Chapter 348 O2O Business Will Prosper

In fact, Zhou Zihang has a clear positioning for himself in his heart.

He knew that when he first came up, he couldn't set the goal too big.

For example, Su Ye.

The current Su Ye is not comparable to him at all.

He is the boss of a company that already has successful experience, and its QQ users have reached more than 7 million.

This is not counting foreign audiences.

Zhou Zihang knew that the future of QQ is absolutely limitless after watching the press conference of Houlang's acquisition.

But there is also dissatisfaction in my heart.

How can you, Su Ye, be able to do this.

Zhou Zihang analyzed three points.

One, it was a good time for Su Ye to start a company.

Even though it was only a few months ago, everyone didn't know much about the Internet at that time.

However, with a group of pioneers, everyone knows more or less the concept of the Internet.

So, it's the right time.

Second, before Su Ye founded Qingyun Technology, he had been working in Jiangcheng's Mumu Company.

Mumu Company started as a communication software company. Su Ye has accumulated quite a lot of experience and has also seen some disadvantages in the industry.

At the same time, he was in the position of user operation in Mumu Company.

Very understanding of user needs and some pain points.

This will be of great help to him afterwards.

Three, Su Ye's luck.

It is undeniable that in the process of starting a business, in addition to every entrepreneur's own hard work and quick brain and vision, luck is an inevitable factor in success.

even an important factor.

The only advantage of Su Ye's QQ at that time was that it was free.

But in the Internet industry, not all products are charged.

At that time, when everyone was expanding their fee-based business, Su Ye's free service yelled a slogan even though it said it was a high-profile fight.

But before that, it wasn't that no one had made free products, it's just that they were a little less lucky than Su Ye.

Su Ye happened to choose the most frequently used instant messaging tool by netizens as a breakthrough point. Zhou Zihang believed that this was not the result of Su Ye's careful planning.

But just right.

At that time, online names all over the country needed a chat tool that could be used at any time without limitation or payment.

So QQ came into being.

Zhou Zihang has carefully analyzed the reasons for Su Ye's success many times during the long time when Qingyun Technology was his opponent.

The left and right will not exceed the three points he just mentioned.

Other personnel recruitment, fighting with Mu Mu, and expanding subordinate businesses, these things can only be icing on the cake, not absolute help.

After understanding the reason for Su Ye's success, Zhou Zihang also compared himself.

His management ability, level of knowledge, and understanding of the development of the Internet in the world are no worse than Su Ye's, or even stronger.

After all, Su Ye is just an ordinary undergraduate student in a domestic university, but he is an elite returnee with overseas experience.

He was born a head taller than Su Ye.

Now that Jiajiatuan copied Su Ye's Dianping, he actually didn't put Su Ye on his first target.

Zhuang Yiming of Qingyun Technology is his opponent.

He also has overseas experience and is also very recognized for the Internet industry.

Now Zhuang Yiming has become an indispensable part of Qingyun Technology.

And Zhou Zihang can only operate a group buying website that has just started.

He is confident that he is not much worse than Zhuang Yiming.

If Su Ye had recruited Zhou Zihang instead of Zhuang Yiming, Zhou Zihang believed that he would never be worse than Zhuang Yiming, or even better than him.

Although there is no way for Su Ye to recruit himself to Qingyun Technology, he is also good at home.

No matter how nice Du Shaofei's words were, it couldn't conceal his nature as an illiterate idiot.

In addition to eating, drinking and having fun, the smooth situation can make him have a limited passion for his career.

Now in the Stone Age, when Jiajiatuan is facing difficulties and being suppressed by Dianping to compete for the market.

All Du Shaofei could do was incompetent and furious.

It is impossible to expect him to come up with any good solution to the current difficulties encountered by the company.

Originally, Zhou Zihang was about to give up, but at a critical moment.

The favor of Gaoda Investment gave him a chance to move around.

Aside from Du Shaofei, cooperate with Gundam.

As long as he has the same funds as Dianping, Zhou Zihang believes that he can develop Jiajiatuan into the largest group buying website in China.

Even with Dianping by his side, he is confident of being tied.

After Zhou Zihang hung up the call to Du Shaofei, he called Li Shanshan directly.

"Hello, Mr. Li, I'm Zhou Zihang, the person in charge of Jiajiatuan."

"I am very interested in the cooperation you mentioned. I don't know when it will be convenient for us to meet."

Li Shanshan is the newly appointed head of the Jiangcheng area of ​​​​Gundam Investment.

After Zhou Yuanyuan left, Gaoda Investment learned that she had joined Qingyun Technology that day.

Those domestic executives couldn't help being furious.

