Chapter 304 The press conference begins (seeking a monthly ticket)
"President Li is here, come and sit down."

Su Ye stood up and said hello, and took Li Qianqian's hand to the sofa.

Shao Yu also saw Li Qianqian at this time, stood up with a smile and said, "Hello, Mr. Li, long time no see."

"Hi Mr. Shao, I went out of town recently, please sit down first."

Li Qianqian responded appropriately, and her eyes were no longer only focused on Chen Junzhu.

She turned her head to look at Yu Wanwei, and asked curiously, "Mr. Shao, this is..."

"Mr. Li, let me introduce you. This is Professor Yu Wanwei specially hired by Jiamei from Jiangcheng University."

"Professor Yu is a second-level professor who enjoys a special national allowance, and this one next to him is his graduate student."

Maybe he saw something, or he didn't see anything.

When Shao Yu introduced Chen Junzhu, he didn't even say her name.

Li Qianqian looked at Yu Wanwei in surprise, "Professor Yu, you are the professor who owns 79 companies, this time I finally saw a real person."

"President Li is polite, it's just that those companies need help."

There was no trace of complacency on Yu Wanwei's face.

Because the news that Li Qianqian knew was already out of date.

He is now a management consultant for 92 companies.

Except for class every day, most of the time is spent running back and forth in Jiangcheng.

"Qianqian, didn't I tell you last time?"

"After Mr. Shao talked with me once, he decided to send a project team into our company to collect information on the company's administration, personnel, functions, management, and other aspects."

"They just came in yesterday, and I just found out."

When Su Ye was speaking, he glanced at Chen Junzhu who was sitting next to Professor Yu Wanwei intentionally or unintentionally, indicating that he was innocent.

Li Qianqian nodded.

This guy Su Ye may be a bit unprofessional in other things, but when it comes to dealing with himself, it can be seen that he still cares about himself.

Li Qianqian turned her gaze to meet Chen Junzhu's, then continued to chat with Shao Yu and Yu Wanwei.

"Don't worry, Mr. Shao. In the future, Professor Yu and your project team will feel free to search for information in Qingyun Technology. Except for individual departments and projects, Qingyun Technology is completely open to Jiamei."

"Of course, I also hope that your company can guarantee the company's secrecy and not easily disclose it to outsiders."

Li Qianqian stood up and said.

In fact, Qingyun Technology is no different from other Internet companies.

But the reason why Qingyun Technology can develop better than other Internet companies is because of Su Ye.

Because of the endless ideas and creativity, Qingyun Technology can understand Internet users better than other companies.

In the short term, Qingyun Technology's "Legend of Blood" will be launched, and the press conference of the acquisition of Houlang will also be held.

It is no problem for Jiamei to know these two things.

But if they know about Dianping's planning content, the establishment of mobile phone companies, and the integration of computer companies, they will definitely have a certain impact on the future development of these businesses.

Su Ye may not care about this, but Li Qianqian, as the general manager of Qingyun Technology, has to care.

Regardless of the fact that Li Qianqian's current position in the company is the director of the administration department, the person in charge of QQ recruitment seems to have little control over the company, nor does he have such a big voice.

But in the company, whether it is executives or ordinary employees, they are all clear about their psychology.

Li Qianqian was Su Ye's girlfriend, and she would become Su Ye's wife in the future.

To put it bluntly, she is the proprietress of the company. As long as Su Ye acquiesces, Li Qianqian can manage all the people and affairs in the company.

It's just that Li Qianqian has always abided by his duty, and has not and will not interfere with the normal affairs of other departments.

"President Li, you can rest assured about this."

"I also told Mr. Su last time that we, Jiamei, have served many large enterprises and multinational companies in Hong Kong City. It has been so long so far, and we have never said that we have leaked customer information."

Shao Yu also stood up and made a solemn promise to Li Qianqian and Su Ye.

This is what companies of the corporate management type are most afraid of.

Because if you want to give advice and suggestions on a company's development, finance, personnel, etc., you must understand the company.

If you get some information about others on the front foot, you will sell it on the back foot.

