The richest man in the world starts with 100 million sign-ins every day

Chapter 241 Both set 500, Cookie ran away from home

Chapter 241 Both bookmarked 500, Cookie ran away from home (please call back)
Chapter 240 5000 million!
Although he knew that what Yang Zhiyuan said was a compliment to himself and the credibility was not high, Niu Shengli couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

What a young and promising.

what? What……

Is this all about yourself?

Well, since you say so, I admit it.

"Mr. Yang, don't be ridiculous. I've already asked about it. You, Qingyun Technology, said that it is a technology company, but it is actually an Internet company."

"How could it be possible to take a car? My heart is a little excited when I talk about it."

Yang Zhiyuan waved his hand violently: "Xiao Niu, since you know everything, then I won't hide it from you."

"We are indeed an Internet company, but..."

"But our President Su, who has a long-term vision, a high-level strategic plan, far-sightedness, insight into the details, and knowledge of the past... He decided to let Qingyun Technology truly live up to its name."

Zhou Yuanyuan on the side couldn't help covering her face.

I always thought that Yang Zhiyuan was an honest person in the company, but I didn't expect him to be so funny.

I'm afraid it wasn't infected by Wang Yifei.

"Our CEO, Zhou, specializes in investment. In addition, the company's CEO, Zhao Feifei, works in computers. You've heard of Broadcom Electronics, right?"

"En." Niu Shengli nodded.

Although he doesn't hear anything outside the window and only wants to modify the car, he still knows a little about the three famous computer brands in the empire.

"That's right, little brother." Yang Zhiyuan patted Niu Shengli on the shoulder, "Broadcom Electronics is made by Mr. Zhao."

"Also, do you know what I am doing in Haicheng this time?"

Niu Shengli shook his head.

Yang Zhiyuan's face showed a look of wisdom: "I came to Haicheng to acquire the 441 Research Institute."

"The 441 Research Institute is the top chip research institution in China so far, and it has now been put under the name of Qingyun Technology."

Niu Shengli nodded with a confused face.

I think what you said is correct.

But what does this have to do with my modified car.

Seeing his expression, Yang Zhiyuan knew what he was thinking: "Xiao Niu, our car production plant has already been put on the schedule, why haven't we started the work for so long."

"It's because of you!"


Niu Shengli pointed at himself with a dark finger, and his expression became more confused.

"Yes, because we lack a leader to preside over this work."

"Yang, Mr. Yang, stop teasing me."

Niu Shengli waved his hands again and again and took a step back: "Mr. Yang, it's fine for me to do the job of repairing cars, and I absolutely can't do the job of management."

"If you really hand over a car manufacturing company to me, I, I... I really can't handle it."

A smile appeared on Yang Zhiyuan's face.

He knew it was done.

"It's okay Mavericks, we Qingyun Technology is not short of money."

"President Su is generous and straightforward. As long as you are really talented, he will definitely provide you with one-stop arrangements."

"Whether it's field machines or managers and employees, everything will be handled by you. You can be your chief engineer at ease."

Niu Shengli's eyes lit up: "Really?"

Yang Zhiyuan pointed to the two followers and Bob beside him.

"Look, this is the staffing that Mr. Su prepared for me immediately after I joined the job."

Niu Shengli's eyes became brighter.

If I can really become the chief engineer of an automobile factory, then I can stand up straight in front of my father.

Thinking of the scene where his father patted him on the shoulder and said, "Good boy, I really have you", Niu Shengli couldn't help laughing out loud.

Zhou Yuanyuan, who was still eating, was already dumbfounded.

This, this is okay?


Haicheng City Lord's Mansion Small Conference Hall.

Many well-known businessmen in Haicheng, especially the bigwigs in real estate, all walked in one after another.

The big bosses who are usually high and high are all lined up respectfully at this time, and they enter one by one with invitations and smiles on their faces.

Even if there are a few people talking to friends occasionally, their voices are kept very low to avoid disturbing everyone.

"Hey, President Qin, you're here too."

"Hey, isn't this President Qin? The person who sent the invitation letter from the City Lord's Mansion must be blind."

"Haha, that's right. It's been five years since Boss Qin made a comeback, and it's not easy for him. Everyone agrees, haha."

"It's not easy. I heard that during the previous epidemic, our Mr. Chen was still producing masks."

"Hahaha, hahaha."

People laughed wantonly, but their voices were still very low.

From a distance, it looks like a group of bigwigs are chatting about something happy, and it doesn't arouse other people's ideas at all.

In the crowd, Qin Shan's face changed a few times, but he finally returned to calm.

Seeing that he didn't respond, everyone immediately felt bored, and followed the team into the small conference hall.

