The richest man in the world starts with 100 million sign-ins every day

Chapter 368 Chapter 369, The recruitment of the person in charge of the group buying network, the re

Chapter 368 Chapter 369, The recruitment of the person in charge of the group buying network, the restless Imperial Airlines (seeking a monthly ticket)

In the office, Tang Lili stood in front of Su Ye with her printed resignation report in her hand.

She put the resignation report on Su Ye's desk and said, "Su Ye, I actually know in my heart that I'm not the material for this job at all."

"If I had this level, I would have chosen a business major when I was in school. Now that I have entered the company, I see that other executives are so capable, but I can only rely on your instructions to mix things up. day, be an executor."

"This is not the life I want. I would rather be in charge of a company and implement my own strategy. But I don't have the ability."

Tang Lili smiled, and said with a flat and lonely face.

"It's like when I read a novel, I always point from the reader's point of view, but if I don't have writing experience, in fact, I have to hold back for half an hour or even longer to write a composition."

"I thought about it. The work experience during this period has also given me a lot of gains and growth. After I go back, I will not work in the hospital anymore. I want to make our restaurant bigger and stronger and make it chain industry."

Seeing Tang Lili's decisiveness, Su Ye didn't know how to persuade her for a while.

Besides, she had already thought about her future, even if Su Ye persuaded Tang Lili to stay, maybe Tang Lili would not approve of it too much.

In this case, Su Ye has nothing to do.

He raised his head and said to Tang Lili, "Okay, then if you want to leave, it's fine, but who are you going to hand over the current job to?"

"There are no candidates yet."

Tang Lili said directly.

Among the current subordinates of Dianping, there is no talent who can meet Su Ye's requirements to be the leader.

Tang Lili's own level is lacking, and her subordinates can't give good opinions and suggestions during the implementation process.

Now Dianping can almost only rely on Su Ye's ideas to advance the progress of each project.

From the outside, it seems that Dianping is not caring about attacking the city, but in fact Tang Lili is just an executor, similar to the role of Cao Wei of Shunfeng Express.

However, although Cao Wei is not good at planning, he does have a way in execution.

In the past few months, Su Ye basically doesn't need to take care of the company's management and business affairs, as long as he gives Cao Wei a direction.

Anyway, Cao Wei is also from a business family, so he still has a basic level.

But Tang Lili's parents both run restaurants, and she herself has never studied hard.

It can be said that apart from her good nursing skills, she can't work in a company like Qingyun Technology across industries.

"Okay, Tang Lili, why don't you temporarily hold the post during this time, and I'll ask the administration department to find suitable talents as soon as possible. As long as the staff is available, you can go back and implement your catering plan."

Tang Lili thought about it and nodded in agreement.

Before she came, she was ready for Su Ye to refuse or even delay indefinitely.

He also thought of several sets of plans, how he should refuse when Su Ye wants to stay.

It's just that Su Ye agreed to her so easily, just asking her to wait for a while.


When Su Ye was talking about the catering plan, he suddenly thought of a person.

Zhao Yun, the boss of his dormitory.

Zhao Yun has always had a dream of being a chef in his heart, and later he returned to the Imperial Capital to open a chain restaurant chain company under Su Ye's suggestion.

This company not only works on its own catering brand, but also has the function of investment.

Since Tang Lili intends to go back and develop her own small restaurant, should she make a bridge in it to facilitate cooperation.

In this way, Tang Lili can get enough start-up capital, and at the same time, Zhao Yun's company can also generate more business.

Tang Lili, who was about to leave, stayed and told her about the idea.

Tang Lili's eyes widened, and she said excitedly: "Of course it's okay, Su Ye, I can't imagine how long it will take, and your network of contacts will already be so extensive."

"I was thinking about where to find such a large sum of money to expand the store, but you have helped me a lot."

"It's okay, we are classmates after all, even if you don't want to work in Qingyun Technology, I will help you as much as possible."

"When you go back to Xucheng, let's not cut off contact. Call anytime if you need anything."

Tang Lili thanked her and left Su Ye's office.

Sitting on the chair, Su Ye started to have a headache.

At any rate, Tang Lili was retained so that she could book a longer period of time with Dianping.

