Chapter 317 The Heroine, Please Spare My Life (Ask for a Monthly Ticket)
"Muhammad said he was very manic."

"I have been trying to find a way to treat it all these years, but it has no effect."

"But the last time I had an offensive and defensive confrontation with me on the Internet, I said that my emotions have eased."

"I came to Longhan this time to discuss with me, to see if I can treat him."

"Then did you agree?"

"Well, yes."

"In the future, when he gets sick, he will contact me, and then I will go online to help him."

Regarding Li Wanli, Su Ye knew everything without saying anything, without hiding anything.

Li Wanli fell into deep thought after listening.

After a long time, he raised his head.

"Little Su."

"From the first time I saw you, I knew you were a very bright young man."

"Whether it is the resettlement method of laid-off workers or the improvement plan of the cultural department, it is very insightful."

"At that time, I really wanted to recruit you into Long Han's officialdom."

"But you said you couldn't be restrained."

"In the end, I decided to help you solve the problem of express delivery with the wind. I also want to see where your vision will go if you realize it step by step."

"Last night, I learned that SF Express has recruited nearly 20000 laid-off workers so that they can find jobs that can support their families with their own efforts."

"This has greatly solved the problem of difficulty in relocating laid-off workers in various places. However, I am also worried that the current business volume of Shunfeng Express is not very large. How will you find ways to increase Shunfeng's business data in the future?"

"This one……"

Su Ye knew that the secret to the development of the express delivery industry was e-commerce.

Now Cao Wei's Shunfeng has contacted several e-commerce websites under Su Ye's guidance to deliver goods for the merchants.

In addition, in Jiangsu Province, Haicheng, Zhejiang Province, Anhui Province and other regions, we have actively contacted some companies that have relatively high requirements for express delivery.

Because the stalls were spread too fast and too big, the 10 billion development funds prepared by Yang Li and Cao Zheng were already stretched.

If it weren't for Su Ye's instant recharge of one billion yuan, SF Express would definitely not be able to develop so rapidly.

Before leaving Jiangcheng, I heard that Cao Wei was planning to list the imperial capital and Guangcheng as the two main areas to promote work development in the future, relying on these two large cities to expand the surrounding business.


The stall is big, but the business volume is not enough to support it.

Cao Wei was very worried about this, and losing his family's money only showed that his level was not good enough.

If Su Ye's money is also lost, then he is worried that the Su family will cause trouble for the Cao and Yang families.

It was Su Ye who comforted him for a long time.

At present, there is only Shunfeng one of the private express companies in China, and at this time, it should be staking regardless of cost.

Otherwise, after a year or half a year, the country sees that Shunfeng Express is developing well and simply opens the door to the express delivery industry.

At that time, facing competition, Shunfeng could not be as relaxed as it is now.

Cao Wei is an honest boy, and his grasp and positioning of himself are also very clear and precise.

As a decision maker, he is definitely not qualified.

But as an enforcer, that's absolutely fine.

Since Su Ye said so, he immediately made a decision to fully support Su Ye's suggestion.

Further expand the business of Shunfeng Express.

"Uncle Li, the business volume of SF Express is low now, not because of poor performance."

"It's just that the time has not come."

"What do you mean?"

Li Wanli frowned.

In fact, there are only two express companies in China now.

One is the state-owned postal system.

Tens of billions of dollars are lost every year.

But this is the lifeblood of the country, and we must continue to do it no matter how much we lose.

One is Shunfeng Express, which Su Ye invested in.

At present, it is also a loss situation.

But what does Su Ye mean when he said that the time has not come yet?

Isn't it the golden age of express industry development?

Want to keep waiting?
"In the existing express delivery industry, even if Shunfeng Express does not appear, people's lives will not feel so inconvenient."

"The emergence of Shunfeng is actually a bit suspected of competing with the postal system for business."

Speaking of this, Su Ye saw Li Wanli nodded slightly.

