The richest man in the world starts with 100 million sign-ins every day

Chapter 239 There must be something strange at this time

Chapter 239 There must be something strange at this time (ask for ticket and subscription)

Su Ye roared, and everyone in the company fell silent.

This President Su usually doesn't care about the employees below them, and when they meet each other, he greets each other and chats a few words.

But no one thought Su Ye was easy to bully.

Dogs that bite don't bark.

A group of people began to quickly and orderly pack up their computers, desktops, and personal belongings.

When passing by Su Ye, he said hello, "Goodbye, President Su" and left quickly like a dog chasing after him.

"President Su, what's the matter?"

Seeing Su Ye's appearance, Chen Nanfeng who was about to talk to him asked.

"what happened?"

"Brother Chen, you are the first to join our company."

"Tell me, what are the rules of our company."

Chen Nanfeng: "Nine to five, weekends off. Refuse to work overtime, start from me. Focus on quality life, quality determines taste, and taste enhances value."

Su Ye was heartbroken: "Yes, this rule has been said for three months. From the beginning to now, it is placed at the door of the company every day. It is just to remind everyone."

"But, do you see what they did?"

Chen Nanfeng was stunned: "What did you do?"

Su Ye took out his mobile phone, "Brother Chen, look, it's already 5:20, and a group of people are still working."

"I, Su Ye, have walked upright and sat upright all my life, but I am afraid that someone will poke my spine and say that I am a black-hearted boss."

Chen Nanfeng lowered his head.

Xin said that if you call your employees black-hearted bosses who get off work at 5 o'clock, then which boss in the empire would dare to say that he is a human being.

"Hey, Li Ming."

Su Ye was still talking there, when Chen Nanfeng saw a familiar figure walking by, he called out to him.

Li Ming, who was wearing a hat, was startled by such a shout, and turned his head to look over: "President Chen, what's the matter."

Chen Nanfeng: "It's okay, your hat is pretty good, where did you buy it?"

Su Ye also stopped his whispering beside him.

The yelling just now has almost vented the emotions in my heart.

Seeing Chen Nanfeng call Li Ming to stop at this time, he also turned his gaze.

Li Ming bowed his head in embarrassment: "I didn't buy this, my girlfriend knitted it for me."

Su Ye looked at the hat on Li Ming's head again. Although he didn't know how to knit a sweater or anything, he could tell with the naked eye: "Your girlfriend is good at crafting. You will be blessed in the future."

Wang Qian's figure flashed in Li Ming's mind: "Thank you, Mr. Su."

Su Ye waved his hand: "Okay, you go back first."

"Okay Mr. Su, goodbye Mr. Su, Mr. Chen."

Li Ming trotted all the way, checked his card and left the company, feeling a layer of cold sweat on his back.

God is sorry, this is the first time he has done private work by himself in so many years after graduation.

The USB flash drive in the bag stores the software he spent 3 nights making.

Thinking of Zhou Zihang telling himself that he would get 800 yuan after finishing this matter, Li Ming couldn't help but smile slightly.

Wang Qian also said that before the end of next year, the two of them will buy a house with a loan.

Silly woman, long hair but short knowledge, of course you have to buy a house early.

Li Ming stretched his right hand behind his back to touch the hard disk, and his heart became more and more determined.

Work hard, make money, buy a house, marry a wife.

As usual, he came to the cafeteria of the Youth Innovation Park, and Li Ming turned left and ran right in front of Zhou Zihang.

"Fortunately not humiliated."

Zhou Zihang took the USB flash drive, took out an envelope from his pocket, and handed it to Li Ming: "A little bit?"

Li Ming hesitated for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

There were ten red bills in the envelope. Li Ming asked, "Zhou Zihang, uh, Mr. Zhou, is this number wrong? Didn't we agree on 800?"

Zhou Zihang laughed and patted Li Ming on the shoulder.

"Li Ming, you are the product manager of Qingyun Technology, this is not much at all."

"To be honest, if I hadn't met Wang Qian that day and knew that you were a programmer, someone would have asked me for this number."

Zhou Zihang made a gesture of fifteen, and Li Ming knew that he was talking about 1500.
The job this time is not difficult, but what is needed is carefulness.

