Chapter 240 Are You Talking About Me?

Zhao Tianwei heard from his wife that Liu Quan did not return all night last night.

This was absolutely impossible in the past.

Liu Quandao is cautious by nature, and it is not uncommon for him to go out to drink and play with people.

But over the years, from an ordinary college student to the secretary of the district chief, such a person would never act recklessly.

His wife was crying, and Zhao Tianwei was upset when he heard it, so he said, I know, and went to find someone right away.

Looking for someone, looking for someone.

When my brother-in-law was not on the rise, he still needed support from his family in his life.

It was only in the past few years that he became the district chief secretary that Zhao Tianwei got back some advantages.

Moreover, Liu Quan is a cold-hearted person by nature, no matter how good you are to him, you will throw it away after a while if it is useless for a while.

Zhao Tianwei has accumulated a lot of family property over the years, and even established the Tianwei Group.

This time, he took the initiative to take down the 441 factory and other three places, and it was Liu Quandao's instruction.

If there is something wrong with Liu Quan, then do you want to take these three places?

Zhao Tianwei has just turned forty, but he has long since lost the bloody courage of his youth, and he has struggled for a long time without any results, so he can only shake his head and give up.

"We still need to find someone first."

Zhao Tianwei thought about it for a while, and felt that sitting in the office was not an option, so he thought about going out to find someone to have a drink and ask for news.

Although the Hanshan District is still barren, many discerning people in the empire have come to investigate.

It is not difficult to find news where the three teachings and nine streams are located.

Just when he opened the door, he saw someone coming in at the door.

A big-brimmed hat, a dark blue uniform, and a series of stamped numbers engraved on the chest.

"You are……"

Zhao Tianwei looked at the window subconsciously, regretting in his heart.

At that time, in order to pretend to be aggressive, I bought the topmost floor of the newly built 24-story office building in Hanshan District.

The 24th floor, if people go down like this, the result is very likely that there will be no bones left.

Zhao Tianwei had a forced smile on his face and didn't speak.

It's just that the strength in holding the doorknob in his hand is not small, and the knuckles of his fingers have already turned blue.

The leading policeman pushed the door, but Zhao Tianwei grabbed it so hard that he didn't push it open.

But he was not annoyed, and smiled at Zhao Tianwei: "We are a regional bureau, and we need you to understand the situation."

Only then did Zhao Tianwei realize that he was overly nervous, and he loosened his left hand.

But seeing the first arrester slam into the door suddenly, Zhao Tianwei staggered, and before he realized what was going on, he locked his hands behind his back.

"What are you doing, what are you doing?"

"I'm a legitimate businessman."

The leading arrester just now changed his smile, and said disdainfully: "Your brother-in-law has said everything that needs to be said, as for you."

"Is it legal or not? Let's talk about it in the game."

Zhao Tianwei's body, which was still struggling just now, suddenly stopped, and he felt as if his whole body had been emptied.

When I was watching TV before, I saw someone who had a sudden change, and would fall or faint as soon as his body became weak.

Zhao Tianwei also said that it was an act and a fake.

But when something happened to him, he knew a word.

Art comes from life, but it is higher than life.

Zhao Tianwei was taken away all the way, and the policeman didn't add anything to his hand, but he followed him downstairs honestly.

Countless employees in the office next to him looked at the boss who was not afraid of anything and nothing but his favorite braggart, and they showed all living beings on their faces.

Zhao Tianwei watched at first, but soon.

He closed his eyes and followed the policemen downstairs in a daze.

After getting into the car, Zhao Tianwei sat down.

Through the car window, he took another look at the appearance of himself standing on the highest point, overlooking the entire Hanshan District, and he couldn't help sighing.

Those days, I am afraid they will never come back.

At noon, Zhou Yuanyuan received a call from Lin Feng.

It is said that both Liu Quandao and Zhao Tianwei have confessed to their crimes. Later, Yushitai will file a lawsuit against Liu Quandao. What awaits them is a long prison life.

