The richest man in the world starts with 100 million sign-ins every day

Chapter 361 Chapter 362, The New Project Zhou Yuanyuan Values ​​

Chapter 361 Chapter 362, The New Project Zhou Yuanyuan Values ​​(seeking a monthly ticket)

There are many young people like Zhang Xiaoran.

On February 2, the day when Qingyun Mall went online, all the 11 million Qingyun A500s that Su Ye had prepared were sold.

Not only that, during this period of time, Yang Zhiyuan has been watching the situation at the factory, and the actual number of mobile phones produced is far greater than the current sales data.

Seeing that the situation was so good, Yang Zhiyuan wanted Su Ye to sell the 400 million mobile phones in stock.

But Su Ye finally refused.

Although there are some customers with 500 million mobile phones, no one buys more than one.

But in general, everyone basically buys two.

Selling all the mobile phones that have been produced now will cause a saturation of the market in a short period of time.

This is very unfavorable to the future development plan of Qingyun mobile phone.

This mobile phone itself is already a low-end model, and there will be no other manufacturers to form direct competition with itself in a short time.

That being the case, why not keep the water flowing and let the sales run for a while.

Now the new area that was built in cooperation with Jiangcheng City Lord's Mansion has also started construction, and the technology research and development center that Qingyun Technology has planned for a long time is about to be capped.

It is estimated that after a period of renovation, it can be officially put into use.

At that time, Su Ye does not intend to continue to expand the market business in the low-end market.

He has not forgotten his original intention, which is to compete with the fruit company in the beautiful country.

Now there are no rumors in the technology world that fruit will be made into a mobile phone, but Su Ye believes that such a company will never let go of any opportunity to dominate the mobile phone industry.

This time, Su Ye didn't want to let the fruit phone be more beautiful than before.

He wants to make a voice that belongs to Longhan in the world.

Therefore, it is enough to do a little work on low-end mobile phones at the beginning, and the focus of future work should be on higher-end mobile phones.

Feature machine.

It is definitely not the end of Qingyun mobile phone.

Smartphones are the era when Qingyun mobile phones really play a role.

After the scientific research center is put into use, he will devote most of his strength here.

Until the cell phone companies get their act together.

On the day of its launch, the sales of Qingyun Mall were indeed as Su Ye expected, and the overall sales were only a little over 21 billion.

Those colleagues who promised Li Qianqian that day that they would find a brand owner had no choice but to purchase some products.

Now that most of the factories have shut down, what those brand owners can do is to transfer all their inventory to Qingyun Mall.


But those brand owners also realized the power of Qingyun Mall.

I didn't expect that it was just a website that took some pictures, but it could create such a big sales miracle.

Yes, in their eyes, this is indeed a sales miracle.

It took only one day for Qingyun Mall to complete their sales for several months or even close to half a year.

The marketing directors and vice presidents of sales of countless companies have already booked air tickets overnight and rushed to Jiangcheng to discuss more in-depth cooperation with Li Qianqian.

Not just them.

Those venture capitalists and entrepreneurs who paid attention to Qingyun Technology were shocked again.

There is definitely something wrong with Qingyun Technology.

Why can they get such a big benefit for every action they take.

The single-day sales exceeded 20 billion, which is simply a sales myth in the new era.

There are also many e-commerce platforms in Longhan China, but none of them can achieve the scale of Qingyun Technology.

Most of them still stay at the sales level of thousands, tens of thousands, and more than 10,000+ a day. How can they imagine that there are companies that can achieve sales of 20 billion a day.

20 million.

In the minds of the founders of those platforms, this number is a number that they would never dream of when they sleep at night.

Follow the trend, you must follow the trend.

But after everyone deduced it in their minds, they realized that this would not work at all.

An e-commerce platform is built based on a website.

Although this part is a bit difficult, everyone has already followed suit, so why not just copy the structure and template of Qingyun Mall.

Just follow the whole set of cats and tigers by yourself.

