Chapter 297 The Legendary Propaganda Begins (Monthly Pass Required)
After a while of frolicking, everyone surrounded Su Ye and Li Qianqian, the fresh lovers, and walked into the box.

Along the way, Li Qianqian clasped hands with Su Ye, with a look of happiness on their faces.

Today's scene was too much of a surprise for her.

She herself is a girl who dares to love and hate.

After repeatedly hinting yesterday and today that today is Christmas Eve but no results, I can only accept it helplessly.

But the problem is.

Which girl doesn't like to get a surprise in such a festival.

Unexpectedly, Su Ye gave her such a big surprise.

This is another sudden confession.

He sang to himself affectionately.

There is also the curtain wall lighting of the building outside to confess.

Let Li Qianqian's sense of happiness burst today.

Such a boyfriend is hard to find in the world.

When the lights were turned on just now, Li Qianqian even saw two staff members holding cameras in their hands and snapping shots at herself and Su Ye.

It seems that this matter was planned by Su Ye a long time ago.

Otherwise, how could it be so well prepared?

Li Qianqian remembered the last time Su Ye called him, saying that he was going to hold a year-end summary meeting.

At that time, she felt something was wrong.

Shouldn't the year-end summary be at least wait until the end of the year?
In the end, in order to find a reason to let me come back, I chose today as the meeting time abruptly.

What a painstaking effort.

Who will say that Su Ye is a straight man who doesn't understand girls.

This guy is clearly pretending.

Li Qianqian glanced dissatisfiedly at Su Ye beside him, just as Su Ye also turned to look over.

The eyes of the two met in the air, and the little discomfort in Li Qianqian's heart suddenly turned into tenderness, and she smiled at Su Ye.

Very alluring.

"Thank you for accompanying me to participate in the soulful confession concert for classmate Li Qianqian."

"Today is a big day for me and Qianqian. The big guys should eat and drink. Don't be polite to me."

Standing in front of the dining table, Su Ye held a glass of Sprite and spoke.

Li Qianqian just rolled her eyes when she heard it.

This guy is here again.

What is a happy day, today I just agreed to be his girlfriend, not his wife, why are you so happy.

"Okay, I wish Mr. Su and Li Qianqian a happy marriage for a hundred years and have a precious son soon."

Zhuang Yiming also took the opportunity to say strange things.

Other male executives also cooperated to send blessings to Su Ye.

"Qianqian, congratulations, you have been with Su Ye for so long, and you can be regarded as a fruitful cultivation."

Zhou Yuanyuan walked up with a wine glass and said.

Li Qianqian knew that Su Ye had said in advance tonight that no one was allowed to drink.

Not afraid in his heart, he picked up the wine glass in front of him, clinked a glass with Zhou Yuanyuan and said, "Thank you Mr. Zhou, and thank you Mr. Zhou for taking care of our Su Ye all the time."

Li Qianqian naturally knew.

When Su Ye first started the company, she went to Zhou Yuanyuan's bar to sing for a while.

Later, because of the launch of QQ, there were too many things to do every day, so I had to stop working there.

But this was enough to make Li Qianqian jealous.

Now that she has become Su Ye's official empress, she speaks with full confidence when talking to Zhou Yuanyuan and others.

"You're welcome, didn't you guys not confirm the relationship before?"

Zhou Yuanyuan smiled lightly.

In her eyes, Li Qianqian was still a little girl.

It seems that the smaller the dog, the stronger the territorial concept.

From Zhou Yuanyuan's point of view, Li Qianqian looked like a puppy guarding food with a big bone.

"Qianqian, congratulations."

At this time, Zhao Feifei also stepped forward to congratulate.

Li Qianqian's eyes sharpened again.

This Mr. Zhao's looks and temperament are not inferior to Zhou Yuanyuan's at all.

Before that, she even had a brief cohabitation experience with Su Ye.

Fortunately, Li Qianqian sent her to Broadcom Electronics to work after she joined the company.

"Thank you Feifei."

"Qianqian, congratulations."

"From now on, Su Yeke will leave it to you."

Tang Lili also stepped forward and hugged Li Qianqian.

This should be the girl who poses the least threat to Li Qianqian in a short period of time.

However, Li Qianqian remembered.

At that time, at Su Ye's home in Xu Cheng, I took a photo I saw on Su Ye's study desk.

The delicate and slender Tang Lili has a deep affection for Su Ye.

Even Su Ye's mother knew that this girl really liked Su Ye.

