Chapter 298 Mingxiu Plank Road (seeking monthly pass)

The promotional content of the opponent's game is all in the game forum that he represents.

How do you guys do things.

Du Shaofei was speechless.

Even the euphoria of freshly harvested plants from the farm was gone.

"What kind of company is the other party?"

"You can think of a way to deal with it."

"know a little."

The subordinate stood in front of Du Shaofei and faltered.


Du Shaofei's face darkened.

"Yes, it's a new game from Qingyun Technology."

"Qingyun Technology?"

"They even make online games?"

"Isn't the previous game lobby not enough?"

Du Shaofei asked suspiciously.

Obviously, the subordinates cannot give an accurate answer to this question.

"When will their games go live?"

"What are your countermeasures?"

"This one……"

The subordinate was speechless for a while.

We just found out that the other party actually made a big publicity tonight, and we only heard a little news before.

Under such sudden circumstances, there is no way to deal with it.

Looking at his subordinates, Du Shaofei was also speechless for a while.

He waved his hand and said, "Go down, find out how this game called Legend of Blood is like as soon as possible, and give me an evaluation report."

"Okay, Mr. Du."

The subordinates left in a hurry.

In an instant, Du Shaofei's original good mood disappeared without a trace.

He had thought about going out for Christmas after the Stone Age event went online to see the effect.

As the young master of the Du family, it is not bad to be able to come to work with patience every day and create a good career.

How could you ask for more.

The other young masters of the Du family are all kinds of sensual dogs, horses, eagles and dogs every day, and all kinds of PARTs are open from night to morning every day.

Every young one has been hollowed out.

In contrast, Du Shaofei only indulges occasionally, which can be regarded as restraint.

"Young Master Du, have you finished your work at the company?"

"Brothers are waiting for you."

"The Zhenzhen from the conservatory came out last time."

Hupenggouyou called to urge.

If it was normal, Du Shaofei would definitely go there happily.

Coupled with the Zhenzhen from the music academy, he has been hungry for a long time.

Ken came out on Christmas Eve this time, which means he doesn't plan to go back.

But now, Du Shaofei was restless.

Even if it is true, it can't move his heart.

It's just a woman who looks very similar to Li Qianqian.

I thought it was so chaste before, but it turned out that she also came out on the night of Christmas Eve.

"Forget it, I have something to do here, so I won't go."

"You guys have fun."

After Du Shaofei finished speaking, he hung up the phone without giving the other party time to answer the call.

Immediately, he called someone in Jiangcheng.

"Hi, old Zhou."

"Du Shao, why did you call so late and didn't go out to play?"

There was silence on the other side of the phone, and Du Shaofei could even hear the sound of typing on the keyboard.

"No, not interested."

"What about you, are you still in the company?"

"Yes, Young Master Du, the size of our family group has expanded many times."

"Now there are thousands of merchants who have signed contracts with us."

"I have to say that the boss of Qingyun Technology really has a good idea."

"Many merchants have seen the effect of our website promotion and want to advertise."

"Look, it's only been about 20 days."

"Oh, really."

Du Shaofei answered noncommittally.

This is the second time to hear information from Su Ye and Qingyun Technology this evening.

At that time, he sent Zhou Zihang to Jiangcheng purely to make trouble for Su Ye.

It would be even better if Zhou Zihang's website could be developed.

But, unexpectedly, Zhou Zihang, a well-known business talent in his small circle, was amazed by that guy's random idea.

You know, Zhou Zihang is not as simple as it looks.

He is a master-level talent that Du Shaofei met through a party when he was studying abroad.

Not only does he specialize in business blood, but he is also a Master of Laws.

How strong should Su Ye be who makes such people praise him endlessly?

Du Shaofei thought about how he and Su Ye met before.

That boy was just a bit more handsome, and he didn't see any business talent at all.

Unexpectedly, it has only been so long, and a small company has developed into the current behemoth.

The reason why Du Shaofei chose to start Nine Winds Game Company was because he wanted to be different from Su Ye.

A college student who graduated from a university in Jiangcheng can make such a big career.

Then I, a returnee elite who has studied abroad for many years, could he be worse than him.

In the end, after Du Shaofei actually started running the company, he realized that the difficulty was far greater than he had imagined.

The company has no main business, and all kinds of miscellaneous matters come to the door.

Interviewing talents also needs to be done by yourself a little bit.

Business operations in reality are far from as simple as described in the book.

It's not that you can realize revenue by saying a word or thinking of a way.

Fortunately, the family was very supportive of his idea of ​​starting a business at this time, and arranged for him some people from the family to come to the company to take charge of finance and personnel.

In this way, Du Shaofei's company can barely start to operate.

And then the problem before him is that there is no main business.

If a company has no business, then why start a company?

Du Shaofei thought hard for a long time, and finally saw someone talking about it in a forum.

How much fun is the most popular stone age game in the world.

But due to various reasons, we can't even see the shadow of the Stone Age in our Longhan Empire.

What a sigh.

