Chapter 233 My Grandpa Is (seeking tickets for subscription)


"Asshole, what an asshole!"

Liu Qianming looked at the blood-like red paint at the door of the house, and the white hair on his head was flying around in anger.

"Old Liu, don't be angry."

"I'm not doing well."

Gu Siyu persuaded in a low voice.

"Well, I'm not angry, I'm not angry."

Seeing that Gu Siyu's face was flushed, Liu Ganming worried that she would be agitated because of what happened yesterday, so he quickly lowered his voice.

But in his heart, he was still very angry.

After persuading Gu Siyu to go home, Liu Qianming went downstairs and got on his bicycle to continue going to work.

In front of the window, Gu Siyu watched Liu Qianming's leaving back in silence.

She knew that Liu Qianming would definitely find a way.

After all, he was the first college student to graduate from Imperial University in the entire research institute.

Liu Qianming, who had a bright future, stayed in Haicheng because of Gu Siyu.

In the past 30 years, Liu Qianming refused all the opportunities for promotion and job transfer because of Gu Siyu's health.

But his contacts are within the scope of Haicheng, that is, the few people in the City Lord's Mansion can stand shoulder to shoulder with him.

No one knew that Long Han's current prime minister, Zuo Li, was Liu Qianming's junior.

Back then, Zuo Li was also assigned to the 441 Research Institute after graduating from university. Knowing that Zuo Li was a junior at his same school, Liu Qianming took good care of him in life and work.

And the opportunity to work in the imperial capital was given by Liu Qianming to Zuo Li.

Even though Liu Qianming went to the imperial capital that year, he may not be able to become the prime minister of the empire now, but it is undeniable that without Liu Qianming's recommendation back then, Zuo Li would absolutely not be able to become the prime minister of the empire.

If Liu Ganming called Zuo Li, the matter of land acquisition by the Wei Group that day would be a trivial matter at all.

Haicheng may even re-emphasize the 441 Research Institute as a key development project.

But in this way, Liu Qianming will become a person who will repay the favor, Gu Siyu thought, she doesn't know how Liu Qianming will deal with this matter.

Liu Qianming, who was riding a bicycle, calmed down after the cold wind blew.

Just now he heard from his neighbor, Aunt Cai, that it was a well-built young man who suddenly rushed up and knocked down those gangsters who were about to paint his house.

Then the lad left without saying a word and went down the stairs.

Aunt Cai said that although the young man was wearing a hood, she could still clearly tell from her years of glaucoma that he was not from our Longhan country, but a bit of a foreigner.

Liu Ganming remembers that the 441 Research Institute Family House where he lived did not have a house for rent out. They were all old masters from his research institute who had retired for many years, and the old researchers lived here.

I have never heard of anyone renting out the house, let alone rent it to a foreigner.

You must know that the 441 Research Institute is a unit of the empire. There were indeed foreign spies who tried to steal the information here, but that was all many years ago.

Now there are only a group of older researchers in the Institute of Electronics who are still doing research conscientiously. Those young people have already stopped working without pay to make a living.

It's like the son of Lao Zhang at the door, who is also a well-known graduate student majoring in electronics at Donghai University. After coming to the 441 Research Institute, he hasn't eaten meat once in half a year.

In the end, I couldn't take it anymore, and Lao Zhang and I pushed the breakfast cart to spread pancakes outside every day.

Those who make atomic bombs do not earn as much as those who sell tea eggs.

Liu Qianming felt emotional.

But after more than ten years of hard study, are young people's ideological consciousness so low now?

Chip technology has lagged behind foreign countries by 2-3 generations, and this is just research and development. If it involves production, the difference will be even worse.

Some time ago, Yang Zhiyuan came over and bought the chip manufacturing plant under the Haicheng 441 Research Institute from Liu Qianming, and Liu Qianming could see it.

Yang Zhiyuan is familiar with the technological situation at home and abroad, and he can tell at a glance that he is someone who has worked hard.

So at that time, Liu Qianming just thought about it for a while, completed the formalities, and transferred the factory to Yang Zhiyuan. Otherwise, if someone else came, it would have been so easy to get Liu Qianming's approval and buy the factory from him.

Unexpectedly, it has only been so long, and the youngest Zhao, who was so muddy and unable to support the wall, has become the chairman of some kind of Tianwei Group.

He knows a shit about that shit.

Now the piece of land in 441 has become a big piece of fat in the eyes of Tianwei Group.

Zhao Laosan is really not a thing. In order for the three sons to decide who will inherit his Tianwei Group, he even asked the three of them to find a way to get three pieces of land at the same time.

One is the 441 Research Institute where Liu Qianming works.

One is Haicheng Aimeng Welfare Institute.

One is Haicheng Wentian School for the Deaf and Mute.

