Chapter 247 A New Wave of Recruitment Plans (Seeking Tickets and Subscriptions)
"Quick, be careful, it's down, it's down, hey."

"Let me do it once, you have caught it three times."

"Wait, let's change the rules, how about catching ten times per person."

"It's not good, get out!"

Su Ye walked all the way to the office amidst such voices, and took out three documents from the drawer, which were the production and design process of the mouse and keyboard, and the situation of Houlang Company.

After looking at the production process description of the mouse and keyboard, Su Ye found that he couldn't understand it.

However, there are some concepts in the description, such as Su Ye's long-awaited optical mouse.

Similarly, in the description of the keyboard, a series of capacitive keyboards, plastic film keyboards, etc. are also listed.

Most importantly, it listed Su Ye's favorite mechanical keyboard.

These two documents were formed into electronic materials. After Su Ye screened them one by one, he removed several black-tech keyboards and mice that did not meet the characteristics of the times, and sent the rest to Zhao Feifei by email.

So what kind of thinking is poured into the input keyboard, virtual touch mouse, Su Ye still keeps these contents in his own collection, at least for 20 years, Su Ye does not intend to let these things appear.

As for the future, well, who knows.

Next, there is the document on the development plan of Houlang Company.

Su Ye picked it up and looked at it solemnly. When he saw the two words, his eyes suddenly widened.

That's right.

This thing is definitely a weapon that can bring Houlang Company back to life and even extend its lifespan for a longer period of time.


Su Ye once thought about developing QQ's pan-entertainment platform.

Although so far, only one QQ music has appeared, other video sites, live streaming sites, literature sites, etc. are still missing.


If Su Ye could own Weibo and operate it, he would definitely be able to attract a large number of stars.

With a lot of star resources, it will be much easier for him to do whatever he wants in the future.

Whether it's filming online dramas, online dramas, or tinkering with award shows, it's all possible.

Originally, he was still thinking that there must be some arrangements for the system to give the documents related to Houlang Company during the two check-ins.

But now, he doesn't worry at all,

Just rely on Weibo.

As long as Weibo exists, no matter what the system arranges, Su Ye can follow.

Su Ye also knew.

In fact, Weibo was born after a foreign software called Twitter. Qingyun Technology is now taking the international route. If it spreads all over the world from the beginning, then Su Ye is not worried at all.

This product is introduced into China from abroad, and there will be absolutely no problems of acclimatization.

But when he saw this, Su Ye suddenly had an idea.

Since I acquired Houlang for Weibo, why didn't I just rely on QQ to make this product myself.

Su Ye remembered that many websites opened Weibo services back then.


Su Ye suddenly thought that there was only one Weibo left in the previous life.
What does this mean? It means that Weibo is not something that you can play just by entering the market.

The website at that time was itself one of the three major portal websites in China, and it had many advantages in news, social networking, and communication.

It is very close to Houlang Company in Longhan.

Relatively speaking, the current Qingyun Technology is still inferior in these aspects.

Portal, uh, the one of Qingyun Technology cannot be called a portal website, at most it is called an official website.

There is only a brief introduction of Qingyun Technology, business scope, software downloads and friendly links, etc. above.

As for Houlang, although they can only struggle to survive (can't sustain it), but anyway, the lean camel is bigger than the horse, and there is no problem with their portal crushing the current Qingyun Technology.

Su Ye frowned, and suddenly slapped himself on the forehead.

What to worry about!
Since the system is provided twice, there must be a reason for the system.

At the same time, Houlang Company itself is a good company with strong strength and many talents. Not to mention other things after the acquisition, so many talents with several years of operation and management experience are enough for Su Ye to earn.

And most importantly, acquisition means spending money.

Spending money means technology points.

It is obviously a matter of killing three birds with one stone, why have I been entangled for so long.

Su Ye opened her notebook from the table, wrote the word Houlang, and then drew a circle and marked it with a star.

This means important and urgent.

Today is Saturday, Su Ye will naturally not arrange someone to take charge of this matter, just wait for Monday.

It just so happened that Li Qianqian had nothing to do recently, so I left this matter to her.