Then who else will trust you, and who dares to ask you for development planning.

Therefore, reputation is life to Shao Yu's Jiamei Company.

It doesn't matter if the reform plan you provide to the enterprise is poor, people will say that you are in vain at most.

But if you give away the secret, then don't do this business in the future.

You may even be held accountable.

After all, in Hong Kong City, everyone has watched so many Hong Kong movies, so it's normal for a car accident to happen somewhere, isn't it?

"Okay, then I will trouble Mr. Shao and Professor Yu."

At this time, Li Qianqian's expression became gentle again.

It has to be said that this warmth and cold really made Shao Yu feel a little bit of pressure.

After leaving Su Ye's conference room, he re-emphasized the issue of security and confidentiality with everyone in the project team.

Qingyun technology can develop so rapidly in a short period of time, if you say you don't have a little wrist, how is that possible.

Shao Yu didn't want to embarrass himself and the company when something went wrong.

Moreover, the meaning of taking over the job of Qingyun Technology is not just as simple as making money.

This represents that Jiamei has opened up the market in the mainland.

No matter how many companies you have served in the past, I don’t know a word about companies in the mainland, so your previous efforts will be in vain.

But if I can give Qingyun Technology a good service this time, then it will be a golden sign in the future.

Just ask the current Longhan Empire, who doesn't know Qingyun Technology.

Even if you don't know Qingyun Technology, you will always know QQ.

When we go out to talk about business in the future, we will say that Jiamei has done business consulting for Qingyun Technology, the Internet company that does QQ. Does this make people feel trustworthy?

Darling, even a big company like Qingyun Technology is looking for you, so your strength must be nothing to say.

Otherwise, do you think Shao Yu is idle? As the general manager of Jiamei in Jiangcheng, he has to personally participate in the project of Qingyun Technology.

After all, isn't it just for the effect of word of mouth?

Su Ye didn't know what they said outside.

But he knew that Li Qianqian was not looking at him right now.

"Okay, Su Ye, I found Chen Junzhu from the service provider."

Li Qianqian teased Su Ye with a playful face.

"Qianqian, don't be angry, I only found out when they walked in."

"And, look, I came to you as soon as I saw Chen Junzhu."

"Don't worry, I will do what I promised you."

"Not because of that sentence, but because, I like you."


Li Qianqian did not expect Su Ye's counterattack to be so sharp.

She didn't take this matter to heart.

I have known Su Ye for so long, although Su Ye is very attractive to girls, but he has never said that he has a relationship with so and so.

Instead, he has always respected beautiful women and stayed away.

"Okay, okay, don't be poor with me."

"I called Houlang just now, and they said that they will come by train tomorrow night, and they will be there at noon on Monday."

"Take the train?"

"They shouldn't be so poor that they can't even afford air tickets."

"If it doesn't work, let's help them buy air tickets."

Su Ye said incredulously.

Knowing that Houlang's financial situation is relatively poor, but never expected that it would be so poor.

It's too embarrassing to not even be able to pay for the air tickets of the team that came to sign the contract.

"What, it's not what you think."

"It's Mr. Wang Dongzhi from Houlang. A few years ago, he was found to have a health problem and couldn't fly."

"At that time, let's send some cars to Jiangcheng Railway Station to pick them up."

"Otherwise, people have to take a taxi to the hotel after traveling all the way, which is too inconvenient."

"Okay, no problem."

"Which car do you fancy? Let's go and buy some back, and use it as the company's business reception car in the future."

"Also, isn't it the 28th when they come here? Find someone to take them to play nearby, and don't stay in the hotel every day."

"Didn't our press conference start on the 31st?"

"Okay, I see."


Wang Yifei has always preferred to watch Hong Kong movies, and he thinks he is quite familiar with Hong Kong and Taiwan stars.

But the task that Su Ye gave him was to invite a celebrity from Hong Kong and Taiwan to act as his endorsement, which stumped him instead.

There are too many people I want to invite, who should I invite?

After screening for a noon time, he finally found a few suitable ones.

Because he has never been in contact with the entertainment industry, he is not very clear about the endorsement prices of these few.

