Chapter 292 The Back Wave Has a Future? (ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a monthly ticket)

"Go to QQ Zone, there is a new activity on the farm."

"Go to QQ Zone, there is a new activity on the farm."

All of a sudden, news of a new activity in QQ Farm broke out on the Internet without warning.

Countless QQ users opened the farm and saw the latest farm activities.

From now until the arrival of the Longhan Lunar New Year, QQ Farm will give back to the majority of users.

As long as you go online every day, you can participate in the lucky draw. The prizes include Broadcom Electronics' new Qingyun laptop, including a cash prize of 1000 yuan, and the experience time of various members of QQ can be enjoyed for up to one year.

There are also super cute QQ dolls, if you log in for 30 days in a row, you will get a QQ doll of instant style.

Log in for 49 consecutive days, and you will get two QQ dolls immediately.

Log in for 60 consecutive days, and you will get three QQ dolls.

For other notebook computers, everyone does not have much expectation for the thousand yuan cash prize.

Even QQ members, red diamonds, yellow diamonds, and blue diamonds would not cause such a big reaction.

The key is the news that you must get a QQ doll, which has stimulated countless QQ users.

Moreover, this activity is not only aimed at domestic users, but also includes users from the country of Gouri, a big stick country in Europe and America.

QQ doll, this is the first time you have seen Longhan Internet Company do such an activity.

This is simply no expense spared.

All of a sudden, major Internet companies set their sights on Qingyun Technology.

Countless investment banks have also begun to analyze the meaning behind QQ's move.

If they can learn the meaning behind Su Ye's trick, then they can apply this method to the Internet companies they invest in.

The largest Internet company in China, Slender Tiger, Wangnan, and Houlang inevitably cast their gazes over.

At present, the Internet environment, both domestically and abroad, is not very good.

A large number of Internet companies have closed down, closed, suspended or terminated the business within the company.

As a result, Qingyun Technology did not seem to be affected by the external situation at all, and was ready to go against the trend.

During the Great Depression of the Internet industry, a large amount of working capital was spent on activities that did not see any feedback and performance growth.

What are they trying to figure out.

In countless investment banks and Internet companies, the lights in the conference rooms were turned on all night.

Wang Dongzhi's face was not good-looking.

"Xiubo, what did Mr. Li from Qingyun Technology say? Did he reveal anything?"

A week has passed.

The various businesses of Houlang Network are still declining steadily, and there is no improvement in sight.

At the same time, shareholders complained more and more.

Since Wang Dongzhi held an impromptu shareholder meeting last time, many shareholders have given up any hope for the current Houlang.

If it wasn't for the fact that Li Qianqian's offer was too low, they might have rushed to sell their shares.

"There's nothing I can do here."

"Now Mr. Li is not very willing to come out to meet me."

"During the weekend, I asked her out twice and said I didn't have time."

"Xiu Bo, what do you think we should do?"

"Now the shares in our hands are not enough to support me to make a decision."

"Boss Li has been refusing to let go."

"You said, hey..."

Wang Dongzhi let out a long sigh, his words filled with endless helplessness and despair.

It has been more than three years since Houlang was founded.

Could it be that this has come to an end?

"President Wang, how about we..."

"What are we?"

Seeing Wang Xiubo's hesitant look, Wang Dongzhi asked.

At this time, he had no other way, and he could not see any hope of turning the situation around.

Could it be that Wang Xiubo still has a way.

"Let's put on a play."


"Yes," Wang Xiubo nodded, and looked at Wang Dongzhi firmly: "Mr. Wang, our current situation has reached a desperate situation."

"The business cannot develop, the income is declining, and the original business has been shrinking again and again."

"It is no longer realistic for us to think of ways to improve the company's performance at this time."

"In this case, why don't we go all out and play a show for those shareholders who hold on to the shares in their hands and refuse to let go." The money has multiplied several times and more than ten times."

"We acted to tell them."

"If you don't let go, you can only sink into the bottom of the sea with the ship Houlang."

"Is that so?"

After listening to Wang Xiubo's suggestion, Wang Dongzhi couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

It is not impossible to do so.

But once you do this, it means that you and Wang Xiubo, as the founders of Houlang, have given up Houlang.

This is undoubtedly a huge blow to Houlang.

But there is no better way now.

Or, give it a try?
Wang Dongzhi raised his head, looked at Wang Xiubo in the dim light of the office, and sighed deeply.

He seemed to have seen that Houlang, the former big ship, was slowly sinking into the bottom of the sea.

