Chapter 360 Chapter 361, Happy New Year (seeking monthly ticket)
After the first batch of Qingyun mobile phones were all sold, Su Ye couldn't bear it anymore.

Recently, he has been living an old life, going to bed at 9-10 o'clock every day.

I fell asleep at ten o'clock.

You really don't say it.

Since he changed his routine, he found that the whole world has become more loving.

Get up in the morning and jog around Tianyue City for half an hour, then come back and cook something to eat.

Be energetic all day long and not suffer from insomnia or anything.

Now the entertainment industry in the Longhan Empire is underdeveloped, and so is the Internet.

Su Ye has nothing to do.

If it was in the previous life, it would have been a few hours if you brushed on a certain sound.

Go through the circle of friends again, look at the post bar, browse Weibo, it is not enough time to sleep at night.

This is because Su Ye doesn't like playing games.

If you play games, then only games are enough.

Seeing Su Ye yawning so sleepy, Li Qianqian also felt a little distressed.

This guy said just now that he wanted to go back and rest early, but Li Qianqian dragged him to participate in some super part, and by the way, witnessed the historical moment of Qingyun Mall's launch.

Even though he said that, Li Qianqian also knew at the time that the historical moment of Qingyun Mall was purely a fabricated reason for Su Ye to stay.

But she never expected that the word would become a prophecy...

In just over an hour since Qingyun Mall went live, sales have exceeded 6 million.

This was something Li Qianqian could never have thought of.

"Su Ye, you go back first, I'll keep an eye on it for a while."

Excited Li Qianqian asked Su Ye to return first.

"Farewell, if you don't sleep, our colleagues in Qingyun Mall will still sleep."

"You ask them to sort out the sales data and send it to Houlang, and then rest as soon as possible."

"You also follow me, and I will take you home."

Su Ye has experienced 1111, 1212 and 618.

This kind of annual promotion has the highest sales volume in the first hour of the event day.

After one o'clock in the morning, sales drop.

Wait until daytime to continue strengthening.

Besides, the first batch of Qingyun mobile phones have been sold out, and Li Qianqian is just waiting here, and there is not much room for improvement.

"Well, that's fine too."

Li Qianqian reluctantly followed behind Su Ye, talking about her excitement all the time.

If calculated according to the sales in the first hour of today, in 211 hours on the day of 24, the sales of Qingyun Mall may exceed 120 billion within one day of its launch.

"Are you kidding me? There are only 500 million mobile phones, and if all of them are sold, it will be 15 billion."

"A computer costs 5000 yuan. If all of them are sold and the temporary production in the factory is added, it is only about 5 million yuan."

"These two electronic products are what really account for the bulk of the sales. The things you buy can sell for 2-3 million yuan."

"So we have the most online sales today, which is more than 20 billion. Don't think too much."

"I know."

Li Qianqian squeezed Su Ye's hand in dissatisfaction, "You just expose it so ruthlessly, don't you want me to have a sweet dream?"

"No, no, just imagine."

Sitting in the car, Su Ye could only helplessly beg for mercy.

Are women really unreasonable animals?

After getting in the car, Li Qianqian was obviously also interested and tired, and the car became quiet for a while.

Su Ye drove his city walker slowly on the night streets of Jiangcheng.

Under the street lights, there is no one pedestrian.

There are few cars on the road.

He quietly felt the beauty of being with Li Qianqian at this moment.

"Listener friends, this is the end of our midnight whisper program tonight."

"Let me meet in the singing, and see you on time at 23:[-] tomorrow night."

"I'm Hanzi, the anchor of Jiangcheng Radio Station. I wish you sweet dreams."

Li Qianqian didn't know what he was thinking, and suddenly turned on the car radio.

But at this time, it was already past one o'clock in the morning, and even the midnight show was over.

Amidst the faint singing, Li Qianqian turned to look at Su Ye.

"Su Ye, Chinese New Year is coming soon, how are you going to spend it?"

"Go back to Jiangcheng and live with your parents."

Li Qianqian's mouth twitched.

She was not satisfied with this answer.

