Chapter 307 Hello, Where Can I Find It Today?

"Qingyun Technology acquired Houlang?"

Is today April Fool's Day?

The current media is too immoral, even daring to release this kind of fake news.

Countless people looked at the news on NetEase and Slender Tiger with disdain.

Although it has not yet come to the time when the content of the opening picture is all edited for the sake of traffic.

But there are already signs of it.

When netizens see some news, they need to take the initiative to distinguish whether it is true or false.

There have been examples of this before.

When the news first came out, everyone believed it to be true.

Only a few hours later, the ending was reversed.

I thought it was over like this, but I didn't expect to wake up the next morning to find that the ending was reversed.

Because of one news incident, the editor made three pieces of news and plundered the netizens three times.

Everyone has been played by the unscrupulous editor over and over again.

Since then, when people read some news, especially the content with such shocking headlines, they will remind themselves in their hearts.

Don't be fooled by those editors again.

However, when someone curiously clicked into these news and saw the picture of Wang Dongzhi, the boss of Houlang Technology, shaking hands with Li Qianqian on the signing stage, he had to believe it.

If everyone remembers correctly, the beautiful young lady in the photo is Li Qianqian, the director of the administration department of Qingyun Technology, who once appeared on the "Business Observer" program.

Is it?

This is real?

Some masters who know PS began to analyze.

Every pixel in this picture is real, the editor adjusted the color and border at most when uploading, absolutely no fake.

In addition, many people used Qiandu to find the photo of Wang Dongzhi, the president of Houlang, and the photo of Li Qianqian receiving reporters in "Business Observer".

Everyone believed it.

What followed was an uproar.

This is impossible.

Houlang Network is a long-established top domestic Internet company.

No matter how good Qingyun Technology is, it has only been established for a few months. How can they acquire Houlang.

At this time, the emperor of analysis came out to analyze for everyone:

Houlang Network's financial situation and development in the past year or so have already been in trouble.

Not to mention other things, the November salary of Houlang employees has not been paid yet.

In addition, Houlang's shareholder team is also a group of mediocre people. They have invested in such a good project as Houlang, but their vision is poor.

After Houlang started to make a profit, he has been using most of the company's profits for personal enjoyment and squandering.

Even Wang Dongzhi and Wang Xiubo, the two veterans who founded Houlang, are like this.

Just when NetEase was actively developing stand-alone games and Shouhu was vigorously developing sports news business, only Houlang remained motionless.

It seems that everything in the outside world has nothing to do with me.

As for Qingyun Technology, all netizens who can surf the Internet now know that this Internet company in Jiangcheng has been aggressive and continuously expanding its business since its establishment.

It is not satisfied that QQ is the only one in the domestic market, but has added a series of websites such as Qzone, QQ Games, QQ Payment, and QQ Recruitment.

It forms a complementary trend with QQ, the chat software started by Qingyun Technology, which is like an integrated modern army, with long-range strikes, forced breakthroughs, luring the enemy deep, and beheading operations.

From the series of actions of Qingyun Technology, and looking at other Internet companies in China, other companies are pure infantry.

Or simple tank soldiers.

It looks powerful, but it is impossible to beat a company like Qingyun Technology anyway.

The analysis emperor finally came to a conclusion, if Longhan's Internet companies did not learn from Qingyun Technology, so that their business lines could complement each other and support each other, then in the future Internet world, none of the current top companies may exist .

Su Ye happened to read this article in the office.

Most of what the analysis emperor analyzed was still reasonable, but he didn't come from time travel.

Otherwise, you can understand Su Ye's purpose in planning the group's business in this way.

It is to form an Internet ecosystem dominated by QQ.

In other words, users can satisfy all their needs for surfing the Internet in the QQ world.

You can chat, play games, listen to songs for entertainment, browse news, and buy and pay.

If one day, Qingyun Technology's business can cover all businesses, it will be a real Internet empire.

Su Ye's heart moved, and he left a message under the analysis of the Emperor's content:

I am very interested in your analysis, can you add a QQ to chat in detail?

