Chapter 347 Hidden Scheming (seeking a monthly ticket)

Zhou Zihang was actually quite distressed.

Originally, he thought that under his large-scale offensive, Dianping would soon fall into a slump and give up the market to himself.


Tang Lili's side was only silent for a few days, and the entire Jiangcheng market was filled with Dianping's business promoters.

Not only that.

In some cities around Jiangcheng, there are also business personnel from Dianping.

This made Zhou Zihang a little confused.

Seeing this situation, he first sought out his No. [-] internal response at Qingyun Technology.

As a result, No. [-] should say that they are too busy now, and the company is watching closely, so they can't come out in a short time.

Moreover, he guessed that the upper management of Qingyun Technology had noticed him, and asked Zhou Zihang not to contact him for a short time.

Zhou Zihang had no choice but to contact Li Ming.

Li Ming has been waiting for Zhou Zihang's call since he received Su Ye's order. Who knows, more than half a month has passed.

After receiving Zhou Zihang's contact, Li Ming sent Su Ye a message on QQ, and rushed to a coffee shop.

"Li Ming, what is the current situation of Dianping in your company?"

"Why are so many employees suddenly running merchants in the market?"

Zhou Zihang asked Li Ming to order coffee.

"This one……"

Li Ming subconsciously looked around and found that no one noticed him, so he whispered to Zhou Zihang.

"Now the company's leaders have discovered the appearance of Jiajiatuan, and Mr. Su is very angry about your appearance."


"How can he be angry?"

Hearing this, Zhou Zihang felt a little proud.

In the Internet industry of the entire Longhan Empire, who doesn't want to learn a few tricks from Qingyun Technology.

He is not the only one who has the foresight to discover this business opportunity of group buying websites first, and successfully squeezes Dianping out.

It's not that he's crazy.

Everyone here is rubbish.

However, now Dianping's strategy is a bit unclear to him.

What is the reason for Qingyun Technology to make such an irrational move.


In Zhou Zihang's view, it is an irrational move for Qingyun Technology to face-to-face with his family.

At present, the computer penetration rate in Longhan is not very high. Most users use the Internet to watch movies, listen to music or play games.

The impact of the Internet on life is not as great as other people imagine.

He is now running a family group not for the current revenue, but for the future.

Although Du Shaofei is just a diplomat, he is not a fool. If he hasn't earned any income for a year or so, and doesn't have any market size, wouldn't it appear that he is cheating him of money?

Zhou Zihang was arrogant in his heart. He was admitted to an elite university abroad by his own ability. He came back to the Dragon Han Empire to show his strengths and promote the development of the domestic Internet, and to realize his ambition by the way.

As for money, Zhou Zihang really wanted to say that he didn't care about money, as long as his savings account had enough to spend.

As for any more, it was nothing more than a string of numbers, and it was not worth his hard work for it.

But Qingyun Technology, no, Dianping's current actions have completely disrupted his next deployment of the company.

For Jiajiatuan, he thought almost the same as Su Ye.

They all develop businesses in big cities first, and then develop downstream after the domestic Internet industry matures in a few years.

However, now that is rich and powerful, even some second-tier cities have started to lay business, which makes Zhou Zihang have to face a choice.

It is to continue walking on the route you insist on.

Still, with Dianping Hard Steel, wherever he develops, he will develop there himself.

"You know, our President Su is young, and we are in control of the company and the overall layout of the business."

"Or, he is a proud man of the machine."

"However, since Jiajiatuan appeared and snatched Dianping's related business, I heard that Mr. Su was furious."

"Bluntly say that we will use the power of capital to defeat Jiajiatuan and kill your company in the bud."

Li Mingru said.

These contents are all the lines he had agreed with Su Ye a long time ago.

In order to make Zhou Zihang believe what he said, Su Ye specially set himself up as a brutal existence with an extremely strong desire to control and superhuman pride.

"So, no wonder."

Since Zhou Zihang came to Jiangcheng, he has been following Qingyun Technology, Dianping, and even Su Ye's personal news.

Two days ago, he just watched the news that Su Ye became one of the top ten outstanding youths in Longhan through TV.

He had already set a label for Su Ye in his heart.



