Chapter 320 Leave it to me (ask for a monthly pass)

For the company, it also lost all the previous investments.

In addition, in Li Qianqian's view, the most important point is.

When starting a film and television company, countless actors with different styles will try their best to get a chance to be on camera.

After all, there are so many film and television academies in China, and there are so many graduates every year.

But after studying, how many people can really participate in TV dramas and movies.

This point is the most fatal to Li Qianqian.

If one day Su Ye was with her for a long time, the two of them would get bored, annoyed, or quarrel.

There would be countless actresses who wanted to comfort Su Ye.

Sitting in the car, the more Li Qianqian thought about it, the more angry she became, and she wished she could call Wang Yifei immediately and scold him.

But reason told her not to do it.

"Su Ye, come in."

"Standing alone at the door as if nothing happened?"

After opening the door and walking into the room for a long time, Li Qianqian didn't see Su Ye coming in, so Li Qianqian looked at the door.

I saw Su Ye standing at the door leaning against the door frame in a daze.

"No, that's not what I meant."

Hearing this, Su Ye walked in and closed the door.

"I was wondering just now, is there any way to make this movie of mine well received by everyone and attract more audiences to watch it in theaters."

"Yes, we should think about it."

"Then what do you think of?"

"I got it."

"Oh, then tell me."

Li Qianqian thought that Su Ye would use the method of delaying himself.

Unexpectedly, he actually said that he thought of it, so listen to it.

"When I went back to Xucheng, I once visited a person."

"A person? Who?"

Li Qianqian asked curiously.

She also recalled that she rushed there in a hurry and was sent away by Su Ye after staying in Xu Cheng for two days.

Su Ye stayed for several days before returning to Jiangcheng.

Could it be someone who visited at that time?
Moreover, if Su Ye used the word "visit", then this person's status should not be low.

But in Xucheng, which company can do bigger than the current Qingyun Technology.

"Yes, it's Wang Xiaojing's relative, the strong man who followed Du Shaofei before."

"Wang Xiaojing's relative, the brawny man who follows Du Shaofei?"

Li Qianqian recalled it for a while and found a little impression.

"Yes, that guy's name is Xu Jingcheng, and I'm going to visit his uncle, Xu Zhongshu."

"What, Xu Zhongshu?"

Li Qianqian had obviously heard this name before.

But according to her understanding, Xu Zhongshu has rarely appeared in the outside world in recent years.

A few years ago, he had been hiding behind the scenes and manipulating the companies and various industries under the Xu family.

It was not easy for Su Ye to visit him.

However, unexpectedly, this Xu Zhongshu turned out to be a relative of Wang Xiaojing's family. It seems that Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is also in the company.

Thinking of Wang Xiaojing, who was cute and menacing, Li Qianqian couldn't help lowering her head to examine herself.

Well, the difference is quite large.

"Oh, do you know Xu Zhongshu?"

"Of course, the actual helm of the Hanlai Group, but doesn't it mean that he is no longer just asking about the world's affairs to maintain his health?"

"How did I find you?"

"Is such that."

Su Ye recalled the sense of powerlessness he felt when Chen Xudong invited him to meet Xu Zhongshu.

Now it's been two months, but I feel that I was a bit too middle school at that time.

Xu Zhongshu's ability to be so stylish is the result of accumulation over the years.

Su Ye is only 22 years old now, compared with an old man in his 60s, there is really no comparison.

"So, Xu Zhongshu's younger brother, Xu Hanlin, is also the president of the Longhan Wushu Association."

"So, through him, you want to use Ip Man's movie as an opportunity to promote Longhan martial arts culture, and then bind it with the National Martial Arts Conference that was postponed last year."

"Set off a wave of Kung Fu craze. In this way, people will watch the movie, the Wushu Association will also attract attention, and the Wushu Conference will also increase the audience. It can be said to serve multiple purposes."

After listening to Su Ye's narration, Li Qianqian reasoned to such a conclusion.

"Yes, our Qianqian is the smartest."

Su Ye praised.

"Fuck off."

"Don't think that I will spare you if the matter is resolved."

