Chapter 290 One stick

Zhou Zhilong who was at the gaming table also saw the noisy scene at the door.

However, he was on a tight schedule.

I can only come out to play for a while after get off work every day.

Seeing that other people beside him were looking there, he hurriedly greeted: "Don't even look, Quan Zilong can take care of it."

"Let's continue quickly."

"Zhou Zhilong, you know nothing."

"Quan Zilong hasn't made a move for a long time."

"Playing cards is not as fun as watching the excitement, you have to play by yourself."

A big man said with a face full of disdain, and the others also muttered.

Everyone came out to play cards, isn't it just for excitement.

But no matter how exciting it is, can it compare to watching people fight?
Seeing that no one paid attention to him, Zhou Zhilong could only put the cards in his hand on the table, and watched the crowd at the door together with others.

Just at this moment, he saw that burly man standing in front of Quan Zilong glanced at him unintentionally.

This person kept saying that he was here to find someone, so he probably came to find him.

Hu Yidao withdrew his gaze and looked at Quan Zilong in front of him with a playful expression on his face.

"I'm here to find someone, do you have any opinions?"

"Do I have an opinion?"
Quan Zilong chuckled.

The younger brothers around and the gamblers in the arena also laughed.

"This person is interesting, don't you think that you are invincible in the world?"

"That's right, don't look at him as tall and thick, Quan Zilong can kill him with one punch."

"Zilong, stop beeping with him, fuck him directly."

"Yeah, fuck him, fuck him!"

The gamblers behind were shouting loudly one by one, and the five guys who were tied up by Hu Yidao outside the door couldn't help but move their minds when they heard the noise in the room.
"Boss, why don't we go in and have a look."

"Otherwise, Brother Long will make trouble for us when he cleans up that guy."

There was a hint of emotion in the old man's eyebrows and eyes.
Then he shook his head again.
"Let's stop making trouble."

"That guy just now definitely has an appointment on hand."

"We'll just have to watch."

Hearing this, the people next to him stopped talking.
Several people leaned close to each other to keep warm, but their ears were pricked up to listen carefully to the movement inside.
Their boss is quiet-eyed.
He actually had nothing to say.
Hu Yidao looked at their eyes just now, without any emotional fluctuations.
It's like looking at a few little sheep.
For such a person, the boss knows in his heart that either he is ignorant of the world, or he has no appointment in his eyes.
Otherwise, she would never show such a look.
They are just punks watching the door, and they belong to the worst group of punks in the Joy Club.
Instead of forcibly taking the lead at this time, it is better to wait for a while to find out the results before making a decision.
Small people naturally have the wisdom of small people.
In the room, Quan Zilong raised his left hand upwards, and everyone around him fell silent.
There was that gambler who didn't know what to say, but was held back by the people around him.
Don't think Quan Zilong is friendly with Hu Yidao now, but there is something wrong with his personality.
If someone still talks after he signaled to shut down, it will definitely be settled by Qiuhou.
"This is the venue of our joy meeting. You broke in for no reason. No matter where you start, it's inappropriate."

"Besides, your friends asked you to close the door, but you didn't answer, why?"

"Looking for people is fake, but looking for things is true."

Hu Yidao saw out of the corner of his eye that Zhou Zhilong might have realized something was wrong.
At this time, he had already got up from his seat, carried a small bag on his back, stood up and prepared to leave.
Seeing that the mission target is about to run away, he is not interested in playing around with Quan Zilong here.
He casually said "whatever you think" and rushed to Zhou Zhilong's direction through the crowd.
Neither Quan Zilong nor the little brother beside him, the gamblers who watched the excitement, never thought of it.
Hu Yidao was so bold.
Now there are so many people surrounding him in front of him, yet he treats everyone as nothing and leaves straight away.
Hu Yidao is looking for Zhou Zhilong.
But in their view, that is contempt for Quan Zilong.
At this moment, Hu Yidao took the second step.
All eyes in the room were on Quan Zilong's face.
Quan Zilong's face was uncertain.
Ever since he confirmed his successor as the president of the Joy Club, he has been restraining his temper and character.
The reason why he had a good talk with Hu Yidao just now was not that he was afraid of Hu Yidao.
It was Hu Yidao who felt a dangerous aura.
The status of the Joy Club in the Seoul community is very delicate now.
One step further up is super power.
But if it is not pleasing to the eye by the three existing superpowers, it will be beaten back to its original shape in minutes.
In order to avoid trouble, he was polite to Hu Yidao.
I was worried that the other party was a super power in Seoul who came to find fault.
And judging from Hu Yidao's ability to easily walk into the room and come in front of him, those useless guys outside must have been brought down.
Otherwise, it would not even be too late to issue an alarm.
But now, Hu Yidao doesn't even give himself any face.
From now on, if people spread the news about what happened today, there will inevitably be disturbances within the Joy Club.
Quan Zilong only thought for a moment, and then decisively blocked Hu Yidao.
At this time, he no longer cared whether Hu Yidao was sent by a certain super power in Seoul.
If it is true, then he can only admit it.