There is also Su Ye's personal QQ account attached below.

Why didn't Su Ye's company account stay, because Su Ye was worried about causing a riot.

Because, his company QQ account number is five digits.

Any netizen who sees this account's first reaction will not say that Su Ye is awesome, but will say that he is bragging.

Because of Su Ye's control, all QQ numbers on the market now start with 9 digits.

Except for some 8-digit, 7-digit, and 6-digit accounts that Su Ye occasionally sent out, netizens may have never seen a 5-digit account number.

I don't know if the analysis emperor on the other side didn't see Su Ye's message, or if he saw the message but didn't want to talk to him.

In short, Su Ye didn't wait for the other party to contact him until he was about to get off work.

It seems that you still have to do it yourself to have enough food and clothing.

Su Ye, as a top hacker in the world, naturally wouldn't be troubled by such a small problem.

Just considering that the other party is an ordinary netizen, there is no need to use hacking methods to wait until now.

Su Ye copied the other party's ID, then opened NetEase's webpage with the tracking software, and copied the ID in the search box.

Soon, the results came out.

The other party's IP address showed that it was in Haicheng, Su Ye hesitated for a second, and decided to hack into the other party's computer.


He Zaijin, the recorder of Haicheng Fengyuan Trading Company, was arguing with a sand sculpture netizen on the computer.

The other party actually said that his analysis just now was wrong.

What Qingyun Technology is the group army, will be able to unify the Internet in the future, purely release P.

In the future, it is absolutely necessary to focus on a company in a certain field in order to achieve the greatest success.

Because a person's energy is limited, a company's energy should also develop in one direction.

Multifaceted blooming looks good, and it may temporarily have an advantage now, but it will definitely be defeated by professional Internet companies in the future.

Su Ye saw that He Zaijin was arguing with each other, no wonder he didn't see the message he had left for him.

Because he wasn't an enemy, Su Ye didn't search for what was in He Zaijin's computer. After seeing the other party's QQ number, he retreated.

"Hello, I just left a message for you. I want to know why you think that in the future, the trend of Internet companies is to complement each other and complete the construction of the ecological chain."

After adding the other party's friend, Su Ye asked his own question.

He Zaijin was having a good time arguing with another guy, when he saw QQ flashing, he clicked on it habitually and saw Su Ye's message.

He was too lazy to reply, but when he saw the word "ecological chain" in Su Ye's question, his eyes lit up.

What group army.

What aircraft carrier formation.

He Zaijin always felt that his cognition of Qingyun Technology was inaccurate, but he couldn't find a more suitable word to describe it anyway.

Unexpectedly, this friend who didn't know when he added [Tian Dao Kuang Shao] was able to hit the nail on the head.

Ecological chain.

Yes, it is the ecological chain.

It seems that nature can form a complete ecological cycle by itself.

Internet companies should also have such an ecology.

If you only rely on a single business to collide with other businesses and huge companies, how can there be any hope of winning.

"Friend, ecological chain, your use of this word is really great."

"As for why I think companies that form an ecological chain will develop more than companies with a single model, the answer is actually very simple."

"Have you ever heard of the barrel theory?"

"It doesn't matter if you haven't heard of it, as long as you know, it is not the tallest board that determines how much water a wooden barrel can hold, but the short board of the wooden barrel."

As He Zaijin said, he also found a picture of a wooden barrel from Qiandu.

"If you compare an enterprise to a bucket, no matter how high your longboard is, it cannot accommodate too much business."

"Only by forming a closed loop and an ecological chain of the company's business can it be possible to reduce the risk of business operations and provide assistance to each other during business development."

"Look at the current QQ. If it is just a chat software, then it may be caught up or even surpassed by new chat software at any time."

"However, if you look at QQ, now there are Qzone, QQ Farm, QQ Games, QQ Music, QQ Recruitment, and QQ Payment."