"I'm not asking who you spend with, but what are the arrangements for the Spring Festival."

"No arrangement."

"After working for such a long time, I just take advantage of the Chinese New Year to take a good rest. On the [-]th, I will watch the Spring Festival Gala with my parents and make dumplings."

Su Ye replied naturally.

He was an orphan in his previous life and felt lonely almost every Spring Festival.

On this day when the whole country is reunited, he will truly feel how uncomfortable and painful the word "orphan" is.

If only I could have a home.

This was Su Ye's previous wish.

Whenever I see some people on forums or Weibo posting that they were urged to marry by relatives during the Chinese New Year, asking about their academic performance, their relationship status, and their income from work.

Whenever I see someone posting their weight after the Spring Festival and saying that their parents hate them.

Whenever I see whether it is a TV commercial or on the street, there is a family going out together, laughing and laughing.

Su Ye couldn't help crying.

He is an orphan.

no home.

There is no love either.

Now in the Longhan Empire, after Su Ye went back to Xucheng last time, he found that he could get along well with Su Aiguo and Meng Xiaojuan.

Whether it was because of the remaining consciousness of the original owner, or because of his true longing for family affection, he had great expectations for the first time in his life when he returned home during the Chinese New Year.

Let you have ten thousand hectares of fertile land.

Let your sweet wife and beautiful concubine.

Let your family be rich.

May you be rich and prosperous.

During the Chinese New Year, when you go home, you are the child of your parents.

They will always serve you what they are reluctant to part with and show you.

Two worlds, two lives.

Su Ye very much wanted to enjoy the life of staying at home during the Spring Festival and opening her mouth for clothes and stretching out her hands for food.

I also want to experience the feeling that my parents think he is annoying but every meal is rich and delicious.

So when Li Qianqian asked, Su Ye naturally answered truthfully.

What's more, Su Ye's father's factory has been on vacation for the past few days, and his parents call him almost every day to ask him when he will go back.

Ask him to give his employees a holiday earlier, and also give himself a holiday.

I've become my own boss, why can't I live a more relaxed life.

Su Ye agreed wholeheartedly, but there were too many things happening recently, and he couldn't help it.

I can only postpone the time to go home again and again.



Before Li Qianqian finished speaking, she turned around and stopped talking to Su Ye.

She wanted to ask Su Ye how to arrange herself during the Chinese New Year.

As a result, Su Ye felt as if she didn't exist in her heart, and went home one bite at a time, and one bite at the Spring Festival Gala.

Does the Spring Festival Gala look good on me?
"What's the matter, what do you want to say, just tell me directly."

"What, are you angry?"

"Qianqian, don't be angry, it's the first time in my life that I'm in a relationship, if you have any ideas, just tell me."

Tell you a dick.

Li Qianqian didn't know if Su Ye was pretending to be stupid or really stupid.

My own problems are so straightforward, I still don't feel a little bit.

I have something to tell you straight.

After saying it, it was not the feeling she wanted.

I also know that this is the first time I'm in love, and I also know that I'm in love with Li Qianqian, why don't I have any brains at all.

Could it be that Su Ye's IQ is all at the level of entrepreneurship and the Internet.

But the price is that EQ is cleared?
Li Qianqian didn't care what Su Ye said, just ignored him.

When the car arrived at the door of Li Qianqian's house, seeing that Su Ye still hadn't reacted, Li Qianqian angrily opened the car door and left without looking back.

"Hey, why don't you close the car door."

Su Ye said to Li Qianqian's back, but she could only helplessly shake her head and sigh.

It's really hard to guess what this woman is thinking...


Zhou Chong is an employee of Shunfeng Express.

He used to be a driver of Jiangcheng Freight Company, but after the reorganization of the freight company, he was laid off.

It seemed that the Chinese New Year was almost here, and he didn't have a job yet, so he was very worried.

Fortunately, I heard from a few former colleagues that they joined a courier company with good treatment.

No matter how much you work every month, your salary will be paid on time.

The basic salary is 3000 yuan.

3000 yuan!
This is a very high income for Zhou Chong.