Due to the expansion of the tailwind at the near end, the postal managers in the Jiangsu, Haizhe and Zhejiang regions have reported the relevant situation to the headquarters.

Because the underground Shunfeng employees don't know their future development direction, they can only rely on their own habits to compete with the post office for some small and large package mailing business.

If it wasn't for Shunfeng's inability to issue stamps, Shunfeng might even want to try the mailing business.

Two months after opening, one billion yuan was spent.

Thinking of Cao Wei's spending speed, Su Ye almost thought that he also had that kind of Shenhao system.

As long as you spend money, you can make unlimited money.

"But really, the tailwind doesn't conflict with the traditional postal business at all."

"Shunfeng needs to tap more into the needs of customers and the market."

"Moreover, in the future, e-commerce will definitely become an opportunity for downwind development."

"It's just that, due to various reasons, the development of the e-commerce industry is slow, and there is no way to become the east wind of the express delivery industry."

"develop slowly?"

"Why don't you build an e-commerce website and let your domestic counterparts see it."


Su Ye stared blankly at Li Wanli, wondering why he would make such a suggestion.

Su Yeke never thought of an e-commerce website.

The BAT that everyone knows in later generations.

I have already occupied a T, so I can't even take away the A.

That would not give Longhan's domestic Internet entrepreneurs a chance to survive.

At present, Su Ye probably knows some e-commerce websites in China.

Well, that's about it.

"That's right, you build an e-commerce website, which will give birth to the development of the express delivery industry in advance."

"You don't know. Although Shunfeng Express has helped solve the employment problem of some laid-off workers, it can only be a drop in the bucket."

"There are tens of millions of laid-off workers in the country who are waiting for help from the country, and the governments all over the country are also grey-haired, but they have no good solution."

"Xiao Su, since you have this idea and the ability, why don't you do it yourself and help the empire."


Su Ye was worried.

If someone else said this to him, he would definitely refuse without saying a word.

Just kidding, now I already have a QQ ecosystem.

Next, Su Ye only needs to continue to add content to this ecosystem to make him better and more orderly.

And in addition to QQ, I also have two offline businesses.

No, it should be three.

The mobile phone industry, the computer industry, and a real estate industry.

Although real estate is something to be played casually, it is still considered one, right?

In addition, if it cooperates with Biati in the future, it is bound to establish another new energy vehicle manufacturing plant.

Holding a QQ in his hand, and the four major offline businesses, Su Ye will be busy all his life.

Why do you need an e-commerce website?

He is not a superman with unlimited energy.

The Nine Suns Divine Art (Urban Edition) given by the system only made Su Ye healthy and energetic, not turning him into a perpetual motion machine.

The kind that doesn't eat or sleep 24 hours a day.

But, now Li Wanli, Li Qianqian's father made a request to him.

Still persuading myself from the level of the Longhan Empire, Su Ye can say that I am sorry, I have enough things on me, and I don't want to bother.

Of course you can't say that. Li Wanli is not only the prime minister of the empire, he will also be his father-in-law in the future.

To be honest, it was also the first time he made a request to Su Ye, and he had silently helped Su Ye solve the problem before.

If I don't help this time, I really can't justify it.

"Uncle Li, this e-commerce website, it's not that I don't want to do it."

"It's about not having the experience to do it."

"Now I have a lot of businesses under my command, including QQ's various businesses, offline group buying websites, mobile phone manufacturing, computer assembly, real estate companies, and a car manufacturing company in the future. I'm afraid my experience is not enough."

"Well, there are indeed many things."

Li Wanli nodded, and Su Ye felt happy when he heard this.

It seems that this drudgery will finally not be my turn.

"However, I heard from Qianqian that you basically don't care about the specific business. Every business under your banner has a corresponding person in charge to promote it."

"Your work is more about being in charge, and you don't need to go through every detail."

"Um, yes, yes."

Su Ye nodded. He didn't expect that Li Wanli knew his company so well.

This guy Qianqian must be the one who leaked her secret.

