Chapter 305 The Acquisition of Snake Tunxiang

The entrance music sounded.

Zhao Xiaojing walked to the stage again.

"My friends from the press, good morning everyone, welcome to the press conference jointly organized by Qingyun Technology and Houlang Network."

"The main purpose of this press conference is to announce one thing."

"From today, Qingyun Technology will wholly acquire Houlang Network. From now on, Houlang Network will carry out Internet business in China as a subsidiary of Qingyun Technology."


"After the acquisition?"

The reporters didn't hear what was going on behind them, and they all lost their voices in surprise.

Although it has been predicted for a long time, today the two Internet companies jointly hold a press conference and there will definitely be major news releases.

But no matter how you think about it, you can't think of it.

It turned out that Qingyun Technology wanted to acquire Houlang.

This, this is impossible at all.

Houlang Network was the first batch of Internet companies in China, and it was also the largest Internet company in Longhan.

As early as a year ago, Houlang's market value had reached 10 billion.

If it weren't for the failure to go public in the United States, the current Houlang Technology would definitely be the largest Internet company in China.

But what about Qingyun Technology?

Even people who don't know much about the Internet know that Qingyun Technology was only established in Jiangcheng in September this year.

At the end of the month, the QQ business was launched.

As of December 12st, it is only four months after the full rounding.

Such a company was able to acquire an established domestic Internet company.

What are you guys doing.

Among the crowd, only Wang Yihan did not have any mood swings.

This news, when she came to Jiangcheng yesterday, Wang Yifei had already told her at Su Ye's behest.

After all, it was a reporter from Longhan TV Station who had cooperated before, so there was no problem in knowing the news in advance.

At that time, like these people in the venue now, she was surprised and couldn't say anything.

Qingyun Technology and Houlang Network.

This is the difference between a snake and an elephant.

Qingyun Technology was established three months ago, and Houlang has been around for more than three years.

It has only been a few months since Qingyun Technology entered people's field of vision. Houlang is the pride of Longhan people and can go public in the United States.

Qingyun Technology has only one hundred and ten employees, while Houlang Network has more than a thousand employees.

No matter from which aspect, Qingyun Technology does not have the conditions and qualifications to acquire Houlang Network.

Moreover, it is impossible for Houlang Network to be acquired.

Just after Zhao Xiaojing made the announcement, the reporters present were in an uproar.

Seeing such a situation, Zhao Xiaojing smiled.


Even she was surprised when she learned last week that the company was able to acquire Houlang, let alone these reporters.

Although they are not internal practitioners in the Internet industry, they travel around every day and know a little about various things in various industries.

The content of Qingyun Technology's press conference this time will definitely cause an explosion of public opinion across the country tomorrow.

This, this is the Snake Tunxiang.

"Excuse me, Ms. Zhao, did Qingyun Technology really acquire Houlang Network?"

A reporter stood up and asked without waiting for Zhao Xiaojing's consent.

"of course."

Zhao Xiaojing smiled confidently.

"This acquisition is under the full responsibility of our company's general manager Li Qianqian. Next, Mr. Li will tell you about the process of this acquisition and Qingyun Technology's development plan for Houlang Network after the acquisition."

Zhao Xiaojing leads back to Li Qianqian who is in the backcourt.

At this time, many reporters focused their attention on Li Qianqian.

People who are familiar with it, reporters who have watched Wang Yihan's "Business Observer" program, can't help but exclaim at this time.

"It's her, it's her!"

"Tomorrow Li Qianqian will become Long Han's national idol."

"He is beautiful and has a temperament. The key is to be able to complete the acquisition of Houlang Network by himself."

"By the way, does anyone know how old this President Li is this year?"

"I have a son from a cousin who happened to come back from studying in England."

"I'm stupid, don't even think about it. A senior executive of Qingyun Technology like Mr. Li has an annual salary of at least [-], or even more."

"If your cousin's son is really interested, you should find a suitable girl to be friends with. Don't think about it, Mr. Li."