However, it is very good news for Wang Yifei to have the opportunity to meet his favorite star face to face.

"Boss Su, you promised to send me the advertisement and haven't sent it yet."

"In addition, I selected four or five stars from Hong Kong and Taiwan. You can see which one is more suitable."

"I always choose a few people who have a tough guy image on the screen."

Wang Yifei sent the list to Su Ye. Su Ye looked at it and found that he didn't know any of them.

Jiang Jiafei, Cheng Xiaochong, Zheng Zidan, Gu Tianluo, etc., who are these people?

"wait for me."

Su Ye replied with a message, and opened Qiandu to start searching.

The first Jiang Jiafei played the role of a policeman in most Hong Kong and Taiwan films, so that's no problem.

The second Cheng Xiaochong, playing the role of the unparalleled young and Dangerous boy in Hong Kong and Taiwan films, is no problem.

The third Zheng Zidan, who mostly plays the kung fu master and patriotic young man in the film, is also great.

The last one, Gu Tianluo, is dark-skinned, passionate about charity, and has a wide range of dramas. He can handle all modernist costume movies. His image is very similar to a star that Su Ye liked in his previous life.

This is of course an option.

"Yifei, we all want these four stars."

"But remember, when filming commercials, the production must be exquisite and absolutely not perfunctory."

"I'll call you right away for the advertisement."

"Alright Mr. Su, don't worry."

"I have already contacted a director who specializes in shooting commercials through my relationship. If everything goes well, I will immediately contact the agents of those stars to contact them about shooting commercials."


Su Ye didn't reply, but was recalling the classic advertisement in his previous life.

Hello everyone, I'm zhazhahui, I'm Gu Tianle, Legend of Blood, and I've introduced a new version of the ship that I've never played before. It takes three minutes to experience it, and Lizao will do me the same way, falling in love with the game.

No no no.

This is the pronunciation read by the big guys based on the correct advertisement words.

The correct one should be, hello everyone, I am Jiang Jiafei, I am Gu Tianluo, Legend of Blood, this is a brand new version you have never played before, just try it for 3 minutes, you will fall in love with this game just like me .

After sending the edited text to Wang Yifei, Su Ye checked that it was almost time, and was ready to leave work.

Li Qianqian had already taken his colleagues from the administration department out to find a hotel and contacted the media.

Su Ye is now going home alone.

Well, maybe after this period of time, I will be able to find a chance to hang out with Li Qianqian for a while.

In addition, this good news, do you want to tell your parents?

Thinking about it, Su Ye got into Hu Yidao's car and returned to Tianyue City.

"There doesn't seem to be anything special about this slogan."

"President Su, why do you want to formulate it specially?"

Wang Yifei was puzzled.

However, since it was President Su's order, there must be a reason for it.

It's better to hurry up and get in touch with the managers of those celebrities.

Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, it was December 12st.

The Year of the Rat is coming to an end.

Qingyun Technology looks a little different from usual.

The staff of the administration department went out early in the morning.

Colleagues in other departments also know that today is the day when the company signed a contract with Houlang Network.

All of them waited excitedly for the good news from the front.

in fact.

The second day after the team led by Houlang Wang Dongzhi came to Jiangcheng, Su Ye had already signed the equity transfer agreement with Wang Dongzhi.

Otherwise, if they go back on their word at the press conference, it would be a slap in the face.

Wang Yihan, a reporter from Longhan TV Station who has already cooperated with Qingyun Technology once, is also invited this time.

Because of her, Wang Yifei really struggled for a while.

I also want to go to the scene to participate in this signing conference, and meet Wang Yihan by the way.

However, Legend of Blood will also be launched soon.

He struggled for a while and decided to put work first.

After Wang Yihan came to Jiangcheng for an interview, he expected to stay here on New Year's Day and not leave.

At that time, Wang Yifei will find a way to go out and meet her.

There is no way, the workers can only succumb to the real world.

Juxian Pavilion Hotel.

Nine in the morning.

All those invited to come here have already set up cameras and SLR cameras every day.

Reporters are also preparing their own questions to ask later.