Don't you, Zhou Yuanyuan, say that you don't know the person in charge of Qingyun Technology?
Not to mention that I have made many appointments with Su Ye, but have not received any response?

Co-author, you are eating inside and outside, and you have seen the rise of Qingyun Technology in advance, so you deliberately gave us a sloppy eye, right?

Gundam Investment is a large-scale foreign investment company, and Zhou Yuanyuan had signed a relevant non-competition agreement when Zhou Yuanyuan joined the company.

You can resign, but you cannot work in a company in the same industry for at least three years.

I thought Zhou Yuanyuan would be dead in this way, but he turned around and ran to Qingyun Technology.

Technology companies, specializing in the Internet industry, have nothing to do with investment companies. Even if you go to the court to sue, it is nothing more than unreasonable trouble.

With a mouthful of old blood in his heart, the Gundam Investment Headquarters recovered after a month and dispatched a new person in charge to Jiangcheng.

Li Shanshan.

Li Shanshan, who has a similar experience to Zhou Yuanyuan, also graduated from the economics department of a domestic university. She once worked as an intern at an investment bank in Hong Kong City for 3 months, and was hired directly after that.

Four years later, Li Shanshan, who was recruited by Gundam Investment with a signing fee of 4 Long Han coins, is not weaker than Zhou Yuanyuan in terms of ability.

Even the younger Li Shanshan has more potential.

This time, when Li Shanshan was sent to Jiangcheng, Gundam Investment deliberately competed with Qingyun Technology, or Zhou Yuanyuan.

"Okay, Mr. Zhou, I'm in Jiangcheng now, what time is convenient for you."

Li Shanshan is a typical Jiangnan woman, and she is gentle and soft when speaking Mandarin.

Hearing this, Zhou Zihang couldn't help but lose two catties in all his bones.

"I'm available anytime today, and you can arrange the location."


Tang Lili looked at the report in her hand, only half a month.

Dianping has made a comprehensive attack, and has signed contracts with more than 800 merchants in Jiangcheng.

In the surrounding Xucheng, Gusu, Shucheng, and other places, many contracts have also been signed.

On the contrary, Jiajiatuan has been unable to keep up with the rhythm since this period of time.

They can only maintain the original progress for development, which is much behind Dianping.

It seems that Su Ye's strategy is still very useful.

Next, Dianping needs to wait for the response from Jiajiatuan.

Tang Lili believes that it will not be too long before her old opponent Zhou Zihang will make a move.

That is a person who has a sharper sense of smell and execution ability in business than her.

"Mr. Tang, why don't we have an annual meeting at Qingyun Technology?"

The subordinate who was waiting for Tang Lili to check the report couldn't help asking.

After he joined Dianping, a subsidiary of Qingyun Technology, he gained a lot of envy in his circle of friends.

Even the goddess who has been chasing after him for a long time has dated him three times,

Seeing that success is in sight, however, Qingyun Technology, which has been making great strides and doing everything ahead of other companies, lags far behind in the matter of the annual meeting.

"Don't worry about this matter. The company has its own arrangements."

Tang Lili said something, and felt that her subordinates would probably ignore it, and continued to add: "It's not like you don't know what's going on with Qingyun Technology, isn't it just an annual meeting, there will definitely be, and it will definitely be more high-end than other companies. "


The subordinate agreed, and Tang Lili began to arrange work again.

"Go out later and call Mr. Wan, and Mr. Yao will come in."

"The current progress is still too slow. The company allocated so much money to us, not for us to put it in the account to generate interest."

"Money is only useful if you spend it."

"Alright Mr. Tang."

The subordinate went out and called Wan Shui and Yao Gang under Tang Lili's subordinates to come in.

These two are sales managers that Tang Lili poached from the market with high salaries, and they have been working in traditional industries before.

But switching to the Internet industry did not cause any discomfort.

Leading a group of subordinates is like a pack of wolves, constantly attacking cities for public comment.

"Mr. Yao, the progress of the Jiangcheng market you are in charge of is still a bit slow."

"Go back and work harder."

When Yao Gang heard this, he felt aggrieved immediately.

"Mr. Tang, I have tried my best, but Jiajiatuan is always against us. Didn't you say it before, as long as the merchants that Jiajiatuan has talked about, we will try to avoid opening them now."

"Although the scope and quantity of their signings during this period is not as good as ours, they will make trouble."

"I learned from several merchants that Zhou Zihang's strategy should be aimed at disrupting our existing plans. Even if they can't negotiate on their own, they won't give it to us easily."

"I have divided the salesmen under me into several teams to attack on multiple fronts. Only then did I quickly sign more than 800 merchants."

"Currently, the salesmen from Jiajiatuan have already talked about the things we have signed, and the others."