After Li Ming made it at home last night, he tried it twice and there was no problem, so he contacted Zhou Zihang.

But the price they agreed on before was 800, but now it is 1200 in the envelope, which is a full 50% more.

If it's an ordinary person, they might just shirk it and then they don't want it, but Li Ming is so straightforward.

He took four out of a wad of money and returned them to Zhou Zihang: "Mr. Zhou, you are Wang Qian's classmate, so we are friends."

"I'm a person who talks about everything, and treats my friends with absolute sincerity."

"You are now in the early stage of starting a business, and there are many places to spend money in various aspects, so don't do this with me."

Zhou Zihang was stunned, it was the first time he saw someone who was able to give away the money he got.

He smiled awkwardly, and took the 400 yuan from Li Ming's hand: "Okay, Li Ming, brother, I still have a job here, which requires the cooperation of many people."

"If you can help me find a few friends with trustworthy skills, then you will take the lead."

Li Ming likes to speak straight to the point like this: "Okay, Mr. Zhou will think of me a little more when he is free."

Seeing Li Ming's tall and generous back, Zhou Zihang's eyes were deep.

"He's a nice guy."

"Would you be..."

"No! Absolutely not!"

"In this world, money is the most important thing. As long as I complete the task, I can get it..."

In the darkness, Zhou Zihang clenched his fists with a ferocious face.

Su Ye didn't expect that when he walked to the gate after get off work today, he couldn't punch his card because there were too many people.

Surrounding the claw machine, people kept exclaiming.

"Mr. Li, come up, this must be stable."

"Be careful, oops!"

Su Ye passed through the crowd, and could vaguely see Li Qianqian operating the claw machine inside.

This girl seems to be possessed.

It's been playing for hours, haven't you played enough?

The people next to you are also boring, and it's not like you are playing.

Why are you so excited, so many people are standing here, you are already blocking the way?

"After get off work, I hurried home to rest."

"Don't work overtime at the company."

Su Ye yelled anxiously, you guys don't have anything to go home, are you free?

"President Su?"

"Good evening, Mr. Su."

"Boss Su, we didn't work overtime."

"That's right, Mr. Su, let's see Mr. Li catching dolls and not working overtime."

"Well, let's line up by the way..."


Line up with your sister.

Su Ye looked at at least 40 or [-] people in front of him. If everyone played for hours like Li Qianqian and didn't let go, they probably wouldn't be able to take pictures of you after get off work tomorrow.

Su Ye glared at the employee who spoke bitterly, no need to ask, it must be Wang Yifei's QQ game department.

This cheap swish look is exactly the same as him.

Su Ye reluctantly passed through the crowd and came to the punch card machine.


"The host successfully signed in and received 500 million reward funds, which have been deposited into the account."

Su Ye smiled triumphantly.

Making money is that simple, easy and non-technical.

Looking back at the employees who were reluctant to go home, Su Ye shook his head and took out his mobile phone.

"Mr. Zhao, order 5 more of these machines tomorrow."


It was not until late at night that the boss, Zhao Yun, called.

There was excitement in his tired voice.

"Leaf, leaf, guess what's going on with the opening today."

Su Ye was lying on the sofa, and it was already past nine o'clock.

Normal people eat dinner between 6 and 8 o'clock, and he only called himself after 9 o'clock, so it's useless to say the result.

Su Ye: "No one came to eat?"

Zhao Yun instantly felt offended: "Yezi, why are you talking?"


"The whole store exploded today."

Su Ye: "The boss is not talking about you. How many times have I mentioned safety issues to you? If you don't listen to safety issues, what's the matter? How many casualties are there? Are you okay?"

Zhao Yun: ...

"Okay, okay, Ye Zi, don't mess with me, I'm going to die of exhaustion."

"It was a hot one today, I've never seen so many people walk into a restaurant."

"The little girl at the cashier is exhausted today. I am in charge of cooking with a few master chefs in the back kitchen. Now I feel my arms are sore while holding a mobile phone."

Su Ye: "Tired?"

Zhao Yun took it for granted: "Of course I'm tired."

Su Ye: "Then do you want to give up?"

