Chapter 309 The Highest Number of People Online (Seeking a Monthly Ticket)
No one will know, in the first hour after Legend of Blood goes live.

A guild jointly formed by Longhan and Meiguo was established.

In the legend, Qingyun Technology sells name-changing cards.

The price is not expensive, as long as 1 gold coin is equal to 1 Longhan coin.

But instructions for use are limited.

A player can only change his name once in the same server.

In the mall in the game, apart from props such as name-changing cards, there are other props that will not affect the combat power even if the player uses them.

For example the name Shiny.

For example, walking with the wind.

In short, Su Ye learned from the League of Legends in his previous life, and only made some fancy things in the mall.

As long as the player looks cool, handsome, and dazzling, there are no other functions.

About an hour later, a player was the first to reach level 7 after struggling desperately for a long time.

This is a player who chooses the mage profession.

"Dear player, your character level has reached level 7."

"If you need to continue the game, you need to buy a point card."

"Currently, the price of the weekly card is 9.9 yuan, and the price of the monthly card is 29.9 yuan."

That mage player who can upgrade to level 7 so quickly is definitely not an ordinary person.

Choose to recharge 1000 yuan without hesitation.

Buy all point cards.

In addition, at Beach's bookstore, he bought the first mage skill book in the server, Thunderbolt.

When he walked in the field and killed a nail rake cat with a single strike of lightning, the group of players next to him were all envious.

"Grooving, boss, what kind of skill is this, it looks so cool."

"Yes, boss, how much does this skill attack?"

"One hit can kill the rake cat in seconds. If you encounter a half-orc, it's probably only two hits at most."

But the player didn't say a word, and went straight into the depths of the jungle.

After a while, he ran out of the jungle in a mess.

"Boss, why are you running so fast?"

"Did you meet the boss?"

The mage player still didn't say a word, went back to Beach to find the drugstore merchant, bought a few sets of red, and a few sets of blue before setting off again.

at the same time.

Many players discovered the legendary hidden gameplay.

After you kill the deer, you can squat on the ground and cut the venison.

When you kill the chicken, you can also cut the chicken.

Grocery merchants charge different prices for meat of different quality.

Some people actually got the first piece of equipment during the free period.

There are also people who walk silently when others are running because of the weight problem.

"President Su, President Su."

Wang Yifei couldn't help but screamed.

"What's wrong."

Su Ye didn't sleep well last night, she didn't even eat anything just now, and fell asleep while leaning on the chair.

Hearing Wang Yifei's shout, he quickly opened his eyes and asked.

"President Su, the number of online users has exceeded 200 million now."

"Oh, 200 million, don't worry."

Su Ye replied and continued to doze off.

Wang Yifei looked at Su Ye helplessly, and could only say that Mr. Su is Mr. Su.

This mentality is really good.

Before Legend went online, he actually had a goal in mind.

If you can reach 100 million online people, it is considered a pass.

Reaching 200 million is not bad.

If you are lucky and can reach 300 million, it indicates that Legend of Blood is no worse than the Stone Age model made in Gou Ri's country.

Keeping his eyes on the computer screen, Wang Yifei looked at the ever-increasing number of online users and the funds that had already begun to be generated for purchases, and it became more and more difficult to restrain his excitement.

"Mr. Wang, shall we still work overtime tonight?"

A colleague asked.

After all, today is the last day of the Year of the Rat, and many people want to go back to celebrate the New Year with their family members or girlfriends.

If you have to work overtime, then...

"No overtime, no overtime, the legend is online, everyone will look at the data tomorrow."

"Oh, no, tomorrow is New Year's Day."

"Then I wish you all a happy new year. It just so happens that there has been a lot of overtime work recently, so you can come to the company according to the duty schedule."

"Take a good rest these days."

"Okay, Mr. Wang, then let's go first."

As the crowd continues to leave, the data of Legend of Blood is getting higher and higher.

220 million.

240 million.

260 million.

280 million.

290 million.

Go on, go on.