But being too young can easily breed pride.

It can be seen from the TV that although Su Ye was ridiculed by the host in various ways and didn't seem to care, she must be uncomfortable in her heart.

As the only business figure in China to appear on the awards show of Longhan TV this year, he was ridiculed by the host. Not only did he lose the face of himself, but even business figures in the entire industry were thrown into it by him.

You said, Su Ye is such an arrogant person, can there be no anger in his heart?
If you have anger, of course you have to vent it.

Zhou Zihang was very clear in his mind about what he could think of when the Legend of Blood was always advancing and fighting back in the Stone Age without the slightest power to fight back.
Every family group.

The only possibility is Jiajiatuan.

For this website and company that borrowed the idea of ​​group buying from Dianping, Su Ye must have incomparable resentment in his heart.

However, now that Dianping is suppressed by Jiajiatuan, all merchants have been signed by Jiajiatuan.

What Su Ye can do is to withdraw from the group buying field, or fight to the death with Jiajiatuan.

Zhou Zihang analyzed it and felt that he had understood Su Ye thoroughly.

If there were no accidents, Su Ye thought so and did the same.

No wonder his No. [-] inmates are afraid to meet him now.

As an executive in the company, every move must be under the supervision of Su Ye, and any outrageous behavior will be exposed.

Zhou Zihang now somewhat understands the actions of No. [-] internal response.

"Li Ming, the information you gave me is very important, let's do it for today, I still have something to do."

"I will call you for your reward as soon as possible."

Zhou Zihang couldn't wait for a minute, he had to report the news to Du Shaofei as soon as possible.

Coming out of the cafe, Zhou Zihang drove to Jiajiatuan's own office, locked the door, and called Du Shaofei.

"Hey, Young Master Du, I have important information to report."

"what's the message?"

Because of the decline of the Stone Age now, Du Shaofei has returned to his previous life.

Now, at this meeting, Du Shaofei is hanging out with a few cronies in the bar.

"In this way, Su Ye of Qingyun Technology will never die. He is now making great efforts to recruit a business team to rob our Jiajiatuan's customers within Suzhou Province."

"If you don't make any plans, you won't be able to say whether Jiajiatuan will survive in the future."

"so what."

Du Shaofei was so drunk that he couldn't even think.

"My Young Master Du, so what, if Jiajiatuan goes bankrupt, all the millions you invested before will be for nothing."

"The only way now is for us to follow Dianping Hard Steel."

"He can find a way to compete with our Stone Age, and we can also directly increase investment and beat Dianping down."

"Young Master Du, at this critical juncture, I need your help."

Zhou Zihang deliberately made the matter serious in order to attract Du Shaofei's attention.

"Invest money?"

"You even asked me to invest money in you."

"Let me tell you Zhou Zihang, I have no money now, and the income from the Stone Age has already been handed over to the family. If you can think of a way, then find a way yourself."

"In the future, don't ask Lao Tzu for such a mess."


Du Shaofei hung up the phone without waiting for Zhou Zihang to explain.

He is now at the lowest point of his life.

Living a smooth life since he was a child, he has developed the habit of doing whatever he wants.

That was the case with proxy Stone Age in the beginning.

Later, under the support of players, the Stone Age became popular all over the country.

It was even more so when Zhou Zihang recommended himself, saying that he could help him deal with Qingyun Technology.

All along, he has always only revealed an idea, and someone or God will help him to make things happen.

However, since meeting Su Ye.

Everything has changed.

The stone age, which is obviously a mess, is said to be a global game that can be popular for at least two years.

As a result, it was only two months after it was launched in the Dragon Han Empire, and it was defeated by Su Ye's Qingyun Technology's new blood legend.

Now less than 5 players log into Stone Age every day.

What can such a small number of people do? Compared with the peak period when there were at least 10 people online, Du Shaofei really couldn't accept such a big gap.

If it's just a drop in the number of people online, that's fine.

After all, players are not worth mentioning in his eyes.

The key is that the daily revenue has also dropped from tens of millions, and now the daily revenue is less than 1 yuan.

To be honest, such a small amount of money is not enough for Young Master Du to go out and have a drink.