"Okay, it's all said and done, can you still refuse me?"

"I'll give you a month to prepare, and I hope to see the e-commerce website you mentioned go online after the new year."

"Uncle Li, this time is a bit too tight, I'm afraid it will be too late, and there are no talents to choose to take charge of this project at present."

"Look, it's the end of the year, and it's hard to recruit people. How about we start counting the time after the Spring Festival, do you think it will work?"

"What are you talking about, Su Ye, why are you still looking bitter?"

Li Qianqian's hands were sore from holding the two fruit plates outside, and guessing that the time should be almost up, she opened the door and came in.

As soon as he came in, he saw Su Ye talking to his father with a crying face, "Dad, what order did you give Su Ye again?"

"Don't scare people away."

"I, what orders can I give, I just want to know about the development of your company with Xiao Su."

"Didn't I tell you about the development? I have to ask again."

Dissatisfied, Li Qianqian put the fruit plate in her hand on the table and sat beside Su Ye.

"Su Ye, it's okay. Just listen to what my dad said and make up your own mind."

"What did he tell you just now, tell me."

"Um, Uncle Li didn't say anything, he just suggested that I could build an e-commerce platform."

"Oh, then reject him, what's the point of e-commerce."

Li Qianqian picked up a piece of watermelon and handed it to Su Ye, while Li Wanli beside her was flamboyantly ignored by her.

Li Wanli smiled casually, thinking that girls are extroverted, and the ancients would not deceive me.

"An e-commerce website is a website where you can buy, buy, and buy. On it, you can buy items from all over the country without going to the mall."

"Hey, this is not bad."

Li Qianqian's eyes lit up.

At the same time, Li Wanli's eyes lit up.

"Xiao Su, that's right."

"Qianqian told me that she doesn't have a job right now, and she still wants to be your secretary. Or, why don't you let her be the person in charge for a while?"

"What? The person in charge? Me again?"

Li Qianqian looked at Li Wanli and Su Ye, crying in her heart.

Why me again.

Li Qianqian is now a professional firefighter.

Wherever there is a need, she will go there first.

Administration, on.

QQ recruitment, on.

After the waves, go up.

Now it's the turn of this e-commerce website, and she is still required to go on it.

"Of course it's you."

"Su Ye has to think about the company's development plan every day. What does it look like when you cling to him every day?"

"It's not that you are incapable, why don't you do something more."

Li Wanli said that he hated iron for being weak.

My daughter knew it in her heart.

Li Qianqian had told him about some major events in his work at Qingyun Technology before, and he could analyze from these events that Li Qianqian's ability is still very good.

Presumably, Su Ye also took a fancy to this point, so he kept entrusting her with important tasks.

I didn't expect my daughter to be so lazy and unwilling to do anything.

"Dad, my dream is different from your dream, you know."

"I just need to be by Su Ye's side. As for career, success, it doesn't matter to me."


Li Wanli stood up, pointing at Li Qianqian and was about to accuse him.

However, he quickly realized that this was his daughter, not his subordinate.

"Okay, okay, whatever you want."

"Forget it, I won't eat either."

"When your mother comes back, you can eat by yourself. I still have something to do, so I'll go first."

Li Wanli seemed confused by Li Qianqian's anger, stood up and was about to go out.

Su Ye quickly stood up, "Uncle Li, don't be angry, don't be angry."

"Is it okay for me to build this website?"

"Besides, Qianqian, don't lose your temper with Uncle. I will be in charge of this project for the time being. You just need to help me by my side."

Li Wanli stood still, looking in Li Qianqian's direction.

Li Qianqian looked up at the two of them, she knew that she had been betrayed again.

What Su Ye said sounded good, he was responsible for it personally, Li Qianqian felt that if he believed it, he would be a real fool.

However, looking at the current situation, it would be impossible not to agree.

Forget it, forget it, anyway, I don’t know much about this e-commerce website, and I have never studied it.

At that time, if you have any questions, just throw them to Su Ye.

