Chapter 318 Ip Man (seeking a monthly ticket)

When Su Ye and Li Qianqian were enjoying themselves in the imperial capital.

In the office of Qingyun Technology, Wang Yifei received a call.

"Wang Sheng, Thunder Monkey."

"Is it convenient to talk now?"

Last time, in order to shoot the promotional video of The Legend of Blood, Wang Yifei saved the phone numbers of those celebrities, and even left their signatures.

This time it was Zheng Zidan who called.

"Hello Mr. Zheng, I am convenient now."

After Legend of Blood went online, Wang Yifei also regained some of his nature.

However, he didn't indulge himself as much as before, except for work, that is, occasionally joking and talking with his colleagues.

In the QQ game department, there has never been a scene where all the people play games.

"That's how it is. After the commercial was shot last time, I got to know your company and found that Qingyun Technology is still a very famous company in the Internet industry in the Mainland."

"I found a script two days ago, and I want to ask if you have any investment intentions here."

Zheng Zidan asked.

As the newly crowned movie star in the Year of the Rat in Hong Kong City, Zheng Zidan is now at the peak of his popularity.

With countless capitals, the film and television companies waved money to allow him to participate in their own movies.

But Zheng Zidan, who has already won the best actor once, wants to make some movies that he wants to make this time.

By chance, he met an unknown screenwriter in Hong Kong City who had been writing scripts for more than 10 years, and saw a script that surprised him.

But after negotiating with several big companies, they all rejected him one after another.

The reason is that nowadays no one watches Kung Fu movies, especially martial arts movies.

It is not the purpose of the major film and television companies to make a movie that costs a lot of money and eventually lose money.

The reason why they pursue Zheng Zidan is that they want him to help them shoot commercial movies.

It's not a so-called martial arts film that makes people have no desire to shoot and absolutely impossible to make money at first glance.

In desperation, Zheng Zidan did not listen to the persuasion of his agent, but continued to go out to find investment by himself.

But after searching all major companies in Hong Kong City, none of them were interested.

The agent next to Zheng Zidan couldn't help beating him up: "Zidan, now everyone in Hong Kong knows that you are going to make a money-losing martial arts movie. If you insist on making it, why don't you find those companies in the mainland?" ?”

"Mainland companies?"

Zheng Zidan froze for a moment.

Now the film and television industry in Hong Kong City is still in its last peak period.

I am a star from Hong Kong City, and instead of making movies in Hong Kong City to attract investment, I went to the inland instead. In the eyes of the people just now, I am a twenty-five boy.

Moreover, even if I want to find a company in the mainland, I don't know them.

In recent years, there are many actors, directors, photographers, and screenwriters from the mainland in Hong Kong City, but no film and television professionals from Hong Kong City have ever gone to the mainland.

"Didn't you shoot a promotional video for a game company in the Mainland last month?"

"Nowadays, the companies in the mainland are the ones with stupid people and a lot of money. Do you want to try it?"

The manager Qi Shan became more and more energetic in his speech, and he was dancing with hands and feet when he talked about it.

"Yes, let's go to the mainland. Since Zidan wants to make this movie, and no one in Hong Kong City is willing to invest, let's go to the mainland."

"Didn't the person in charge of the game company like your movie very much last time?"

"Let's find him, and you can call him now."

"Call now, will they be working?"

Zheng Zidan has a relatively reserved personality. He feels that when he seeks out cooperation with someone with the idea that everyone in the Mainland is stupid and has a lot of money, he will definitely be unhappy.

Investing in movies, those people are holding the idea that they can make money.

He couldn't trick the locals just now, so he went to trick the outsiders?

No such thing.

Seeing that Zheng Zidan was still sitting there thinking, manager Qi Shan directly picked up Zheng Zidan's cell phone and found Wang Yifei's number.

"Zidan, let's fight, no matter if it succeeds or not, it's always right to ask, right?"

Zheng Zidan made up his mind that if Wang Yifei refused, he would not consider the movie.

Make commercial films for a few years first, and when you earn enough money, invest yourself.

Zheng Zidan, who has learned martial arts since he was a child, has mostly made commercial films in recent years. In his heart, what he wants to do most is to be able to shoot a kung fu movie after he becomes famous.