These years have changed so fast, Liu Qianming looked at a big slope ahead, and suddenly found that he couldn't ride anymore.

Business matters should be left to professionals.

Standing in the cold wind, for the first time in his life, Liu Ganming felt like a hero in his life.

"Hey, Mr. Yang, where are you now?"

"About the 441 Research Institute, let's find a place to chat."

Yang Zhiyuan sat in the car and hung up the phone excitedly.

Unexpectedly, it was only a day later, and Liu Ganming hadn't spoken to him yet, and the other party took the initiative to contact him.

He picked up his phone and dialed Su Ye immediately.

Because this is the first real acquisition since the establishment of Qingyun Technology, Su Ye also pays special attention to it.

He originally wanted to go there in person, but at this moment Zhou Yuanyuan stood up and said, "Boss Su, let me go."

"When I came to Qingyun Technology, I got a month's salary without making any contribution, and got a car. Let me do this."

Su Ye thought for a while and agreed.

Zhou Yuanyuan hurriedly walked out of Su Ye's office and drove to Jiangcheng Railway Station.

For her now, the most important thing is to get to Haicheng as soon as possible.

As for going home to get luggage and go to the airport, it takes too much time.

Yang Zhiyuan has been waiting for Zhou Yuanyuan, just like him, Liu Qianming is also waiting.

The transfer price has actually been negotiated between the two, 100 million.

Including the land, including all the equipment of Research Institute 441.

However, Liu Qianming raised two conditions.

First, if there are people in Institute 441 who want to continue research, Qingyun Technology needs to accept these people.

Second, Liu Qianming needs Qingyun Technology to buy the other two places and keep them as they are.

Yang Zhiyuan kept asking Liu Qianming where the two pieces of land that needed to be purchased were, and why he made this request, but Liu Qianming just laughed and said nothing.

at last.

When it was just getting dark, Zhou Yuanyuan walked into this old-fashioned teahouse.

After getting to know each other briefly, Yang Zhiyuan told Zhou Yuanyuan the agreement he had made with Liu Qianming.

Although Zhou Yuanyuan was also very puzzled, she didn't ask immediately.

"Miss Zhou, please come all the way here."

"The reason why we are in such a hurry to sell our 441 Research Institute and add two other pieces of land actually stems from my own selfishness."

"If you disagree, then..."

"we agree."

Before Liu Qianming finished speaking, Zhou Yuanyuan interrupted.

Although this move may not seem very polite, to Liu Qianming, it is the most beautiful voice in the world.

"Director Liu, don't worry, we will agree to all your requests."

"I was on the way here just now, and I saw a printing shop in front of me. Let's go and print out the contract, and I will ask the company to pay the money."

"As for the other two places, can you tell me where they are now?"

"of course can."

Liu Qianming frowned, and a smile appeared on his face.

He hadn't met such a decisive woman as Zhou Yuanyuan for a long time.

Next, he told Zhou Yuanyuan about the orphanage, the school for the deaf and dumb, and about Mr. Zhao's Tianwei Group.

Only then did Yang Zhiyuan realize that everything was done by the Tianwei Group.

He didn't know whether to thank the company for their help, or to resent their behavior.

"Director Liu, may I ask what kind of business this Tianwei Group is in and how strong the company is?"

"They used to sell raw meat, and there are still many vegetable markets in Haicheng with their raw meat stalls."

"After making money, Zhao Laosan bought a few construction machines and went around looking for work on construction sites every day."

"Now, he should have started to build a house. This time, he took a fancy to the three of us who are easy to bully. There is no leader above, and there are old, weak, sick and disabled below. That's why he dared to be so arrogant."

Is it about real estate again?

Zhou Yuanyuan knew that the last time Su Ye met Xu Cheng was because the factory at home was forcibly demolished by real estate developers.

Why is something like this happening in Haicheng now?

It seems that the rise in real estate prices in the past year or so has made many people see the huge business opportunity of building a house to make money. Anyone dares to rush in to buy land and build a house.

Also, since Zhao Laosan dared to cast his eyes on social welfare agencies and 441 institutes, if you said that he had no support from above, then Zhou Yuanyuan would never believe it.

The trouble should end it.

Zhou Yuanyuan's mind was spinning rapidly, thinking about the solution to this matter.

"Director Liu, I understand this matter. Since I agree, it will be resolved satisfactorily."

"However, the issue of the contract..."

"There is no problem with the contract. I just went back to the office and printed out the contract."

With a smile, Liu Qianming took out a stack of contracts from his briefcase and handed it to Zhou Yuanyuan.

"Mr. Zhou, you can take a look. If there is no problem, let's sign the contract immediately."

With that said, Liu Ganming took the official seal out of the bag and put it on the table.

