Chapter 308 Catherine Playing the Legend

"I, I am!"

He Zaijin found that he was a little awkward in speaking.

At this time, he had no time to think about why the other party would call his company directly.

The only words in his mind are "Qingyun Technology".

"Okay, can I ask your real name, after all, it's not convenient to say the screen name,"

"My name is He Zaijin, and my online name is the reverse of my real name."

"Okay, hello Mr. He, just now I received an instruction from the headquarters to contact you about the entry interview."

"I'm going to get off work today, why don't we make an appointment after New Year's Day, you are on the 19th floor of Mingshan Building on Huangpu Road, if you can't find it, you can call me."

"Remember my number, 139********"

"Well, can I go now?"

He Zaijin looked at the time on the computer, it was only 16:40, Huangpu Road was not very far from their place, and it took 20 minutes to get there by subway.

He couldn't wait to verify the authenticity of this call.

Is it true that Qingyun Technology wants to recruit, or is it a prank played by Fengyuan Trading's colleagues.

"right now……"

The HR lady who called looked at the time and said embarrassingly: "Sorry, Mr. He, our company's off work time is 5 pm. If you come here at this time, our supervisor and interview leader will be off work."

"The company requires that we must leave work on time at 5 o'clock and strictly refuse to work overtime."

"Well, that's it, then I'll come to the company for an interview on January 1th."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, if you have any questions during this period, you can call me."

After the personnel lady hung up the phone, He Zaijin looked at the string of numbers he had recorded just now and fell into deep thought.

Myself, this is the rhythm of entering Qingyun Technology?
Listening to the other side talking about the real thing, isn't it a lie to yourself.

He Zaijin made up his mind, since he couldn't go now, he might as well go to Mingshan Building after get off work.

After making a decision, He Zaijin looked at the [Heavenly Knife Mad Shao] interface that he was about to delete in front of him, and moved the mouse to another place.

Whether this person is a liar or not, I will know after I go to see it tonight.

Let's save his life first.

At this time, Su Ye was no longer in front of the computer.

He was dragged to the office area of ​​the QQ game department by Wang Yifei.

"Boss Su, whatever you say tonight, you have to work overtime with us."

"Legend of Hot Blood will be launched in one hour, and then we will watch the data together at the first time."

Su Ye hesitated for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

To be honest, he can feel the pressure Wang Yifei has been facing recently.

Especially after he told him which two suggestions at the year-end summary meeting, Wang Yifei was even more busy.

Just like that, he also took the time to go to Hong Kong City for two days to check on the commercial shooting.

"By the way, Mr. Su, when it comes to the shooting of this commercial, I have to say that you are truly a genius."

"Oh? How to say."

Su Ye asked knowingly.

"The advert you gave me didn't seem special at first glance, but you know, it became very interesting after being uttered by those stars."

"Interesting? What's the point?"

"Come on, let me teach you a lesson."

"Big tie, I'm Tianle, I'm slag, I'm a legend, Jiesili has never saved a new version of the boat, I need to experience it for three minutes, Lizao will fuck me, love like a festival game .”

Wang Yifei couldn't help laughing while learning from the colleagues next to him.

They have seen this advertisement several times, but every time they hear such a magical advertisement, they still can't help it.

"Okay, I got it."

"What is the effect of this advertisement?"

Su Ye is worried that in the current environment, people can't see the video and hear the sound, and the brainwashing effect of the advertisement will be worse.

"No problem, Mr. Su, the effect is so good."

"Didn't you see, our game hasn't been launched yet, just because of this promotional video, tens of thousands of posts are posted on our forum every day."

"This data has reached the original highest posting record in the Stone Age."


Speaking of this, Su Ye remembered the Stone Age.

Recently, I have been busy with the Qingyun Technology Conference. I don’t know if there is a solution for the launch of the Legend of Blood in the Stone Age.

"President Su, the stone age has been very quiet these past few days."

"They also did an activity to imitate Mr. Zhuang on Christmas Eve, but the effect was not satisfactory."

"In the various servers of the Stone Age, the peak online players are only two or three thousand."

"That's all, and they all use plug-ins."

"The Stone Age, it's over."

Wang Yifei said something regrettably.

As an opponent, he was too aware of the frenzy that went online in the Stone Age at that time.

He was startled, and ran to Su Ye's office to report this issue to Su Ye.

Unexpectedly, it was just over 2 months.

Not only did the Stone Age fail to create his brilliance, but he was hit by Su Ye's series of methods to the point where he couldn't take care of himself.

Now that Legend of Blood is online, it is bound to grab some, no, a large number of players from the Stone Age.

In the future, everyone on the Internet will be discussing Legend of Blood, and the Stone Age will naturally gradually decline.

When the cost of income cannot support the operation of Jiufeng Company, Jiufeng will either choose to quit the game industry, or re-develop a game by itself.

Now in the domestic Internet industry, many companies have seen the ability of Jiufeng Games to attract money.

