Next to him was a clean-looking gangster in a tracksuit who was cursing.

"Xiaobai, don't beep with this, let's do things with money, by the way, Ermao."

Brother Hu turned his head to look at Er Mao who was shivering from the cold, curled his lips and asked, "Did you get the things I asked you to buy yesterday?"

"Bought Brother Hu."

"Just put it in the flower bed downstairs of Old Man Liu's house."

"it is good."

Brother Hu didn't speak, looked around at the old men and women basking in the sun, and walked by pretending not to care.

As soon as these three people appeared, Erwin spotted them.

He wasn't worried about the fighting power of these little bastards, but if they wanted to do some dirty tricks, Erwin had to pay attention.

He lowered the hood on his head a little, and carefully followed behind Brother Hu and the three of them.

I saw Brother Hu, led by Ermao, search in the flower garden downstairs of Gu Siyu's house, and soon they found two buckets of paint from the grass.


Erwin recognized it from the English writing on the paint bucket, but he was really curious.

Shouldn't these people be troublemakers?
Holding the paint bucket, could it be that he is going to paint the walls of Gu Siyu's house?

Seeing a few people entering the corridor, Erwin followed them worriedly.

"Brother Tiger, is it just like this?"

"Nonsense, hurry up."

"Shall we not write or something?"

"When I watch movies in Hong Kong City, they always write about debts and repayments."

"Don't talk nonsense, I asked you to buy a brush yesterday, didn't you not buy it, hurry up and splash it."

"Yeah, I'm opening a jar."

I saw Er Mao and Brother Hu next to him squatting on the ground, busy opening the paint bucket.

The white and clean Xiao Bai leaned on the handrail of the stairs, lit a cigarette and held it between his fingertips.

Soon, Brother Hu had already opened the paint bucket in his hand, and he waved his hands to make Ermao and Xiaobai back away.

He picked up the paint bucket and splashed it on Gu Siyu's door.

"Who is Nong?"

"Oh, it's terrible, it's terrible, what's the matter with your eyes."

Brother Hu was so frightened by the old lady who opened the door behind him that he almost splashed the paint on himself.

"It's none of your business, just go home and stay."

With a fierce look on his face, Brother Hu yelled at the old lady who opened the security door behind her.

The old lady closed the door with lightning speed.

Still cursing through the screen window: "What are you doing, it's black money."

"Be careful, I'll call and report it, and I'll tell you."

"Teacher Gu is very nice, please don't do this."

"be quiet."

"If you keep making noise, you will splash it with your family."

Brother Hu became impatient with being scolded by the old lady, turned around and walked over with a paint bucket, making a gesture to splash paint.

The old lady was so frightened that she quickly closed the door and stopped talking.

"It's so troublesome, Ermao, why are you still not well?"

"I poured it first."

Ermao let out an "oh" and raised his head to look at Brother Hu.

Brother Hu took half a step back, holding the paint bucket with both hands, and Meng Rang exerted himself.


Erwin heard movement above, and just as he walked up, he saw Brother Hu holding a paint bucket.

He understood in an instant.

How could these guys be kind enough to paint the walls of Gu Siyu's house? They are here to splash paint.

Erwin quickly ran up from the corridor and flew towards Brother Hu with one kick.

When Brother Hu saw someone talking, he turned his eyes curiously, but who knew that Erwin came up from below, and could fly up.

He picked up the paint bucket to block Erwin's attack.

But Brother Hu didn't know.

Although Erwin is an ordinary-looking bodyguard now, he was once a fighting expert of a special organization.

With this flying kick, he had already calculated the reactions of Brother Hu and the two people around him.

With a bang, Brother Hu fell heavily to the ground with the paint bucket in his hand.

Bright red paint suddenly flowed from the bucket, and the original black leather jacket was also dyed red.

Before Er Mao, who was squatting on the ground, and Xiao Bai, who was leaning on the armrest and smoking a cigarette, could react, they were punched and kicked to the ground by Erwin who landed on the ground.

The body was also stained with a lot of red paint.

The old lady who just closed the anti-theft door opened the window and watched this scene dumbfounded.

"Where did this person come from? This is too fierce."

Erwin glanced at the three brothers Hu who were lying on the ground, raised his feet again, saw that there was no paint on his shoes and pants, and nodded in satisfaction.

He took his phone out of his pocket and dialed Bob's number.

Yang Zhiyuan and others followed Niu Shengli to the street, Niu Shengli took out the key and opened the lock on the shutter door.

"Mr. Yang, this is my modification workshop."

With a "crash", the rolling shutter door was raised, and Yang Zhiyuan saw a clean and tidy repair workshop.

There is only one repair station here, but both the ground, the wall, and even the repair tank are very clean and tidy.