Su Ye closed the notebook and read the development plan of Houlang Company again. There was nothing advanced.

He put the document directly on the table, and handed it to Li Qianqian directly on Monday.

When he walked out of the company, he saw that the claw machine was still full of life.

He was thinking in his heart, or let Zhao Feifei produce more machines as soon as possible, and let Tang Lili arrange this matter later.

The epidemic has just passed, and Dianping will not develop much in a short period of time. It is better to let Tang Lili stock up a number of shops across the country while the economy is not developing.

Even if Qingyun Technology falls into decline in the future, it will be a capital that can be used to make a comeback.

In fact, Su Ye has always had a worry in his heart, about the system.

In case one day the system is gone, or if you take back your authority and money, then you also need to have some means of self-protection.

After strolling back to Tianyue City, Su Ye saw a fat man in front of him at a glance.

Tang Lili.

The man really couldn't help talking.

"Tang Lili."

"Huh?" Tang Lili suddenly turned her head, holding several business cooperation agreements in her hand.

"Su Ye, why did you go?"

Su Ye smiled and said casually, "Nothing, just go out for a walk."

"And you, just came back?"

Tang Lili raised several agreements in Yang Yang's hand at Su Ye: "Well, I went for a run in the city this morning, and my legs are sore."

Su Ye took the agreement from her, and asked suspiciously: "Didn't I tell you that our company has weekends and weekends, and you are the leader who takes the lead in working overtime, so the influence will not be good."

Tang Lili stuck out her tongue.

She has been employed for a month, and although she hasn't inquired with her colleagues, she also knows that Su Ye has an almost morbid dislike for working overtime.

No one is allowed to work overtime for any reason.

If it is really necessary to work overtime, you must ask for instructions and report to Su Ye, and you can work overtime only after approval.

This kind of thing is simply appalling.

If it's an application fee or other irregular application, Tang Lili can understand it by reporting to Su Ye.

After all, the power in the hands of the boss can be lowered, but important personnel and finances must be grasped in the hands.

However, this is overtime.

It takes so much effort to work overtime, who would work overtime.

Moreover, Tang Lili had also heard that before Su Ye found out that a group of executives were secretly working overtime, they reprimanded a few of them on the spot, and even threatened to notify the whole company of criticism.

Tang Lili thought everyone was exaggerating before, in order to create an image of Su Ye who loves the people like a child.

But when she saw Su Ye's shocked look, she realized that what those colleagues said was true.

"I, Su Ye, you also know."

Tang Lili slowed down, thinking about the appropriate wording in her mind.

"The epidemic has just passed, and many businesses are thinking of earning as much as possible to make up for the previous losses."

"I went out for a run two days ago and couldn't see a few shops that were open for business. It was better only on weekends."

"So, I put my working hours on the weekends, not against you on purpose."

After Tang Lili finished speaking, she looked at the expression on Su Ye's face.

Seeing him nodding, Tang Lili breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, I really didn't think carefully about this matter."

"However, you can't do it alone in Dianping now. Let's build up the operation and business team first."

"As for working overtime on weekends, this is also easy to solve. In your company, any jobs involving field work can work on weekends in the future, but you must take a rest as soon as possible next week."

"Okay, no problem." Tang Lili readily agreed.

"Well, I just want to tell you something, have you eaten yet, let's chat while eating."

Walking into a nearby restaurant, Su Ye ordered two dishes and said to Tang Lili, "Tang Lili, isn't there a claw machine project in the company now?"

"I have seen many people in the company in the past two days, and they will use their free time to play. It can be seen that this matter is very popular with everyone."

"I have already said that I will call this job to your Dianping company, and I just took this opportunity to spread our stores all over the country as soon as possible."


"I'm alone."

"If you don't have enough people, hurry up and recruit." Su Ye thought that the Chinese New Year would be over a month away, and he didn't know if it would be good to recruit people.

"The most important thing for you now is not to go out and go door-to-door to run merchants, but to first form a business and management team of at least 50 people, no, at least 100 people."

"Otherwise, if you are alone, when will our Dianping be online?"

Tang Lili was right when she thought about it.

Now if you run alone, the efficiency is too low.