They are also vigorously developing their own game projects, and the fastest growing one is undoubtedly Wangpan, one of the three major Internet companies in Longhan.

They originally put part of their focus on the game market.

However, before their personnel were all making stand-alone games, if they switch to online games now, it may take some time to get used to it.

Even so, they will be faster than most domestic Internet companies.

It's just that they definitely couldn't think of it.

The name of the first domestically produced game will actually fall on Qingyun Technology's bloody legend.

I heard that Ding Sanshi has been urging the internal game department to speed up the development progress.

At the same time, after seeing the rise and fall of the Stone Age, they also stepped up the development of anti-cheat systems.

This is the rhythm of going tough with Legend of Blood.

It's just that no one knows the style of the online game newly developed by NetEase.

The last time Wang Yifei heard from a senior player that Wangnan's new game was related to one of the four traditional classics of Long Han.

Wang Yifei was even more confused when he got the news.

The four great classics of Long Han, Journey to the West, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Outlaws of the Marsh, and Dream of Red Mansions.

The contents of these books are not suitable for programming games.

Journey to the West?Is it possible that the player wants to control Monkey King to protect Tang Seng to go to the West to learn scriptures?

This mode is not impossible, but Wang Yifei feels that if Journey to the West is to be adapted, it may be more suitable for stand-alone games.

There is also Romance of the Three Kingdoms, is it going to be a real-time strategy game?

This one seems pretty good.

Go back and tell Mr. Su about this idea. If Mr. Su agrees, then create an online game of the Three Kingdoms type.

Water Margin?
Change to a multiplayer online PK game.

You call yourself Sajia, I call you brother.

Everyone still has a nickname for themselves?

It's quite exciting to think about it.

As for Dream of Red Mansions, uh, Wang Yifei has never watched Dream of Red Mansions, so I don’t know if Dream of Red Mansions is suitable for adaptation into a game.

I heard that Dream of Red Mansions is a bit of a book. If such content is put in an online game, it is likely that it will not be approved by the Cultural Affairs Bureau.

"President Su, I heard that NetEase is also developing online games, so we have to pay attention."

"Well, look at it, if the other party makes a game related to the four classics, please remember to tell me."


Wang Yifei was stunned.

I only found out about this news by chance, so why did Boss Su also know about it?


Wang Yifei told Su Ye the news he had heard some time ago, and also explained his own analysis.

"Is that so?"

Su Ye remembered that the current NetEase is very similar to a certain company in the previous life, and it also went from a portal station to a game manufacturer.

It is indeed what Wang Yifei said that is related to the four great classics and can be made into a game.

Only three masterpieces will be turned into games.

In the previous life, various Journey to the West and Three Kingdoms games flooded the market.

It seems that apart from this IP, there are no other good ideas in China.

However, let alone, even if Su Ye played some games for leisure, he would still play Three Kingdoms.

Because of the baptism of TV series, books, and movies for so many years, he has a certain memory of the characters and events in the Three Kingdoms.

Is it the tradition of the Chinese people, cook well but not raw.

There will always be more intimacy with things that are familiar to you.

"Okay, let's talk about this matter later, and now let's implement the matter of the legend of blood."

"How many groups of servers do you plan to open today, and how many people each group of servers can accommodate online."

"I have communicated with President Shi of Jiuwenlong Company about this."

"Today we have to be well-prepared, and we can't encounter problems of freezing or being unable to enter the game when players experience the game for the first time."

"I have prepared a total of 80 groups of servers, and as soon as one server reaches the warning line, a new server will be opened immediately."

"In addition, while waiting for login, I also embedded a small program in the login device, so that everyone can play small games to pass the time."

"At present, a group of servers can accommodate up to 5 people online."

"In other words, as long as there are no more than 400 million players coming today, we don't have any problems."


Su Ye was stunned when he heard the number.

Could it be that Wang Yifei underestimated too little.

You must know that any game in the future will dare to say that millions of people are online, and at most tens of millions of people are playing the game at the same time.

400 million, where is this?

"Yifei, call Mr. Shi now, if possible, leave us another [-] sets of servers."


"Ah what, hurry up."


Wang Yifei does not believe that there will be 800 million people playing Legend of Blood by then.

If there are really so many people, then the legend of hot blood can be said to have blown the record of the stone age at the beginning.

When the Stone Age was first launched, the peak number of players reached more than 390 million.

After Su Ye made a move, the number of players kept decreasing.

And because of the online sight, there was no longer a grand occasion where 390 million players were online at the same time.

Even the million online will only appear on some special days.

After chatting with Shi Jin for a few words and finalizing the server matters, Wang Yifei looked at the time, and it was already 17:52.

In 8 minutes, Legend of Blood will be online.

What will it be like then?

Zhao Lei is a college student at Haicheng Business College.

Die-hard gamers from the Stone Age.