For a while, Li Qianqian felt a little tired.

These women are all women who covet Su Ye, it's really stressful to be an empress in the palace.


She still knew that Su Ye was not very keen on matters related to men and women.

Although he was handsome, he only had a relationship experience with Chen Junzhu.

The others were all those girls chasing after Su Ye.

Forget it, can't think so much.

As long as Su Ye doesn't change his mind, all future threats will be fleeting.

Both parties have met their parents. If Su Ye treats her badly...

So I called Su Ye's mother and asked her to clean up Su Ye for me.

"Okay, okay, don't be too polite, everyone, hurry up and eat."

"I chose several hard dishes today."

Su Ye quickly asked everyone to sit down.

Wang Yifei took out his phone and checked the time.

It happened to be exactly 24:19 on the [-]th.

Advertisements for Legend of Blood will explode from now on.

I hope that when the time comes, Nine Wind Games in Haicheng can think of a way to deal with him as soon as possible.

A smile appeared on Wang Yifei's face, and he sat down slowly.

At this time, in the office area of ​​Qingyun Technology.

All employees in the QQ game department are working overtime intensely.

"Manager Wang, the first wave of text messages from my side has been sent."

"Director Zhou, our hot-blooded video has been uploaded to various city forums."

"Brother Zhao, the activity of forwarding the QQ group has already started."

Everyone is working hard.

Since Wang Yifei was reminded by Su Ye last time, his whole behavior has changed.

I am no longer laughing and joking like I was before.

Instead, he became a boss who speaks briefly and does everything by himself.

The matter of the QQ game department was completely figured out by him in just a few days.

Where there are loopholes and where it is unreasonable, he will solve the problems one by one.

Colleagues in the department feel that their work efficiency has improved without knowing it.

What used to take 5 hours to complete can now be completed in 4 hours.

After sorting out the things at work, Wang Yifei held an internal meeting.

He first admitted his mistake to everyone.

I have always been just fooling around, which has caused a bad influence on the company and colleagues.

Then I talked about the current situation of the game department.

Don't look at the QQ game platform has always been good, ranking in the top two of the company's project revenue.

Even if QQ goes overseas to gain more users, it still cannot compare to QQ games.

But this is not the credit of the QQ game department, it is Su Ye's vision that gave QQ games a chance.

Many colleagues in the department are former employees of Ourgame.

They all also testified that the reason why Lianzhong agreed to be acquired by Hangzhou historians was mainly because they were a bit weak in development.

Without more users, Lianzhong Games can only maintain the existing market size.

Moreover, game platforms modeled after Lianzhong games had already appeared at that time.

If you don't want to seek greater development, you can only compete with the rising stars.

Fortunately, at this critical time, Su Ye acquired Lianzhong Games.

Not only allowed the founding team to cash out and leave as they wished, but also injected a huge vitality into the development of Lianzhong Games.

At that time, QQ users had exceeded [-] million.

Such a large number of users, as long as Lianzhong can get 10%, it will be enough for them to eat.

As a result, Su Ye changed the name of Lianzhong Games to QQ Game Platform on a whim.

Added as a function embedded in QQ.

Since then, every QQ user can see the entrance of the game hall as long as they log in and go online.

Later, it created a way to play online stand-alone games, making the QQ game platform the pinnacle of platform game halls.

When those small game platforms found that no matter how hard they tried, they could not catch up with QQ games, they transformed or gave up one after another.

Therefore, the success of QQ games.

The main reason lies in Su Ye's decision-making ability. It has nothing to do with the employees of their game department, but it doesn't have much to do with it.

After all, optimize the platform, and realize Su Ye's ideas.

There is also the embedding of the platform into QQ, these attentions are all thought out by Su Ye.

Throughout the process, most of the game department played the role of an executor.

He didn't put forward any constructive suggestions for Su Ye's plan.

This may be a bit euphemistic.

To put it bluntly, even without them, QQ Games would be the same as it is now with a new group of people.

They, for the company, are dispensable.

When Wang Yifei analyzed the game department's contribution to the company at the meeting, everyone in the department, from managers, to supervisors, to ordinary employees, was ashamed.


When your job can be replaced by anyone at any time.

The same goes for the people who illustrate you.

People who have not contributed to the development of the company, such people are not worthy of being in Qingyun Technology, a company that is destined to be great and is already on the way to greatness.

"So, we have to realize our shame and be brave."

"In the previous job, I did something wrong."

"I apologize to everyone here."

"President Su gave me a task today. On December 12, Legend of Blood will be launched."