Today, Haicheng City Lord's Mansion invited a total of 21 real estate developers, and [-] pieces of land are expected to be auctioned.

Moreover, these lands are mainly concentrated in the Hanshan District and the Houhai District across the river from the Hanshan District.

If the invitation letter was not sent directly from the City Lord's Mansion this time, but from the Haicheng Land Bureau, everyone's enthusiasm would have diminished a lot, and even the bosses of some companies would not be able to come.

Haicheng will develop, which is the future that everyone can see.

But the point is, no one knows when this future will come.

If you have the spare time to wait, it is better to spend your own funds on projects that can make money now.

There are only two exceptions.

One is Qin Shan.

Qin Shan was originally a well-known young rich man in Haicheng, the dream lover of many 30-50-year-old sisters, aunts and aunts.

Back then, at the age of 30, Qin Shan was worth more than 1000 million. At that time, not only Haicheng news, but even Longhan news had broadcast this incident.

Now that Qin Shan is 45, the previous glory has been gradually forgotten by people.

Even, the person who suppressed him back then, after crushing him and his company, made him sign an agreement that did not allow him to start a business for 10 years.

It was not until that person left Haicheng five years ago that Qin Shan, who had been aggrieved for a long time, stopped suppressing himself and founded the current company.

However, after ten years of wastage, Qin Shan couldn't keep up with the changes of the times.

Before, he would rather bear the infamy. During the epidemic, when he purchased mask production equipment and prepared to do a big job, but before he had time to pay back the cost, the epidemic has gradually passed.

Has he caught up with this wave of market conditions?

Qin Shan came to the auction held by the City Lord's Mansion this time for two purposes.

See if you can pick a leak and take a smaller piece of land.

Or, see if there is any opportunity or someone willing to take yourself.

Of course, he has no hope for the second purpose.

Besides Qin Shan, another person willing to spend money to buy land in Haicheng is Zhou Yuanyuan.

When he came to Haicheng, Su Ye gave 2 million to Yang Zhiyuan and 3 million to Zhou Yuanyuan.

When giving the money, he made it clear that he would spend all the money and never bring it back.

Now, Zhou Yuanyuan is a woman holding 5 million in cash.

To put it bluntly, if everyone does not bid, the 5 million yuan will be able to win all the land in today's auction.

"President Su, I'm going to the temporary auction hall of Haicheng City Lord's Mansion right now."

"Are you sure you've spent all 5 million yuan?"

"Of course, how much money you bring back will deduct your salary."

Su Ye made a false threat before explaining: "Sister Zhou, you know, we are an Internet company, and there are not many places to spend money to be honest at this stage."

"I owe it to you to let me put this money in the bank to earn interest."

"Now we still have more than one billion in our books, you need to help me, don't let me lose money."

Zhou Yuanyuan couldn't help laughing when she heard what Su Ye said was interesting.

She is an investor, and what she is best at is making money with money.

Buy low and sell high, with a unique vision.

Although what Su Ye said was funny, there was nothing wrong with it.

For rich people, everyone will invest their own money, and then use other people's money to help themselves make money.

Why do some people work hard all their lives and earn less than those big bosses in a year, or even a month, or a day, because...

There are many reasons, but the lower the social level of a person, the fewer resources he can use.

Zhou Yuanyuan has met a lot of people, she doesn’t need to invest a single penny, she relies entirely on her personal connections, walks around every day, drinks tea, does shopping, plays cards, and has an income of 10,000+ in a month. (this thing really happened)
Therefore, since Su Ye said so, of course Zhou Yuanyuan would not go against his will.

"President Su, don't worry, the money is guaranteed to be spent."

"If it's not enough, I'll call you again."

"No problem, I won't sleep tonight, just waiting for your call."

Zhou Yuanyuan tightly put on her camel woolen overcoat and got out of the car.

Many people hadn't gone in yet, seeing that Zhou Yuanyuan was able to drive directly to the entrance of the conference hall, they couldn't help discussing.

"Who is this woman? She drove all the cars in."

"Fuck, that's it. I'll ask her for a call after the auction is over."

"Maybe it's the exclusive privilege of women."

"Privilege, how is it possible? Didn't Mr. Liang from Mingyue Real Estate walk in just now?"

"Mr. Liang? You mean Liang Long? Is she considered a woman?"

The person who spoke opened his arms and made a motion that he couldn't hold him, and everyone couldn't help laughing.

Liang Long, everyone calls her a dinosaur in private.

He is 1 meters tall and weighs almost 6 Tang Lili or even more.

If Tang Lili looked like a football from a distance, then Mr. Liang looked like a football.

