Chapter 319 Kung Fu Movies Are Dead? (seeking a monthly ticket)
"Mr. Zheng, don't worry."

Wang Yifei said with a smile.

"Everyone in our company knows about your strength."

"Of course, thank you for your advice. When investing, there will be no 100% success."

"By the way, I'm here to invest in the first film, do you think there is anything to prepare?"

"Thank you for your trust. I will definitely work hard to make this movie well."

Zheng Zidan sighed in his heart.

That's the beauty of speaking up.

Instead of hiding and letting the other party guess and pry, it is better to say it openly.

In this way, the two parties will not only have more trust, but if there is any problem when the film is released in the future, they can also communicate in time to remedy it.

"About what preparations need to be made for investment, I'll ask my agent Qi Shan to contact you later, can you see if it's ok."

"Okay, then I'll wait for your call."

After Zheng Zidan hung up the phone, he let go of Qi Shan who was under his control.

"Zidan, what strength do you have, you almost broke my wrist."

"How about it, did you agree?"

Qi Shan already knew the outcome of this matter from Zheng Zidan's words, but he couldn't help but ask.

After all, Zheng Zidan said that just now.

If it is a company specializing in film and television investment, it will definitely not continue to invest.

Generally, when investing in a movie, investors have a certain purpose.

Either to make money, or to win prizes.

Of course, there are also those who mix the two, wanting to make money and win awards, and also want to have some contact with the participating stars.

For example, such as Wang Yifei.

It is purely because I like Zheng Zidan's movies that I will invest money in it when facing risks.

However, this answer is more convincing when it comes from Zheng Zidan's mouth.

"Yes, the other party agreed to invest."

"Not only that, they also said that the costumes, props, personnel and stars of this movie need to be found well, the best."

"If the funds are not enough, you can continue to apply to them yourself."

"Wang Sheng told me just now that their company has a company standard, which is to choose the best when buying things or investing."

"If it's not the best, try to make things the best together."

Zheng Zidan said slowly.

Listening to what he said, Qi Shan was constantly shocked in his heart.

There is no such company in the world.

The primary purpose of investing or doing things is not to make profits, but to be the best.

Money can be invested vigorously.

People, just look for them.

If Qi Shan was a director himself, he would definitely like such a company.

Even, even though he is still an agent now, he has a good impression of Qingyun Technology.

During the filming of this movie, since other investors said it was made casually.

Isn't that the best arrangement?
Celebrities, please come here if you have a schedule.

The opening and ending songs are all selected from the top lyricist and composer masters in Hong Kong City.

Clothes don't choose the kind of clothes that have been worn by countless accessories, all of them are new.

The crew doesn't need boxed lunches at noon or evening, they all go to restaurants, with a minimum four-star rating.

The props are also made 100% realistic and refuse to be crudely manufactured.

The storyline of the movie, Qi Shan felt that there were some unreasonable things before, and then invited ten or eight of the top gold medal screenwriters in Hong Kong City to optimize the script for me, create conflicts, and make the characters perform better. tension.

In addition to the crew, Zheng Zidan also needs better configuration.

It's not too much to buy two nanny cars. Now the latest multi-function nanny car produced in Gou Ri's country is priced at 245 million Longhan coins.

One is used for Zheng Zidan to rest and entertain, and the other is used for talking about things.

In addition, although the clothes Zheng Zidan is wearing now are good, they are only a few hundred or a few thousand Long Han coins.

Only when I occasionally attend some award ceremonies, I will choose to buy some more expensive dresses.

In this case, let's get Zheng Zidan's hand-stitched suits first, and order them for top artisans like Europa, who are exclusively for the royal family and nobles.

In addition, Zheng Zidan, who is poor in cars and rich in watches, used to drive an off-road vehicle made in Gouri's country, but now he directly replaces it with a beautiful country's bulletproof Hummer.

As far as watches are concerned, only one famous watch looks cheap.

Before becoming an agent, Qi Shan had studied the watch models of various luxury goods in depth.

Not to mention other things, it is not too much to buy at least three yuan for a watch worth more than 500 million yuan.

Washing, changing, and placing in the car to pretend to be aggressive, it is still very interesting to think about it.

Calculated in this way, Qi Shan feels that the investment of 6500 is not enough for him to build it like this.

Doubled, tripled is almost the same.

"Qi Shan, Ah Shan, why are you in a daze?"

"You give Wang Sheng a call later and tell them how to invest in movies. I'm going to contact some old friends too."

"Okay, Zidan, tell me how much we should pay for this movie."

"Before you became an actor, you already had a net worth of 800 million. According to the rules, after becoming an actor, the remuneration for participating in a movie will increase by 50% to 100%."

"That is to say, your current net worth has reached at least 1200 million, and even up to 1600 million."

Qi Shan opened his eyes wide and said in shock.

Since Zheng Zidan won the Best Actor Award in the Year of the Rat last week, he has been busy in various places, having dinner with investors, negotiating the latest quotations with brand owners, he is extremely busy.

Only when I looked back did I realize that during those few days when I was so busy that my feet didn't touch the ground, Zheng Zidan actually found a script and came back.