Zhou Yuanyuan sighed and wanted to say something, but she didn't say it in the end.

"Yuanyuan, on Friday night, our City Lord's Mansion will hold an auction."

"At that time, you remember to come and participate."

"Someone will contact you later."

"I see, thank you Uncle Lin, I will trouble you this time."

Lin Feng was proud, but he said modestly: "What trouble do you say, you are helping me to put it bluntly."

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yuanyuan turned around and left the room, knocked on the door of Yang Zhiyuan next door, but no one answered the door after waiting for a long time.

"This Yang Zhiyuan, I don't know why he is crazy, which alley he runs into every day."

Zhou Yuanyuan knew about Yang Zhiyuan's whereabouts.

The two of them have to talk about today's work arrangements like a morning meeting every day.

However, Yang Zhiyuan's mission to come to Haicheng has been completed, why he still stays here and refuses to leave.

She had heard from two subordinates brought by Yang Zhiyuan before that Yang Zhiyuan was now running to Niu Shengli every day.

As a result, Zhou Yuanyuan completed most of the work today, and seeing that Yang Zhiyuan was not in the hotel, she inevitably became curious.

Dial out the phone and ask Yang Zhiyuan where he is now, Zhou Yuanyuan took a taxi to Niu Shengli's Shengli refitting factory.

"Mr. Yang."

Zhou Yuanyuan smiled sweetly.

Bob and the others next to him had already seen Zhou Yuanyuan, but at this time they still couldn't help but lose their minds for a moment.

If Zhou Yuanyuan hadn't explicitly refused before, Bob would have already thought of the child's name.

He felt that he was in love.

It turns out that an oriental girl can be so beautiful.

For a woman like Zhou Yuanyuan, she should join an entertainment company and become a top star in the world, so that the world can see her beauty.

Only with such an identity can she be worthy of Zhou Yuanyuan's beauty.

In order to get in touch with Niu Shengli more, Yang Zhiyuan listened to Niu Shengli yesterday after annoying him for two days, and bought a Gou Riduo Tianfeng off-road vehicle for him to refit.

The construction period Niu Shengli gave him was half a month for the preliminary modification.

After the preliminary modification is completed, it can be used on the road. Various traffic laws and regulations allow cars to be partially modified.

As for Niu Shengli, within the scope allowed by the regulations, let this car reach the limit of refitting on the road.

As for in-depth modification and complete modification, Niu Shengli is not recommended.

Such a car can only wait for the ashes to fall in the garage, or find a professional track to run. In China, especially in the cities of the empire, there is no way to go on the road.

Yang Zhiyuan didn't come here to modify the car at all. Since Niu Shengli said so, he naturally followed suit.

It’s just that I come to the refitting factory every day to talk about life and ideals with Niu Shengli.

From beginning to end, his goal is not cars, but people.

Time flies.

It was noon in a blink of an eye, and Yang Zhiyuan asked someone to buy lunch for noon, and he ate it with Niu Shengli.

Most people who make investments are vigorous and decisive, but they are not impatient.

For a promising high-quality project, some investors will follow up a project for several months, or even a year or two, to understand the implementation process of the project, and use this as the basis for their own conclusions.

Coincidentally, Zhou Yuanyuan also has such characteristics.

Throughout the morning, she watched Niu Shengli work as if no one was there, and Yang Zhiyuan was like a licking dog, constantly finding topics to chat with Niu Shengli.

After a while, Zhou Yuanyuan had already seen what Yang Zhiyuan meant.

"Have you reported this to President Su?"

"not yet."

Yang Zhiyuan took a mouthful of rice, "I'm going to report to President Su after I've completely won it."

"Then what do you think, Mr. Su will definitely open a car factory."


Seeing Yang Zhiyuan playing a scoundrel in a serious manner, Zhou Yuanyuan smiled.

It even caught the attention of Bob next to him: The goddess even sprayed rice so beautifully.

"speak politely."

Zhou Yuanyuan elbowed Yang Zhiyuan, turning a blind eye to Bob's fiery gaze.