Otherwise, he would really have to fight himself.

Now the executives in the company are full of carrots and pits, and there are many capable employees underneath, but if you rashly report a person in charge who comes up to Dianping, it will inevitably cause some bad reactions.

"Mr. Su."

When he was having a headache, he saw Wang Yifei poking in at the door.

"Come in."

Wang Yifei walked in and saw Su Ye's frowning look, and asked curiously: "President Su, what are you worrying about here?"

When Su Ye heard him ask, she directly told Tang Lili that she was about to resign without concealing it.

He also told Wang Yifei what he was worried about now.

Now that the company is getting bigger and bigger, apart from Su Ye who can chat with Li Qianqian about the company, there are not many people who can talk casually.

Wang Yifei is an old employee of Qingyun Technology. Although he seems to be joking and not upright, but for so long, the work arranged by Su Ye can be done accurately and well without any mistakes.

Tell Wang Yifei about his concerns, and Su Ye won't worry that this guy will gossip around.

"Hiring, Mr. Su, now that the Chinese New Year is just over, it's hard to find ordinary employees, let alone those top ones."

"However, I have an idea here."

Wang Yifei pretended to be mysterious and said, seeing Su Ye's impatient expression, he quickly shrank his neck.

"President Su, don't worry, I'll tell you right away."

"When I was in the imperial capital with Wang Yihan during Chinese New Year, I saw a company specializing in headhunting."

"The industry of headhunting has not yet entered Suzhou Province, and it only occasionally appears in relatively developed cities such as Imperial Capital, Haicheng, and Guangcheng."

"By the way, didn't you ask me to recruit the game team from NetEase? I got in touch with them through that headhunting company."

"Yo, you're trendy enough."

Su Ye admired: "What's the situation over there, please tell me first."

"There's no rush for this."

Wang Yifei first gave Su Ye a conclusion, and then told Su Ye the communication process between him and Liu Fei.

From the seemingly purposeless chatting and eating at the beginning, to revealing the freedom and relaxed working environment of Qingyun Technology bit by bit later, to leaving the imperial capital just right.

Su Ye couldn't help applauding Wang Yifei's strike festival.

This step-by-step plan didn't seem like he could think of it at all.

At this level, Su Ye gave Wang Yifei a business group and felt that there was no problem.

However, in the end Wang Yifei also confessed to Su Ye.

He didn't think of this matter alone at all. Wang Yihan was mainly there to make suggestions. He was mainly responsible for execution and getting stuck in the rhythm at critical times.

Years ago, I heard people inside NetEase say that because Ding Sanshi was dissatisfied with Liu Fei's various actions, and because he was also under a lot of pressure, he actually handed over the performance of everyone in the game department in January. deducted.

For those who are celebrating the new year, not only do they have no additional bonus benefits, but they also deduct the performance that should have been due for unwarranted reasons.

Su Ye could even imagine how much resentment the Wangnan game team should have accumulated in their hearts.

If possible, as long as Wang Yifei reveals a little more, the game team over there will be alienated from Ding Sanshi.

At that time, as long as the opportunity can be seized, there will be no problem in taking Liu Fei's team down in one go.

Thinking of this, Su Ye couldn't help feeling the pleasure of revenge.

At that time, Ding Sanshi was playing Tai Chi pushing hands with himself, and a crisis as big as Qingyun Technology was bypassed by the other party saying "our temporary workers have been fired".

If Su Ye hadn't been extremely depressed, he wouldn't have done such a wicked thing as Wang Yifei poaching someone's corner.

Now that the dawn of victory can be seen, Su Ye can't help but look forward to Ding Sanshi's expression after seeing the entire game department being poached.

"Okay, you've done a good job on this matter. You should hurry up and follow up with the NetEase game department. It's best to let them come to our Jiangcheng side in March."

"However, I have already considered the headhunting you mentioned, otherwise you would think how Zhuang Yiming always joined our company at that time."

"Eh, yes."

Su Ye suddenly thought of a good idea, picked up the phone and called Zhuang Yiming, asking him to come to his office.

Zhuang Yiming came over quickly, seeing that there was another Wang Yifei in Su Ye's office, he was even more puzzled.

Su Ye didn't say anything to him on the phone just now.