Strictly speaking, it should be a martial arts film.

A movie that tells the story of the traditional martial arts of Longhan.

And that script gave Zheng Zidan a bright feeling.

After taking the phone, Zheng Zidan struggled for three seconds before pressing the dial button.

"Wang Sheng, Thunder Monkey."

"Is it convenient to talk now?"

After hearing Zheng Zidan's words, Wang Yifei fell into deep thought.

As for making a movie, if he could be the master of the company, he would definitely agree without saying a word.

After all, it is Zheng Zidan.

The boss who has just become a new actor, with him around, he will have a good reputation at the box office.

Moreover, if Qingyun Technology invests by itself, then I have the opportunity to find time to visit a class from time to time.

Wang Yifei is definitely happy to have such a good opportunity to get in close contact with idols.

But there is no way, the company belongs to Su Ye.

Although Su Ye said long ago, the transfer of funds below the tens of millions level can be used by the head of the department without his own signature and consent.

Just pass the financial review at the end of the month.

Because Su Ye has never checked the money usage of various departments, but no one has been pocketed.

Su Ye is so arrogant, if you trick him once, the money you earn is far less than the benefits you can gain from staying with Su Ye all the time.

Moreover, Su Ye gave the bosses of each department such great authority, so naturally he had seen everyone's character value.

Only when we know what is in mind will we give you such a large amount of fund transfer authority.

"Mr. Zheng, I need to think about this matter."

"After all, I'm just the person in charge of a department of the company, so I can't give you a direct or negative answer."

"Okay, I understand what you mean."

Zheng Zidan was not good at words, but when Wang Yifei said this, he felt hopeless and ready to give up.

It was the manager Qi Shan next to him who picked up the script on the table and kept shaking it in front of Zheng Zidan.

"Ask them if they need to see the synopsis."

Qi Shan whispered.

The reason why he only gave the outline of the script is that Qi Shan also has his own little thoughts.

What if the mainland company sees a good script and wants to film it without Zheng Zidan.

The film and television industry in the mainland is still developing very slowly. There are only a few well-known singers, and the film and television stars are all supported by the big names of the older generation.

There are no people in the younger generation. If they see a good script and want to praise the star they accept, wouldn't they be empty-handed?

Zheng Zidan nodded to show that he received it: "Wang Sheng, do you need to read the script?"

"If necessary, I will send the general content of the script to your mailbox."

"Okay, no problem at all."

A few minutes after Wang Yifei hung up the phone, he received an email from Zheng Zidan.

Judging from the information received in the mailbox, Wang Yifei is still very interested in this movie.

Movie Name: Ip Man
Investment amount: about 6500 million

Shooting time: about 4-6 months
Estimated box office: around [-] million

Story summary: In a special period, Gou Ri's kingdom invaded the Longhan Empire, Ye Wen is a skilled Wing Chun master...

It's just a story outline of about 500 words or so, and Wang Yifei read it with gusto.

This movie is not bad.

There is flesh and blood, love and righteousness, family and country, small and big.

If it can be photographed, it will definitely be well received by the market.

you can!

After thinking about it carefully, Wang Yifei took out his mobile phone and called Su Ye.

"President Su, I have something to tell you..."

As soon as the phone was connected, Wang Yifei heard a loud voice coming from the microphone.

During the day, Mr. Su probably won't be dancing in the bar.


"Wait a minute, I'm too noisy here."

Su Ye handed all the game coins in his hand to Li Qianqian and signaled him to go out and answer the phone.

This is a large-scale game entertainment venue opened on the street.

As soon as Su Ye opened the door, he felt gusts of cold wind.

I don't care, the weather in the imperial capital is really not good without heating.

Only then did Su Ye see Wang Yifei's name on the caller ID on the phone and asked, "Yifei, what's the matter."

"President Su, just now a star from Hong Kong City called me and asked if we want to invest in his movie."

"Huh? Movie? What movie."

"The name of the film is Ip Man, and it tells the story of a patriotic boxer in a special period."

"I've seen the general content, and I think it's not bad."

"Ip man?"

Su Ye remembered that in his previous life, there was a star who shot all four of Ip Man's movies.

Spanning more than 10 years, in the audience's image, this is a very good movie.