For the game's revenue, Wang Yifei doesn't care much for the time being.

There must be enough players to enter the game, then the revenue will definitely not be too bad.

Today is the first day of Legend of Blood online, if you want to achieve the record of the highest online number, then today is the best choice.

Otherwise, after today, players will not have a fixed time to go online.

If you want to create a record for the highest number of online users, it will definitely be much more difficult than today.

"Mr. Wang, someone recharged 10 in the game just now."


Wang Yifei hurried over and saw that the recent recharge record was being recorded on his colleague's computer.

He clicked on the highest recharge record and took a look.

"Xiao Zhang, quickly call the player and ask if there is a mistake in recharging."

"If there is a problem, we arrange a refund right away."

"Okay Mr. Wang."

Xiao Zhang agreed, then called up the player's information from the background and started making calls.

In order to better serve players, Wang Yifei required all players to bind their mobile phone accounts when logging in to their accounts when the game was launched.

This is because Su Ye told him before that there are many brats playing games now.

If they recharge the game with their family's money, they must contact the other party's family in time.

No matter how much he consumes, he will be given the full amount.

Su Ye can't do what some live broadcasting platforms in the later generations do, taking the money and killing it.

Firstly, he is not short of money.

Secondly, there is no need for him to earn such unconscionable money.

Really rich families may not care about the children spending one or two thousand on their own.

But to find a game company for thousands of dollars, it must mean that the family is not rich.

It's no problem for Su Ye to make money by developing games, but he will never earn this kind of hard-earned money from other people's families.

and so.

Binding the account to the mobile phone number is to let the bear child play the game and notify the parents at home.

In this way, even if there is any problem, the family members can control it as soon as possible.

In addition, the mobile phone number binding function also has a hidden function.

When a player spends more than 8 hours online that day, the background of Legend of Blood will send a message to the bound mobile phone number.

Remind players to pay attention to rest.

At the same time, this message will also appear in the form of a pop-up window in the game.

Moderate games benefit the brain, excessive games hurt the body, arrange time reasonably, and enjoy a healthy life!
A person's life is very long, and games are certainly fun, but please don't spend all your time and energy on games.

"President Su, President Su."

"Oh, what's wrong."

Su Ye didn't sleep deeply after being slapped awake by Wang Yifei just now.

At this time, Wang Yifei shouted, and he immediately opened his eyes.

"It has broken through 300 million."

"Don't worry, what time is it now?"

"It's 07:30 now."

"Well, wait until 8 o'clock. If 8 o'clock has not exceeded the highest number of people online in the Stone Age, then we don't have to wait tonight."

"Okay, President Su, I have something else to tell you."

"Just now a player recharged 10 Longhan Coins in the game. I asked someone to call him, but the phone said he was in arrears."

"I worry……"

"You're worried that the brat spent the parents' savings to recharge, right?"

Wang Yifei nodded.

"You first call 10086 to check the phone number of the other party. If the arrears are not much, the company will help him make up for it."

"This matter must be resolved as soon as possible."


Chen Kai is operating the characters on his computer to run out of the city.

I don't know anything about the downtime of my phone arrears.

He was led to a bow and arrow guard by several players outside the city just now, but he was killed by the bow and arrow guard without paying attention.

And those players who attracted him were still triumphantly sneering and sarcastic beside his corpse.

In a fit of anger, Chen Kai recharged the payment he had just received into the legendary account.

This is the payment he received after traveling all day today.

At night, because Legend of Blood was online, I ran out from the hotel where I was staying to play games.

When playing games, what you play is a cool word.

How could he bear being bullied like this.

After being resurrected again, he browsed the game mall and found that there were no props that could improve his strength.

I can't help but get angry.

Isn't it all for making money when people make games?

You Qingyun Technology are not fools, right? I have recharged so much, but there is no way to improve my strength.

But now that the money has been recharged and turned into game currency, Chen Kai simply started calling people in the beach safe zone.

"50 gold per person, and 10 helpers to PK."