When he used to work in a freight company, he ran around every day, and he could only get more than 2000 dead wages.

The performance is due to the poor management of the company, and it has not been released for several years.

So, even though he didn't know what Shunfeng Express did, he joined Shunfeng Express in a daze.

After three days of paid training, he found out.

The express industry is similar to the freight I did before.

All deliver goods to customers.

It's just that he used to pull and deliver whole trucks.

Now it has become a truckload of goods, which are sent out one by one.

The salary situation that he is most concerned about has also been clarified.

The basic salary of a full-time Shunfeng courier is 3000 yuan, which is the same for newcomers and seniors.

But in addition to the basic salary, the company will also give each courier two dollars for performance.

This is still delivery. If the customer can be contacted, then receiving a courier is also a performance of two yuan.

Of course, this performance is what Zhou Chong said, and Shunfeng Company calls it commission.

After half a month of working with the wind, he settled the bill.

If he can deliver 1800 couriers every day, his monthly income will be [-] more.
If more than ten pieces can be harvested, then the monthly income will be 600 more.
Adding the basic salary of 4800 yuan, his monthly income can reach 5000 yuan, which is less than [-] yuan.

With such a total, Zhou Chong felt that his whole blood was boiling.

The express delivery industry is not only related to my previous work, but also can make so much money.

This is a fair type of work that pays more for more work.

Now because the business of Shunfeng Express is still relatively small, Zhou Chong only needs to deliver more than ten express deliveries every day to complete the work.

But he is not satisfied...

He wants to make money.

Since the way of express delivery is not feasible, then find a customer.

During the whole month of January, Zhou Chong received 820 express packages, and on average, he found nearly 30 customers to send express deliveries every day.

And these 830 express deliveries not only converted into a commission of 1640 yuan, but also made Zhou Chong a well-deserved sales star of the express delivery site.

Colleagues at the site know it.

These 820 express deliveries are not Zhou Chong's one-month performance. If these customers still need it in the future, they will definitely call him.

In addition, Zhou Chong is willing to endure hardships and has a loyal appearance. At first glance, he is a person worthy of entrustment. In January, three companies even signed an agreement with him. If they want to send items for a long time in the future, they will find him.

February is coming, because Su Ye is going to build Qingyun Mall, Shunfeng's Cao Wei also told everyone in advance that everyone should be prepared to work overtime during the Spring Festival.

In addition, a red envelope of 500 yuan was sent to everyone in advance.

After Zhou Chong told his wife and children about this, although he felt sorry that he had to work hard to make money during the Spring Festival, the family needed a stable source of income so much that they had no choice but to agree to let Zhou Chong go to the company to work overtime.

On the early morning of February 2, Zhou Chong came to his own site. The colleagues in charge of sorting in the evening shift had already sorted the couriers in the areas in charge of each courier. Zhou Chong drove the car after checking the goods. Out for delivery.

Because he has experience in a freight company and is one of the few people on the site who can drive, the company's vehicles for the site are handed over to Zhou Chong.

I have already planned the route in my mind, and I will go to the residential area to deliver the goods first. At this time, most of the enterprises and companies are already on holiday.

It was already 10 o'clock when Zhou Chong arrived at the first stop, Guangming Community.

"Hi, hello, I'm the courier of SF Express. Yours has arrived. Is there anyone at home?"


"Okay, please wait a moment, I'm here at the gate of the community, and I'll send the courier to your home right away."

"Okay, thank you, master."

It was a young woman who answered the phone. Zhou Chong put the car in order, and went upstairs with the courier.

In the process of going upstairs, he still had time to look at what the item he sent was.

[Qingyun mobile phone A1, black, one set]

[Qingyun mobile phone A1, white, one set]

When Zhou Chong saw the word Qingyun, there was a burst of tenderness in Zhou Chong's heart.

Shunfeng Express is a logistics company under Qingyun Technology. Although the young Mr. Su is young and looks like his own child, he has created such a big industry.

Zhou Chong often tells his children that they should study hard and become a big boss like Mr. Su in the future.