From the first part, the second part, the third part, until the final finale, Ip Man's box office has been higher and higher, and finally reached more than 10 billion.

And besides that, there was a wave of Ip Man-style self-introduction on the Internet at that time:
Wing Chun, Ip Man.

"Yifei, which star is looking for you?"

"How much is the investment amount?"

"It's Zheng Zidan, the one who just won the best actor award in Hong Kong last year."

"The investment is almost 6500 million."

"Just that much?"

Su Ye was stunned.

In his mind, the investment in movies can be hundreds of millions, or even hundreds of millions.

Some films with many special effects are purely burning money to make movies.

For Su Ye, the investment quota for the famous Ip Man movie is only 6500 million, which is really too low.

Not even a single technology point can be exchanged for.

After spending a lot of money recently, Su Ye has more than 10 points in his hands.

Although these points can also be exchanged for some small technology products, technology and other related materials, they are not very useful to Su Ye.

What he wants is the kind of material that can bring about certain technological innovations.

If the points in his hand are now enough to exchange for related technologies of smart phones, there is no need for Su Ye to ask Yang Zhiyuan to produce any high-quality and cheap functional phones.

"Yifei, go back and find out more about this matter."

"If Zheng Zidan plays the role in person, we will vote."

"Also, I have a request."

"Boss Su, tell me."

Wang Yifei forcibly suppressed the excitement in his heart, and asked patiently.

Mr. Su actually agreed, which means that he will have various opportunities and excuses to meet his idol in the future.

"Quality must be guaranteed!"

"It doesn't matter if you don't have enough money, but you must make the best movie."

"Whether it's from props, costumes, scenes, or personnel, the director can create it with great strength."

"Don't save me money."

"This is the first film that Qingyun Technology invests in, and we must show our tolerance no matter what."

"Yes, I understand."

Hanging up the phone, Wang Yifei couldn't help but swear in his heart, our Qingyun Technology's tolerance.

Does Qingyun Technology still have tolerance?

Didn't Mr. Su say that the nine-to-five weekend is the company's corporate culture?

When did he have another temper.

But contacting what Su Ye said just now, Wang Yifei also quickly reacted.

The so-called magnanimity of Qingyun Technology should be local tyrants, not short of money.

Forcibly suppressing the excitement in his heart, Wang Yifei dialed the phone.

In Hong Kong City, Zheng Zidan's apartment.

Zheng Zidan said to Qi Shan helplessly: "Qi Shan, look, I'll just say it."

"Companies in the mainland don't have so many stupid people. If we try to deceive people, we will definitely not succeed."

"You have to be honest with people."

"I've decided that if Wang Sheng doesn't reply to me within three days, I'll hold off on this idea for the time being, and make commercial films for a few years to save some money before we talk about it."

"Zidan, don't worry."

"I know the characters of mainlanders best. They have a good face."

"The reason why I didn't agree to you immediately is that I was worried that you would think that they don't have a city."

"Be patient and wait for a week. If there is no reply after a week, we will officially start working."

Qi Shan seemed to be waiting longer for Zheng Zidan, but in fact, he knew it.

Although Zheng Zidan looked calm and heavy, he hadn't met something he liked.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be so excited after seeing Ip Man's script, and want to make this movie even if I don't even make any money.

Qi Shan is playing hard to get, he wants Zheng Zidan to pick up the job and start work as soon as possible, and he can't confront him, which will easily arouse Zheng Zidan's rebellious emotions.

He had to follow him and think about him, so that after three days had passed, Zheng Zidan couldn't help himself and started working.

After all, if he started working one day earlier and made money one day earlier, he would be able to start shooting his favorite movie earlier in the future.

"No need, Qi Shan, just wait for three days."

After Zheng Zidan finished speaking, he picked up his phone and prepared to go out.

"Ah Shan, I'm going to go to the gym, do you want to come together?"

"I don't..."

"Jingle bell, jingle bell."

At this moment, the mobile phone in Zheng Zidan's hand suddenly rang.

When he saw the caller ID, he was pleasantly surprised.

Coming back to himself so quickly, Wang Sheng must have wanted to know more details.

When posting the synopsis of the story just now, Zheng Zidan said to send it all at once.

As a result, Qi Shan dissuaded him for a long time, saying that the other party was the company's executives who definitely didn't have so much time to read the specific script.