This is completely different from the place where Niu Shengli lived before.

One in the sky and one in the ground.

Yang Zhiyuan also saw the finished product that Niu Shengli kept boasting about at a glance.

A Hanlai van.

"Mr. Niu, is this your modified work?"

Yang Zhiyuan is also a person who has been abroad. Modified cars are very popular in the beautiful country. Ordinary cars, off-road vehicles, pickup trucks, and even sports cars have been modified, but he has never seen one. van.

"Yes, because there was insufficient funds at the time, I could only buy a van to practice my skills."

Niu Shengli said something in embarrassment, then raised his head.

"However, Mr. Yang can get in the car to experience it."

Yang Zhiyuan didn't speak, nodded and followed behind Niu Shengli, opened the sliding rear door and got into the car.

"Mr. Yang, you can take a look. Let's start with the interior. I have filled the entire car with sound-proof cotton. Once the speakers in the car are turned on, the effect can definitely be compared to a professional concert scene."

"And on the whole car, I installed a total of 16 small speakers, and decorated the appearance with plating strips, which looks low-key and atmospheric."

As Niu Shengli said, he signaled Yang Zhiyuan to close the car door, took the driver's seat in front, took a disc from the top, and stuffed it into the CD player.

"Mr. Yang, I also purchased this CD player from abroad."

Niu Shengli pressed the play button, and there was a burst of melodious music in the car.

"Um, misplaced."

Niu Shengli originally planned to play an explosive rock song, but his attention was all on Yang Zhiyuan just now, and what he played was an ancient music in the style of Long Han.

"It's okay, that's all."

Yang Zhiyuan was immersed in the world of music and couldn't help closing his eyes.

What Niu Shengli said is indeed correct, the sound effect is really good.

"Mr. Yang, besides the audio system, I have also made major modifications to the instrument panel."

"Including the design of the gear position, the digital display of the instrument, the air outlet of the air conditioner, etc."

"It's winter now, you can feel it later when we drive out."

"I also modified the roof of the car and added a sliding sunroof. If you take your family out for a drive, you can open the sunroof and see the outside world directly."

"Yes, Not Bad."

Yang Zhiyuan raised his head, looked at the skylight on the top where he could see the outside, and felt his mood improved.


He didn't come here to buy a car for his daily use, but to listen to Bob's suggestion and plan to buy a suitable car for the bodyguards.

Seeing Yang Zhiyuan's reaction, Niu Shengli became more determined.

What these rich people want is face.

He made this car not only for his own hobbies, but also to attract more rich people like Yang Shengli.

Of course, rich people will not come to buy his modified car based on the Hanlai van. They will definitely take out the luxury cars they usually use and let them modify it.

In this way, the goal of cattle victory can be achieved.

He modified the car not to make money at all, but to experience the process of modifying various cars in the world from his own hands.

Otherwise, with his skills, it would be no problem to go to any auto repair shop or even a car manufacturer.


Bob, who was waiting outside the door, held the phone in his hand and knocked on the car window.

Knowing that he was looking for him, Yang Zhiyuan felt a chill in his heart, maybe it was early in the morning, and there must be something wrong with Gu Siyu.

"what's up."

"Mr. Yang, Erwin called and said that there was a group of people at Ms. Gu's door who wanted to splash paint on the door of their house, but he had already discovered and subdued them. Should we call the police in Haicheng or..."

"Don't worry about it, as long as it doesn't threaten Ms. Gu's personal safety, don't worry about anything else."


After Yang Zhiyuan finished speaking, he turned around and opened the car door, and a melodious ancient music came.

Only then did he realize what Niu Shengli had meant by good sound insulation.

When the door is closed, no movement inside the car can be heard.

Yang Zhiyuan is not Wang Yifei, but he also immediately thought of the good use of sound insulation.

Next, Niu Shengli took Yang Zhiyuan and others to drive around on the road outside.

Yang Zhiyuan also learned that for Niu Shengli, the interior work was just a piece of cake. His real strength lies in the adjustment of car power, the transformation of electronic systems, and the optimization of transmission systems.

Returning to the repair shop again, Bob couldn't hide the excitement on his face.

Yang Zhiyuan was also very satisfied, "Mr. Niu, then we want this car."


Niu Shengli stared at Yang Zhiyuan in disbelief.

His car is purely for display, and, Yang Zhiyuan, you have such a big style, you probably just like this Hanlai van.

But at this time, Liu Qianming, who was working in the 441 office, was notified that a neighbor at home called.

His heart skipped a beat.

He hurriedly ran out of the research room and came to the office to answer the phone.

"Old Liu, come back quickly, something happened to your family."

(End of this chapter)

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