Chapter 310 The Arrangement of the Back Wave (seeking a monthly ticket)
Legend's highest online number was finally fixed at 520 people.

The next day, Wang Yifei took the initiative to work overtime and disclosed the news to media reporters.

Suddenly there was an uproar.

The media have been amazed that the era of domestic games has arrived.

Netease Technology also immediately issued a message saying.

NetEasy has set up a game department, and is producing a brand new game based on the ancient myths of the Dragon and Han Dynasty - Journey to the West, which will be launched before the new year.

A newly established Chaoyang Technology in Haicheng also sent a message saying that they are negotiating with a game company in the beautiful country.

A brand new stand-alone game will be launched soon, life and death.

For a while, the game industry became a topic of discussion in the domestic media.

Countless ordinary people have also expressed concern about the growing number of games.

Nowadays, children have a lot of schoolwork, and most teenagers lack self-control ability, if they are caught in the game.

The future generation of Long Han is likely to be lost in the game.

In the end, it was Longhan's domestic cultural department that held a press conference.

It is said that the increasing number of games on the domestic Internet market recently has worried parents. The Ministry of Culture will study and introduce corresponding measures as soon as possible to control the game industry.

At the same time, invite domestic companies that are interested in developing in the game industry to hold the first domestic game industry development seminar in the imperial capital to solve this problem.

Qingyun Technology also received this notice.

As the current leader of the domestic game industry, Legend of Blood has broken many records created before the Stone Age.

After receiving the news, Wang Yifei didn't dare to neglect, so he directly called Su Ye who was watching a movie with Li Qianqian outside.

"Go normally, don't worry."

"Our Legend of Blood has already taken a series of anti-addiction measures."

"We will introduce our method at the meeting. If everyone has a better method, we can also adopt it."

After Su Ye finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

It is a matter of course that the empire wants to restrict the game industry.

No one will allow the game industry to develop in disorder.

And Qingyun Technology has already taken the lead in this matter.

Whether it is the mobile phone number binding information notification, or the online time of the day must not exceed 8 hours, it is Qingyun Technology's active response to this matter.

Speaking of Wang Yifei, Su Ye couldn't help feeling helpless again.

He has given Wang Yifei a vacation and asked him to spend more time with Wang Yihan.

When seeing Wang Yihan in the company two days ago, Su Ye felt that something was wrong with her.

Just like Li Qianqian said, I can't cheer up.

Wang Yihan, whom I saw on TV before, is full of aura and energy.

It seems that nothing can stump this heroic female reporter.

But seeing it this time, Su Ye felt that the other party had no energy.

Think about what problem you encountered.

Su Ye probably knows Wang Yifei's attitude and thoughts towards Wang Yihan.

Isn't it just greedy for people's bodies?

Hustle and inquire every day, and almost write the word licking the dog on his face.

"Qianqian, tell me, can Wang Yifei catch up with Wang Yihan in the end? I'm so worried about the two of them."

"Why are you in a hurry?"

Li Qianqian stuffed herself with a mouthful of popcorn and asked nonchalantly.

Xin said, when you were chasing me, I didn't see you so active.

Seeing Wang Yifei now, you know you are in a hurry, right?

"Can I be in a hurry?"

Su Ye glanced at the boring movie screen, and continued.

"Wang Yifei is an executive of our company. If his mood is wrong, it will definitely affect the company's business development."

"You didn't see that, when you were on a business trip in the imperial capital, Wang Yifei was so distraught every day that he didn't even think about work."

"If I hadn't told him about it, I don't know when Legend of Blood will be online."


Li Qianqian knew that this was Su Ye's reaction to being idle.

If you are so busy every day that you don't touch the ground, you can't even take care of yourself, how can you have time to take care of others.

"By the way, didn't you say that the Empire provided our company with an interest-free loan of 20 billion?"

"When will you come down?"

Li Qianqian couldn't tell Su Ye that he knew everything about this matter.