If there are really 100 or 200 people running business all over the country, that scene...

"Okay, Su Ye, then I will recruit people first when I turn around."

"However, I have also learned a lot from going out to run clients in the past two days."

Tang Lili told Su Ye that when she came back last night, not a single deal was settled.

When I happened to pass by a barbecue restaurant, I had a whim to chat with the owner.

In the past few hours this morning, except for the first fruit shop, the 7-8 stores she followed up successfully signed contracts.

"This is your harvest, not bad!"

Su Ye praised.

As the saying goes, everything is difficult in the beginning, difficult in the middle, and difficult in the end.

Tang Lili is now a bare-bones commander, and no one can do better than her.

Go out to run business in person, understand the market situation, and summarize experience.

Su Ye knows very well that being the CEO of a company is not something you can do with money.

Experience, courage, thinking, courage and so on are indispensable.

Tang Lili has done it herself these few days, so when there are more people in the future, no one will be able to deceive her.

Unexpectedly, I just casually mentioned that in order to complete my father's task, I wanted to give Tang Lili a chance.

She held onto it so tightly, so firmly.

From the more than a month since she joined Qingyun Technology, Su Ye clearly saw that Tang Lili relied on her excellent appearance (chubby), decent conversation (brother, sister, hello everyone), and amazing overall situation (Su Ye said ) has been recognized by all members of Qingyun Ten Stars.

Others do not say.

Just because she was able to switch from a nurse in Xucheng Second Hospital to the Internet industry to do this, Su Ye felt that Tang Lili would become a great talent in the future.

In addition, she can also be down-to-earth while being far-sighted, visiting merchants in person to understand the situation that will be encountered when the actual business is carried out.

At this moment, Su Ye just wanted to give Tang Lili a big thumbs up.

"Su Ye, can I poach people?"

"Dig people, from the inside or from the outside."

Su Ye looked at Tang Lili solemnly: "It's a good idea to poach people, but if you poach people from the inside, you can avoid it. If it's from the outside, the more the better..."

"Of course it's internal...external poaching. Isn't it hated by people who do this in our company?"

Tang Lili gave Su Ye a white look, and the amorous feelings of the junior high school days could be vaguely seen in her eyebrows.

"When I passed by a clothing store that day, I found that the shopping guides inside were full of energy. When other stores closed their doors and waited for customers, guess what they were doing."

"doing what?"

Su Ye became a qualified supporter in due course.

"Under the leadership of the store manager, they braved the cold wind to hand out leaflets to passers-by, yelling, don't tell me, with such an active attack, many people who were obviously passing by couldn't hold back their enthusiasm and were pulled into the store. inside."

"Really?" Su Ye couldn't believe that there were still people so dedicated.

"Do you think they have a high level of self-awareness, or are they led by someone?"

Tang Lili didn't expect that Su Ye immediately asked the key points of the question: "Of course they are led by someone. Their store manager is a young girl. I think she is quite nice."

"I have been observing for two days. Every time I go out to attract customers, she is the first one to go out and the hardest one."

"If possible, I want to dig her over."

Su Ye waved his hand: "Then go, don't hesitate."

"Talents, those who stay in their own company are the best."

"Enemy, it's best to lie on the ground with a bruised nose and a swollen face."

"Tang Lili, just go ahead and do it, don't be afraid."

Tang Lili took a bite of the green pepper and chicken offal in front of her, and nodded heavily.

With Su Ye's words, she was ready to make a drastic move.

The reason why these cooperation agreements were signed so easily this morning was not only due to her own efforts, but also because the taciturn owner of the small fried shop brought her to introduce them one by one.

It was so easy to achieve the goal, Tang Lili felt powerless except for gratitude.

If a few more people came today, maybe all the merchants near that small business district would be taken down.

"Recruiting people, attracting business."

Tang Lili nodded heavily.

"Well, don't forget, there is also the claw machine."

Su Ye reminded from the side.

 Thanks to book friends "Waiting for NI's promise", "Akina Fujiwara dog egg" and "Book friend 20201122022547843" monthly pass. . .This chapter was going to be published yesterday, but I didn't finish it, sorry, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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