There are not a few people who follow the post, and various petitions, saying that they hope that a game company in Longhan can do a good job, see this business opportunity, and then distribute this game to domestic players.

When Du Shaofei saw this, an idea suddenly came to his mind, and he went through a series of negotiations and promises with the company in Gou Ri's country.

Finally, I was able to successfully represent this game.

And the Stone Age did not disappoint him. Since its launch, it has received unanimous praise from domestic players.

Du Shaofei also played it himself, and felt that he did a very good job in all aspects.

The company's revenue is also rising steadily.

Here, Du Shaofei would also like to thank Su Ye for his Qingyun technology.

It was they who developed the QQ payment software before the game was launched, so that Jiufeng Games can quickly receive the point card fees paid by players.

The company is thriving, and after that, it once appeared on the "Business Observation" program hosted by Wang Yihan of Longhan TV Station, which completely ignited the enthusiasm of domestic players.

Then there was an epidemic, and countless people had nothing to do at home, and they also started to get started with this Stone Age, which has been promoted by Nine Winds for a long time.

At that moment, Du Shaofei felt that he had reached the pinnacle of his life.

With at least tens of millions of revenue every day, not only the friends in the circle admired him, but even the elders in the family praised Du Shaofei one after another.

It made him feel that the position of the next generation patriarch of the Du family belongs to him.
But life is such a wonderful thing.

Just when Du Shaofei was at his happiest, some players reported to the company.

It is said that there are more and more cheats now, making the game experience of players extremely poor.

If Jiufeng Company can't solve this problem in time, then he and the players behind him will quit the game.

But how could Du Shaofei, who was in the most proud period of his life, care about this, he left the matter to his subordinates to deal with, and then he didn't care.

As a result, it started from this day.

The revenue of Jiufeng Games began to decrease slowly.

The number of players online is also gradually decreasing.

By the time Du Shaofei received a call from the person in charge of the company, it was already too late.

The entire Stone Age has been devastated by various cheats, leaving no room for normal players to play.

You go to fight monsters with others.

You have to use your attack skills one by one, but for the opponent, it only takes a moment for all the babies to use their skills.

You have been hit by a wave of seconds.

It's no wonder that you can still play such a game if you don't buy a plug-in.

Du Shaofei organized the technicians in the company to destroy several small cheats, but only the cheat developed by Xiaopang, no one could find the other party's trace.

Even with an administrator account, it is impossible to find out where the cheat came from.

In desperation.

Du Shaofei had no choice but to ask the company from Gou Ri's country to help solve the cheating problem.

After being slapped hard, the Chiyo Company in Gou Ri's country began to deal with the matter.

In fact, even if Du Shaofei didn't take the initiative to ask for help, they couldn't do it by themselves.

Xiaopang's cheating has been extended infinitely from Longhan's country.

English version, Korean version, Japanese version, French version...

Various versions appeared, causing Stone Age agents all over the world to complain.

As a result, because of this shot, the people of Chiyo Company had a positive understanding of the power of Hanhuang.

It was also at that time that Hanhuang Chen Yi and Su Ye got to know each other.

After that, Chiyo, who had no choice but to make a bad move.

Well, definitely the top bad move.

They played in person and competed with Xiaopang's plug-in for the market.

I also produced a plug-in embedded in the game.

This operation amazed Qiao Liu and Xiaopang in the dark department of Qingyun Technology.

It also made countless agents and players from all over the world who were waiting for Chiyo's move exclaimed.

This operation really deserves three words:
Horse fork bug.

In this way, the Stone Age of Gou Ri's country can continue to survive in various parts of the world.

Moreover, the official also cooperated to make a brand new world plot.

Let the appearance of plug-ins become reasonable.

Players around the world continued to play while complaining.

"Well, what about Qingyun Technology's infiltration plan on your side?"

"Is there any progress?"

Zhou Zihang is not Du Shaofei's subordinate, he and Du Shaofei are more like a cooperative relationship.

This time, it was Zhou Zihang's idea to go to Jiangcheng to talk to Su Ye about the hard steel on the front of Qingyun Technology.

However, the domestic instant messaging field is already dominated by QQ.

Even if Zhou Zihang had an idea, he could only look at the ocean and sigh.

However, after a period of contact with an insider of Qingyun Technology, he received a message.

Qingyun Technology started a company with all its heart.

It's called Dianping Network.

After sending someone to talk to Tang Lili and her subordinate Huang Lei for a while, Zhou Zihang instantly understood what they were going to do.

At present, the O2O business model is only in the theoretical research stage in foreign countries.

Unexpectedly, the founder of Qingyun Technology has such a forward-looking vision.

He grasped this opportunity keenly.

Moreover, it is only in the stage of theoretical research abroad, so he dares to use it directly.

But for Su Ye, isn't the group buying network something that everyone in the future will know?
Why dare not take it out and use it.

Since so many companies started to expand the group buying business back then, it shows that this business can affect people's lives and change the existing world rules.

In human terms, it is this thing that makes money.

After some planning, Zhou Zihang tried his best to contact his classmate Wang Qian.