Every little thing must be paid attention to, to avoid being discovered by Su Ye about his real family background.

As for when and how to tell Su Ye that his father is the prime minister of the empire.

Li Qianqian didn't have a plan in mind.

Anyway, keep it a secret.

"I don't know. My father-in-law said that we are going through the procedure. At that time, we will set up a special account for our company and transfer the money into it."

"Speaking of this matter, Qianqian, you said we are not short of money now, so what are we going to do with the 20 billion?"

"What are you doing? Isn't it for you to develop the company?"

"What do you want to do, buy a car, buy a house, raise a mistress?"

"That, that can't."

Su Ye was full of desire to survive.

"Now I have a car, I have a house, and I have a gentle, considerate, considerate and beautiful girlfriend who looks like a fairy. The great goal of life has been achieved, so I don't think so much about what I have."

Li Qianqian gave him a similar expression.

"Then, aren't you planning to develop the area near our Youth Innovation Park? Wouldn't it be fine if you put money into it?"

"If it's 20 billion, I don't think it's enough to spend."

"Don't worry about this, there is no shortage of money."

"Qianqian, why don't I give you part of the 20 billion. After New Year's Day, you said you would go to the capital to take over Houlang. I'll definitely spend a lot of money on a new idea for you."

"I do not want."

Li Qianqian categorically refused: "I went to Houlang to move, and let all the staff relocate to Jiangcheng. For the new business, you should find someone to do it."

"I'm not interested in running a company right now, I just want to help you, lest others say that I rely on your relationship to get into the position."

Hearing this, Su Ye became anxious.

Li Qianqian's current management skills have reached the professional level four.

If this kind of talent is placed by his side to do odd jobs, isn't it a waste of money?

"Qianqian, you can't."

"You said that you are so strong and talented, it would be a waste if you don't manage the company and follow me every day."

"Yes, as your boyfriend, of course I hope you can be with me every day."

"However, you are an independent person and should have your own life and career development plans."

"I hope that while you are my girlfriend, you can have a wonderful and rich life."

Li Qianqian turned to look at Su Ye.

At this time, the movie didn't appeal to her at all.

The popcorn in my hand suddenly became stale.

If I remember correctly, this is the first time Su Ye has taken the initiative to discuss future life plans with her since the two established their relationship.

"Su Ye, tell me, what kind of life should I have?"

"I hope……"

"You are independent, self-directed, have ideas, have persistence, do not shrink back when facing difficulties, and do not indulge when facing success."

"You are a woman in the new era and should have your own life."

"It would be extremely irresponsible to you to tie you by my side."

"Your future should not revolve around food, rice, oil, salt, etc., nor should it be about children's food and drink."

"I miss you, shining brightly."

Su Ye expressed his hope for Li Qianqian word by word.

As a person who traveled from later generations, Su Ye felt that he had thought through the relationship between men and women.

Women should also have their own careers.

They are not men's vassals.

"But, do you know what I want?"

Li Qianqian asked leisurely.

"I want to be with you and get up early every day to make breakfast for you."

"In the morning, I will water the flowers with you and go to the market to buy vegetables."

"At noon, two people can watch TV dramas together, discuss the plot, and cook at the same time."

"In the afternoon, when the sun shines into the room, read a book with you and make you a cup of tea."

"Then at night, you can look through our photos, and then we can hug each other and sleep together."

"Maybe there are many troublesome little things in life, maybe there is a little bit of joy in life, all of these, I want to experience and feel together with you."

"So, you know what."

"This is my idea."

Su Ye was stunned.

He has always guessed from his own point of view and considered Li Qianqian's thoughts.

Never asked what Li Qianqian wanted.

From the very beginning, he asked Li Qianqian to be the general manager of the company.

Later, the administration department and QQ recruitment business were put on her.

In December, she was asked to go to the imperial capital alone to acquire Houlang.

Li Qianqian is capable and talented, but does she really want to live a life like this?