The real difficulty lies in the payment channels.

Now that Qingyun Mall came out, everyone realized that Qingyun Technology has already started to lay out this area very early.

QQ payment has become a trend. If you want to build a new payment platform at this time, the difficulty and user recognition will be several orders of magnitude worse.


Just like planting a tree, the best time to plant it was ten years ago, and the next best time is now.

Although it can't compete with QQ payment, it can't give up the payment channel to the opponent.

For a while, countless companies went to discuss cooperation with major banks in Longhan.

Although the bank does not reject anyone, they all agree.

But it also clearly told them that because Qingyun Technology's QQ payment has reached an agreement with the bank a long time ago, it may be a little late for them to enter the market at this time.

A group of start-up companies only woke up at this time, and it was really too late, step by step.

Previously, they were all concerned about Qingyun Technology's various revenue businesses.

No attention has been paid to QQ payment yet.

Before, I only knew that Qingyun Technology was cooperating with Longhan Imperial Bank, but I didn't expect that it had already pulled all the current domestic banks into the alliance camp to start cooperating.

Before the Chinese New Year, all they can do is cooperate with the bank.

As for further logistics...

To be honest, most entrepreneurs just think about it, and there is no way to put it into action.

Everyone is playing the Internet and playing finance, and they are taking the asset-light route.

At this time, it costs a lot to invest in the express delivery industry, not to mention whether it will make money or not. First of all, it is not certain whether the empire will issue a license for the express delivery industry.

Thinking that the e-commerce website I will build in the future will have to borrow the logistics of Qingyun Technology, everyone feels uncomfortable for a while.

The price of Shunfeng Express is so high. A product worth 100 yuan will cost 12 yuan or more in express delivery. Doesn't that mean that everyone is working for Qingyun Technology?

Normally, when a product is sold, regardless of any activities and discounts, the gross profit should be around 30%-40%.

If it exceeds this level of gross profit, or is lower than this level, it means that the operation is not in place.

And if it is consistent with the activities of Qingyun Mall, then the gross profit margin of the products they sell will be compressed.

The gross profit of a commodity may even reach 10%, or even 5%.

Under such circumstances, the e-commerce platform that everyone has worked so hard to build is not even as high as the freight of Shunfeng Logistics.

This is not what working for Qingyun Technology is.

I and others are simply contemporary Yang Bailao.

After thinking about everything, most of those companies and entrepreneurs chose to give up this seemingly beautiful project.

Only a few think that Qingyun Mall is the guiding light of their lives.

In any case, I have to build my own e-commerce platform to compete with Qingyun Mall.

These hard-headed young people would never have thought that as early as a week ago, Li Qianqian had registered on and purchased a domain name.

Li Qianqian, who was not very sure about this matter at first, couldn't wait after seeing the first day of sales in Qingyun Mall.

Qingyun Mall is taking the route of quality, while is taking the route of civilians.

In this world, do people buy the most luxury goods?

What people buy the most is basic necessities such as food, clothing, housing and transportation.

Clothing and food, in Li Qianqian's view, are the projects that will focus on at the beginning.


"Comrade Li, your thinking is wrong."


Li Qianqian asked in confusion, ignoring Su Ye's address to her.

"As for food, people are not afraid to buy it on a new platform."

"Food safety, after all, is a big problem."

Li Qianqian thought about it and thought it made sense.

The number one innate skill of the people of Longhan is to eat. Those who fly in the sky, swim in the water, run on the shore, have wings, have no legs, and have bumps on their bodies. Anything that can be eaten, the people of Longhan will not let go. Pass.

This is something hidden in the genes of the Longhan people. In ancient times, Shennong tasted all kinds of herbs.

"Su Ye, isn't it a bit monotonous to rely on clothing?"

"You also said before that you want to build X Treasures into an e-commerce platform where you can buy everything. If you only sell clothes, will it become what you said? What is that called? Parallel e-commerce? "

"Vertical e-commerce."