Everything is ready, just waiting for the arrival of the founding team of Qingyun Technology and Houlang Network.

This press conference really surprised many domestic media.

Before they came, Li Qianqian asked the staff to unify their voices, not to tell about Houlang's acquisition by Qingyun Technology, but to say that Qingyun Technology had a major announcement.

The reporters didn't realize it until they entered the venue arranged in Juxian Pavilion and saw the words written on the sign.

What kind of shock will this news have on Longhan's Internet and even the entire industry.

"Editor-in-Chief, save me the headlines for tomorrow."

"Qingyun Technology has big news here."

"Yes, that's right, trust my judgment as an old journalist with 20 years of experience."

"Tomorrow, the world will be shocked by this incident."

"Director, there is one more news to be broadcast in today's evening news."

"What? No place?"

"No, director, this time it's not me, Lao Wu, who is relying on the old to sell the old to you. Today's news will definitely increase the bonus in December."

"No, it's not the bonus, it's our station's ratings this year, that's all it takes."

"Really, I promise with my press card."

"Okay, okay, don't worry, I will email you as soon as the content of the meeting comes out."

When all the reporters, whether they were from the print media or the TV media, were calling their superiors, in an inconspicuous place, there were a few journalists with computers who were different from the others.

They are the reporters of the three largest portal websites in China.

Houlang, Shouhu, and Wangnan are very fierce in the news.

Other journalists get red envelopes when they go to press conferences and so on.

But they all pay out of their own pockets to obtain news and information.

After all, good news is traffic.

Traffic is advertising, and advertising is money.

The reason why Houlang is not working now is that their crawling of news was one step slower than other websites, two steps, three or four steps.

Only after the news sent by their peers has been fermented can they realize and repost it.

After seeing Houlang for so long, users can only eat other people's leftovers, so they will naturally look for websites that can provide first-hand news.

Who really wants to watch you stir-fry.

This time, if it weren't for Houlang itself, Houlang probably wouldn't have had extra money to send reporters to participate.

"Old Zhou, your nose is really good, you can smell it from so far away from Jiangcheng."

"Aren't you the same?"

Lao Zhou replied, and looked at the reporter Nu Nuzui who was next to him with the Houlang work card: "Well, this time I finally met their Houlang people."

"By the way, if it wasn't for the joint development conference of Qingyun Technology and Houlang, do you think they could come?"


Old Zhao on the opposite side curled his lips in disdain.

"To be honest, I haven't seen their back-wave reporters for more than a year."

"It's you who can run ahead of me every time."

"I can't do it either."

"The leaders have arranged work, at least one big news and five regular-level news every week."

"It's hard for me to have a topical content that can reach at least one million views every month!"


"It's the same with the big bosses in our company. They sit in the office all day, just directing us young people to run around."

"It's hard to be a reporter these days."

"It would be great if we could be like the bigwigs in the print media and TV media, and someone invite us to do news."

"Well, let's think about this matter."

"Internet media still have at least 20 years to go if they want to surpass traditional media."

"Well, yes, continue to suffer..."

Lao Zhou, who was talking, turned his head to look in the direction of the stage when Lao Zhao touched his arm.

A professional woman in a decent suit slowly walked out from the backstage, and the voice in the hall gradually weakened.

"Hello everyone, thank you all for coming to Jiangcheng to participate in this press conference jointly organized by Qingyun Technology and Houlang Network before the upcoming New Year's Day holiday."

"I am the host of this press conference, Zhao Xiaojing."

"The conference will start in 10 minutes, everyone can adjust the equipment now, please turn the mobile phone to silent mode."

"There is a blank sheet of paper on everyone's desk. You can write your QQ account number on it. Later, our company will send you some small gifts directly to the account number."

After Zhao Xiaojing finished speaking, she saw many reporters pick up their pens and start writing their QQ numbers.

This pull doesn't matter, revealing the three red envelopes below.

"Okay, the current time is 9:02, and there are 8 minutes left before the press conference will officially start."

 Thank you "Book Friends 20201121204149626" for your reward, thank you for your recommendation tickets and monthly tickets
(End of this chapter)

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