Do you want to be the strong woman in your own eyes?
Maybe she would think about it, but more because she wanted her to be like this.

Su Ye realized.

It is perception, awakening, and remorse.

Loving someone is not letting you decide her life.

It's about letting her live the life she wants.

"Qianqian, I'm sorry."

"All along, I have been behind to force you to move forward, force you to manage the department, and force you to go to the imperial capital to acquire Houlang."

"I was wrong."

"In the future, no matter what kind of life you want to live, I will support you unconditionally."

"If you don't want to go to Houlang, I'll leave it to someone else."

"Actually, I...I love you, I know your talent and management talent, so I want to make you more dazzling, but..."

"I completely ignored your feelings."

"You are a family girl, I, I'm sorry for you."

"Qianqian, don't worry, I will never force you to do anything in the future."

"That time you told me that you wanted to open a claw machine shop, but I rejected you."

"Well, when I go to work tomorrow, I'll hand over this job to you, do you think it's okay?"

"no need."

Li Qianqian didn't expect Su Ye to be so sensational.

But she was also greatly moved.

"Hey, can you please keep your voice down?"

"Watching a movie and not listening to a word, it's all about the two of you showing your affection."

Li Qianqian was about to say something when she heard a voice from the back seat, followed by laughter from nearby.

Her face turned red instantly, but fortunately the theater was relatively dark, so no one else could see it.

"Oh, sorry, sorry."

As Li Qianqian said that, she pulled Su Ye and ran out of the auditorium.

"Why, they can still hear us talking so quietly, which means the movie is not good."

"I haven't said that they eavesdrop on our privacy, what are you afraid of?"

"No, I'm just embarrassed."

"What you said just now counts. I can do whatever I want in the future, right?"


"Okay, then I'll be your secretary from now on."

"I will follow you every day from now on."

"Okay. But, you don't want the claw machine anymore?"

"No, I just want to play. I haven't told you yet. Now Shunfeng Express has opened express delivery services in several provinces."

"Your parents have secretly sent me dolls several times. I have so many dolls at home that I have no time to clean them up."

"What? You still contacted my parents after a while."

Su Ye was startled.

Even I only call my parents once in a month or two, and each time I end the topic within 1-2 minutes.

Unexpectedly, Li Qianqian still kept in touch with her parents.

It seems that it is quite frequent.

"I won't tell you, let's go, go to eat."

"Go to the imperial capital tomorrow, do you want to go with me?"


Su Ye couldn't keep up with Li Qianqian's brain circuit.

This thinking jump is too fast.

Just now he said that he wanted to be his secretary, but soon he was talking about going to the imperial capital.

He subconsciously wanted to refuse.

But suddenly it occurred to Li Qianqian that just now her wish was to be with Su Ye.

Su Ye forcibly swallowed the words that came to his lips.

"Qianqian, I'll go too, okay, no problem."

"I will book tickets on QQ payment immediately."

"The two of us will go together at that time, and take a look at Zhao Yun's recent development."

"No need, I already booked the ticket."

"For two."

Li Qianqian smiled triumphantly at Su Ye.

Su Ye suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

It seems that I cannot do without Li Qianqian in my future life.

However, why does he still have some joy in his heart?

Imperial International Airport.

Su Ye and Li Qianqian walked out with a small bag on their backs.

This time they came here, they didn't contact Zhao Yun in advance.

Even Li Qianqian's girlfriends didn't say anything.

Li Qianqian was worried that those people didn't know what to say, what if they took Su Ye out to have fun and get high, and their identities were exposed.

First, I went to the reserved hotel to drop off my luggage, and then brought Su Ye to Houlang Network.

Houlang's employees already knew about the acquisition of the company by Qingyun Technology.

It is different from the reaction of other companies to be acquired.

None of Houlang's employees has ever expressed concern about the future.

Even, many employees who have left have told the personnel that they want to return to the company.

Qingyun Technology, that's right.