Su Ye was speechless.

He told Li Qianqian some concepts of e-commerce before.

Now the model of Qingyun Mall is called self-operated model, or B2C, which means that the enterprise directly faces consumers.

In the future, will need to recruit more merchants and enrich the product library, which is called the C2C model, which means that users directly face users.

Here, B can be extended to a commercial company, brand, or large-scale commercial aggregate.

As for C, it can be regarded as a user and a buyer.

Vertical e-commerce is also a kind of self-operated model, and it is also a business that directly faces consumers.

But what distinguishes him from Qingyun Mall is that vertical e-commerce only produces products in one field.

For example, although Qingyun Mall mainly sells digital products such as mobile phones and computers, it can also sell clothing, department stores, office supplies, books, audio-visuals, etc.

The vertical e-commerce is only one category.

For example, Vancl back then only made clothing, and there was also a platform specializing in mother and baby, and digital.

Li Qianqian mentioned it when she heard Su Ye last time, but she probably understood the meaning of vertical e-commerce.

But I forgot that the specific term is called parallel e-commerce.

"I'm also doing cross-sect e-commerce for you. What's on my mind all day long?"

"But when it comes to this, first of all, I approve of clothing, this can be done."

"In addition to food, there are many things we can do, such as books, digital products, and beauty and skin care products. These products can be promoted together with clothing."

"digital product?"

"Isn't this overlapping with the business of our Qingyun Mall? In the future, don't you want to beat yourself up and fight with each other?"

"Not really."

"The e-commerce market is huge, and none of our companies or two companies can occupy all of it."

"The reason why I established is to expand our margins."

Qingyun Mall and have different main strategies, and they will also attract different users to become loyal users.

Under the evolution of time, users of Qingyun Mall may buy things on, and users of will also purchase certain commodities on Qingyun Mall.

In doing so, there is no problem of hitting yourself, but it allows users to have more choices.

In the future, when users want to shop online, when they think of quality assurance, they will go back to Qingyun Mall.

If you think of some that don't pay much attention to quality, you can buy them on

Su Ye's vision is to directly occupy the positions of the two giant platform companies in the Longhan Empire's e-commerce field in the future.

As for vertical e-commerce, leave it to others.

There are also social e-commerce, live e-commerce, etc., which cannot be developed to that extent in a short time.

We can only talk about it later.

However, Su Ye resolutely resisted the kind of "I'm fighting for XX product, you can help me bargain for it, you are the only one left".

This kind of behavior is not to allow the e-commerce industry to develop in a healthy and orderly manner, and to allow the public to buy cheap and favorable products.

But let the whole industry enter a sequence of vicious competition.

Everyone no longer tries to make good products, but keeps reducing costs, reducing costs, and reducing costs again.

Although end users buy cheap products, they are of low quality and worry about using them.

This is by no means a social, commercial, or operational progress, but a regression.

Just like bad money drives out good money, there is no benefit.

Perhaps the only reason for the existence of this kind of platform is to open up the sinking market and let the crowd accept the concept of e-commerce.

After all, the country is so big and there are so many people.

Most people are still relatively closed and not easy to accept new things.

That's all.

"Okay, then I know, I will start building according to the product categories you mentioned. At the beginning, we will go to various production sites to recruit directly. When the sales come up in the future, there will naturally be more and more industries and businesses. You have entered our"

"Well, that's the right idea."

Just as Li Qianqian finished speaking, Su Ye's phone rang suddenly.

Seeing that it was Zhou Yuanyuan, Su Ye answered the phone and asked, "Hello, Miss Zhou."

"Well, President Su, I have an emergency here, is it convenient for you to talk now?"

"Of course, please."

"I received a proposal this morning. It was a young man from Jiangcheng who brought the proposal to Qingyun Investment's office to seek investment."

"I've seen the other party's plan, and it's very good."

Zhou Yuanyuan briefly told Su Ye about the contents of the proposal.