"Well, well, because you have no jokes."

"Boss Su won't say anything about things he's not sure about, because once he says it, if he doesn't do it in the future, it will reduce his prestige in the eyes of the employees, and he thinks that Boss Su is just mediocre."

"So I think."

"We Qingyun Technology's establishment of an automobile factory is a certainty."

"As for the Mavericks, such talents should be obtained by us."

Zhou Yuanyuan originally thought that Yang Zhiyuan was still joking, so after he finished speaking, she savored it carefully for a while.

I also secretly agree in my heart.

At the same time, I was shocked: Mr. Su recruited a group of executives, none of them seemed to be fuel-efficient.

When she saw Yang Zhiyuan before, she thought that this guy was the kind of useless scholar.

Unexpectedly, he had his own strategy in his chest.

Zhou Yuanyuan woke up in her heart, she had the habit of judging people by their appearance before.

Otherwise, when they met Su Ye for the first time, they would not have felt that the company he established would be very successful.

Of course, the current Qingyun Technology is also worthy of success.

But Yang Zhiyuan, who looked like he was powerless, actually had so many twists and turns in his heart.

Zhou Yuanyuan made up her mind.

Judging people by their covers is not an option.

"Mr. Yang, you are a big boss, don't you usually have a job?"

"Why do you run towards me every day?"

Niu Shengli was a little dissatisfied.

No matter what he said, he was also a man in his late thirties, although he looked young.

However, after he endured it for a day, he finally couldn't take it anymore.

Although Yang Zhiyuan didn't make trouble when he came, for a technical geek like Niu Shengli, he felt uncomfortable when someone was watching.

Originally thinking of a rich man, Yang Zhiyuan, who brought two bodyguards with him, must have been out of curiosity, and he would be fine when his enthusiasm passed.

As a result, Niu Shengli endured it until today.

"I'm not a big boss, I'm just a part-time worker."

"You, part-time job?"

Niu Shengli looked at Yang Zhiyuan, his eyes filled with disbelief.

Have you seen any part-time workers who go out with two subordinates and two bodyguards.

Today was even more excessive, and a female secretary with a charming figure also came, and the two of them sat there eating a boxed lunch and flirting with each other.

Such a person, you tell me you are a part-time worker?

May I ask which company you are from, I also want to work part-time.


Yang Zhiyuan was half full after eating, and seeing Niu Shengli's appearance, he knew it was time to have a showdown with him.

"I'm from Qingyun Technology."

"Our company plans to set up a car factory specializing in new energy."

"I see that you are skilled. Do you want to consider coming to us as a chief engineer?"

"Chief Engineer?"

Niu Shengli was angry.

How can you recruit people like this.

Even if you tell me to be a department head or department manager, I will believe it.

It happened to be the chief engineer.

What is the position of the chief engineer?

In a factory, if the boss is the best, then the chief engineer is the second.

What factory manager, what sales, what finance, what... one counts as one, and the status is not as important as the chief engineer.

But generally who can hold the position of chief engineer.

Only those who have rich experience, extraordinary creativity, and...the outstanding qualities that countless victories can't count can be the chief engineer.

Moreover, at least one point, the chief engineer will be older.

Because it takes experience.

On this point, Niu Shengli felt that he was not qualified.

However, Yang Zhiyuan still used this position to seduce himself, which shows that this not honest.

Yang Zhiyuan didn't know what was going on in Niu Shengli's mind, so he said to himself, "Yes, we will hire you as the chief engineer. Our company is a new type of Internet company, and the cars we manufacture are also new energy vehicles."

"If you choose an older and experienced chief engineer, it is better to choose a younger, energetic, unconstrained young man for this position."

"So, would you like to?"

Niu Shengli was startled.

"Mr. Yang, the words you just said about being younger and energetic, are you referring to me?"

Seeing Niu Shengli blushed, Yang Zhiyuan didn't care whether he was cold or embarrassed.

Yang Zhiyuan nodded: "Of course, is there a second person who meets this requirement?"

(End of this chapter)

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