Fat and greasy.

"Shut up, she's here."

Zhou Yuanyuan was wearing a camel woolen windbreaker with small lapels, and a pair of knee-high black boots on her feet.

The dark red long wavy hair has been carefully arranged, and it rises and falls with the movement of going up the steps.

"What a nice view."

"So elegant."

"So confident."

"It's so big... it sucks."


"Why did you shoot me?"

"Call your mouth smelly."

"Fuck, I didn't finish talking just now, what a... angry woman."

It's not that these bigwigs in the real estate industry in Haicheng have never seen a woman, but they have never seen a woman as outstanding as Zhou Yuanyuan.

Pretty without being delicate.

Be confident without being glamorous.

Mature but not vicissitudes.

Elegant without being arrogant.

On her, you can put all the words you can think of about the advantages of business women on Zhou Yuanyuan.

Qin Shan was also looking at Zhou Yuanyuan.

He had seen a woman with her temperament before.

It took several years of hard work for Qin Shan to turn that woman into Qin Lulu's mother.

Now, Qin Lulu's mother has already had white hair on her head after 10 years of depression with Qin Shan, and her glory is gone.

Seeing Zhou Yuanyuan, Qin Shan recalled the first time he saw Qin Lulu's mother back then.

Same amazing.

The same beauty overwhelms the crowd.

The same thriving.

"The auction of Haicheng Hanshan District and Houhai District has officially started."

After the host made some opening remarks, he gave up the place to Lin Feng who came up from the backcourt.

"Hi everyone, I'm very glad that everyone can respond to the call of the City Lord's Mansion to participate in this auction tonight."

"I'm Lin Feng, the deputy city lord of Haicheng. Today, I'm going to be an auctioneer for everyone temporarily. If there's something I didn't do well, please bear with me."

"Okay, let's get back to business. The first lot to be auctioned today is lot G44312988."

"What about this land..."

Although Lin Feng's explanation was indeed unprofessional, everyone in the audience listened with gusto.

No one is stupid.

This time the deputy city lord came out to preside over the auction in person, which means that the development of Hanshan District and Houhai District has been put on the agenda.

Many people secretly lamented that it was a good thing that they saved face today, otherwise it would have cost a lot.

Some people just took out their mobile phones and sent text messages to the company's secretary and finance, asking them to start raising funds.

Looking at these colleagues who are eager to try, everyone's heart is raised, and no one dares to say that they will definitely be able to win the land they want.

"Okay, after talking so much, everyone is waiting anxiously."

"Now, the auction of land No. G44312988 in the Hanshan District of Haicheng has officially started."

"The starting price is 1200 million, and each increase should not be less than 10 million."


As soon as Lin Feng finished speaking, someone raised a placard.

As a result, before he saw who the person holding the sign was, someone shouted 1400 million.

This plot of G44312988 is not too big, and the real big real estate developers in Haicheng are too lazy to sell it.

After asking for a while, the price has reached 3140 million.

That's what auctions are for.

As long as the boss does not participate, the small companies will have a tacit understanding, and if everyone increases the price, they will jump up step by step.

Lin Feng was a little upset seeing such a scene.

At the beginning of this year, a nearby piece of land was sold, and the transaction price at that time reached 3400 million.

It's been a year, why the land price has not grown, but it has fallen.

For the expectation of this land, the bottom line given by the city lord's mansion is 3800 million, which is still 700 million short.


"Okay, is there anything else you want, 3150 million for the first time."

Lin Feng held the mallet in his right hand and the table with his left hand, feeling a little nervous.

"3150 million for the second time."

Lin Feng shouted again.

"5000 million!"

A clear female voice resounded through the audience.

As soon as this number came out, everyone in the audience, regardless of gender, was frightened.

Who is this, so fierce.

If you want to increase the price by 100 million, you can almost get it, so why rush to 5000 million.

This is the first piece of land.

There are a total of 21 yuan today, why are you in a hurry.

Everyone turned their heads and looked at the place where the sound came from.

I saw Zhou Yuanyuan holding a sign with his right hand, and his left hand resting naturally on the small round table beside him, with an extremely indifferent expression.

It seems that what she just said was not 5000 million, but 5000 yuan.

"is her?"

"who is she?"

For a while, two questions lingered in everyone's mind.

Lin Feng couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

Immediately he also quickly reacted, "Plot G44312988, the price is 5000 million."

"5000 million for the first time."

"5000 million for the second time."

"5000 millionth..."

 The content has been re-modified, everyone should refresh it.I'm sorry everyone, because of my own reasons, it has affected everyone's reading, and Cookie apologizes to you.

(End of this chapter)

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