Chapter 291 A Similar Experience

Hu Yidao calmly led Zhou Zhilong out of the small gambling house.

Among the crowd behind him, no one dared to speak.

This guy, must he really come looking for someone?

They were also looking for Zhou Zhilong who usually doesn't cause trouble and no one wants to provoke him.

Seeing Zhou Zhilong's bewildered expression, the people in the casino became even more puzzled.

This fierce man, what are you looking for him for?

When passing through the yard, the five gangsters who were tied up looked at Hu Yidao in shock.

But when Hu Yidao looked over, everyone lowered their heads.

Hu Yidao nodded in satisfaction, then dragged Zhou Zhilong into the night.

"Tell me."

"Who do you serve?"

Taking Zhou Zhilong to an abandoned warehouse near Seoul, Hu Yidao asked calmly.

Zhou Zhilong and I didn't give any definite answer after a long time.

His eyeballs rolled rapidly.

I wondered why this strong man in front of me came here.

I have never offended anyone.

Is it necessary to make it so big?
This is kidnapping, bro.

"Don't think too much, or tomorrow morning's news will report that there is an unidentified male corpse in Qinghechuan."

Hu Yidao lit a cigarette.

Taking a deep breath, he looked at Zhou Zhilong who was trembling in front of him without any fluctuation in his eyes.

I just don't know if this guy is scared, or because of the cold weather.

"Big brother, big brother."

"I haven't offended anyone recently."

"Besides, I'm just a small person, you shouldn't find me if you look for anyone."

Zhou Zhilong cried pitifully.

Well, he was really crying.

Tears and snot came out together.

With a pitiful look, Hu Yidao felt depressed.

"Let me ask again, who do you work for?"


"Big Brother, I, I serve the government of the Big Stick Country."

"I'm just a small supervisor in charge of Internet work."

"Even if I usually like to play two games, I really haven't offended anyone."

Zhou Zhilong kept thinking about it in his mind while crying.

People who have conflicts with themselves are minor problems in daily life or work.

It is simply impossible to ask killers or thugs to resolve conflicts with oneself.

If it's not a conflict with myself, is it because of other people.

Who else could it be?

On my wife's side, probably not.

Zhou Zhilong's wife is a nurse in a local hospital in Seoul. Because of Zhou Zhilong's relationship, her position does not directly face patients.

Mainly do some administrative chores.

He didn't even have the chance to come into contact with patients, so how could he provoke such a person who could invite a killer.

Moreover, Zhou Zhilong judged that Hu Yidao was not a local thug in Seoul at all.

Most likely people who escaped from the north.

It would make sense for the North to escape.

This kind of person must dare to do anything for life and money.

"I said, I said."

"Don't kill me, don't kill me."

Zhou Zhilong, who was thinking, saw Hu Yidao take out a sharp knife directly from his body, and said hastily in fright.

"I said, brother, I am serving the deputy city lord Pu Bushuai."

Hu Yidao stopped and stood where he was, holding the dagger with his right hand and holding a knife in his hand.


"Pu Bushuai's deputy city lord is planning to run for the president of Big Stick Country this year."

"So he needs about 300 billion won in political funds."

"So he arranged for the subordinates of our department to find a way to provide funds for him."

In a panic, Zhou Zhilong directly revealed his backer in Seoul.

Seeing Zhou Zhilong nodding his head, he immediately understood.

Now you don't have to think about it, the big man in front of you must have come for Pu Bushuai.

It should be Pu Bushuai's opponents looking for some handles and loopholes in order to block him.

So he sold Pu Bushuai very smoothly.

In the past few years of joining Pu Bushuai's subordinates, he has not received the benefits of P. Instead, he has been dissatisfied by many domestic and foreign companies because of his help in the charge.

Some people even call him Zhou Papi.

Since it's no good to just work, why should Zhou Zhilong work for Pu Bushuai?

If Pu Bushuai really became the president of the Big Stick Country, then no one like him, Zhou Zhilong, would be remembered by others.

"Do you have any material on your side that he wantonly expropriated political funds?"

"Yes, there are, big brother."

"I have detailed records of every amount of money that is handled from me."

"And in addition to these, I also know some secret things."

"Talk about it."

In his heart, Hu Yidao couldn't laugh or cry at Zhou Zhilong's performance.

He only wanted to catch a fish, but he caught a whale directly.

Originally thought that it was Zhou Zhilong himself who asked Qingyun Technology Branch for funds.

Hu Yidao beat him up and threatened him, and the matter was over.

Unexpectedly, Hu Yidao hadn't done anything yet, and with just a few threats, Zhou Zhilong would explain all the problems.

Do you want to take care of this?

Hu Yidao was also confused.

He came to Big Bangzi Country for the sake of Qingyun Technology. If he accidentally kills a presidential candidate by accident, it will be a lot of fun.

"Don't talk about what happened today."

Hu Yidao confessed that when he saw Zhou Zhilong nodding, he knocked him out with a palm, put him on the passenger seat of the car, and put him on the seat belt thoughtfully.