Li Qianqian walked onto the stage and stood in front of the microphone.

The reporters below all slowly silenced.

"Thank you for coming to Jiangcheng. The acquisition of Houlang Network is a major decision for Qingyun Technology in the future."

"And I was fortunate enough to be able to participate in this project thanks to the trust of the founder of the group, Mr. Su."

"After hearing Mr. Su say that we are going to start acquiring Houlang Company, I was as surprised as everyone else's reaction just now."

"Houlang Network, what kind of company is that?"

"The pride of the Longhan nation, the first batch of Longhan Internet companies to go overseas. Its business covers news, entertainment, sports and other consulting services. It is a well-known portal website. How can our company acquire Houlang?"

Li Qianqian expressed everyone's doubts here, and the reporters kept nodding.

The photographers in the last row also kept murdering Film.

"Here, let me give you a brief introduction to the recent development of Qingyun Technology."

"Since its establishment, Qingyun Technology has demanded itself as the most outstanding Internet company in Longhan. We have successively established the QQ project department, QQ game, QQ derivative function, QQ payment, and QQ recruitment that I was in charge of before."

"Thanks to the trust and love of domestic netizens, our Qingyun Technology has been developing smoothly."

If not for the server incident that Liang Weinan made for everyone, Qingyun Technology can be said to have developed smoothly and has not encountered any major problems.

Li Qianqian knew this best.

In other words, if it weren't for Su Ye's endless good ideas, even if Qingyun Technology would develop and grow, it might not be as big as it is now.

Li Qianqian was amazed more than once.

At that time, Su Ye, who only wanted to start a small company, was lucky enough to develop the company to its current scale.

At the press conference, she cannot talk about mobile phone and computer companies, nor can she talk about Dianping, otherwise she will deviate from the topic.

But even so, Qingyun Technology is a well-deserved top Internet company in China.

"At present, the total number of users of Qingyun Technology has reached 12 billion, of which there are about 7 million domestic users, and about 5 million users of overseas companies."

"Chatting with friends on QQ every day is no longer a fashionable thing, but a normal life for everyone."

"QQ farms and QQ games also enrich domestic netizens' spare time life. After the daily work, go to the farm to steal vegetables, or play cards online with friends in the game hall, which has become a way of life for young people nowadays."

"QQ payment allows the Internet to embrace the financial industry. At present, Internet users can check their account status at any time on QQ payment, conduct business remittances with distant partners, and order the latest discounted air tickets."

"In the future, the development of Qingyun Technology will never stop. It is definitely not a slogan to let the Internet change human life."

"This time I went to the imperial capital to discuss the acquisition with Mr. Wang. Mr. Wang also recognized Qingyun Technology very much."

"There are quite a few important factors in being able to fully acquire Houlang Network."

"However, I think everyone is not willing to listen to my introduction of the process. The next step is to carry out the signing ceremony. After the signing ceremony, I will have half an hour to answer your questions."

"My fellow journalists, please stay calm."

Li Qianqian ignored the scene of the long arm entering the forest below, and gestured to Zhao Xiaojing in the background.

The staff of Qingyun Science and Technology Administration Department quickly came to the stage and set up the signing platform.

As the representative of Qingyun Technology, Li Qianqian sat directly in the same position.

Behind him, Luo Sen from Qingyun Technology, Zhuang Yiming, and several lawyers in charge of legal issues were by his side.

Wang Dongzhi, the boss of Houlang Network, also came to the stage accompanied by Zhao Xiaojing.

Wang Dongzhi at this time is completely different from the radiant face he saw on TV before.

The whole person was very idle and decadent, his face was unshaven, as if he hadn't slept well all night.

By his side is Wang Xiubo.

Compared with Wang Dongzhi, Wang Xiubo's mental state can be said to be very good.

He looked around disdainfully, as if it wasn't his own company that was acquired, but he presided over the acquisition of Qingyun Technology.

After introducing Wang Dongzhi and others to their seats, Zhao Xiaojing took the microphone and announced: "Now, the acquisition meeting between Qingyun Technology and Houlang Network has officially begun."