"This series of businesses can support the continuous development of QQ business. At the same time, the huge QQ users will also provide the most basic user resources for these businesses."

"Now, it is relatively easy for major Internet companies to acquire users."

"As long as we adhere to the free strategy like QQ, the number of users will definitely increase gradually. The difference is whether it is fast or slow."

"But the population of the Longhan Empire is only 30 billion. This number may seem like a lot, but there are only a few people who can really use computers."

"I watched the press conference of Qingyun Technology and Houlang today, and learned some information. Their current number of users in China has basically reached its peak."

"If there is no technological breakthrough or increase in national income in a short period of time, then the number of users of Qingyun Technology will not increase."

"Do you agree with this?"

After talking for a long time, He Zaijin saw that the chat records were all his own words, so he reacted and asked Su Ye what he meant.


"Now there are 12 billion QQ users worldwide, but the number of domestic users has only increased by tens of millions in the past two months. On the contrary, foreign companies have opened up the market among foreigners with a free strategy. In a short period of time, they have gained nearly 5 billion users."

"At the same time, not only QQ business, QQ space, QQ farm, but also lead the life trend of foreigners."

Looking at the text sent by Su Ye, it was He Zaijin's turn to be surprised.

I am a master of words, and most of the time when I fight with people on the Internet, it is mutual explosion.

Anyway, everyone refuses to accept anyone, and they fight for the sake of fighting.

As a result, a netizen who came out of nowhere actually said something well-founded, and his analysis was very objective.

Probably not, the other party is the staff of Qingyun Technology.

"You, are you from Qingyun Technology? Is it okay to say this data?"

He Zaijin asked in a low voice.

After all, he is just a recorder of a trading company.

The biggest hobby every day is to fight with people online for a while.

If the other party leaks company secrets because of chatting with me, will I be held accountable?

"I'm from Qingyun Technology, and I'm very interested in your discussion."

"I don't know, are you willing to work at Qingyun Technology?"


He Zaijin stood up abruptly from his chair, staring at the content sent by Su Ye in a daze.

This, this is also okay?
I just quarreled with people on the Internet, and as a result, someone from Qingyun Technology came to recruit me.

This is too incredible.

Could the other party be a liar?

After being stunned for a full minute, He Zaijin finally came to his senses.

How can there be such a good thing in the world, just add someone on the Internet, that is, an employee of Qingyun Technology, and recruit yourself to join.

how is this possible.

As an adult, although I still dream occasionally.

But after waking up, he had surrendered to reality.

Do not daydream, most of the pies that fall from the sky are poisonous.

"You, are you telling the truth?"

"How do you prove that you are from Qingyun Technology?"

He Zaijin asked cautiously.

Although I have passed the age of dreaming, but what does it matter to ask.

When I go back to drinking and bragging with my friends, at least there are still topics to talk about.

When did I meet a liar on the Internet, and he wanted me to work at Qingyun Technology.

Isn't that just asking me for introduction fees, clothing fees, and medical examination fees?

Only fools are fooled.

"Which city are you in now, I'll have someone call you."


"Okay, Qingyun Technology has a branch in Haicheng, and someone will contact you later."

After Su Ye finished talking to He Zaijin, she called Zhou Yuanyuan and asked him to call He Zaijin to invite him to the Haicheng branch for an interview.

It was only when Zhou Yuanyuan picked up the phone that Su Ye realized it.

I didn't even ask He Zaijin's mobile phone number, how to get someone from the branch to contact him.

Forget it, it seems that he still needs to hack his computer.

"Mr. Zhou, wait a minute. I met someone on the Internet, and I think his thinking is not bad. I'll send you his phone number later, and you can ask someone to contact him."

"Who is it? It's investment or real estate."

At this time, Zhou Yuanyuan had already boarded the plane back to Haicheng. Fortunately, Su Ye made the phone call in time.

The stewardess has come out and told the passengers to turn off their mobile phones and fasten their seat belts.

"For analysis, I'll send you a call later."