Zhao Yun: "Of can't."

"Hey, I said Ye Zi, why did you get stimulated today, and you always talk like this."

"You...couldn't be possessed by a ghost."

Su Ye: "You know too much."

Zhao Yun: "Come on, I won't tell you anymore. I'll take a shower and sleep later. I'll be busy tomorrow."

Su Ye: "Okay, take care of yourself and open a branch."

Zhao Yun froze.

It was written in the plan Su Ye gave him before that once this novel catering model is launched, countless people will follow suit.

If he is obsessed with today's achievements and brilliance, his peers will soon find out and copy his model.

Although the imperial capital is big, there are only so many markets.

The popularity of new store openings has proved that Su Ye's strategy is correct.

Then there is nothing to hesitate, just go directly to the big one and do it quickly.

Don't forget, although Zhao Yun's dream is to become a chef, he is essentially the son of an investor.

"Okay, I see, I have already brewed a few places before."

"Tomorrow I'll find time to walk around and have a look."

Zhao Yun hung up the phone, and Zhao Jinshan, who was beside him, watched him calm down from the excitement just now, and was a little curious.

"Are you calling your brother Su Ye?"


"What did he tell you?"

The waves in Zhao Yun's mind were turbulent, and after a big wave passed, there was only one sentence left in his mind.

"He asked me to take care of my health and open more branches."

A hint of admiration flashed in Zhao Jinshan's eyes.

My son is really a lucky one, with average investment talent, but he likes to cook.

Although Zhao Jinshan couldn't bear it before, but for his Jinshan investment, he had to be ruthless.

Now Su Ye was able to find a route for Zhao Yun that could take both of them into account. Seeing the tired but energetic smile on his son's face, Zhao Jinshan's heart skipped a beat.

"Go back and ask Su Ye, I invested in a game studio before to see if he needs it."


Zhao Yun picked up his coat and hung it up, ready to take a bath.

His current mind is not on games, beauties, cars, technology, etc. at all.

I am full of thoughts about tomorrow's route, where to go first, and where to go next.

What should you do if the promising store has already been rented out?

"Dad, I'm going to take a shower first, and I'll go see the store tomorrow."

"Oh, by the way, what's the name of the studio you bought?"

Zhao Jinshan: "I'll think about it."

Zhao Yun waited impatiently by the side, and was about to speak, but was interrupted by Zhao Jinshan.

"Dongshan residence."

"Dongshan residence?"

"What a strange name."

Zhao Yun muttered something, then turned around and went to take a shower.

Turning around, he went to bed and fell asleep exhausted,
During this period of time, he was really exhausted. He had to purchase and check various materials and equipment every day, as well as train personnel, customize clothing, customize menus, and serve dishes.

Today's great success allowed him to finally fall asleep with peace of mind.

Get a good night's sleep.

However, Zhao Yun can sleep well here, but some people can't see it.


Zhao Tianwei's brother-in-law was taken away in a bathing center.

The director of the bathhouse personally escorted the person away.

Go back and call your boss.

Many people in the bathhouse knew that this guy was Zhao Tianwei's brother-in-law.

Once this brother-in-law went in, Zhao Tianwei could still dance around for a few days.

Based on the bad things he did in Haicheng before, there is nothing to do in 10 years.

For a while, countless caring people returned to the locker room, took out their mobile phones and started making calls.


"Liu Quan is here."





"Do you know why I brought you in?"

Liu Quandao shook his head.


The policeman glanced at him and shook his head.

To be honest, the policeman knew Liu Quan.

As the chief secretary of the mayor of Hanshan District, Liu Quandao is not only a good-looking talent, but also has outstanding handling ability.

Following the district chief for many years is also considered hard work, with merit and hard work.

But quickly heard.

The reason why Liu Quandao was brought in this time was because Liu Quandao was personally exposed by the district chief.

This matter, anyone with a discerning eye can see it.

Something is wrong.

I have only heard people around me report on the big boss, but I have never heard the big boss report on people around me.

You know, Liu Quan, as the district chief's secret, must be the district chief's confidant, the confidant of the confidant.

Such a person has been reported, and if you say there is nothing wrong with it, no one will believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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