"There are still two weeks left, can everyone work with me to get this done."

"Let President Su, and other colleagues in the company, look at our game department with admiration."


Since then, the QQ game department has changed.

There are no more people who play games during working hours.

There are no more people who wander around during working hours.

There are no more people who listen to music with their speakers on during working hours.

Everyone in the game department seemed to have changed, which surprised everyone in the nearby spin-off department.

What's wrong with them.

It suddenly became like this.

Did the group take the wrong medicine?

Not only that, but with everyone working so hard, more problems with the Legend of Blood game itself were found out.

Which side can get stuck with bugs, and which side can buy 10 bottles of red potion and the price will be halved.

Killing a certain bow and arrow guard can actually get the mage skill Ice Roar.

These small problems hidden in the game have been found out one by one.

You must know that the factors that determine the life of a game are definitely not only the playability of the game itself, but also the number of cheats will affect the game itself.

The legend of the year was because part of the core code was leaked, which caused the smashing national game to exit sadly.

Don't you see, even in the Internet game market more than ten years later, there are companies that use legends as publicity gimmicks.

What is true legend, what is no brother is not legendary, what is the new version of the ship that you have never played before.

This shows the power of the legend and its influence on the domestic game industry.

This time, Legend of Blood was completely independently produced by Su Ye's Qingyun technology.

This process has not been done by anyone.

Naturally, there will be no problem of core code leakage.

As for plug-ins.

Now Comrade Xiaopang, the pioneer of cheating in the Internet game industry, is under Su Ye's supervision.

Moreover, he is still a member of Longhan Wubai.

Even if the legend really has a plug-in in the future, he can easily find the other party.

After experiencing the previous attack on Prince Muhammad of the Kingdom of Babs.

Su Ye also felt that his skills in hacking seemed to be quite strong.

Therefore, even Su Ye couldn't guess how far a legend without cheats and code leaks would go in the Dragon Han Empire.

"Attention everyone, people from the Stone Age have discovered the advertisement."

"No, the other party started to slander us online."

"They said that Stone Age cheats were made by the Hot Blood team."

"He called us mean."

If Su Ye saw this sentence here, he would definitely be shocked.

The production team of Hot Blood produced a stone age cheat.

This is right.

How did they find out though.


In the Nine Winds game office area.

Tonight is the time for the first online event of the Stone Age.

Du Shaofei also personally watched in the company.

Speaking of online activities, this is what they learned from Qingyun Technology.

The two activities of QQ Farm made Jiufeng Games, which is also a game company, see it.

Many colleagues in the company said during the meeting that we can also learn from them to organize some online activities to increase the fun of the game.

This has been said so many times that even Du Shaofei has heard it occasionally.

Yes, forgot to mention.

Because Qingyun Technology is related to Su Ye, Du Shaofei has never used QQ.

Naturally, I don't know what kind of farm or game.

After receiving this suggestion, Du Shaofei also tried to register a QQ account, but after logging in, he couldn't stop.

He has recharged more than 4 yuan in QQ farm, and even opened all the value-added services of QQ, such as membership, red diamond, yellow diamond, blue diamond and green diamond, all of them have been opened.

It turns out that QQ is such an interesting software.

It was also the first time for him to feel a little admiration for Su Ye who snatched Li Qianqian's attention from him.

Do you want to take back the chess piece that has been thrown out?

However, when he came back to his senses and went to watch the activities of QQ Farm, he immediately understood the meaning of the company's plans.

no problem.

With a big wave of his hand, Du Shaofei agreed to the suggestion.

And decided to officially start the online activities of the Stone Age on December 12, which is Christmas Eve.

Before this, they had been promoting it for several days.

In fact, at that time, some colleagues in the company discovered that there was another game that seemed to be doing promotional work.

But, listen, what a legend.

What kind of bullshit game is this, how can it have a nice name like our stone age.

As soon as you hear it, you know that it is a manufacturer with no strength. It is purely courting death to develop a meaningless game and compete with the Stone Age.

As a result, the publicity work of the game department of Qingyun Technology has begun to work hard today.

It snatched the headlines of the Stone Age in one go.

"President Du, it's not good."

"Now there is actually another company competing with us for game users."

Du Shaofei was still harvesting vegetables on the farm just now, when he heard the words, he asked, "What game?"

"It's a game called Legend of Blood."

"Their propaganda power is much greater than ours."

"Now, there are players discussing this game in our Stone Age forum."


Du Shaofei said in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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