"Brother, I'm coming, I'm coming."

In an instant, Chen Kai's game character was surrounded by a group of mages, priests and warriors.

"Don't worry, don't worry, according to the level, you need 3 mages, 5 fighters, and 2 Taoist priests."

Soon, Chen Kai assembled his team and ran out of the city.

He gave everyone an advance payment of 1 gold, and he said that he would make up the rest of the money after the PK was over.

Everyone saw that Chen Kai had paid 10 gold in one go, and they trusted him in their hearts.

When he saw those guys, Chen Kai's cell phone rang.

After hanging up impatiently, Chen Kai said in the game: "Brothers, come on, just a few of them."


Everyone swarmed up.

Just when Chen Kai was about to rush up, the phone in his pocket rang again.

He picked it up impatiently: "Hey, who is it?"

"Hello, sir. I am the customer service of Legend of Blood. Are you Mr. Chen?"

"Oh, I am."

Chen Kai wondered, "What do you want from me?"

"Hello, this is the case. Just now I saw a recharge of 10 yuan on your account. Is it you who operated it?"

"Well, yes."

I recharge a value in the game, even if the amount is relatively large, do I need to make a special call?
"Okay, in order to prevent others from recharging the game without your consent, we have established a strict review system."

"Since you completed the recharge yourself, don't bother."

"Have a nice game."

"Well, thank you."

Chen Kai heard the other party's customer service's explanation, and the depression in his heart that was beaten to death by other players just now dissipated a little.

Blood Legend, seems to be a little different.

After killing all those players with 10 hired helpers, Chen Kai transferred the remaining gold coins to them as promised.

Seeing how many people were about to leave, Chen Kai typed and asked:
"Brothers, I am going to set up a guild, are you interested in playing together?"

A few people hardly thought about it, and typed out "No problem".

For a rich man like this, would he still consider sending out an invitation?
Just now, I just helped to hit someone, fifty for one person, five hundred for ten people.

As I said before, most of the players who play games now are students.

In just a short time, he has earned the money for a monthly card. With such a boss, he will definitely not have to worry about remuneration in the future, and maybe he can earn some pocket money.

In this way, the number one guild war gang in the server will be established in the future.

In the future, with the help of the members of the guild, Chen Kai made the first verdict in the whole district, and exchanged this weapon for a big deal that could earn several million.

"Yifei, help me make bucket noodles."

"I'm a little hungry."

"Okay, Mr. Su, I happen to have a bucket too."

Su Ye couldn't rest after tossing and turning, so she asked Wang Yifei to make him some instant noodles.

"How much is it now?"

He walked to Wang Yifei's computer and saw that there were already 360 million people online.

Now that the game has just been launched, it is time for everyone to play with passion.

Su Ye took another look at the payment rate.

The current payment rate should also be the peak moment in history.

All are new players, all can level up to level 1 within 2-7 hours.

Players who experience this kind of real-time combat game for the first time are in the novelty time.

Moreover, Su Ye reckoned that as a large number of players leveled up, it would be unavoidable to PK monsters.

To know.

In order to retain the first batch of players, Wang Yifei increased the game explosion rate a lot after the launch and after the three-day holiday.

Basically, if you hit 3-4 mobs, Golden Sore Elixir will pop out.

Playing more than 10 will also burst out the spirit potion.

And Wang Yifei made an activity similar to continuous check-in.

You will get 10 experience books when you log in on the first day, and you can get them as long as you are online for one hour.

Now the player level is still low, 10 experience books are almost enough for everyone to upgrade to one or two levels.

Log in the next day and get 30 bottles of Xiaojin sore medicine or 30 bottles of Xiaolan medicine.

I believe that after playing for a day, everyone will understand the importance of potions in legends.

On the third day, directly receive the skill book and a weapon during the occupational level 16-18.

In the bookstore of the previous life, you can buy skill books after reaching a high level for each profession at the beginning.