Become a paradise for fish and shrimp to play.

and his own grave.

"Mr. Li."

"Our President Wang has already agreed."

"We will play a show for those shareholders in the near future."

"I estimate that within a week at most, Houlang will completely belong to our Qingyun Technology."

Walking out of Wang Dongzhi's office, Wang Xiubo went back to his room and dialed Li Qianqian's number.

Faced with Houlang's current difficult acquisition progress, Li Qianqian thought hard for a long time before coming up with this idea.

Colluded with Wang Xiubo to force Gong Wang Dongzhi together.

Even though Wang Dongzhi is down and out now, he is the founder of Houlang no matter what.

If he really quit, Li Qianqian believed that those shareholders would definitely regret it.

After she proposed this idea, Wang Xiubo agreed on the spot.

And said that he is willing to work hard to become a member of Qingyun Technology.

Just now that QQ announced the new activities of the farm, Wang Dongzhi lost his fighting spirit, and Wang Xiubo was able to take advantage of the vacancy and persuade Wang Dongzhi to act with him with his words.

"it is good."

"Then it's hard work, Mr. Wang."

Li Qianqian had just returned to the hotel after dinner when she received a call from Wang Xiubo.

In this way, doing nothing every day is a life of eating, drinking and having fun, and she was very happy at the beginning.

But after a week, she felt bored.

Those friends go out to dance, sing, or go shopping in the mall every day.

It is really good to experience this kind of life once in a while.

But if you live every day, it is too boring.

If Li Qianqian hadn't vowed to complete the task given by Su Ye when he came to the imperial capital.

Su Ye has already provided Houlang Company's financial report, so it should be sure about the acquisition.

With such favorable conditions in hand, if there is no way to settle this matter, Li Qianqian is really speechless and goes back to meet Jiang Dong's elders.

During this period of time, apart from the necessary daily eating, drinking and having fun, it was the first time that she had a serious understanding of the operation of a restaurant.

From opening the store in the morning, purchasing ingredients, entertaining customers, arranging orders, and closing at night.

If it wasn't boring, would he be able to stay in Zhao Yun's food shop from morning till night?
The managers of the 13 branches of Shishang almost thought that Li Qianqian was their new salesperson.

If Dad knew that he had learned a new skill in these 10 days, he would be very surprised.

After hanging up the phone, Li Qianqian couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth slightly.

Also, if Su Ye knew, his jaw would have dropped in shock.

After all, the purpose of his sending himself to the imperial capital was to acquire Houlang, not to learn the operation of the restaurant.


Who made that bad guy not contact him for such a long time.

Apart from saying a few words on QQ every day, I don't even make a phone call.

Really annoying.

And, Christmas is just a few days away.

Li Qianqian hoped that on Christmas Day, Su Ye could formally explain the current relationship between the two to herself.

It's not like it is now, it's not justified.

What AUO above lovers are not full.

Li Qianqian believes that this state is the irresponsibility of boys towards girls.

To love someone, you must let the other person understand.

If you don't love, then don't occupy ** or not **.

Girls, you still have to love yourself a little more before someone will love you.

But how did Li Qianqian know that Su Ye had been preparing for Christmas for more than 10 days.

After she came to the imperial capital, Su Ye found a company specializing in wedding celebrations and brought forward her ideas.

The wedding company said that although Su Ye's idea is a bit difficult to realize, but...

If Su Yeken licenses the method to them for free, they will make this confession feast for Su Ye for free.

Su Ye waved his hand directly and refused.

Just kidding, I don't know if Mr. Su is not short of money.

Want to save me money, no way?

Li Qianqian opened the door and signaled to the bodyguards behind her to go back to their rooms to rest or move around freely.

She doesn't plan to go out in the past few days, she just stays in the hotel.

As for Li Wanli's residence, she felt uncomfortable after living there for a few days.

Going in and out every day, even if you are familiar with the guards, you still need to get out of the car to check your identity, and you can only enter after the verification is accurate.

Living in such a place, Li Qianqian felt that it was inconvenient to do anything. Su Ye said that she had hired some bodyguards, so she moved out of her father's place and lived in the hotel alone.

After returning to the room, Li Qianqian also turned on her computer and started playing the farm game.

Although there are already many QQ dolls at home, Li Qianqian is not playing for the dolls at all.

She just simply likes to play.

I like the nervous and exciting feeling of stealing vegetables, and I also like the great satisfaction I get when I harvest the crops I planted by myself after waiting.