After driving to the western suburbs of Seoul, Hu Yidao stopped the car, kicked Zhou Zhilong, who was in the passenger seat, out of the car, and then drove away.

He didn't know what to do next.

Hu Yidao couldn't start the task that was originally unplanned because of Zhou Zhilong's unexpected frankness.

The few bullets he asked for from Jin Ximing of the Black Clothes Society were useless, and he didn't even take out the pistol he bought from the black market.

However, he did not know.

After Zhou Zhilong woke up abruptly from the cold in the suburbs, he immediately called his supervisor and told what happened tonight.

He was a little scared when he was blown by the cold wind.

After Park Bushuai becomes president, he may not remember himself.

But if today's events cause him to lose the election, then...

Zhou Zhilong can guarantee that, as the most promising member of the Pu family in Seoul, Pu Bushuai, he will definitely take revenge on himself with all his might.

When the time comes, I won't be able to eat and walk away.

After receiving Zhou Zhilong's call, the supervisor didn't dare to neglect for a moment, and directly skipped the level and called Pu Bushuai who was resting.

Pu Bushuai also immediately realized the seriousness of the problem.

He collected political donations, but actually did so without telling the family.

If he fails to run for president, he will seek the position of vice president.

Now that the news has been revealed, not to mention competitors, even his family will not let him go.

Because the faction that cooperates with him is a deadly enemy relationship with his family, there is absolutely no possibility of any relief.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

Putting on his pajamas, Pu Bushuai angrily smashed the Ming Dynasty Zhuhuayurong beauty bottle that he bought at a high price from the Longhan Empire.

He was in a rage, and he didn't have any way to deal with it in a short time.

They called people to control Zhou Zhilong first, and at the same time, the whole city secretly began to search for someone who matched Hu Yidao's facial features.

In addition, temporarily suspend the collection of all political donations, and arrange for people to return the funds that have been received before in various ways.

He also made a solemn promise that, as a member of the Pu family, Pu Bushuai would never take the initiative to speak up, this was all the actions of the people below.

But it's already late at night, so I can only pass on the order first, and return the funds tomorrow.

"Damn Zhou Zhilong."

"Damn the Pu family of Axe Mountain City."

That night, Chen Gensheng, who was resting in the rented room, suddenly received a report from his subordinates.

Just now, a staff member from the City Lord's Mansion in Seoul called to explain.

Seoul is a very inclusive modern metropolis.

Absolutely no members of the government and companies will take the initiative to collect funds in any form.

This is only done by a small group of officials in private, and it cannot represent the government of the big stick country.

For the funds that have been collected, they will return them as soon as possible.

If there is no charge, they are also here to express Seoul's apology to everyone.

And invited many companies to participate in the business reception held by the City Lord's Mansion in Seoul this Saturday night.

"Mr. Chen, do you think that all the officials in Seoul have gone out of their minds?"

"Some time ago we found an unknown number of people, and everyone gave us a dead face."

"As a result, on this late night, I suddenly called to apologize."

"I don't know what it's all about."

Chen Gensheng rubbed his temples, analyzing the whole story of this incident in his mind.

If his guess is correct, it should be a big shot from Seoul, or even from Big Stick Country.

Only then did the Seoul government change its attitude up and down.

"We don't care about this matter, as long as it allows us to operate normally."

"When I called in the afternoon, Gou Ri's country said that the Sumiyoshi Club has been settled, and it officially started operations today."

"Really? So fast!"

The subordinates were shocked.

If the problem they encountered in the Big Stick Country is called a problem, then what they encountered in Gou Ri's Country can definitely be called a problem.

Sumiyoshi will.

Even those who don't know Gou Ri's country know that it is one of the three major associations in their country.

The reason why it may seem unfamiliar to outsiders is because Sumiyoshi will continue to develop in China.

They are not as obsessed with exploring the international market as the Yamaguchi-gumi and Inagawa-kai.

"Mr. Chen, how did they do it?"

"I don't know, Mr. Xiang, who works in Gou Ri's country, doesn't know himself."

"He only told me that someone called them out of nowhere last night, saying that the problem with the Sumiyoshi Club has been settled."

"Let them start operations with confidence."

"Huh? Isn't this the same as our situation?"

The subordinate said in astonishment.


"It turned out to be so?"

Chen Gensheng also reacted.

When Mr. Xiang from Gou Ri's country called him in the afternoon, he thought that the other party was lucky to start operating QQ as soon as possible.

I didn't expect that I would receive such a call in just a few hours.

Who is behind this incident is manipulating everything.

Who is it that can reach out to Gou Ri's country and Big Stick country?

In an instant, Chen Gensheng's mind flashed countless people who he knew and knew and who might make a move for the two branches of Qingyun Technology.

In the end, the character image freezes.

As Brother Conan said, there is only one truth.

Those who can make a move for Qingyun Technology Branch are naturally Qingyun Technology people.

In Qingyun Technology, there are those who are capable and willing to take the initiative.

There is only one person.

Founder of Qingyun Technology.

Su Ye.

(End of this chapter)

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