Chapter 316 Mother-in-law Watching Son-in-Law

The room fell into silence.

Su Ye was thinking about countermeasures.

He would never want to do something like sacrifice his time to make Prince Muhammad happy.

At the same time, he had a headache on how to reject the other party.

At this time, it is no longer a question of considering the way of rejection.

As long as he can refuse, Su Ye will never say anything and choose a suitable reason.

But the problem is.

Just now, I acted fearlessly.

I have to swear that I have nothing to do.

It's fine to swear, and it's so certain, so absolute.

Anything that can be treated, will never refuse.

Anything that can be treated does not even require fees and rewards.

Even if I thought about it a little while I was speaking just now, it wouldn't lead to the current result.

Well, it might be more appropriate to say that the consequences.

A person who is not selfish, but dedicated to benefiting others.

Neither my spare time nor any labor remuneration, for a dedication that has nothing to do with myself.

What kind of spirit is this.

Muhammad not far away was quietly waiting for Su Ye's answer.

At this time, he must not say any persecution words.

I was originally the character who came to ask for help, so it would be too impolite to force Su Ye with words or gestures.

Muhammad, who had studied etiquette courses for 1200 hours in total and was familiar with the etiquette norms of various countries and the taboos of meeting and chatting, took a step back slightly, and looked at Su Ye in front of him with normal eyes without any fluctuations in his eyes.

This look.

He discovered something extraordinary.

As a well-deserved senior boxer in the field of fighting and fighting, Muhammad is not bad at all even if his ability cannot reach the level of the world's top boxers.

Su Ye's seemingly casual stance didn't show any flaws.

Muhammad envisioned seven or eight plans in his mind to attack while Su Ye was not paying attention, but he found out sadly.

No matter which plan he adopts, when he makes a move, Su Ye can definitely avoid his attack first, and then counterattack swiftly.

It's also incredible.

Before coming to the Longhan Empire, although Muhammad knew that he was going to meet Su Ye, at that time, his understanding of Su Ye was nothing more than his superb hacking skills and his ability to get in touch with the Longhan official.

But since he had a detailed chat with Li Wanli late at night yesterday, he also knew a little about Su Ye's identity.

Knowing that he is the founder of an Internet company, the instant messaging software QQ produced by the company has become popular all over the world.

With these key pieces of information, relying on the power Muhammad has accumulated over the years, it is easy to find 90% of the information about Su Ye.

Muhammad was shocked when he learned that Su Ye had started such an excellent cross-age Internet company from scratch in just three months.

Ordinary master hackers are guys who don't want to deal with people and like to act recklessly on the Internet.

Unexpectedly, in addition to his outstanding hacking skills, Su Ye even has such a strong business talent.

Could it be that Su Ye is also a genius similar to Muhammad?
The strong curiosity about Su Ye drove Muhammad, who hadn't rested all night, to ask Li Wanli to ask Su Ye out for a meeting.

He wanted to see if there were really geniuses like himself in the world.

From the very beginning, when Su Ye drank the red wine produced in Mohammed Manor, he knew that the Su Ye in front of him was definitely not an ordinary person.

Muhammad once did a test. Even if he talked to a stranger without revealing his identity, the other party would show some nervousness.

Regardless of men and women.

No matter where they are looking at the shining part of themselves.

Regardless of their skin color, age.

Without exception, when facing Muhammad who has been educated by elites for many years, they will show a little nervousness or unnaturalness.

Unless, the identity of the other party is also the same as his own.

It is a big family, the heir of a big consortium, who will have the confidence and confidence not to show timidity when they meet for the first time.

However, Muhammad never thought of it anyway.

Su Ye, whose hacking skills are better than his own, is actually a kung fu master.

I don't know the exact height, but judging from Su Ye's standing posture, there is no problem in defeating Muhammad with one hand.

As the heir of a kingdom, no matter how much he exercises, he will never face a real crisis of life and death.

And Su Ye, in addition to possessing hacker talent and business talent, also has fighting talent.