To put it bluntly, for a month, he only ate steamed buns, pickled vegetables and drank plain water, just to invest all his living expenses into the Stone Age.

Such a player is definitely hardcore.

However, since the number of players using cheats increased in the Stone Age, he felt that the game was not interesting.

I also tried the plug-in with my brothers in the same guild, and found that playing games like this is not fun at all.

Slowly, he gradually broke away from the ranks of mainstream players in the Stone Age.

Coincidentally, the time is also at the end of the year, and universities usually have a holiday earlier.

He began to focus on his studies.

Otherwise, if you fail the course, the school will have to mail the transcript to your family.

It's not easy for parents to provide for their own schooling, so let them worry less.


Today Zhao Lei did not go to the library to read and review as usual.

He sent four, definitely not because the long-haired lady in the library went home for the holidays.

It's because his long-awaited Legend of Blood will be launched today.

"Brothers, everyone is ready."

"This time into the game, let's all choose fighters and remember."

"Remember, Mr. Lei."

"Don't worry, Mr. Lei, to play this kind of game, you have to use fighters to feel it."

"I've watched that game video, and it's still the most exciting for soldiers to play."

"Okay, okay, everyone just remember."

"By the way, Mr. Lei, should we put the price symbol in front of the name, so that when we establish a guild in the future, everyone's name will be unified."

"Okay, no problem, wait for me to look for it."

Zhao Lei is a young man, and now there are many popular symbols on the Internet.

Everyone will change the name to a unified one, which can show the cohesion of a family or a guild.

However, in the Stone Age before, Zhao Lei bought a name change card for 10 yuan in order to change his name.

This time, preparing ahead of time can save you a lot of money.

After searching for a long time, Zhao Lei found this symbol.

It just so happens that they all choose the warrior profession, and the warrior profession must be the most handsome with a broadsword.

Send the symbol to the group, and everyone thinks it is very good.

"Mr. Lei, why don't we just call it the Big Sword Club."

"Okay, but I have to add two words."

"What word."

"Brotherhood of Big Swords."

"In the future, we will fight in the game of Legend of Blood. If anyone is wronged in it, everyone should help."

"Because we are brothers."

"it is good."

"Brothers, it's almost 6 o'clock, everyone, open the legendary logger."

"Choose the region to the three-region hegemony server, don't make a mistake."

"If you make a mistake, come back as soon as possible."

"The first seven levels of legend are free, everyone hurry up and upgrade."

Zhao Lei confirmed the server information for entering Legend of Blood with everyone for the last time, and then sat quietly in front of the computer, waiting for the passage of time.

And in Jiangcheng, Catherine, an American girl recommended by Li Qianqian, also downloaded the Legend of Blood login device on her computer.

To register a QQ account, or log in directly with a QQ account.

I already have a QQ account.

Catherine entered her account password and clicked to enter.

Because I was an international student in Longhan for two years, I can understand most of the basic Longhan Chinese listening and reading.

However, writing and speaking are worse.

Well, yes, she is an imported talent.

Entering the character creation interface, Catherine directly typed her screen name.

love strong.

Because she has a boyfriend in the beautiful country.

My elder brother's boyfriend is a fitness trainer, and his muscles are as hard as rocks.

So she changed her screen name to this.

If this game is fun, I will play it for Strong after returning to China.

When choosing a character, she didn't know which profession she should choose, so she chose a mage directly.

Entering the game, the first thing is to put on your clothes and hold the wooden stick in your hand.

Career seems to give Catherine a little security.

Then, she saw countless players thinking about running outside.

Someone is killing a chicken, someone is killing a scarecrow.

She even saw a jerk and went straight for the rake cat.

The result is naturally instant kill.

This game looks interesting.

Catherine also manipulates the person she created to rush forward and start attacking a chick.

"Don't hit me, don't hit me."

Catherine whispered a prayer.

In the end, it was okay not to pray, but just after praying, a big rooster jumped up and pecked her hard.


"Let you peck me!"

Catherine was furious, picked up the wooden stick in her hand and started to attack the chicken.

The picture is dark.

Catherine hadn't replenished blood all the time, and was pecked to death when she attacked the second cock.


"I'll be back."

Catherine logged in again, but saw that there was nothing in front of her, and there was no chicken beside her.

Even the scarecrows in the distance were almost wiped out.

Catherine walked over and saw that those people had a big knife on their heads, and they looked very handsome.

"Hello, how did you make that knife on your head?"

Catherine can type English.

Among the crowd, only Zhao Lei could barely see what she posted.

"Is this what you said?"


"Yes, this is it, can you tell me how to do it?"

Zhao Lei understood the meaning of this sentence completely.

"Brother, can you play Dragon Chinese? You don't have to be so good at it, right?"

"This is the sign of the big sword..."

Zhao Lei wanted to bring in some more people for his trade union, so he turned his head and said:
"This is a symbol that only our Dao Guild has. You must join our trade union to have it."

(End of this chapter)

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