Chapter 246 Hundred-Day Continuous Sign-In Reward (Seek Tickets and Subscription)

After eating, Yang Zhiyuan said goodbye to Liu Qianming and Gu Siyu and his wife, and the group rushed to the airport.

The two men rejoiced.

Bob is also full of expectations.

In the past few days, I just listened to Zhou Yuanyuan and Yang Zhiyuan say that Qingyun Technology is so good, how is the boss, how is the office environment.

His ears were calloused.

But it also successfully aroused his curiosity, wanting to see how this company named Qingyun Technology is doing.


This time I went to Umbra Company in Jiangcheng and arranged a task for Bob.

As mentioned earlier, Umbra is one of the largest security companies in the beautiful country, and it is also the largest and best security company in Longhan.

It is rare to meet a customer who takes the initiative to come to the door, and they naturally want to expand their business more.

No matter how bad it is, he must find a way to integrate into Su Ye's circle, maybe he will have the opportunity to make more connections.

Of course Bob would.

Why did this Longhan branch invite him, the gold medal bodyguard of the Umbra headquarters, to come here all the way.

The reason for this is...the new company will give Bob 10% of the shares.

In other words, Bob has completed the transformation from employee to shareholder.

Can it not be conscientious?

"Bob, when you go to Jiangcheng, do you need to arrange accommodation and vehicles for you?"

"Thank you, Mr. Yang, but our company will send someone to drive our car in Haicheng later, and the accommodation will be arranged for us."

Yang Zhiyuan nodded and stopped asking.

This time he came to Haicheng to overfulfill the task. Not only did he take down all the 441 research institutes, but he even took down all the researchers in it.

With Liu Qianming personally coming forward, all the researchers in the 441 Research Institute were persuaded to come and start working as soon as the new scientific research center was completed.

The next step of work, Yang Zhiyuan is going to Guangcheng.

There's also a real tough nut to crack in there.

If the difficulty of the 441 research institute is considered difficult, then the difficulty of Biati is considered hell.

Although he has been preparing for this period of time, but...

The more prepared you are, the more difficult it will feel.

He himself is not an expert in investment negotiations, and he has always been a little unconfident in the face of Biati's acquisition or investment.

Worried that he would not be able to complete Su Ye's plan.

But... No matter how difficult this matter is, it has to be done.

Because the acquisition of Biati is not for a certain person, but for the company's overall strategic planning.

If Biati's shares cannot be obtained, mobile phone companies can only use batteries produced by other domestic companies in the future.

As for the batteries produced by those companies, Yang Zhiyuan shook his head, he understood very well.

They are all fooling people, the technology is not good, and the workmanship is also very poor.

Using such a battery to make a mobile phone, Yang Zhiyuan couldn't imagine, if he did so, why did he take over the work of developing a mobile phone.

Is it to make money?
Is it for fame?

Yang Zhiyuan is for the ideal, he wants to change the status quo of the current Longhan technology industry.

As mobile phones and computers are technological products accessible to the public, Yang Zhiyuan decided to do this after hearing Su Ye's words.

In the future, mobile phones can change people's way of life.

Yang Zhiyuan also looked forward to this scene.

Then, it is imperative to go to Guangcheng.

"Passengers traveling to Jiangcheng on flight JC895, please register in an orderly manner."

The announcement in the waiting hall sounded.

Yang Zhiyuan glanced at the airport in Haicheng, and stood up with Bob and others.


Zhou Yuanyuan left Liu Qianming's house together with Yang Zhiyuan.

As soon as she went out, she received a call.

Then drive to the agreed place.

Haicheng Magic Coffee.

I heard that this is a restaurant opened by people with a background of returnees following the French style.

The decoration and layout of the store are very elegant, and Zhou Yuanyuan can feel that the other party has put their heart into it.

"President Zhou, this way."

Not far away, a tall middle-aged man was waving at her.

Zhou Yuanyuan smiled and walked slowly.

"Mr. Qin, hello."

"President Zhou, please sit down."

Qin Shan moved his shoulders subconsciously, but then realized something was wrong.

"Mr. Zhou, I invite you to come here this time, because I want to talk to you about the land plot that your company bought yesterday."

Zhou Yuanyuan put the small bag by her side, and ordered a cup of grinding iron with the waiter.

Then he turned his head and looked at Qin Shan unhurriedly: "Boss Qin, I checked your company when I went back yesterday, and there is no problem with the qualifications."

"But I have a question."

Qin Shan sat up straight and looked at Zhou Yuanyuan respectfully: "Mr. Zhou, please tell me."

"Boss Qin doesn't need to be so polite."

"As far as I know, Mr. Qin's Mountain Real Estate was also one of the largest companies in Haicheng many years ago."

"But why," Zhou Yuanyuan looked directly into Qin Shan's eyes, "but why, in the past 10 years, Shanlan Company has not received a single business."

"This..." Although I was prepared in my heart, I was stunned when I heard the words.

There are quite a few people who know about this, but most of them are people in small circles.

Qingyun Technology is an Internet company, and it is not local to Haicheng.

After the auction yesterday, Qin Shan handed Zhou Yuanyuan his business card, intending to cooperate with her.

Unexpectedly, in less than a day, the other party has found out about his past.

Thinking about those other real estate developers, they seemed to form a small alliance to fight against Qingyun Technology, and they were going to raise the price uniformly when Zhou Yuanyuan contacted them.

