Chapter 296 Confession [-], For the rest of my life (seeking monthly ticket)

I don't know if it's because everyone's progress in the morning is too slow or something.

The progress in the afternoon was much faster.

When the last Wang Yifei finished speaking, it was only around 5:20.

Su Ye told everyone to take a rest, or go directly to the reserved restaurant to prepare dinner, and left first.

Seeing him leave, everyone relaxed.

In just a few months, Su Ye has changed from an ordinary young man to a vigorous company boss.

Staying with him, even the company veterans Chen Nanfeng and Wang Yifei felt pressured.

In particular, some time ago, Wang Yifei was talked about by Su Ye indifferently.

Now, the most important project in his hands is Legend of Blood.

Changing from the casual style of hip-hop in the past, Wang Yifei worked hard, and the speed of advancement was not uncomfortably fast.

All internal testing issues are now fully resolved.

He is preparing to start the final promotion work.

In fact, before this, many netizens who love to play games have already found some advertisements for blood legends from time to time.

But because there is no official platform, everyone does not have an accurate news.

Can only guess with a little consultation.

On the night of Christmas Eve, it was Wang Yifei's long-planned vigorous promotion plan,

Regardless of Christmas Eve now, in the eyes of ordinary people, the most unsuitable thing to do at this time is online promotion.

After all, everyone is going out for Christmas.

Since the business environment of the Longhan Empire has changed to be more suitable for doing business, many foreign companies and their foreign employees have entered Longhan.

Their coming to Longhan not only promoted the development of domestic enterprises in the Longhan Empire, but also brought their living customs and domestic cultural traditions.

The current Longhan has shown a vigorous and vigorous momentum.

And Christmas, as well as Valentine's Day, have become the most popular "foreign festivals" in recent years.

Of course, it is mainly domestic girls. After experiencing foreign movies, foreign books, and the atmosphere created by various businesses for promotion, they also regard Christmas and Valentine’s Day as a time to spend good time with their loved ones. a chance.

It's just like the old Chinese businessmen in the past, in order to improve the status of diamonds, they advertised "Diamonds are forever, one piece will last forever" in China.

Diamonds have also become a symbol of love, eternity, and things that will not betray.

Just like Christmas right now.

A large group of non-religious young men and women flocked into the church in order to express their feelings to each other.

Of course, more of them entered the stores of merchants.

Li Qianqian couldn't help feeling extremely disappointed as he watched the crowd chatting there.

Let's go, let's turn the dissatisfaction in our hearts into appetite.

Later, I will eat a big meal, and Su Ye's flesh will hurt after eating.

Li Qianqian thought viciously, and then walked out of the meeting room with Tang Lili.

Because the meeting room of Juxian Pavilion is located at the back, they need to pass through the hall at the entrance.

By the way, Su Ye also said just now that everyone can order freely.

But don't drink too much.

After all, there is a meeting to be held tomorrow, so it would be interesting not to get drunk all of them.

The moment he saw Li Qianqian appearing from the corridor, Su Ye whispered through the walkie-talkie hanging on his ear.

The lights are ready.

The extras invited by the wedding company pretending to be guests in the hall also nodded without leaving a trace.

The waiters at Juxian Pavilion also looked at each other with envy in their eyes.


The entire hall of Juxian Pavilion was dark.

Only a beam of white light was aimed at Li Qianqian who was at a loss.


Li Qianqian couldn't help but let out a soft cry.

This is what happened.

Why is the surrounding area so dark, I can only vaguely see through the lights outside the hall that the people around me are not panicked but looking at me with a smile.

This is………


At this moment, another beam of light hit Su Ye not far away.

I saw him wearing a white shirt, with slightly messy mid-length hair covering his head casually.

In his hand, he held a wooden guitar.

He was wearing a pair of blue jeans and a pair of pure white sneakers on his feet.

The temperament of the whole person is fully revealed.

Clean and handsome.

Miss Li

you never forget your smile

even if you are like me

longing for aging

Miss Li

You are beautiful when the corners of your mouth are down

like under the anhe bridge
Clear water

Su Ye, who was talking about the guitar, sang songs that Li Qianqian had never heard before.

Walk towards her slowly.

Li Qianqian understood immediately.