This made Muhammad have to be cautious.

Perhaps, this Su Ye is a super talent secretly cultivated by the Longhan Empire.

In this case, your plan may need to be revised.

"Well, Muhammad, let me ask, how often do you get sick?"

After thinking about countless countermeasures, Su Ye couldn't find a suitable reason to reject the other party.

You can only ask the other party's current situation first, in case Muhammad only gets sick once in a year or two.

So even if Su Ye wasted half a day, it doesn't seem to be a big deal.


"At the most frequent time, there was a record of three attacks in a week. There were also times when there were no symptoms for half a year."

When Su Ye heard this, her heart was blown cold.

"Then, is it possible that after several treatments, your condition will be relieved until it disappears."

"It's the best I can hope for, if I can."


Su Ye swallowed his oath with difficulty.

"In the future, when you need it, you can contact me at any time."

"I will give you my mobile phone number and QQ number."

"In hacking battles, do you prefer to attack or do you prefer to defend."

Su Ye resigned to his fate. As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a happy look flashing across Muhammad's face.

"I prefer defense."

"I used to think I liked offense, but in the contest with you, I realized that I prefer defense."

When Su Ye heard Muhammad's words, she always felt weird for some reason.

At first I like to attack.

Then I found myself liking defense.

Could it be that Prince Muhammad said he was going to study in a beautiful country, but he actually went to England?

"Okay, let's build a website later, and you can build some defense systems there in the future. When you get sick, notify me and I will attack."

"Okay, thank you so much."

Su Ye also had a little selfishness in saying this.

Don't you like defense? At that time, I will let my company's technical staff take turns to attack your defense system.

It depends on how you resist, if it is easy, then it will not be too late to get started.

Since it was no longer possible to ask Prince Muhammad for any remuneration, Su Ye wanted to take this kind of help as a time to improve the level of the company's technical staff.

Although Muhammad's hacking skills are worse than his own, but in the world, it should be at the level that can be sent to the previous life.

Didn't you see that because he used the satellite network of the beautiful country, even Hanhuang Chen Yi couldn't catch him?
If it wasn't for Su Ye who could seize the opportunity, invade the satellite network of the beautiful country as quickly as possible, and use the screening software he made to find the information sent by the Babs kingdom.

That time it was really possible that Muhammad escaped.

If you fight with such a master, even if you can't break through his defense, it is also an opportunity for programmers to increase their knowledge.

Maybe once or twice has no effect, but after three or five times, quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes, and an employee may suddenly figure it out.

This is also the only extra point Su Ye can do when the situation is not in favor of him.

After Muhammad said a word of thanks, he didn't promise anything to Su Ye.

He stepped forward and shook hands with Su Ye, "Su Ye, come to our Babs Kingdom when you have time, and I will do my best as a landlord."

"No problem. If it's okay, I'll leave first."

"You can ask Li Wanli, Prime Minister of the Longhan Empire, for my contact information."


"Goodbye and thank you, my friend."

Hearing Su Ye say Li Wanli's name so easily, Muhammad felt even more certain.

The information about Su Ye that I found must be used by the Longhan Empire to deceive people.

Su Ye's true identity is definitely a talent secretly cultivated by the Longhan Empire.

His family is likely to be the heir of a certain family in Longhan.

After understanding the key to this, Muhammad made a decision.

Originally, he only intended to give Su Ye a financial surprise, but now the other party's status tells him that he must elevate Su Ye's status to a higher level.

Maybe what I just said is true.


It seems to be a very wonderful thing to let such a person who will never have any conflict of interest with him become his good friend.

"Abdullah, come out."

"What kind of person do you think this Su Ye is?"

"Your Highness, I cannot judge."

Abdullah said without raising his head.

He had been hiding in the service room in the box just now and did not come out.

Although at the door, Su Ye was checked for dangerous items.

But that's more of a situation. A real killer can decide the time of your death by walking past you without carrying any items.