Do you think that Qingyun Technology is a company with a lot of money by one person?

Haha, I'm afraid those people will be disappointed later.

"Mr. Zhou, I can't hide this matter from you. At that time, I will still be the richest man in Haicheng."

Qin Shan slowly told his past, and he didn't hide anything about the person who suppressed him.

"I still need to think about this matter."

Zhou Yuanyuan said to Qin Shan after drinking the coffee in the cup.

"Moreover, the business of Shanshan Company has not improved much in recent years, and there is also a serious shortage of construction equipment and personnel. This time we have won a total of ten lands..."

Zhou Yuanyuan turned to look at Qin Shan.

She saw a trace of nervousness appear on the face of this middle-aged man.

"It's not impossible to make a piece for the mountains, but I want to see your sincerity."

Qin Shan nodded again and again: "It should be, Mr. Zhou is considerate, then... then tomorrow, I will invite you out for coffee."

"Not tomorrow, Monday."

The two parties agreed to meet again on Monday, and whether Qin Shan can get the project at that time depends on this day.

At this time, Chen Xudong also drove people from Xucheng.


Su Ye had a long sleep today, thinking that there was nothing to do, so he wandered around the community.

The personnel who went to Japan and South Korea to install the servers are already in place, and they are buying equipment in the tense leased space.

In France and Germany, as well as in North and South Melia, personnel have been in place and debugging is underway. It is expected that the English, French, and German versions of QQ will be launched soon.

This is the first step in the internationalization of QQ, success or failure depends on it.

Su Ye was already tired of eating the small shop at the gate of Tianyue City, so he came to Youth Innovation Park with his wallet in his pocket.

Ever since Qingyun Technology set the rules of weekends and weekends, he hasn't seen the company's employees at this time for a long time.

But today, he saw it.

"Anyone else is working overtime in spite of the company's regulations?"

Su Ye frowned, wrote down the appearance of the two employees, looked back to see which department they belonged to, and informed the leaders of their departments.

After eating happily, Su Ye came to Qingyun Technology in Building 4.

He wanted to see whether this overtime incident was a personal act or organized overtime.

As a result, as soon as he reached the door, he heard his system beep.


"The accumulative sign-in of the host reaches 100 days, and the number of lucky draws will be rewarded once."

100 days?
Su Ye didn't expect that the days passed so quickly.

It has been a hundred days since time travel.


Su Ye didn't even care about the various awards on the turntable, and started to draw directly.


"Congratulations to the host for winning the prize, a copy of [Houlang Company's post-acquisition development plan and project progress]."

"Houlang Company?"

"Why is it this company again?"

Su Ye remembered that when he first got the sign-in system, he got the company's financial statements as a reward for consecutive sign-ins.

At that time, his purpose was not to make money at all, but to check in to obtain sign-in funds.

He also didn't understand the previous financial statement, and it was Li Qianqian who later said that Houlang's financial situation was inappropriate.

I think Su Ye can buy Houlang.

But Su Ye would always think about how to get on with the salty fish every day, so why would she continue to find things for herself.

But now, the system once again gives information about the company's development plan and project progress.

Could it be that this is the system's guidance to itself?

Want to take this company down for yourself?
Su Ye thought about it carefully, and felt that his guess was not unreasonable.

Forget it, let's go in and have a look later.

When Su Ye came out of the stairs, he immediately saw the crowds at the entrance of the company.

"What's the situation?"

"Why are there so many people?"

Su Ye stepped forward to take a look, and immediately knew what was going on.

This, their employees are really idle.

On the big weekend, everyone was away from home and ran to the company to catch dolls.

When the first claw machine was delivered that day, it caused a certain degree of enthusiasm. Later, Su Ye had no choice but to ask Zhao Feifei to send a few more.

This time, Zhao Feifei didn't play tricks with Su Ye any more, and arranged people to follow Su Ye's original design, including the decorations on it, to make it exactly.

Moreover, curious she also followed.

She wondered what Su Ye wanted this thing for.

As a result, when she saw that everyone at the gate of Qingyun Technology was surrounding the big black man who was delivered on the first day.

"Catch the doll?"

Zhao Feifei couldn't help but sigh at Su Ye's imagination.

To design a machine casually can be sought after by everyone.

This is still because Zhao Feifei had people fail to make it according to the design drawings yesterday, what would happen if today's machine was brought up.

As soon as I thought of this, I saw the workers brought by Zhao Feifei sending the five new claw machines upstairs.

Some sharp-eyed people saw it immediately, screamed "claw machine" and rushed over to help carry and unload the goods.

As soon as the machine arrived, the company's employees were no longer focused on work.

One by one, they yelled and occupied the new claw machine.

Su Ye saw it in front of him.

It's just a group of extremely boring employees who come here to play claw machines on weekends.

He walked all the way into the company, and to be honest, no one noticed his arrival.

Su Ye shook his head, turned and walked into his office.

It's better to take a look at the technical data of the mouse and keyboard I bought yesterday, and the development plan of Houlang Company.

If it is really possible and can help Qingyun Technology, then it doesn't matter if it is acquired by the other party.

Anyway, he has too much money to spend now.

 Thank you for the monthly tickets of the book friends "Sunshine Allure Alone and Missing Old People", "Book Friends 20170930221609369" and "emiliwu1992", thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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