Quan Zilong snorted, and grabbed Hu Yidao's clothes with his left hand.

Hu Yidao felt disdainful.
If he and Quan Zilong switched positions, he would definitely make a ruthless move.
Pull clothes?
Isn't this a trick that women often use when they quarrel?
Seeing Hu Yidao walking towards him, Zhou Zhilong was even more frightened.
He is a small person who has a half-time official in the Seoul government. He is not afraid of the boss of any company or the teacher of the school.
What worries me the most are those young and Dangerous boys who are full of blood.
Those talents don't care what position you are in now, or what the subordinates are responsible for.
As long as you annoy him, he will rush up and give you a blast hammer.
Zhou Zhilong quickened his pace.
Still thinking in my heart, I don't seem to have offended anyone recently.
Moreover, as a confidant of a deputy city lord in Seoul, no one would dare to provoke him casually.
What is the purpose of this big man who came here for himself?
Hu Yidao saw that Zhou Zhilong quickened his pace, pulled a gambler who was blocking him and threw him under Quan Zilong's attacking hands, and then quickly pushed away the people in front of him.
Acting domineeringly, he didn't pay attention to the Joy Club or Quan Zilong at all.
The few gamblers pushed by him still wanted to compete with Hu Yidao.
As a result, he had no strength to resist at all, and was dragged behind by Hu Yidao.
"Oops, shit."

"A lot of strength."

"Asshole, what the hell are you trying to do?"

Quan Zilong behind him couldn't help being angry when he saw Hu Yidao being so flamboyant.
What the hell, I gave you a face, right?
I don't even ask about the lobby, what kind of existence is Lao Tzu Quan Zilong in the surrounding three streets.

Quan Zilong shouted, grabbed a baseball bat from the younger brother behind him, and hit Hu Yidao in the back.
Hu Yidao felt helpless when he heard the bad wind coming from behind.
It was obvious that he was looking for someone.
You guys cooperate obediently, can't you?
Don't jump out at this time to find a sense of existence.
There is really nothing in the world, and mediocrity.
Even though he thought so in his heart, Hu Yidao had no intention of fighting with the opponent.
What if there is a fight and Zhou Zhilong runs away?
Today is a rare opportunity for him to place orders, Hu Yidao still wants to ask questions.
Looking at a fat gambler next to him, Hu Yidao made a plan.
He hooked his right foot suddenly, and the fat gambler was unsteady.
The whole person rushed forward.
And the direction he threw was exactly between Hu Yidao and Quan Zilong.
It's too late to say it.
By the time Quan Zilong reacted and wanted to stop, it was already too late.

The fat man let out a cry of pain.
Quan Zilong was also blocked.
Seeing that Hu Yidao was about to rush behind Zhou Zhilong, Quan Zilong was furious.
He looked at the younger brothers watching the excitement around him with a bad expression, and shouted: "It's a wooden stake, give it to me."


"Yes, Brother Zilong."

At this time, the little brothers behind him woke up like a dream and started to act.
Just now they thought that Quan Zilong alone would be enough to deal with Hu Yidao.
In the end, I didn't expect that after pulling and beating, all of them returned in vain. Instead, a gambler was knocked down by Quan Zilong with a stick, howling in pain.
At this time, Hu Yidao had already come behind Zhou Zhilong.
Don't look at Zhou Zhilong running first, there are still a few tables in the middle.
But he was fat himself, and he had more fat on his body than the fat man who was tripped by Hu Yidao and blocked the gun just now.
Even if he ran two steps first, how could he outrun Hu Yidao, who was covered in sinews?
There was only an arm's length between them.
Hu Yidao made a decisive decision and grabbed Zhou Zhilong's collar.
Fuck, this guy is so heavy.
Zhou Zhilong didn't dare to run away after being caught, but Hu Yidao was so fierce that he dared to confront Quan Zilong of the Joy Club.
Now that there are so many people in this hall, if Hu Yidao gets upset, he will beat himself.
That would not be worth it.
"Brother, did you find the wrong person, I don't know you."

"Also, I don't owe anyone money."