"Representatives of both companies please sign the equity transfer agreement."

Li Qianqian buried her head in writing.

At this moment, her mood was extremely surging.

Wang Dongzhi glanced at the reporters present and sighed infinitely in his heart.

Once upon a time, I and Houlang Network were the darlings of the media.

Whenever Houlang releases a new business or makes new progress, media reporters will flock to report the relevant situation.

The most peak time should be the press conference when I made the decision to go public in the United States.

But now.

Not long after, I and Houlang Network have become the background boards of Qingyun Technology.

With the signing of this agreement, the two parties obviously do not have to make this matter public.

Wang Dongzhi wanted to preserve the last bit of dignity for himself in front of the world.

In the end, he was rejected by Mr. Su of Qingyun Technology.

Lowering his head, Wang Dongzhi signed the agreement.

Since then.

Houlang has nothing to do with him.

It's not even certain whether Houlang will exist in the future.

If possible, Wang Dongzhi really wants to go back a few years ago.

At that time, he will definitely open up new businesses decisively and reject those greedy shareholders.

Perhaps in this case, Houlang would not have come to where it is today.

"The following is the representative of Qingyun Technology, General Manager Li Qianqian, and the chairman of Houlang Network, Mr. Wang Dongzhi, to exchange equity transfer documents."

Zhao Xiaojing was also nervous and excited at this time.

There was even a tremolo in his voice.


Qingyun Technology has finally acquired the largest Internet company in China, Houlang.

Starting today, Longhan's Internet journey will also take a completely different path from before.

In the Qingyun Technology Company of Qingchuang Park.

Countless employees are gathering in the employee rest area, watching the signing ceremony live broadcast by Jiangcheng TV.

For this meeting, they had no way to be present in person.

However, just watching the live broadcast in the company, they were all so excited that they couldn't help themselves.

Who would have thought that Qingyun Technology, which was established three months ago, would be able to acquire Houlang Network.

Anyone who joined the company could have imagined that the company would have such a bright moment one day.

And, employees watching the show now have a thought in their minds.

Perhaps, this is not the brightest moment in the development of Qingyun Technology, but just the beginning.

In the future, Qingyun Technology will definitely be more dazzling.

Liang Weinan, who was recuperating on the hospital bed, happened to turn on the TV at home.

When he saw that Qingyun Technology had acquired Houlang, his eyes were dull.

The quilt in his hand fell to the ground.

"Old Liang, what's the matter with you, you even dropped the cup on the ground while drinking water properly."

Liang Weinan's wife complained in a low voice, and took a broom from the kitchen.

But at this moment, Liang Weinan couldn't hear a word.

In his eyes, in his brain, and in his heart, there was news about Qingyun Technology's acquisition of Houlang.

In Xucheng.

Because Xu Cheng didn't have a local TV station and only broadcast, Su Ye's parents couldn't directly watch the TV content.

But listening to the news from the reporter of Xucheng People's Broadcasting Station in Jiangcheng, I was also very surprised.

"Patriotic, it seems that our son said before that the company he founded with his friends is called Qingyun Technology, right?"

"Don't talk, listen to the radio first."

Su Aiguo interrupted Meng Xiaojuan's words with a wave of his hand. Meng Xiaojuan rolled her eyes at him but said nothing more.

"Today, Qingyun Technology acquired Houlang Network, an established Internet company in China."

"This means that more outstanding young people and more great companies will emerge in our Longhan Internet industry."

"This acquisition is a big step for Qingyun Technology, but also a small step in the history of Longhan Internet."

"We have reason to believe that Qingyun Technology will continue to develop in the future and become a great Internet company going abroad."

"Patriotic, patriotic, it's really our son's company, he bought Houlang."

"I heard that, and that Li Qianqian, Mr. Li, isn't that the girl who came to see you with Su Ye last time?"

"You won't forget it, will you?"

"Remember, remember, how could I forget, our son is promising now, and he can start such a big company."