Abdullah was also worried about this, so he hid in the service room as a precaution.

However, now his mind is not on Su Ye at all.

When he was in the service room just now, Abdullah received a message from the domestic elders, asking him about the current situation of Prince Muhammad.

He was just about to reply when he heard Su Ye's voice going out.

As far as Muhammad said to my friend, Abdullah did not hear it.

Of course, even if he heard it, he would not take it seriously.

The heir to the throne of a country will not have friends.

The so-called friends are mostly just lip service.

"Well, you go down first, I want to be quiet."


Abdullah was thinking about replying to the message to the members of the elders, and when he heard what Muhammad said, he slowly withdrew.

Looking at his figure, Muhammad showed a meaningful smile on his face.

"Abdullah, who are you loyal to?"


"Mr. Su, Li Xiang and his family are already waiting for you in Xuemei Hall."

As soon as Su Ye came out of Muhammad's private room, a Zhong Nanhai bodyguard in a black tunic led him to Li Wanli's private room.

The conversation with Muhammad just now seemed to take a long time, but in fact it came out in less than 20 minutes.

"Su Ye, what did Prince Muhammad tell you?"

As soon as Su Ye opened the door, Li Qianqian stood up from her seat and asked.

"It's nothing, I just want to play two games with me online."

Hearing his irresponsible and perfunctory words, Li Qianqian sniffed disdainfully.

"Hmph, don't say it if you don't want to, it's a lie."

"I didn't lie to you, it's true."

In Su Ye's eyes, any offensive and defensive confrontation with Muhammad is like playing a game.

First, shoot a wave of soldiers (colleagues from the technical department) to go up, and when the opponent's heroes and defense towers consume part of their blood, they rush forward to end the battle.

Destroy the opponent's hero and destroy the opponent's tower.

That's not what the game is.

"Xiao Su, come and sit down, Qianqian, stop making trouble, sit down quickly."

"You didn't have dinner this morning, right? I just told the kitchen to serve the food as soon as possible."

Li Qianqian's mother Wei Qing greeted Su Ye warmly.

She was right, because Li Wanli called urgently, and Su Ye and Li Qianqian ran over without breakfast.

Especially Su Ye, who drank a glass of red wine on an empty stomach just now, came out from Muhammad's side at this time, and suddenly felt a little hungry.

"Aunt Wei, you are too polite, we are all family."

"I hope the way I eat later didn't scare you."

Su Ye made a joke in a serious manner, which made Wei Qing giggle.

After a hearty meal, Su Ye was [-]% full in the end.

Without him.

Although it seems that there are quite a lot of dishes, as the Imperial Capital Hotel that can undertake state banquets, the dishes it cooks naturally cannot be like the big pot rice in our school cafeteria. Eight yuan is full and ten yuan is good.

Each dish is carefully crafted by top chefs from various cuisines.

Su Ye looked at the dishes that looked like works of art, and in the end he could only eat a few more bowls of rice.

"Qianqian, go and ask the waiter if you can serve two fruit plates, just in time for me to talk to your father and Su Ye."

Li Qianqian agreed and stood up reluctantly.

She knew that the real test for Su Ye was coming.

When she met Muhammad in front of Su Ye just now, she had already confessed to her parents. On Christmas Eve some time ago, Su Ye took advantage of the company's annual meeting to confess to herself, and she also agreed to the matter.

At that time, there was not much fluctuation on the faces of my parents, as if I was talking about an irrelevant person.

Now, looking at my mother's appearance, she deliberately spent herself, she must be trying to test Su Ye.

Regarding the evaluation of his mother, Li Qianqian certainly would not say that she is a very fierce and domineering woman.

In fact, in Li Qianqian's heart, his mother Wei Qing can be regarded as a beautiful and intelligent woman.

For so many years, I have never seen her get angry with anyone, but in the Ministry of Health, no one from top to bottom said that Wei Qing is not good at work and is not good at being a person.

Wei Qing is impeccable no matter what he does or how he behaves.