What kind of straight man is Su Ye?

It was clear that he had been prepared and deliberately kept it a secret from himself.

And needless to say, those colleagues in the company also know.

Miss Li

I am also a complex animal

I said it

I keep repeating in my heart

Miss Li

Drum Tower night time rushes

please give me a Lanzhou


Although I don't understand what Lanzhou means in Su Ye's lyrics.

But presumably it must be some kind of cigarette brand.

Su Ye didn't react until she sang.

Fortunately, he had been revising the lyrics there for many days in a row, and it looked very similar.

But as soon as I get nervous now, I forget all about it.

To be honest, past lives and present lives add up to such a long time.

This was the first time Su Ye confessed his love to a girl.

Although it has been practiced countless times before.

But when the elf in front of him was standing there.

Su Ye still found that his palms were full of sweat.


so those may not be true
Miss Li

You are not a female colleague without a story

in love with a wild horse

I happen to have a piece of grassland at home

this makes me hopeful

Miss Li


Su Ye walked over slowly.

The light that had been following him also came to Li Qianqian.

In the end, the two lights converged into a loving heart.

He walked up to Li Qianqian and stood still.

Su Ye, who usually doesn't get stuck in her speech, stammered a word: "Qianqian, happy Christmas Eve."

Su Ye wished he could slap himself 46 times.

Isn't this usually easy to say, how can I lose the chain at a critical moment.

If possible, Su Ye wanted to ask the system if he could exchange for a skill that would allow him not to be nervous when facing Li Qianqian.

It was like this last time, all kinds of environment and atmosphere have been created.

In the end, it was because of Su Ye's cheap mouth that this matter has been delayed until now.

Now it's coming again, who the hell can stand it.

Having been with Li Qianqian for so long, Su Ye had long wanted to give him an identity.

She can frankly tell herself and her family about her identity.

This time it has been carefully planned for so long.

If he messed up this time, Su Ye didn't know if he would have the courage to do it again.

Li Qianqian at this time.

His face was as red as a ripe peach. If it wasn't for the dark lights, someone would have been booing at this time.

But this guy Su Ye is also real.

Is it okay to just tell yourself no, why are you so secretive.

Li Qianqian couldn't help but burst into laughter when she saw that Su Ye had only said "Happy Christmas Eve" to herself.

This guy usually looks like a cheap swish, and he talks all kinds of things to take advantage of him, but the most intimate behavior between the two of them so far is only when they picked up Zhao Yun last time.

It was just a handshake at Jiangcheng Airport.

In addition, Su Ye's treatment of Li Qianqian can be called a gentleman.

Li Qianqian never thought that the two of them would one day develop this relationship.

From the first meeting, Su Ye kept saying that he didn't want to set up a company.

Later, I thought he had deleted my Mumu account and went to find him, but was inexplicably drawn to Qingyun Technology to work.

Then we will have a happy dinner together later, and develop and grow QQ little by little.

From the launch of QQ, farms, members, game platforms, QQ payment, until now.

In addition, because of Su Ye's family affairs, the two met their parents before their relationship was settled.

During the epidemic period, every day I make phone calls.

It turned out that this person had quietly become a part of his life.

If she could, she really wanted this scene to last forever.

A handsome and lovely boy walked to him slowly, singing a nice song written for him.

Say a happy Christmas Eve to her stupidly.

Li Qianqian felt that she might remember everything today deeply even when she was old.

She stared at Su Ye with scorching eyes, hoping to hear the sentence she most wanted to hear from him at the moment.

"Su Ye, come on."

Out of sight of the crowd, Tang Lili yelled.

She knew Su Ye's character, he was always shy.

Let him say a word at this time, it is really harder than climbing to the sky.

"Boss Su, come on."

Rosen also shouted.

"Boss Su, come on."

Wang Yifei, Sun Xiaolei, Zhuang Yiming, Yang Zhiyuan, and Chen Nanfeng also shouted loudly.

"Boss Su, come on!"

Tang Lili, Zhou Yuanyuan, and Zhao Feifei's girl group also appeared.

"Boss Su, come on!"

The group performers invited by the wedding company also shouted loudly.

The waiters in Juxian Pavilion followed closely behind.