In addition, Jiajiatuan, which he wanted to overtake and invest in, also asked him for money every three days.

You said that the business is in good condition. How many merchants have signed contracts with Jiajiatuan?

Young Master Du would not pay attention to these young masters at all.

He wants to make money.

He wants to make a profit.

If you, Zhou Zihang, talk so nonsense, not to mention that you haven't made any money for such a long time since you set up the company, and you keep investing in it, who can stand it?

On the one hand, the industries they invest in frequently suffer setbacks.

On the one hand, Su Ye's industry is booming. Du Shaofei can still answer Zhou Zihang's phone call, which is already good enough.

Another person might be able to scold Zhou Zihang out of Xiang.

Zhou Zihang hung up the phone and fell into deep helplessness.

Perhaps this is the disadvantage of cooperating with such a family.

They only look at things and data that they value, such as money.

But narrow-minded, do not care about the future development of the enterprise.

Others do not say.

Let's say the Stone Age.

Even if a brand new game Legend of Blood appeared on the market, wouldn't it be impossible for the Stone Age to continue?
Not really.

As long as Du Shaofei works a little harder, he can find a way with the company in Gou Ri's country to prevent the appearance of cheats as much as possible. At the same time, all games that imitate Qingyun Technology will also organize an online login activity.

As long as you are willing to spend your money, isn't it possible to linger on for a while?

Doing business is not only about talent, but also about luck and persistence.

Maybe you think your business is not as good as other businesses, maybe you think your products are bad.

But maybe, something will happen to the competitor in the next second.

Then you can take the opportunity to rise to the top.

This moment, that moment.

Whether you are a person or a company, it is impossible to stay young forever, no, it is impossible to be loved by the market forever.

There are so many companies selling the same product on the market, and I didn’t see any of them, so I said I’m not going to do it, and let you have the market.

That's not a benign development atmosphere at all.

Just look at the current instant messaging field.

No matter how big Qingyun Technology is, there are Youxin'er and ISeeYou.

The collapse of Mumu was due to the problems of their founder Liang Weinan.

Although the other two companies are not as big as QQ and are not as profitable as QQ, as long as they stick to their own line, some users will like to use this kind of software.

This is the case in the field of instant messaging, and so is the game.

This is especially true for the just-started Jiajiatuan.

Now that the field of group buying is in the ascendant era, it is already very good to be able to seize some business opportunities at this time.

If Du Shaofei can persevere unswervingly, there will definitely be a place for Jiajiatuan in the field of Internet group buying in the future.

But give up at this time...

It's a pity for Zhou Zihang to be honest.

However, he didn't have much money, and seeing such a good project was about to fail, he felt very depressed.

After falling asleep, Zhou Zihang found that there were three missed calls and one text message on his phone.

"Hello, I'm Li Shanshan from Gundam Investment. I'm very interested in your company's group buying business. Do you have time to chat?"

The project of this family group has won the favor of venture capital?
Zhou Zihang rubbed his eyes confidently, and found that it was true.

The caller and the text messager both had the same number, his heart skipped a beat, he checked the time, and decided to call Du Shaofei who was sleeping soundly.

If he could agree with Jiajiatuan to accept outside investment, then his first career after graduation would not end without a problem.

"Master Du."

"Well, who is it?"

Hearing the confused voice on the other side, Zhou Zihang couldn't help secretly happy.

He pressed the call recording button on his mobile phone, and then said: "Young Master Du, didn't I call you yesterday to invest, but you might not be in a good mood at that time."

"Now I want to tell you about the current situation of our family group..."

"Don't bother me, I'm sleeping."

"Young Master Du, there is a company named Gundam Investment that is quite optimistic about our Jiajiatuan's business model and wants to invest in us. See if you accept their investment."

"Zhou Zihang, don't call me again."

"As long as Jiajiatuan hasn't generated profits, everything in the company is up to you. Well, I'm going to sleep."

"Young Master Du, wait a minute. I still need your authorization. Can you send me a document when you leave the company?"

"Authorization? Just call Xiao Mo directly."

"All his identification information is with him, all right, I'm going to hang up."

After Zhou Zihang said goodbye to Du Shaofei tactfully, he looked at the call recording in his mobile phone, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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