"Honey, you will tell the cafeteria later that you don't need to cook today. Let's go to Haolaideng last time. I'll treat you."

Juxian Pavilion in Jiangcheng.

Even the service staff in the conference hall couldn't help applauding.

Congratulations to Qingyun Technology for its acquisition.

The store manager of Juxian Pavilion, who got the news, also reported the news to his boss immediately.

Cao Zheng also said that he hadn't heard from Young Master Su Ye for a long time. He didn't expect Young Master Su to release such a big satellite after only seeing him for a month.

He quickly called Yang Li: "Old Yang, did you know that Young Master Su's company bought Houlang?"

"I know, Zhiyuan told me a few days ago."

"Why, you know."

Listening to Yang Li's teasing words, Cao Zheng only said: "Nonsense, I don't have a son in Qingyun Technology Company, how can I know these inside information."

"Cao Wei of our family runs around every day without seeing anyone, and goes to various parts of the country to recruit laid-off workers to the company."

"It is said that labor bureaus in several cities have sent thank you letters to our Shunfeng Express."

"Well, fine, as long as you are happy."

Yang Li responded indifferently: "Let's visit Young Master Su and see if there is anything that needs help."

"Okay, just right, I also want to take Cao Wei and Young Master Su to learn from them. Come to our Juxian Pavilion when the time comes."

"Okay, you must be poor, old man."

The two old men naturally didn't mention it when they talked, and we returned to the venue.

The signing table has been pulled down, and now it's time for Li Qianqian to accept questions from reporters.

"Mr. Li, first of all, congratulations to Qingyun Technology for acquiring Houlang. I think everyone has a question like me, how do you plan for Houlang's future development."

The first questioner was a reporter from Longhan Computer News.

As the media most closely related to the Internet, everyone wisely gave him the opportunity.

"Thank you for your question."

"As for Houlang Network's future development plan, we at Qingyun Technology have already made plans, but for now, this is still a secret, and I can't disclose it to everyone."

"However, I can assure you that after the new business is launched, it will not only save Houlang Company's current distressed financial problems, but also inject new vitality into the company."

Li Qianqian is actually not clear about the development plan after Houlang, but he wants to continue to expand the news attribute of the portal website.

In the future, Houlang will not only compete with NetEase and Shouhu in the same industry for first-hand news resources, but will also vigorously expand competition with traditional media.

Of course, this is just her own idea and plan.

She didn't know what was going on in Su Ye's mind, nor did Su Ye tell her.

"From Mr. Li's words just now, can I understand that before Qingyun Technology acquired Houlang, Houlang's financial situation was already very bad."

The computer newspaper reporter asked another question.

"Sorry, as we said just now, each reporter can only ask one question. Friends from the press, please sit down first."

"I don't think I need to answer this question. I believe that all the reporters and friends here should know something in their hearts."

"As of now, the wages of thousands of employees in Houlang Network have not been paid in November. In October, a large part of the wages have also been cut off."

"Anyone who knows something about the Internet knows that everyone likes to go to Wangnan and Shouhu for online advertising. The reason is that the news of these two companies is highly timely and accurate, and the most important thing is the number of users. many."

"The reason for the large number of users is that both companies have invested a lot in news. Looking back at Houlang, the scope of business has been shrinking over the past year, and now they can't even pay employees' salaries."

"Do you think their financial situation will be good?"

Li Qianqian explained with a smile, looked around the venue and Li Qianqian clicked a girl with blond hair to stand up.

"That reporter friend, please ask your question."

Because the distance was too far, Li Qianqian didn't see clearly that the blond girl was a foreigner, but just sighed in his heart that the reporter was so tall.

"Ni Hao~"

"Li Zong, I want to calm down, please Yun Keji after the acquisition of Houlang, will all the original employees be dismissed?"

Hearing her strange Longhan accent, Li Qianqian realized that this reporter turned out to be a foreigner.

In other words, the media she invited before were all domestic, and there were no foreign media.

(End of this chapter)

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