Zhou Yuanyuan agreed casually, and carefully looked at the contract brought by Liu Qianming.

During the years of working in investment companies, she has seen too many contract loopholes and traps, and for this purpose, she has also taught herself the relevant provisions of commercial law.

However, looking at it, Zhou Yuanyuan was confused.

In this contract, not only did Liu Qianming mention the condition of binding the purchase of land, but even the sale amount became 120 million yuan.

"Director Liu, isn't this price a bit wrong?"

Yang Zhiyuan heard Zhou Yuanyuan speak, and also leaned closer to watch.

This is not right, it has always been a low quotation and high payment, so that the dealer can earn part of the price difference.

However, this Liu Qianming actually told them that they would only receive 100 million yuan, but the contract stated 120 million yuan.

Well, where will the rest of the money come from to make up for it?

"Hehe, you don't have to worry about that."

"You Qingyun Technology only need to pay 100 million yuan to the account of the Institute of Electronics."

"The rest of the money I have my own way."


Looking at Liu Qianming's appearance, Yang Zhiyuan vaguely understood his thoughts.

"Director Liu, you, you are not going to pay for this money yourself, are you?"


Liu Ganming nodded, instead of looking at Yang Zhiyuan and Zhou Yuanyuan, he looked out of the window at the 441 Research Institute, which was only across the street from this teahouse.

"Before I asked the relevant staff of Haicheng City Lord's Mansion, our 441 Research Institute wants to transfer, the minimum price is 100 million."

"You Qingyun Technology, I can see that you are people who really want to make a career."

"I don't want you to spend too much on this, just keep the money for research or fulfill my little wish."

"I've asked for it, so be it."

"Wait, Director Liu, we will accept the money. Similarly, we will do what we promised you."

"But there is a small request, request, I hope you can agree."

Before Yang Zhiyuan could speak, Zhou Yuanyuan had already made a decision.

On the way here, she had already inquired about Liu Qianming's life through her relationship.

He was the first university student majoring in electronic engineering at the Imperial University of the Longhan Empire, and he was under the tutelage of Dana, a well-known scientist in the field of electronics in the empire.

Seeing that Director Liu was a bit retired and unwilling to continue to engage in electronic research work, Zhou Yuanyuan suddenly had an idea and came up with a good solution.

"Oh, no problem."

"When we talk about the contract, we should put the villain first and then the gentleman, and have something to say first, so that everyone will not look bad in the future."

"Okay, since that's the case, I'll say it."

"I hope Director Liu can join the scientific research center established by Qingyun Technology and serve as the general manager."

"This can't be done, this can't be done, absolutely can't be done."

Liu Qianming quickly refused. After this period of time, or what happened around him in the past few years, Liu Qianming was already disheartened.

When I was young, I was busy doing research, and my wife, Gu Siyu, was also an English teacher at Haicheng Yuying Middle School. The couple usually didn’t see each other even for a week.

He said they were a husband and wife, but in fact he lacked too much in taking care of his wife and the family.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of transferring out of the 441 Research Institute this time, Liu Qianming decided to imitate those fashionable young people and take Gu Siyu out for a honeymoon first.

All over the country, mountains and rivers, plains, places of interest, and literati.

Back then, he and Gu Siyu were both literary youths, and it was worthwhile to see more of the great rivers and mountains of the empire while still able to walk now.

"Mr. Zhou, I appreciate your kindness, but you have also seen that my body and brain are already inflexible at my age, and the current situation of international knowledge and theoretical research is changing rapidly."

"It's absolutely impossible for me to be the general manager. Besides, I'm already old, and I want to take my wife to walk around while I can still walk."

"Director Liu, you don't have to reject me in such a hurry."

Zhou Yuanyuan smiled.

"Our scientific research center has just come up with this idea. If we want to build it, it will probably take next spring. In addition, it also involves the purchase of some scientific research equipment and research tools."

"During this free time, you can take your family around the country and enjoy the great rivers and mountains of the motherland."

"At the same time, Qingyun Technology's determination to build this scientific research center is extremely firm. If you can help find some of your former colleagues and friends, that would be even better."

"And I believe that as you who have participated in the Empire's [Project 768] [Project 814] [Project 891] and the most important [Project 9043], you will definitely not be willing to give up your career that you have been engaged in all your life."

"This, these things, how do you, a girl, know."

"Many of these projects are still in the confidential stage."

Liu Qianming turned pale with shock, and asked in a trembling tone.

Zhou Yuanyuan smiled, stood up from her seat, looked directly at Liu Qianming and said.

"Liu Gong, let me introduce myself to you again."

"My name is Zhou Yuanyuan, and my grandfather is..."

 Thanks to the book friend "Brother Hao Qinqiu" for the monthly pass. . .Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a monthly ticket
(End of this chapter)

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