"By the way, are you in the company now, and all the executives of our company will have dinner together tonight?"

"Thank you, Mr. Su. I have been in Jiangcheng for more than a week, and you didn't mention the dinner party. Now that the plane is about to take off, you told me to have a dinner party."

"You are sincere."

"Um, sorry, then, let's wait for the New Year."

"But since you're on the plane, I won't send you a message."

After speaking, Su Ye hung up the phone.

Really, if you don't say it earlier on the plane, you're wasting your time.

He sent the found He Zaijin's phone number to Zhao Xiaojing of the Administration Department, and asked her to arrange the Haicheng branch to handle the matter.

He Zaijin was still a little excited when Zai Su Ye told him to wait for the call.

The heart couldn't help beating fast and powerfully.

At this time, he was not interested in fighting with the guy just now, and took out his mobile phone and put it on the table to wait for Qingyun Technology's call.

"Xiao He, what are you doing, so pious."

"Could it be praying to God to give you a girlfriend in the new year?"

Lao Wang, who is in charge of delivery in Fengyuan Trading, came over and joked.

"What's your girlfriend in a hurry? I'm only 28, still young."

"This is the time to focus on your career."


Old Wang looked at the delivery list in front of He Zaijin and smiled: "Okay, you put your career first, please give me my list, I'm going to deliver the goods."

He Zaijin handed over the task of finding Old Wang from a pile of electronics: "It doesn't make sense to you, I'll tell you, maybe I won't hang out with your mother tomorrow."

"Oh, is that so? Are you planning to switch to Wanlai Trading on the opposite side?"

"Go, who said, what is the difference between the Wanlai trade that jumped and the current Fengyuan."

"I said, I might go to work for a big company."

"Just you? A big company?"

Old Wang gave He Zaijin a disdainful look, and was pushed and scolded by He Zaijin and kicked him out.

Just now, the Tiandao mad young master said that he wanted to call himself, so it should be true.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be revealing?
A good person should not be playing with himself.

He Zaijin looked at the chat records between himself and Tiandao Kuangshao just now, and he felt that everything was pretty good.

Every sentence is well-founded and well-founded.

That Tiandao Kuangshao is at most an ordinary employee of Qingyun Technology, and with his own level, it is not a problem to fool him.

He Zaijin picked up a stack of delivery notes that he had printed out, arranged them and put them aside.

On the table, a book on business management was revealed.

He is a child from the countryside. When he was admitted to Shanghai University of Economics, even the county magistrate, town chief and village chief came to his home.

In the end, if it is not for family reasons, he will definitely be able to study all the way to graduate school, or even Ph.D.

But no way.

The family is too poor.

Dad's leg was broken, and my mother was also diagnosed with lung cancer.

College students with bright futures can only be forced to drop out.

He even still remembers that when he left from Haicheng University of Economics, four professors personally sent him on the train, and they were full of pity, pity, pity.

However, the world is like this, he will definitely not favor or hate one person.

Since encountering such a thing, it is life.

This is life!

It's fate!
At this time, he suddenly looked up and checked the chat records between himself and Tiandao Kuangshao again.

Oh grass.

What a liar.

He doesn't even know his own phone number, how to call himself.

He Zaijin smiled wryly.

I just bragged to Lao Wang that I was going to work in a big company, but it turned out that the other party was a liar.

Hey ~
Even if you are not Qingyun Technology, even if you don't want to say this.

Give people hope, and then destroy it with your own hands.

Is this really fun?
He Zaijin closed the chat window between himself and Tiandao Kuangshao, and found his name in the friend interface.

Right mouse click.

"Yes/No delete friend Tiandao Kuangshao"

"Cannot be restored after deletion."

"Jingle bell, jingle bell!"

The landline beside him rang, and He Zaijin picked it up habitually: "Hi, Fengyuan Trading, I'm Xiao He, what do you need?"

"Uh, hello, I'm Qingyun Technology Haicheng Branch, let me find someone with the online name Jinhe in your company."

(End of this chapter)

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