"Su Ye, you are not young anymore. Now, as the boss of a company with thousands of people, can you be a little more mature and stable?"

"This time it happened too suddenly. If you enter an industry rashly, the company will have to increase a lot of labor costs, management costs and funds. If you suddenly come to a new company like this, who can bear it?"

"Also, didn't you promise my dad something during lunch that day?"

"My dad called me this morning to see if you have any new moves."

"What can I say, I can only say that you are still asleep."


When Li Qianqian said this, Su Ye remembered.

He thought he came to the capital this time to take over Houlang Company with Li Qianqian.

Unexpectedly, in the middle of the show, there will be an awards show for the top ten outstanding youths of Longhan.

Later, he met Prince Muhammad of the Kingdom of Babs and promised to treat his mania.

Then when I was eating with Li Qianqian's father, it was because of the problem of laid-off workers.

Su Ye mentioned to him that Shunfeng Express is unable to recruit laid-off workers on a large scale because e-commerce has not yet developed.

In the end, Li Wanli assigned a task to Su Ye.

Let him come forward to build an e-commerce platform.

Su Ye refused many times but did not refuse, so he had no choice but to agree.

"Well, let's talk about this matter when we go back to Jiangcheng. Now we can have fun in the imperial capital for a few days."

"No, I can't play anymore."

"Now let's quickly pack up and return to Jiangcheng today."

"Today, you are not joking."

It's already afternoon now, even if I pack my luggage in 10 minutes, it will take almost 2 hours to take a taxi to the Imperial Capital Airport.

It's too troublesome to transfer between buses and subways, Su Ye doesn't even think about it.

"No kidding, speed."

"Bring your razor and everything."

Li Qianqian rushed into the bathroom quickly, and threw Su Ye's razor into Su Ye's schoolbag.

There is no other way, Su Ye can only clean up with her.

Su Ye didn't remember until he arrived in Jiangcheng at night.

In the imperial capital for so long, I have never seen the boss Zhao Yun once.

This is the legend, do you forget your brother when you have a girlfriend?

Hu Yidao got the news and was already waiting at the airport.

"Qianqian, do you want to stay with me at night?"

Su Ye asked as soon as he got in the car.

"No, you can deal with your business quickly."

"Also, I'm not going home, I'm going to the company now."

"Why do you go to the company? It's already past 7 o'clock, and the door of the company has been closed long ago."

"Will not."

Li Qianqian said firmly.

When he got downstairs at Qingyun Technology, seeing the lights on in the company, Su Ye was convinced.

He had implemented a strategy of getting off work on time for several months, and it was completely sabotaged when he was away for a few days.

These guys.

What's the point of staying in the company and working overtime if you don't go home after get off work.

Don't have a boyfriend or girlfriend?

Don't have parents and children?
Don't have any games to play?
Perhaps, with so many people squatting in the company and not leaving, maybe they are playing games in the company.

Su Ye walked into the company and found that it was exactly as he expected.

They are all playing Legend of Blood on the company's computer.

As I said before, games are the process of interacting with people.

Otherwise, if you are invincible alone, who else will play with you.

Therefore, the employees of Qingyun Technology did not ask for any internal benefits from the QQQ game department.

Moreover, Su Ye told everyone before the game went live.

The employees of Qingyun Technology can play their own games, but they must not use technical means to disrupt the balance of the game.

The player report function has been opened on Legend of Blood.

Any player finds that company employees use background programs to brush equipment, levels, potions, skills and other items for themselves.

As long as it is verified that the matter really exists, the first player to report will directly create a cash of 50000 yuan.

The employee involved in the report was directly deleted from the game and fired directly.

Now Qingyun Technology is the sweet pastry in the eyes of many workers.

Reasonable working hours and adequate breaks.

The benefits are generous and the body and mind can be satisfied.

Countless people want to join, but because of the current development of the company, except for some departments and branches, the basic changes of Qingyun Technology are relatively small, and the recruitment speed is relatively slow.

At this time, if you give up Qingyun Technology for a small profit, then there are countless people waiting for you to take the vacant position.


In the Legend of Blood game, the only benefit that Qingyun Technology's internal employees can enjoy is that they can play for free without spending points.