This time, Su Ye asked the bookstore to sell the first skill books of each profession, and other skills needed to be killed to explode.

Of course, the burst rate cannot be too low.

Players will enjoy the thrill of reaping rewards after hard work.

But absolutely no one likes being abused.

In addition to the ice roar of the mage, the dog book of the Taoist priest, and the fire of the warrior.

Other skills are relatively easy to explode some.

"Hey, President Su."


Wang Yifei came back with two bowls of instant noodles, pointed at the computer screen and said loudly.


Twenty thousand is still short of the record for the highest number of online users set by the Stone Age two months ago.

"Don't panic, there are still about 8-7 minutes before 8 o'clock."

Wang Yifei put down the instant noodle bowl excitedly.

Even though the number was right in front of his eyes, he still couldn't believe it.

This game, which is completely independently produced by Qingyun Technology, can equal the record of the Stone Age in China.

If the number can continue to grow, then can I also learn from the Chiyo company in Gouri's country, and put the games produced by Longhan in the world to compete with the Stone Age for users.

Thinking of this, Wang Yifei became excited.

If the legend of blood is exported, there are both favorable and unfavorable conditions.

The advantage is that now Qingyun Technology has started a plan to go abroad.

Now the global QQ users have reached 5 million people, which is not weaker than the domestic development speed at all.

Even, today is 5 million, maybe after the end of the New Year's Day holiday, this number will increase a lot.

And there are disadvantages too.

The Stone Age has always been promoted abroad.

Whether it is Asia or Europe and the United States, there are many loyal players.

What if QQ Games spends a lot of manpower, material and financial resources to release Legend of Blood abroad, but there is no good response.

For a while, Wang Yifei hesitated again.

"What's the matter, what are you thinking?"

Su Ye opened his bowl of instant noodles and found that Wang Yifei had just made noodles for himself.

Not even a ham sausage was added.

I turned my head and was about to ask him, but I saw this guy with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Um, I'm wondering if our blood legend can be exported abroad like the Stone Age in Gou Ri's country."

"Of course you can."

In the previous life, the legend of blood only exploded in China.

Instead, few people play it in the country where the game is made.

The time is different now, and the company operating this matter has also changed to its own Qingyun Technology.

When the boss in the previous life went abroad to discuss the agency rights of Legendary, it could be said that he was at the bottom of the boat.

Now, Qingyun Technology is rich and powerful, with sufficient and professional staff.

Isn't it possible to spread this game to the whole world?
"Since you have this idea, you should prepare early."

"However, it's not too late to start now."

"No, President Su, in fact, I have had this idea a long time ago."

"However, at that time, I didn't know that our legend of blood would be so popular."

"Damn it, it's broken 400 million."

Because of chatting with Su Ye, Wang Yifei suddenly turned his head to look at the screen, and found that the highest number of people online suddenly increased by a large amount.

It jumped from more than 389 million to 402 million at once.

"calm down."

"I'm going to get a ham sausage, do you want it?"

"No, I have it."

Wang Yifei answered casually, and his eyes were fixed on the computer.



Su Yexin said that you know how to get one for yourself, but you don't know that you can also get one for me.

"Wang Yifei, count yourself as cruel!"

Su Ye has already started to calculate.

During this period of time, Wang Yifei has been working overtime for so long, so it's impossible without some punitive measures.

Just now, when Li Qianqian came home from get off work, she told Su Ye that Wang Yihan was here.

Moreover, there must be something between Wang Yihan and Wang Yifei.


Su Ye rolled his eyes and decided to give Wang Yifei an unusual vacation.

Go to work at 9:12 am and leave work at [-]:[-] noon every day.

It will not delay the company's normal work, and there is enough time to play with Wang Yihan.

Ever since Su Ye revealed his relationship with Li Qianqian, he suddenly had the urge to match others up.

However, several senior executives in the company are men older than themselves, and they are either married or have regular girlfriends.

Only Wang Yifei has not solved his single problem.

"Boss Su, it's 450 million!"

(End of this chapter)

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