Su Ye fixed her eyes on Li Qianqian again, looked at her burning gaze, and almost lowered her head again.

At this time, Su Ye had already pissed off countless times in his heart.

Say it, Su Ye.

It's all over now, what are you afraid of.

Li Qianqian is right in front of you, why are you hesitating.


up! !
Su Ye raised his head.

Su Ye's eyes looked at Li Qianqian's.

Su Ye opened her mouth, "Li Qianqian..."


"Would you like...err no."

"I, I like you."

"Can you be my girlfriend?"

Su Ye's face turned red, and he finally stammered out what was in his heart.


Li Qianqian said happily.




Su Ye, who had never chased a girl in his past and present lives, had a super surprised expression on his face.

He dropped the acoustic guitar in his hand.

He rushed forward quickly, picked up Li Qianqian, and spun around.

"Qianqian, is what you said true?"

"You won't lie to me, will you?"

"Are you really my girlfriend from now on?"

Even though he was holding Li Qianqian now, Su Ye still couldn't believe it.

He was afraid it was just a dream.

After Meng woke up, he was still the normal operator of that Internet company.

Also enjoy blessings from 8 in the morning to 10 in the evening.


Li Qianqian also reacted at this time.

Just now I promised too quickly, didn't I even lose a little girl's reserve.

Fortunately, not many people know about today's events, otherwise, if others talk about it, they would be ashamed to death.

A long time ago, Li Qianqian's mother told her.

Girls should protect themselves, there are many bad guys out there.

Especially their kind of family.

Countless villains of the opposite sex will show their favor in front of Li Qianqian with their heads sharpened, with the intention of gaining Li Wanli's help and favor.

Let Li Qianqian must keep his eyes open to see the world and people's hearts.

just now.

If mom was right in front of her, she would definitely tell her seriously.

That's right.

When I see the world, my eyes are clear.

When I look at people's hearts, they are crystal clear.

Su Ye is so stupid, it is impossible to hide those thoughts.

It never occurred to him that the daughter of the prime minister of the empire had been going to an ordinary school and living an ordinary life.

When he met his father Li Wanli before, his expression was uninterestingly reserved and deliberate.

It was as if Dad really worked in the Jiangcheng Cultural Bureau.

He doesn't care about his background.

All he cares about is himself.


"Bang bang!"

The whole venue was lit up, and the executives and actors standing around the two were all holding fireworks.

A piece of colorful confetti fluttered down from the air.

Li Qianqian looked at the people around him, all of them had smiles on their faces.

Even Tang Lili wiped away the "touched" tears from her face, and smiled at Li Qianqian and Su Ye.

At this moment, paragraphs of text appeared on the glass curtain wall of the 68-storey Qianfan Hotel opposite Juxian Pavilion.

For the rest of my life, Dongxue is you
Spring flowers are you, Xia Yu is also you

Autumn yellow is you, four seasons are you

Everywhere I look, it's you


For the rest of my life, Fengxue is you
Plain is you, poverty is also you

The glory is you, the tenderness in my heart is you

Everywhere I look, it's you


"Wow, which family's little angel brother is confessing his love, this is too romantic, isn't it Omega."

"For the rest of my life, poverty will be yours, and prosperity will be yours."

"This word, this word can compose a song."

"Sure enough, the little brothers who love people like gods, are rich and talented are from other people's families."

On the parking lot in front of Juxian Pavilion, on the side of the road, in the middle of the road, and in the tall buildings in the distance, there is a vegetable market closing stalls, a girl with heavy makeup who just got off a taxi, and parents waiting for their children to leave the remedial class.

Everyone seemed to stop breathing.

Everyone can only look at the love words and think deeply.

Is it true that once, there was also a person who loved me and liked me like this.

Where is he now.

What am I doing now.

Su Ye felt something fall off her shoulder, and wiped it lightly with her hand, leaving only a piece of wetness.

He gently put Li Qianqian on the ground, and picked up the acoustic guitar that he had thrown on the ground just now.

Ding dong twice.

Su Ye, who had adjusted her voice, spoke slowly:
Find the sun in a windless place

Be a warm sun in your cold place

There are so many people and things, you are always too naive
For the rest of my life, I only want you...

 Su Xiaoye finally hugged the beauty back
(End of this chapter)

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