What Zhou Zhilong said is right.
Although he likes to gamble, he has never borrowed money in a casino.
Every time I lose the money I brought, I just leave.
Because of his generosity, and because he is still a small official in Seoul, no one in these casinos in the city will make things difficult for him.
"Quiet, you don't have a place to speak here."

"Will dare to run later, turn around and kill you."

Hu Yidao saw that Quan Zilong's younger brothers had already surrounded him.
Knowing this time, I am afraid that I will not be able to escape easily.
With a fierce threat, he turned around and looked at Quan Zilong who was walking slowly.
"I found the man I was looking for."

"I'm leaving now, and it will definitely not affect your normal operations."

Quan Zilong glanced back and forth between Hu Yidao and Zhou Zhilong, and when he saw that Hu Yidao had let go of Zhou Zhilong's hand, he suddenly understood.
This guy said he was looking for someone, but he was actually looking for trouble.
Although Zhou Zhilong is a good gambler, he can barely be called a casino gentleman.
No matter which field I have played in these years, I have never had any problems.
Never owed gambling debts.
Coupled with his status as an official of the City Lord's Mansion in Seoul, no one would trouble such a person.
The guy in front of him is definitely a thug sent by one of the three major forces.
They don't want to see the pouting of the Joy Club.
Analyzing the purpose of Hu Yidao's coming here, Quan Zilong's heart shuddered.
Quan Zilong usually doesn't come here very often in this casino.
I happen to be here today for other reasons.
And those who know that they are here are just a few people in the Joy Club.
Could it be that they wanted to borrow a knife to kill someone.
Disclose your whereabouts to the people of the three major forces, and after you are killed, they will divide up the Joy Club.
Don't underestimate the guys in this group.
People say that people are old, horses are slippery, and rabbits are hard to catch when they are old.
The few old guys in the club seem to be harmless to humans and animals, smiling all day long.
I secretly played this for myself.
Seeing the confident expression on Hu Yidao's face, Quan Zilong felt even more uncomfortable.
Does this really mean eating yourself?
Quan Zilong subconsciously tightened the stick in his hand, without saying a word, he rushed directly in front of Hu Yidao.
Hit it with a stick.
If this stick hits the target, it will definitely end in broken tendons and bones.
After all, it's a baseball bat.
A real baseball bat.
"Silly beep."

Hu Yidao watched Quan Zilong do it without saying a word, and his heart was also furious.
After cursing, he directly picked up a chair beside him and bumped it into the baseball bat in Quan Zilong's hand.

There was a crisp sound, and the gamblers around subconsciously covered their ears.
At this time, everyone also saw it.
Hu Yidao on the opposite side also has two brushes under his hands.
Seeing that this place has become the fighting place between Quan Zilong and Hu Yidao, those gamblers who were still watching the excitement just now all backed away.
They don't want to be hit by a stick or a chair.
Quan Zilong only felt a strong force coming from his hand, and he almost couldn't grasp the baseball bat in his hand.
Withdrawing his hand, he even felt a little numbness in his right hand.
"Grass NMD, I beat you to death."

Quan Zilong threw down the baseball bat and took out a long knife from his body.
Eyes are red.
"Damn it, Quan Zilong has gone crazy."

Seeing Quan Zilong's current appearance, the onlookers couldn't help whispering.
Back then when Quan Zilong hit [-], they had all heard of it.
At that time, Quan Zilong's eyes were red, and he was fighting with people with a long knife.
As a result, one person abruptly defeated more than 30 people on the other side.
I don't know if the strong man on the opposite side can resist the crazy Quan Zilong.
Seeing Quan Zilong's current appearance, Hu Yidao felt even more disdainful.
For a guy like Quan Zilong, it might be okay to hang around in a safe city.
If he is in the ranks of mercenaries, it is estimated that no one is willing to go out with him to perform missions.
This is obviously a person who is emotionally overwhelmed and then ignores it.
Went to the battlefield, up to 10 minutes.
If you don't die, you will be disabled.
In this case, then Hu Yidao can't get used to Quan Zilong's stink.
It should be a good thing for him to realize his flaws one day earlier.
The chair in my hand just now and Quan Zilong's baseball bat were knocked apart, and the legs of the chair were smashed to pieces.
Hu Yidao directly pulled out a half-meter-long iron pipe, and hit Quan Zilong on the head regardless.

Quan Zilong didn't expect that he would be knocked down by the opponent with a stick just before he entered the explosive state.

His eyes were white, and he obviously wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it.

The scene was silent.

(End of this chapter)

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