When he found out that the script was a kung fu movie that no one wants to shoot now, Qi Shan wanted Zheng Zidan to refuse it very much.

But there is no way, Zheng Zidan seems to be fascinated by the little screenwriter who has been around for ten years and hasn't made it, and he refuses to shoot a commercial film.

Just talking to Zheng Zidan for a long time, Qi Shan was thinking about how to cleverly make Zheng Zidan give up without getting angry.

In the end, after a phone call, someone was actually willing to invest in this movie.

Mainlanders, are they really stupid? How much money is there?

"No salary."

"I don't want a paycheck for this movie."

Zheng Zidan said in a calm but undeniable tone.

"Ah, why?"

"You are an actor, and you are here to eat. If you don't get paid, what will you eat, and how will you live in the future?"

"Zidan, think about it, if you don't get paid, what will you do with your future life, your family, and your children?"

Zheng Zidan waved his hand.

"Qi Shan, stop talking."

"This movie is purely what I did to fulfill my dream."

"The investors said that they didn't have enough funds, so they just opened their mouths. How could I take a salary of more than 1000 million yuan and make a movie that is destined to be impossible to make money?"

"This time, let's treat it as the last time I mess around as an adult"

"From now on, I will follow the route you arranged."


It was the first time Qi Shan saw Zheng Zidan in this state.

Zheng Zidan is usually calm and silent, and will not speak easily unless necessary.

Even if you open your mouth, you won't say too much, and it will usually end in one or two sentences.

But today.

For this movie called Ip Man, he has already broken too many previous habits.

Not only did he talk too much, but he even used his feelings.

"Ah Shan, you've been by my side for 10 years, from the time I was a newcomer in the industry to the current actor."

"For so many years, I am very grateful for everything you have done for me, but this time, you will allow me to be human and mess around once."

"Kung fu, or martial arts, is what I have been doing all the time. I also want to make Longhan's traditional martial arts known to more people in the world."

"Now my personal life is not bad. If I am famous, I can barely be considered a popular star."

"I feel the responsibility and burden on me is to promote Longhan Wushu."

"The film this time is just an opportunity. If it hits the market after filming, I will turn back to commercial films to accumulate strength and wait for the day to continue filming."

"If successful, I..."

Zheng Zidan stopped talking just in time.

Although he has always been committed to promoting the traditional martial arts of Longhan, he also knows the current film market.

Almost no one likes to watch pure kung fu movies.

He will definitely shoot this movie with [-]% energy, but there is really a very high possibility that it will hit the street.

Therefore, even if he didn't dare to imagine, no, he didn't dare to speak nonsense. After the release, the movie received great acclaim, made him famous and rich, and made people all over the country and even the world realize Longhan Kungfu.

"Okay, Zidan, since this is what you have always wanted to do, then do it firmly."

"I'll go back and tell the company about your movie, and then I'll discuss the follow-up investment with Wang Sheng."

"it is good."


Su Ye hung up the phone and hurried into the game room.

Seeing that he couldn't stand the cold at all, Li Qianqian couldn't help laughing and asked, "Su Ye, who called you."

"Wang Yifei, tell me that Zheng Zidan wants to make a movie, let us invest."

"Ah, make a movie?"

Li Qianqian's eyes lit up and said in surprise.

Which girl does not have a star dream, but Li Qianqian's status determines that she will never become a star in her entire life.

Now that she heard this suddenly, she never felt that she was so close to making a movie.

"What kind of movie are you making, comedies, romances, military movies?"

Li Qianqian asked three questions in a row.

The three questions she mentioned are the most popular movie categories on the market.

No matter what time of day, people like to watch comedy movies.

After all, life is already suffering enough, watching movies and watching those who suffer and hate deeply, isn't it that you can't live with yourself?

So comedy movies have become the mainstream on the market.

All age groups, all time periods, are the hottest movies on the market.

Second romance.

This is a market mainly aimed at young people, especially young couples.

There are not many entertainment activities in people's life now.

Young people don't like disco dancing very much. This activity is mainly a professional area for people over 60 years old, and young people can't get involved.

Therefore, when a young couple falls in love, they can't always hide in the groves of the park and do some shameful things.

Now that the weather is so cold, in addition to eating and going to restaurants or restaurants, I can only go to the cinema at other times.

Therefore, after comedies, romance movies are well-deserved No.2.

As for military films, I am afraid of being blocked if I talk too much.

Before America's special-effects popcorn blockbusters entered the country, military films were absolutely indispensable regulars in theaters.


Su Ye shook her head.

"What is that, tell me quickly."

"It's a Kung Fu movie."

"Kung fu movie?"

"Why do you want to shoot kung fu movies, no one likes to watch those kinds of movies now."

Li Qianqian said dissatisfied.

"Then have you invested in it? It's best not to. If you invest in this movie, you will definitely lose everything."

"Probably not."

"The leading actor is Zheng Zidan, the new best actor."

"With him at the box office, no matter what, it won't be bad."

Su Ye said in puzzlement.

Wang Yifei told Su Ye when he was filming the promotional film of The Legend of Blood.