Probably this young man had an idea to make a solution for offline catering delivery.

He formed a group of specialized personnel and waited in a certain business district in Haicheng.

After the merchant receives the customer's ordering call, it will directly give the corresponding address to these delivery personnel.

After the meal is finished, the delivery staff will deliver the meal to the customer.

Before Zhou Yuanyuan finished speaking, Su Ye knew.

Isn't this takeaway?

But, is there already a takeaway?
In fact, how did Su Ye know that takeout originated in the ancient Longhan Dynasty. As early as the Song Dynasty, when the commercial culture flourished, there were already restaurant servants carrying food boxes to deliver dishes to customers who were not convenient to eat in the restaurant.

In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the development of food box takeaway has reached a higher level.

The official wife and eldest lady have long been accustomed to eating food box takeaway.

And the takeaway that Zhou Yuanyuan talked about is just closer to the takeaway model in Su Ye's heart.

"That's not bad, according to what you mean, that young man is already doing this, right?"

"Yes, he directly recruited dozens of laid-off workers in Haicheng, and has already started to cooperate with merchants in the two business districts."

"I'm going to take a look at their business model later, Mr. Su, do you think we can invest in this matter?"

Su Ye was silent for a while.

When Zhou Yuanyuan asked this question, she already had the answer herself.

This kind of takeaway mode seems common to Su Ye, but in Zhou Yuanyuan's view, it is already ahead of the current business model.

Expand the limited store space from one point to one surface, directly increasing the sales of the store several times.

The founder of this project also started to promote it for more than a month, and it has indeed achieved good results.

Because he recently saw the launch of Qingyun Mall, and the successive entry of Dianping and Jiajiatuan into the Haicheng market, he saw some future of what he was doing.

If you cooperate with some big companies, can you make your business bigger?

After getting to know him several times, he finally came to Qingyun Technology's branch in Haicheng.

"Sister Zhou, in fact, you already have the answer, don't you?"

"However, I have a suggestion, you can ask the other party's wishes to see if he is willing to cooperate with our Dianping on the current project."

"If possible, I will give him 10% dry stock in this project."

This idea of ​​takeaway and group buying are so in tune.

Didn't see how powerful the food delivery business developed by each group after the success of the group buying business.

As technology becomes more advanced, people become lazier.

In the past, I used the group buying network just to save money, or to find a suitable store.

But since there is a takeaway, people don't even have to go out, and they can really live a life of eating delicious food in the city without going out (as long as they have money).

"You, President Su, you are too cruel."

Zhou Yuanyuan couldn't help but rolled her eyes.

People come to seek your investment, are you willing to give me a word anyway.

But you just said that you bought his company and only gave 10% of the shares. Isn't that a bit unreasonable?

"Is it cruel?"

"If you want to do big things in this era, no one has to be more ruthless."

"Also, sister Zhou, don't rush to make judgments. You said, with the size of our Qingyun Technology to invest in their company, is it too much for me to hold 90% of the shares?"


"Did you say too much?"

Zhou Yuanyuan complained in her heart, "Okay, then I'll tell him, if the other party turns away, don't blame me for not reminding you."

"go Go."

"By the way, sister Zhou, are you coming back for the Chinese New Year?"

"It's been a long time since I went to your bar. Looking back, our company organizes an employee team building in Jiangcheng, what do you think?"

Li Qianqian's eyes widened upon hearing Su Ye's suggestion.

Su Ye, you told me last night that you were going back to your hometown in Jiangcheng for the New Year, and now you are going to do team building.

Why are you so energetic?

"Okay, but I have to stay in the imperial capital for at least two days in the first and second grades of junior high school, and there are other things. If I go back to Jiangcheng, I will have to wait after the fifth day at the earliest."

"Okay, then it's settled."

 Happy New Year everyone, the Year of the Ox is coming, I wish you all a new year full of bullishness
(End of this chapter)

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