Many players are sour about this already very few benefits.

All kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred in my heart.

"I really want to join Qingyun Technology, not because of the generous treatment and conditions, just to play legends and not to recharge cards."

An Internet-addicted teenager in Qincheng left such a passage in Legend of Blood.

Unexpectedly, only half an hour later, this post was flopped by the Legend of Blood official.

"Now Qingyun Technology needs a lot of positions. If you are a student, please do your own work and study first. If you have entered the society, you can go to the QQ recruitment website to check the various positions that Qingyun Technology is currently recruiting. Finally, I wish you a happy game."

The internet-addicted teenager in Qincheng did not expect that he would be the first player to be answered by a flop since the hot blood legend forum was established.

Excited in his heart, he immediately replied below: "I am a senior in high school, and I have always liked playing games, but after all these years, Legend of Blood is the most exciting to play."

"So, I want to ask, does Qingyun Technology recruit game experience players? I can drop out of school and go to work."

This piece of news was discovered by a reporter from NetEase.

He is also a player of Legend of Blood, and when he saw this reply on the forum, his heart suddenly became excited.

I really am a super genius, super lucky.

You can even find news clues by playing a casual game.

Half an hour later, a film called "Insider!Qingyun Technology recruits minors, what is the reason for teenagers dropping out of school and working in the prime of life” news was published on the platform of NetEase.

When the NetEase staff in charge of reviewing the content saw the title, they knew it must have been written by a veteran, and he clicked through without even reading the content.

It means that the content is true and effective, and there is a stamp of the senior editor of NetEasy next to the title.

An hour later, the news reached one million hits, and more than 60 users had read the full text.

The reporter responsible for uploading the news was very happy.

NetEase has a monthly performance appraisal for each reporter.

Publish at least three news articles every week, one of which has at least 10 readings.

The number of news published every month shall not be less than 12, and one of them shall have at least 30 readings.

Or there are more than 10 pieces of news exceeding 8.

In other words, if you have explosive news, you should write news with 50 readings in a month.

But if not, then you have to win by quantity, but the minimum requirement is 80 readings.

Now, just relying on the news of the legend of blood can get millions of readings, the reporter of Wangnan is excited.

It's been almost a week, and there has been no million-level news on the Internet.

I definitely made a lot of money this time.

Be able to show off in front of your opponents and impress your supervisors.

It's just a spiritual thing.

For journalists who can reach the million level, NetEase will judge that you are a reporter with potential, vision and acuity. In the future, when you upgrade, evaluate your salary level, and get an outstanding employee of the year, you will have a certain bonus.

Fame and fortune.

This is the real double gain of fame and fortune.

The reporter happily looked at the reading data that was still rising gradually, and felt even more proud.

And just half an hour after the matter fermented, Wang Yifei also got the news.

His first reaction was that someone was messing with him, Legend of Blood, or even Qingyun Technology.

Now the legend of blood has been online for more than 10 days, and the average number of online users can be stabilized between 120 million and 150 million.

If it is after 8 o'clock in the evening, the highest number of online people even reaches the level of 300 million.

In addition to paying attention to these data every day, Wang Yifei puts the main managers on the international board of Legend of Blood.

This time, Legend of Blood is going to make an international board and promote it with English as the main language.

Such as Japanese, Korean, etc., have not been taken into account this time.

As soon as he got the news, Wang Yifei opened the forum himself and checked the status of the replies.

However, there is no problem with Qingyun Technology's reply in the post.

There is no way to pick out the fault from any point.

Wang Yifei was more certain in his heart.

This is either because the unscrupulous media is chasing rumors, or Qingyun Technology's opponents are playing tricks.

But Wang Yifei is more inclined to the second.

This year is the Year of the Ox. After Qingyun Technology released the Legend of Blood, many domestic companies are either developing their own research or looking abroad, pursuing the huge benefits of the game market.

There was the Stone Age before, and then there was the blood legend.

The huge benefits of online games have made countless people envious.

At this time, you must not let your guard down.

Wang Yifei wanted to call Su Ye to report the incident, but it turned out that Su Ye had shut down.