Just be a handyman yourself.

After thinking it over, Li Qianqian nodded slowly.

Only then did Li Wanli's expression soften.

"Okay, you guys eat, I really have something to do."

"By the way, Xiao Su, you'd better not tell about your meeting with Prince Muhammad today."

"He will only stay in Longhan for two days before returning to China, because this trip is confidential, you must not reveal it."

"no problem."

Su Ye is as good as he is, he only cares about business affairs, and doesn't interfere in politics at all.

At most, when Li Wanli asked, he would give some advice.

"Okay, then you can arrange your own time in the afternoon, and I will go here first."

After Li Wanli left, Wei Qing soon walked into the box.

"Qianqian, where's your father?"

"Go out and say something."


Wei Qing came in, took a sip of water from his cup and began to put on his down jacket.

"Mom, you have to go too."

"Well, I have something to do in the afternoon. Besides, you two young people are together, and I, an old woman, will not be by your side as a light bulb for you."

"Xiao Su, come to my house for dinner tonight."

"No need, Auntie, I've been away from Jiangcheng for a few days, and I'm going to collect my luggage today and fly back tomorrow."

"That's fine too."

When he walked to the door, Wei Qing turned around and said to Su Ye: "Xiao Su, I will hand over Qianqian to you. She has been spoiled by us for a long time, and she will have a little temper or something. How much do you usually do?" Take it easy."

"Man, be more tolerant."

"No problem, Auntie, Qianqian is always nice to me."

Su Ye is full of desire to survive. At this time, I can't say that I will be more tolerant.

Instead, I want to say that Li Qianqian is very good, and she usually takes care of me.

Seeing that Su Ye understood so well, Wei Qing smiled, waved at the two of them and left.

"Su Ye, why did you say that I usually take care of you?"

"No reason, just seek truth from facts."

"When you were in the company before, you would help me prepare hot water and tidy up the table, right?"

"The last time I went back to Xucheng, you were too busy. I remember it in my heart."

"In the family, you are a good wife and mother, and in the company, you are my business partner."

"Qianqian, I love you."

Taking advantage of everyone, Su Ye also sat directly next to Li Qianqian, hugged her shoulders, and talked about love.

Li Qianqian was so embarrassed by Su Ye's nasty words.

She lowered her head and whispered: "Su Ye, you are enough, I will be responsible for the e-commerce department."

"Stop acting with me here."


"What acting."

Su Ye opened her mouth exaggeratedly, her face full of innocence.

"Qianqian, how can you say that about me? Everything I said just now was from the bottom of my heart."

"Oh! My baby."

"Okay, that's enough, you can do it, Su Ye!"

"I can't bear it any longer."

Li Qianqian pushed Su Ye away and shook her fist at him.

Su Ye just smiled, "Qianqian, it's all right, where are we going to play this afternoon?"

"Don't play, pack your luggage and go back to Jiangcheng tomorrow."

Li Qianqian picked up her small bag and replied blankly.

Su Ye instantly felt offended.

Isn't this what I just said to Wei Qing?

Tell Wei Qing that it is to have enough time to accompany Li Qianqian.

As a result, it's all right.

It was taken by Li Qianqian to attack the shield with the spear of the son.

"Qianqian, don't be angry."

"Let me tell you, the e-commerce website is really amazing when it's done well."

"At that time, part of the country's economy will need to be supported by e-commerce."

"And young people will also choose more fashionable online shopping to solve their ID shopping needs."

"If you think about it, in Jiangcheng, you can buy roast duck from Imperial Capital, steamed buns from Jincheng, even milk powder from New Zealand, and woolen shawls from Australia."

"Connect the world."

"Moreover, by then, there will be everything from clothing, bags, shoes, and online products."

"We can buy whatever we want without leaving home..."

"Then, you have a reason not to go shopping with me, right?"

Li Qianqian said coldly.

"Uh, no, no, I'd be happy to go shopping with you..."

"Ah, please forgive me..."

(End of this chapter)

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