Then through her, Li Ming was contacted.

The next thing can be described as rapid progress.

Li Ming's talent is worthy of the title of senior product manager of Qingyun Technology. He has successfully launched the website after completing a few tasks.

Afterwards, before Tang Lili, he aggressively recruited offline salesmen and cooperated with merchants according to the model of Dianping.

Great results.

When he was complacent, Zhou Zihang also did not relax his vigilance.

Since that Su Ye can come up with such an idea, there will definitely be endless good ideas in the future.

However, in this round, Zhou Zihang is leading.

If Du Shaofei hadn't called him today, Zhou Zihang would have contacted him too.

He has already seen that the Group Buying Network is an opportunity to play.

As long as you are always ahead of your opponent, then your opponent can only follow behind you, beyond reach.

Didn't you see that Tang Lili, who was attacked by Zhou Zihang recently, is no longer out to run business?

I went to a family and said that they have cooperated with Jiajiatuan.

I went to another family and signed a contract with Jiajiatuan.

How can anyone not be disheartened after running around like this.

"Don't worry about the progress."

"I have already brought over two key employees of Qingyun Technology."

"Someone is talking to me right now."

"It's just because Qingyun Technology's treatment is so good, they are still a little hesitant."

"Is that so..."

Du Shaofei couldn't help feeling dizzy when he heard this.

Before Zhou Zihang went to Jiangcheng, when he was about to open Nine Wind Games, he tried to recruit some people from Qingyun Technology's game department.

As a result, the reaction of those people is also, can you give us the work and rest time of [-] to [-] on weekends?
Can you provide us with more than 8 office computers and more than 1 ergonomic chairs?

Can you set up a special employee rest area in the company, and can all snacks and drinks be used at will?
Can you kick us out of the company and pay the "cash" punishment when you find us working overtime?

Du Shaofei was depressed.

he can not.

However, from this, he also knew how cruel and determined Su Ye was to prevent his employees from being poached.

From the point of view of any business executive, this is simply a fantasy.

Totally impossible.

The company has money to do well, buy such a good computer for employees, what the hell are you trying to figure out.

There is also a staff rest area that can be taken at will.

Du Shaofei seriously suspected that Su Ye was the one who burned more money.

Otherwise, no matter how good the prodigal son is, he will not be so kind to the employees.

(That's because Du Shaofei didn't know that Su Ye's father, Su Aiguo, was also like this)
"Then take it slow, your current company should hurry up and expand."

"I was attacked by Su Ye's company today."


"What did they do?"

Because Zhou Zihang has to lead the team out for business every day, Zhou Zihang still doesn't know about the Legend of Blood.

Du Shaofei gave him a brief introduction to the situation that Jiufeng Game is vaguely facing now.

Zhou Zihang was overjoyed.

This is a chance given by God.

If Du Shaofei hadn't faced the competition from Qingyun Technology, how could he easily think of himself.

At this time, he absolutely needs Zhou Zihang to vigorously develop Jiajiatuan Company in Jiangcheng, so as to involve Su Ye's energy.

"Young Master Du, I have an idea here."

"Your side is the main target of Qingyun Technology, and it seems impossible to change in a short time."

"I still have some understanding of Su Ye during this period of time."

"It's fine if he doesn't make a move, but if he makes a move, he must achieve his goal."

"I think we can do this..."

"On the surface, your Jiufeng Game is still fighting him head-on."

"And behind the scenes, the Jiajiatuan you support seized the market share, making Su Ye's plan in the O2O market fail."

"When Su Ye dominates the game market in the future, he will find that the group buying market is almost completely monopolized by us."

"Mingxiu plank road and dark Chen Cang, this is the wisdom of our ancestors."


Du Shaofei understood in his heart.

Didn't Zhou Zihang mean to let Jiufeng Game stand in the front, and then his Jiajiatuan will develop wretchedly behind.

After Su Ye unified the game market, looking back, the market of has been completely eaten by Jiajiatuan.

At that time, compared to his face, it will be very exciting.


Although Du Shaofei understood Zhou Zihang's plan, he was still a little upset.

If you do this, isn't it equivalent to abandoning the current Nine Winds game?
To put it bluntly, the company I started for the first time turned into cannon fodder.

Even if Du Shaofei didn't have those miscellaneous feelings, he still felt a little reluctant.

"I'll think about it again."

"Master Du, this can't be considered."

Zhou Zihang's tone was anxious.

"If time drags on for a long time, Su Ye will discover something."

"We have no advantage in the game market now."

"The only thing that can achieve corner overtaking is the group buying business."

"You must speed up."

Although Zhou Zihang wanted to press him, he couldn't push too hard.

Otherwise, Du Shaofei, an idiot like Du Shaofei, felt that it was too difficult to start a business, so he simply stopped playing. Then wouldn't his Zhou Zihang's efforts during this period be in vain?
"Well, okay, I'll give you an answer on the 27th at the latest."

"Okay, then I'll wait for news from Young Master Du."

(End of this chapter)

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