Ordinary people who can enter Qingyun Technology will really be envied by many peers.

Countless friends even called to ask if the company was still hiring.

The current Houlang employees have such a mentality.

How uncomfortable it is when you can't pay your salary during the period.

How happy it is to join Qingyun Technology now.

When Li Qianqian and Su Ye walked into the company, they were warmly welcomed by all the employees of Houlang.

of course.

Most of this welcome was for Li Qianqian.

As for Su Ye, she was ignored gorgeously by everyone.

At that time, when Li Qianqian came to talk about the acquisition, many people had seen it.

Later, Longhan News broadcast this acquisition press conference, and Li Qianqian's photogenic appearance was simply not too beautiful.

In the minds of Houlang employees, although Li Qianqian is not the boss of Qingyun Technology.

But it is definitely the angel who dragged Hou Lang out of the quagmire.

Seeing Su Ye's people, most of the male employees envied him inwardly but said something sissy in disdain on the surface.

Only the female employees will have a gleam in their eyes.

Now that the work matter has been settled, it's time to start a relationship with the little brother in Qingyun Technology.

Li Qianqian walked forward to greet everyone, while watching Su Ye's reaction from the corner of her eye.

It seemed that his decision at the time was absolutely correct.

Be sure to be Su Ye's secretary by his side, otherwise...

Look at how far you have come now, Li Qianqian is no longer in the eyes of those female employees.

Everyone shouted that the little brother is so handsome, do you want to have a relationship.


Li Qianqian deliberately walked a few steps slower, leaned close to Su Ye and twisted him forcefully.

"Ah, what are you doing?"

Su Ye asked in a low voice.

Li Qianqian looked like nothing had happened, and continued to walk into the company's meeting room under the leadership of Wang Xiubo.

"Mr. Wang, our Houlang employees are so enthusiastic."

Li Qianqian sat down and said meaningfully.

After all, he stared at Su Ye.

"That must be enthusiastic. Everyone has been looking forward to Qingyun Technology's acquisition of Houlang for a long time."

"As the saying goes, the long drought meets the rain."

With a smile on his face, Wang Xiubo finally completed the acquisition of Houlang through his own efforts.

Your own good days are coming.

He had told Li Qianqian before that he was familiar with Houlang Company, and he wanted to continue working in Houlang in the future.

At that time, Qingyun Technology's headquarters will be in Jiangcheng, and he will be a prince in the imperial capital.

In Qingyun Technology, I may have some constraints.

But in the Houlang company in the imperial capital, he is the most senior leader.

The long-awaited position of the boss of Houlang is finally about to enter his pocket.

In the future, he will develop Houlang Company according to his own ideas.

"Boss Wang was joking."

Li Qianqian didn't like Wang Xiubo very much.

At that time, the acquisition was not completed, so Wang Xiubo expressed his loyalty to himself.

He also said that he wanted to be the second president of Houlang after Wang Dongzhi left.

To put it nicely, this kind of person is called surrender.

To put it bluntly, it is the leading party.

Li Qianqian didn't want to see such people appearing in front of her all the time in the company.

"Mr. Wang, I'm here this time because we said it before."

"Let you continue to serve as the vice president of Houlang Company. At the same time..."

"Hey, Mr. Li, please wait a moment."

Wang Xiubo directly interrupted Li Qianqian and asked, "Mr. Li, didn't you promise me that Qingyun Technology would allow me to be the president of the company after acquiring Houlang?"

"How can I become a vice president now?"

"Oh, so it is."

Li Qianqian was not at all timid or embarrassed about his questioning.

"The company has recently found a great talent. In the future, Houlang Technology will be handed over to him."

"Mr. Wang is so familiar with Houlang, he must help the new Mr. He a lot in the future."

"In addition, the company decided that in order to facilitate future personnel management and business advancement, Houlang will relocate all personnel and equipment to Jiangcheng by the end of January."

"This news, Mr. Wang will announce it to everyone."


(End of this chapter)

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