Zheng Zidan is very likely to be this year's Hong Kong actor.

At that time, Su Ye thought, if he could really find a film star to do publicity, it would be a bloody profit.

The point is that at that time, the awards were only nominated, and no specific list of winners was announced.

Therefore, Wang Yifei can be said to have bought real jadeite at the price of cabbage, and earned it with blood.

Of course, Su Ye didn't care about such a small amount of money.

According to previous life experience, after Ye Wen's first film was released, the box office earned more than [-] million yuan. Su Ye doesn't remember the exact amount.

In addition, some surrounding channels sell, sell and sell discs, and export to Southeast Asia.

I dare not say how much money I make, but I should not lose money.

"Su Ye, do you really understand?"

"Kung Fu movies, that's an absolute pitfall."

"A movie released last year called "Zhan Tian Dao" had an investment of 4000 million, but the box office was only 380 million."

"Last year, it was released a step further. The gangster film "Shaolin Detective", which is closer to kung fu movies, had a relatively low investment, only about 2000 million yuan, but it was starring the former movie star Shao Xiaolong, with zero salary for the starring role, and you know how much it sold at the box office. "

"How many?"


Li Qianqian said with a determined face.

Shao Xiaolong is still one of her favorite celebrities, and at that time she still wanted to drag her classmates to watch it together.

As a result, when the students heard that it was "Shaolin Detective", they all rejected her without hesitation.

As a result, she could only watch the movie alone in an empty theater.

In the end, the cleaning lady who cleaned the theater woke her up.

Even the movie of her favorite star, she can fall asleep after watching half of it.

Tell me how bleak the current kung fu movie market is.

"Scared? Qianqian, don't scare me."

"Kung fu movies are really so cool now?"

"Nonsense, is there still a lie?"

"By the way, Su Ye, you must have already invested in Zheng Zidan's movie."

Su Ye nodded with difficulty.

He originally thought that Ye Wen had heard of this film in his previous life, so if he shoots it now, he won't lose money no matter what.

But the current market is so unfriendly to kung fu movies.

He also regretted that he had made a decision so quickly.

If tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of funds are invested in this way, doesn't it mean that it is in vain?
Although he can get double rebates.

But feeling that the first movie that Qingyun Technology invested heavily in was such a hit, Su Ye felt uncomfortable.


"You're such a loser."

Li Qianqian yelled so loudly that everyone who was playing games around couldn't help but look over.

I thought it was a bunch of young couples arguing here, and then turned around and went to play their own games as usual.

This situation is seen too much in the game room every day.

"I really can't help you."

Li Qianqian said something to Su Ye angrily, then picked up the box containing the game coins and walked to the front desk.

"Qianqian, why are you going?"

"Deposit coins and go back to the hotel."

Li Qianqian said something coldly.

When she was with Su Ye, she naturally had the spirit of a master.

This is not to take advantage of Su Ye, and Li Qianqian is not the kind of person who cares about money.

It's just pure heartache to see Su Ye being so prodigal.

"By the way, how much did you invest?"

Sitting in the taxi, Li Qianqian asked in a muffled voice.

"Not much."

Su Ye tried to get away with it.


"6500 million. And..."

"And what."

"Moreover, I also agree that their crew should put quality and quality first when shooting, if the cost is not enough..."

"If it's not enough, you make up for what's missing, right?"


Li Qianqian put his hand on his forehead.

She was really convinced by Su Ye, the prodigal old man.

I didn't see anything, and just a phone call from Wang Yifei decided to make such a large investment.

Also, so is Wang Yifei.

This important matter involves whether the company enters a new industry.

He even wanted to make a phone call to Su Ye to get it done.

When I go back, I must clean up Wang Yifei well.

Wang Yifei, who was on the phone with Qi Shan at Qingyun Technology about investing in movies, suddenly felt a little cold.

Also sneezed.

"It should be Wang Yihan who is thinking about me."

"After noon, I'll take her out to sing songs and watch a movie."

Li Qianqian was silent again.

Faced with this kind of thing, she was really powerless.

Usually in the company, Su Ye does everything under his own eyes.

When making any major decisions, I will also discuss them with everyone. Basically, I seldom act arbitrarily.

But this time, it only took a few minutes before and after.

Just make such a big decision.

Really satisfied.

Li Qianqian still has some understanding of the film and television industry.

To have the main body of the company, Su Ye definitely can't use the name of Qingyun Technology to invest in this movie.

Then there must be all kinds of talents who understand the rules of the film and television industry to join.

What brokers, financial and other personnel.

These must also be performed by people with reliable character and strong ability.

Otherwise, a good company will be tossed into bankruptcy by those mediocre people, and all investments will be in vain.

Secondly, it is necessary to manage personal connections in the industry.

If there is any news, you can grasp it in time.

There are still many things in the entertainment industry, and the personalities of the stars are also different.

There are those who work hard and diligently, and those who are so successful that they forget who they are.

If these people do something bad outside.

Not only is it a blow to his stardom.

For the company, it also lost all the previous investments.

In addition, in Li Qianqian's view, the most important point is.

(End of this chapter)

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