Sending a summary in the past not only allows the other party to understand the content of the movie, but also saves time.

Zheng Zidan didn't argue with him, so he sent the email.

It is considered time, Wang Sheng should have just finished reading the email after such a long time.

Being able to reply to him in such a short period of time, it seems that the other party is worthy of being his fan.

"Wang Sheng, hello, do you understand the plot?"

"Understood, the plot is very good."

"However, Mr. Zheng, if this movie is made, do you really expect the box office to be [-] million?"

Although I like Zheng Zidan, I also like this movie named Ip Man.

But Wang Yifei, who has always liked watching Hong Kong movies, also knows that this kind of kung fu movies are not popular in the market now.

As early as more than 10 years ago, filmmakers in Hong Kong City had already made kung fu movies to the point where no one else came after them.

It is very likely that you will lose money when you make a Kung Fu movie now.

Especially when meeting such a wealthy investor as Su Ye.

"Um, yes, there should be."

"Wang Sheng, I have been making movies for so many years, and I can still have some insight into the quality and box office of a movie."

"The box office of this movie is too much to say, but it is not a problem to reach [-] million."

Zheng Zidan turned up the volume of the phone under Qi Shan's signal, and when he heard Zheng Zidan's answer, Qi Shan nodded and gave him a thumbs up.

Sure enough, the most deadly thing is for honest people to deceive people.

Because you don't think he will lie to you.

The image of so many years has been rooted in the hearts of others, no one would have thought that even a low-key mature star like Zheng Zidan would tell lies.

"Okay, Mr. Zheng, you are an insider, I believe everything you say."

"Your movie, we Qingyun Technology voted."

"Okay, thank you, then you need to read the script... what?"

Zheng Zidan only reacted at this time.

Just now Wang Yifei actually told him that they voted for this movie?


That's it?

Do not hold a meeting to discuss, do not understand the market dynamics.

If you don't understand the industry structure, you don't understand the future development.

Just like that, relying on a phone call and an email, just such a hasty decision to vote?

How rich are you Qingyun Technology, to make such a hasty decision.

However, after Zheng Zidan got the news, he felt a little bit sorry.

He still remembers what Qi Shankou said just now that everyone in the mainland is stupid and rich.

Zheng Zidan used the character design he had accumulated over the years to exchange for a film investment of 6500 million yuan.

If this movie makes Qingyun Technology lose everything, it will be very detrimental to the future development of the film and television industry.

"Wang Sheng, do you still need to think about it?"

"Isn't it a little too fast to make an investment decision like this?"

"That's not fast."

"After all, Mr. Zheng's name as the new film star is here, so we won't worry if we lose money."

"And the boss of our company just told me something specifically."

"Oh, what's the matter?"

"He said, since it is a movie starring Mr. Zheng Zidan, it must be the best in every aspect."

"Whether it's the choice of actors, props, costumes, venues, personnel, as long as the need arises, the budget can be increased infinitely."

"Of course, we will also send professional financial personnel to monitor the use of funds."

Hearing Wang Yifei dictate the words of the CEO of Qingyun Technology, Zheng Zidan felt more and more uncomfortable.

The other party trusts him so much, and he even deceives him in order to satisfy his inner thoughts.

This is really too disrespectful.

"Wang Sheng, there is something I want to clarify with you."

"do not want!"

Qi Shan whispered and covered Zheng Zidan's mouth.

"Zidan, if you want to realize your ideal, don't talk at this time."

"It's impossible for you to give a definite answer to the box office."

"All you can do is work hard during filming."

"Do you understand?"

Zheng Zidan nodded to express his understanding, and Qi Shan then let go of his hand.

As a result, Zheng Zidan strangled Qi Shan's arm with his backhand, pushed him down on the sofa, and then controlled his movements with his legs and said into the phone.

"Wang Sheng, I must tell you in advance that filming is risky."

"No matter how optimistic you are about Ip Man now, he may hit the street."

"If you can't make the decision, you'd better report it to your superiors."

"Otherwise, don't blame me for only saying good things to you and not estimating the risks."

Qi Shan looked up at Zheng Zidan from the sofa.

He didn't understand why there were such stupid and persistent people in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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