"Okay, that means, in a short period of time, the development of Jiangcheng has been restricted, right?"

Tang Lili asked.

Dianping never participates in or competes with clients that Jiajiatuan has talked to.

This information is a plan that Su Ye asked Dianping to implement seriously.

If they have enough people, it's okay to say, it means that Jiajiatuan has a good effect in seizing the market.

Su Ye won't be able to compete with the other party in a short time, so let's stop the market first.

As for those merchants who have signed contracts with family groups, there will be plenty of time in the future to persuade them to change their doors.

But now when they are short of manpower, they only give those merchants an intention, or they are purely for destroying the development plan of Dianping, which can only continue to consume their image in the minds of merchants.

Now that the group buying business has just started, it is not obvious. When there are more websites and platforms for group buying in the future, and when merchants take the initiative and can choose freely, the disadvantage of that family group will naturally show up.

Therefore, neither Su Ye nor Tang Lili was in a hurry.

The one who laughs first is not necessarily awesome, the one who laughs last is the real winner.


"Actually, the mainstream market and business district we occupy now only accounts for 30% of the scale, and the rest is occupied by Jiajiatuan."

"You don't want us to conflict with the salesmen of Jiajiatuan, so we can only go around."

"Mr. Tang, after doing this, the salesman will feel uncomfortable after a long time."

Yao Gang vaguely reminded Tang Lili.

Salesmen are a pack of wolves.

If you keep feeding them meat, they will scream and pounce on one opponent after another.

But you let them back down in the face of competition, and it doesn't matter if you back down once.

It's okay to give in again.

If there is too much time to retreat, the belief in the salesman's heart will dissipate.

The salesman who used to bark like a wolf will become a domestic dog who has been defeated many times, and dare not bark when he sees people.

Such a salesman will be abolished.

"Don't worry, the upper management of the company has already made arrangements for this matter, we just need to obey the orders."

"You still have to find a way to expand your business team. The Jiangcheng market is saturated. You and Mr. Wan can't stop. Our eyes are on the national market."

"As long as we run fast enough, those guys from Jiajiatuan won't be able to catch us."

"Now is not the time to fight with their bayonets. Let's first sit up the business volume, especially the business volume in key cities and provinces."

"First let the merchants and users have a deep impression of our Dianping, thinking that we are a group buying platform with business across the country."

"Okay, then my next step is..."

Yao Gang asked.

No matter how he fought with Tang Lili, Tang Lili always said the same thing.

Counting today, this is already the sixth mention in January.

"Mr. Yao, your work experience and focus are all in major cities, provincial capitals, and key cities such as Haicheng, Imperial Capital, and Guangcheng with relatively developed populations and economies."

"As for Mr. Wan, you are better at managing large business teams. I need your cooperation with Mr. Yao."

"Whenever Mr. Yao reaches a new battlefield, you are responsible for capturing the surrounding markets."

"Mr. Wan, what do you think?"

"no problem."

Wan Shui's age is too old, he is already over 40 now.

However, don't look at him being taciturn in the company, but when he goes out to run business... he doesn't talk much.

What he is best at is actually managing the team and doing training.

When the market stabilizes in the future, Tang Lili plans to make some adjustments to the division of labor between the two.

Mr. Yao is passionate and likes to talk about business, so let him be the outsider.

Mr. Wan is silent and introverted. He likes to focus on key points when looking at problems, so he is asked to be responsible for training and daily management in the company.

Don't think that Wan Shui, as a salesman, can't achieve results because of his taciturnity.

He was engaged in the insurance industry before, and his sales performance in half a year can reach tens of millions.

Such a level is rare even in the insurance industry where masters emerge in large numbers.

"Okay, then let's start the second step of Dianping's plan now, and go to the whole country."

"You leave at least one city manager in each city to be responsible for local business and merchant maintenance."

"Like Jiangcheng, at least three should be kept, and five are even better."

"In the future, all cities that have been developed will follow this scale. There will be more people in charge of the imperial capital Haicheng Guangcheng."



"In the next step, we will start with the periphery of Suzhou Province and capture Haicheng and Zhejiang Province first."

"Come on, everybody."

Wan Shui and Yao just turned around and left. After arranging the work content and the candidates for the city managers stationed, they bought tickets one after another to go to their destinations.

In fact, there are far more investment banks paying attention to Qingyun Technology than Gundam Investment.

Seeing that Qingyun Technology made a public comment, everyone was analyzing Su Ye's purpose for doing so.

When they got the news that the new investment manager of Gaoda Investment actually met with the person in charge of Jiajiatuan, those investment companies couldn't sit still.

Well known.