The strange thing is that Wang Yifei, who had been on the same rank as himself, hadn't logged into the farm for a long time.

The vegetables on his farm are all rotten.

Even QQ Farm reminded her many times, allowing Li Qianqian to call her friends back.

Wang Yifei, what are you guys doing now?

So much so that people don't have anyone to show off when they play farm now.

"Jingle Bell."

Just when Li Qianqian had just finished harvesting her crops, her phone rang.

"It's Su Ye!"

Li Qianqian looked at the caller ID on the phone in surprise, and was so happy that she wanted to pick up the phone immediately.

But she suddenly thought.

Su Ye hasn't contacted him for a long time.

At this time, a call came suddenly, um, Li Qianqian checked the time on the phone, it was just after noon.

It's just because the imperial capital is cloudy today, and the sky seems a little dark.

Well, I can't give this guy Su Ye a good look.

Calling myself at this point must be a matter of work.

Let you usually care about others, if you don't come.

For work matters, you can always contact me in time.

Sure enough, a workaholic.

Li Qianqian drew a conclusion for Su Ye that she would never draw in her mind.

Even she didn't notice, unconsciously, her impression of Su Ye had changed dramatically.

Originally, Su Ye was very salty, but now she is all focused on work.

Li Qianqian couldn't help but think of a poem she had learned back then.

The young woman in the boudoir doesn't know how to worry, she goes to Cuilou with her makeup in spring.

Suddenly I saw the color of the willows on the street, regretting the husband-in-law looking for the title.

Bah, I'm not the kind of woman who waits for a boudoir to complain.

Su Ye is just starting a company, and it's not considered a marquis or prime minister.

"Hey, what's the matter."

"Qianqian, can't I come to you if I have nothing to do?"

Su Ye's tone was still smoldering as always, and he was asking questions like this kind of scumbag.

"Don't be silly with me."

"Okay, if there is something to talk about, I will hang up if there is nothing to do."

Li Qianqian said pretending to be indifferent.

In fact, I wish Su Ye could say something like I miss you.

"Okay, okay, don't hang up, don't hang up."

"I'm looking for you for business. It's almost the end of the year, and our company also needs to make a business summary of each department."

"Let's talk about the previous work situation, summarize the gains and losses, and look forward to the future."

"Isn't this the year-end summary?"

Li Qianqian asked curiously.

If I remember correctly, Li Qianqian remembered what Su Ye said before.

Will this year's company year-end meeting be held on Su Ye's sacred place, Benno Island?

Why is there a year-end meeting now?Earlier?

"It's a year-end summary."

"However, I think it's rare for everyone to go out to play, so don't be disturbed by work."

"Wouldn't it be nice to make preparations in advance and finish the meeting?"

When asked by Li Qianqian, Su Ye suddenly felt that the excuse he made could not stand up to scrutiny.

This year is not over yet, so I want to start a year-end summary.

Isn't this obviously unreasonable?

"Well, all right, you continue."

"Well, just this weekend, all the executives of the company will come back to get together, meet and chat, and exchange information."

"So, you fly back on Friday."

"Friday? All right."

Li Qianqian happened to be bored staying in the imperial capital, and felt that her whole body was going to be moldy.

It's so cold in the imperial capital now, it's impossible to go out to play.

Indoor, that is shopping malls, singing, bars.

Just taking advantage of this meeting, I went back to Jiangcheng to meet my subordinates.

In other words, I don't know which department Li Qianqian belongs to now.

It hasn't been in charge for so long, and the administration department is still running well.

QQ recruitment?

No, ever since Su Ye told Li Qianqian about job responsibilities, the QQ recruitment department has been placed in the QQ derivative department.

It has nothing to do with Li Qianqian.

In other words, when Li Qianqian spent half a year at Qingyun Technology, counting it carefully, she found that she hadn't done anything.

It's also really bald.

"However, Su Ye, you have to tell me what project I am going to report now, so that I can prepare."

"Uh, this..."

Su Ye was obviously also aware of this problem.

However, he quickly said with an idea: "Aren't you doing the acquisition of Houlang Company now? You can imagine the future development of Houlang Company."

"future development."


When Li Qianqian heard that these two words were associated with Houlang, she felt that life was difficult.

What future does Houlang have?

Rather than letting myself imagine, it would be better to say... Blind thinking would be more appropriate.

As far as the current situation of Houlang is concerned, their own founders are already desperate, and a person who is a half-way monk can imagine a hair.

(End of this chapter)

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