At that time, Su Ye and Li Qianqian were on the flight from the imperial capital to Jiangcheng.

There is no way, Wang Yifei can only think of a solution by himself.

Step one, clarify.

Everyone who has eyes can see how the legendary official and the internet addict boy responded on the forum.

At this point, there is no room for exploiting loopholes.

The second step is to find the black hand behind the first person who posted the news.

This requires the assistance of colleagues in the technical department.

The third step is to find out who is behind it, and then fight back.

But the ideal is plump, the reality is skinny.

In the face of public opinion on the Internet, Wang Yifei's department organized the first counterattack and was trapped.

Countless people, especially the children's parents as the main group, collectively bombarded Legend of Blood.

They don't care who the light of hope for domestic games is.

After seeing that child's remarks on the Internet, countless parents worried that their child would become like him in the future, becoming a severely Internet addicted teenager.

The wave of boycotts of Legend of the Blood rages on.

Wang Yifei's original plan to go out with Wang Yihan in the afternoon had to be cancelled.

within the company.

Wang Yifei couldn't take care of her at all, so he could only let her sit next to him and watch him deal with the tide on the Internet.

"A move like yours won't work."

Wang Yihan took Wang Yifei's arm and said.

After more than ten days of relaxing in Jiangcheng, Wang Yihan's mood is indeed better.

It doesn't matter to Wang Yihan whether he wants to go out to play this afternoon.

What she likes is the feeling of working in Qingyun Technology.

When he came to Jiangcheng Qingyun Technology for an interview last time, Wang Yihan complained about the welfare benefits within Longhan TV.

But at that time, she had a heavy responsibility.

I just want to start the "Business Observer" program.

The fact is exactly as she thought, after the episode of Qingyun Technology's program was broadcast.

"Business Observation" has become one of the best high-quality programs on Longhan TV.

Lao Wang, Lao Zhou and Wu Senmian have also risen because of this, and each of them can lead a small team alone to interview various domestic companies.

For a while, "Business Observer" was established as a rising star in Longhan TV.

However, a sudden outbreak of the epidemic has put the "Business Observer", which is full of vitality, into crisis.

In addition, the host of the show next door has secretly accumulated strength for a long time, and after some discussions with the newly appointed stage.

It is a serious dereliction of duty that Wang Yihan did not do his best to interview all kinds of outstanding figures who emerged during the epidemic during his tenure.

Just when the new director took office, he had already thought about setting fire to it.

As Wang Yihan's confidant and beloved general of the former head of the station, he should obediently follow the natural law of one emperor and one courtier, let me go down.

In this way, Wang Yihan became an idler suspended for investigation.

Lao Wang, Lao Zhou and Wu Senmiao were also transferred to Qingshui Yamen one after another.

But now, Wang Yihan doesn't care about those things anymore.

If you are suspended, you will be suspended. It happens to be a period of rest.

Longhan TV Station, Wang Yihan can be regarded as the leader of the middle and young generation.

The host next door, who has been trying to step on her, has been bouncing around all these years, isn't he still being suppressed by Wang Yihan?
"What doesn't work."

"The game I'm in charge of is being attacked, but I have set up a three-step counterattack plan, and I can't even handle the first step."

"Am I too useless?"

"I'm sorry for Mr. Su's trust in me."

Wang Yifei buried his head between his hands, feeling extremely depressed.

"What you're doing is simply wrong."

"Now, no matter whether the opponent comes prepared or does it casually, what you have to do is not to fight against him."

"To clarify, it is the most useless type of news in the news industry."

"You mean, I don't care about the current public opinion?"

Wang Yifei raised his head, his eyes were red.

"Yes and no."

"I can't explain this kind of thing clearly to you. If you trust me, leave this crisis of public opinion to me."

"here you are?"

Wang Yifei was stunned for a moment, "You don't understand our current business, you don't know the competitors we are facing..."

"Do not worry."

Wang Yihan smiled confidently, stood up and said:
"Don't forget what I do."

Wang Yifei couldn't help being stunned looking at Wang Yihan who was looking radiant and radiant in front of him.

She finally returned to her original mental state.


She is a reporter.

A journalist for many years.

(End of this chapter)

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