Moreover, Mr. Su not only has strong entrepreneurial ability, but also a person who cares about employees.

Zhou Chong's basic salary of 3000 yuan is already considered mid-range in Jiangcheng.

If the monthly commission and bonuses are added, then it is considered a proper high-income group.

Such a high income is not only partly due to my hard work, but also because I joined a good company.

For Qingyun Technology, Zhou Chong's heart is full of gratitude.

"Dong dong dong."


The door opened, revealing the face of a young girl.

"Hello, I am Shunfeng Express, here is your package."

"Thank you, Master."

The girl said something casually and was about to close the door.

"please wait for a moment."

Zhou Chong learned during the induction training that some valuables, electronic products, and fragile items must be checked out of the box by the customer when they are delivered to the customer, and they can leave without any problems.

"Just now I saw that there are two mobile phones in your package. According to the company's regulations, you can open the box and inspect the goods. If there is no problem, please confirm and sign."

"Oh, yes. Wait a minute, please."

The girl took the package and looked around for something that could be unpacked. Zhou Chong took out a box opener from his pocket and handed it to the other party.

"No problem, everything is fine, thank you, master."

"It's okay, I'm Shunfeng's courier, and I have the obligation to remind you like this."


As Zhou Chong said, he took out a business card with his mobile phone number printed on it from his pocket and handed it to the other party.

"Girl, this is my phone number. You can contact me when you need to send a courier in the future. I promise to be on call."


Zhang Xiaoran took the business card and prepared to enter the room with two mobile phone cases.

These two mobile phones are gifts for her parents when she prepares for the Chinese New Year.

Now that she is an intern at university, she cannot give her parents too luxurious gifts, but Qingyun A1 has given her enough choices.

The price of one is only 300 yuan, so she bought two at once.

It saves parents from having to find a phone booth or call from a landline at home every time they want to call her.

With mobile phones, the contact between family members is even more convenient.

"Xiao Ran, who was it just now?"

Mom's voice came from the kitchen.

"No, no one, knocked on the wrong door."

"No way."

Mom turned off the gas stove, and when she came out, she saw two boxes in Zhang Xiaoran's hands.

"What is this? Have you made a boyfriend?"

Hearing this, Zhang Xiaoran didn't know why he felt something was wrong.

When I was in middle school, my parents strictly guarded against her because they were afraid that she would come into contact with the opposite sex.

But after going to college for four years, she would go home directly every time she was on vacation, which made the two of them feel uneasy.

My daughter is so old, she still hasn't found a boyfriend, is there something wrong?

"No, Mom, these are just two boxes."

"What box, show me."

Zhang's mother couldn't help but walked to Zhang Xiaoran, wanting to see what she was holding.

Zhang Xiaoran subconsciously hid the two mobile phones behind him, but suddenly heard his father's voice behind him.

"Haha, I saw it."

"Qingyun mobile phone, A1."

"Hey, Xiao Ran, why are you buying two mobile phones?"

"Didn't your mother and I buy you a mobile phone?"

"Oh, Dad."

Zhang Xiaoran was ashamed and angry, her father loved doing this kind of thing the most, and he liked to make surprise attacks with her every time.

"What mobile phone, let me see."

Zhang's mother took a look at the mobile phone, and couldn't help complaining: "You are the same child. How much money do you earn by doing your own internship? Just buying two mobile phones is too extravagant."

"By the way, is this bought by your company and will you be reimbursed?"

"No reimbursement, I bought it myself."

"You bought it yourself?"

"How much money do you have?"

Mama Zhang's voice suddenly rose.

She just wanted to give Zhang Xiaoran a love education when she heard Zhang Xiaoran say: "Mom and Dad, this is a mobile phone I bought for you two with my own salary. You don't have to go home and call me when you miss me." phone."

"And with mobile phones, life will be more convenient."

She handed the white mobile phone to her mother and the black mobile phone to her father.

"Mom and Dad, Happy New Year."

 I wish you all a happy new year, and cookies wish you all a happy new year.I wish everyone a prosperous Year of the Ox, wealth increase, family harmony, and good health.

(End of this chapter)

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