At present, in the Internet industry of the Longhan Empire, Su Ye, the founder of Qingyun Technology, can see the future.

Every step he took, every company he set up, every business he opened up, has been a success.

Among them are the popular QQ Zone, QQ Payment, QQ Game Platform, and Legend of Blood.

Even the quiet QQ recruitment was awarded by the Ministry of Labor of the Empire.

Call it a convenience creation of the Internet industry.

In the future, the Internet will go deeper into people's lives, so that everyone can enjoy the convenience brought by the Internet era.

All these incidents all showed Su Ye's vision and skill.

When Dianping was just registered, major investment institutions had already set their sights on this place.

It's just that at that time they didn't know what the so-called Dianping was doing.

As a result, after the epidemic ended, Dianping began to look for merchants in the city and sign contracts.

Not long after, a brand new website went live.

Within two days, a company called Jiajiatuan was also established in Jiangcheng.

It took more than a month of follow-up for investigators from investment institutions to understand the business model of Dianping.

It is to sign up merchants offline, and then reverse flow for merchants from online.

Dianping, in fact, allows all users with a Dianping account to comment on the restaurants, hotels, and even amusement parks, movie theaters, zoos and other places of entertainment and leisure that they have been to.

The advantage of this is that it allows users who don't know the place to have a general understanding of their destination just through the comments of other users on the Dianping website.

If it is a restaurant with unpalatable food, a hotel with poor service, or a theater with a terrible experience, everyone can successfully avoid lightning.

Now that has been online for a short time, the majority of users don’t have much idea about this platform.

But those merchants are different.

Although we have only cooperated with Dianping or Jiajiatuan for a while, there are indeed many customers who say that they come from the Internet.

Those merchants with good service and good products have also begun to make profits.

Every time the salesman of the group buying network arrives at the store, he will be warmly received by the store owner.

Dianping is okay, the company has a rule that it is not allowed to take needles and threads from merchants. After all, Su Ye knows that Dianping is now providing services to merchants for free.

But in the future, Dianping will definitely have a fee-based business.

Once the salesperson has this habit of eating and taking cards, the atmosphere in the future will be spoiled.

Whoever benefits him, he will send a recommendation to whom, or shoot at the forefront of the search results.

Then the wind direction of the whole market will be spoiled, Su Ye must prevent such things from happening from the source.

But the other family group was different. Zhou Zihang didn't realize the bad effect of indulging the salesman in doing so, so he didn't order it to be banned.

After the salesmen of Jiajiatuan arrived at the store, they never refused the hospitality of the merchants, and sometimes they even took the initiative to ask for benefits.

What free meal, take your girlfriend to watch a movie, and so on, too numerous to mention.

Some merchants are happy to see the success, but some merchants also have complaints in their hearts.

You haven't brought us much benefit yet. That's it. If one day, the store really turns a profit or is full of guests, why don't you stay in the store and refuse to leave?
It is indeed not easy for the investigators of investment institutions, and they also reported this phenomenon.

Anyway, they are only responsible for the investigation, and how to make a decision is a matter for the headquarters.

Now, the major domestic investment institutions have some understanding of the two group buying websites that suddenly appeared in Jiangcheng.

Some people will understand.

Isn't this the concept of online purchase and offline consumption that just emerged in foreign countries some time ago?
In fashionable words, that is O2O.

Unexpectedly, this concept has just been proposed in the more mature foreign Internet industry, and there are already two group buying websites in China.

From this point of view, he made money from this matter.

For a time, the domestic venture capital circle was in a state of turmoil.

Countless investors have contacted the entrepreneurs in their hands and asked if they are interested in entering this field.

I heard that it is led by Qingyun Technology, and there is another website that is already following suit.

Entrepreneurs can't help but be eager to move.

Qingyun Technology is optimistic about the business, even if it can't develop into a behemoth in the future, but it should be no problem to let itself achieve financial freedom.

Under the shareholders of major domestic venture capital institutions, many entrepreneurs have already started to make proposals.

If you let yourself do a group buying website, how much capital and personnel are needed, how long will it take to occupy a large market share, and how long will it take to achieve profitability.

Each of these piles is a problem that plagues entrepreneurs, and they need to overcome it bit by bit.

For a time, the person who put forward the O2O concept abroad has attracted the attention of countless people in China.

Including a book he wrote before, everyone asked someone to find a relationship, and purchased the original English book from abroad for study.

Maybe, there will be a little bit in that book that this person can form the prototype of the O2O concept.

Su Ye was exercising in the gym. A group buying website he created casually made the person who first proposed the O2O concept popular in China.

If he knew, Su Ye would definitely ask him for the promotion fee.

 It's the end of the month, ask for a monthly ticket
(End of this chapter)

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