Li Qianqian even thought about it sometimes.

If the Longhan Empire was not a patriarchal society, then maybe my mother would have become the prime minister of the empire before my father.

Li Qianqian kicked Su Ye's calf quietly, then gave him a self-seeking look, turned around and opened the door to go out.

"Little Su."

"I've heard about you and Qianqian."

"In principle, I'm very pleased that she can find such an excellent boyfriend as you."

"However, it's as if I also found an excellent husband. If a man is too excellent, his girlfriend or wife will feel a little uneasy."

"You can understand what Auntie said."

"I can understand." Su Ye glanced at Li Wanli, and saw that he was motionless like a clay bodhisattva, and she understood in her heart.

The situation in Li Qianqian's family is the traditional model of Longhan, where the male dominates the outside and the woman dominates the inside.

In the family, major issues need to be negotiated together, and Li Qianqian's mother Wei Qinglai is responsible for other affairs.

"Auntie, being with Qianqian, I have considered it carefully, and it is definitely not something new or anything else."

"I am a person, although I look a bit ugly, but in fact, I am just an ordinary person, and I have never thought that good looks can do anything."

"I've always believed that men don't need to look at their appearance, but their ability."

"I have the ability to guarantee the most basic life for Qianqian, please rest assured about this."

It's one thing for Su Ye to understand, but another to say it.

Isn't Li Qianqian's mother just worried that she is handsome and rich, and after a while with Li Qianqian for a long time, she gets tired and annoyed, and then she starts thinking about what she shouldn't do.

But Su Ye is still very confident in his self-control ability.

For so many years in the previous life, I never had a girlfriend and solved it by myself, never troubled others.

Now he will not do anything to apologize to Li Qianqian.

"Okay, since you said that, I'm relieved."

"I heard from Qianqian that your family belongs to Xu Cheng?"

"Yes, auntie, my dad is a laid-off worker. Before I went to college, he opened a factory specializing in the production of plush toys."

"My mother is also working as a financial worker in the factory. Our family is an ordinary family."

"What is ordinary and not ordinary, our family does not pay attention to this."

"Don't look at our old Li as the prime minister of the empire now. After a few years, he will retire, and he will be a bad old man."

"And to be honest, 99% of the people in our Longhan Empire counted up to three generations. Who is not a poor and lower-middle peasant?"

Seeing Su Ye talk about the family, Wei Qing not only didn't mind, but also kept comforting Su Ye, telling him not to have psychological pressure.

It's not easy for my daughter to meet such a genuine and sincere boy, Wei Qing can't be a villain for no reason.

Although she and Li Qianqian have always been together less often, Wei Qing knows Li Qianqian best in the whole family.

There are eight members of the family, except for the two female compatriots Wei Qing and Li Qianqian, the rest are elders.

Do you think Wei Qing can't understand Li Qianqian?

"Okay, Wei Qing, don't talk so much."

"Su Ye is a child with ability, perseverance, foresight, and confidence in doing things."

"Although he is only 22 years old, he is not at all inferior to someone in his 30s when he is mature and stable."

"The re-employment plan for laid-off workers I made before was the attention given by Su Ye."

"And later, when the cultural department rectified and adjusted, it was also Su Ye's idea."

Speaking of this, Li Wanli seemed to recall that when Su Ye gave him advice, he thought that his identity was really a member of the Jiangcheng Cultural Bureau.

Su Ye's head was full of black lines.

Uncle Li, can we stop mentioning this?

At that time, I thought he didn't understand, so Su Ye talked loudly in front of Li Wanli.

I also want to let him make a good impression in front of the superiors.

Who knows, Li Wanli has already done the best in the way of officials.

No one can be his superior.

"Okay, okay, I won't talk, you guys talk."

After Li Wanli said something to Wei Qing, he also stood up and left the box.

Li Wanli is the real precious time, she must give him the limited time.

"Xiao Su, come here, what Mohammed told you just now."

Su Ye hesitated for a moment, but chose to tell the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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