But as a subordinate, how can you ask the boss for advice on everything.

From Zhuang Yiming's quick meeting to the present, everything that the QQ derivative function department did, all the way to Su Ye's door, did not think that there was something wrong with what he did.

"President Su, you are looking for me."

After seeing Wang Yifei, he was even more puzzled, after an integration last year.

There is basically no intersection between the QQ derivative function department and Wang Yifei's QQ game department.

Could it be that Mr. Su has any idea to let the two departments cooperate to launch some products?
"Well, Mr. Zhuang, sit down quickly."

"Let me tell you something, don't say it outside."

Seeing Zhuang Yiming nodding, Su Ye told Zhuang Yiming about Tang Lili's resignation.

After Tang Lili left, Su Ye was very troubled as to who could take her place.

"So, Mr. Zhuang, haven't you worked and studied abroad for a period of time before? Is there any suitable talent you can recommend to the company?"

"That's it."

Zhuang Yiming lowered his head and began to recall that when he was in school, he really had a good friend.

But the other party is not from the Longhan Empire. Well, although the other party also has yellow skin and black eyes, he immigrated with his parents when he was young, and his current nationality should be regarded as a beautiful country.

"President Su, I really have someone to choose. The other party is a Chinese, one year older than me. His name is Lin Shang. He is currently working in Archangel City."

"Although his ability is good and his character is reliable, I don't know if he is willing to give up his job in the beautiful country and return to Longhan."

"Well, except for him."

Su Ye asked.

This Lin Shang has already entered the beautiful nationality, Su Ye must be preparing for the worst.

Otherwise, if the other party really didn't want to come over, wouldn't he have waited so long for nothing?

"In addition to him, there is another one, and the other party does have plans to return to China."


"But what?"

"However, she has only been an intern in some large foreign companies before, and has no experience in independently controlling a company, so I don't know her specific level."

Su Ye thought about it.

Of these two options, the one named Lin Shang has strong ability and management experience, but his home is already settled in the beautiful country.

In this case, the chances of the other party returning are very small.

Just like people who were born in the countryside, if they can gain a firm foothold in the big cities and buy a car or a house, few of them are willing to return to the countryside to live. (Not absolutely, don’t be ridiculous)

As for the other one, although his ability is not bad, it seems that he has not passed any verification, and judging from Zhuang Yiming's tone, it seems that the other party is not very old.

"Well, you can contact both of them to see their intentions."

"If Lin Shang from the beautiful country is willing to come back, we will arrange round-trip transportation, catering and accommodation for him. In addition, the one you said is in China should also contact you."

"Mr. Tang has already returned his heart, and we can't keep him in the company all the time, can we?"

"Okay, President Su, I'll call these two right away."

After Zhuang Yiming left, Wang Yifei said a little embarrassedly, "President Su, actually I came to see you for something."


"That's Wang Yihan's side. Longhan TV said through an intermediary that they are willing to settle in court and asked if we can withdraw the lawsuit."

"Withdraw the lawsuit? What does Wang Yihan think?"

"She didn't want to. She said that she ran for a month just for such a small thing, and the other party refused to agree to it even if she ran out of good words."

"Now Longhan TV Station wants to withdraw the lawsuit, but Wang Yihan is unwilling to agree."

"Okay, then continue to report. Wang Yihan will join our company in the future. I must pay attention to her feelings, so you can reply to her like this."

"Let's just say that Su Ye and Qingyun Technology will always stand behind him until she is psychologically balanced and comfortable, and we will not give up."

"Okay, then I'll reply to her like this."

When Wang Yifei left the office, Su Ye's phone rang again.

"Brother Su, happy Chinese New Year."

"Brother Yao, Happy New Year."

The caller was Yao Xichuan from Imperial Airlines.

Now the cooperation between Qingyun Technology and Imperial Airlines is very smooth, and more and more companies and individuals choose to use QQ payment to purchase discounted special air tickets for business travel.

Especially during the previous Chinese New Year, many people who were not short of money used QQ payment to buy air tickets and return to their hometown for the festival.

Almost for the first time in history, Imperial Airlines also felt the charm of the Spring Festival travel season.

At the peak, many airports in Imperial Airlines were full of people during the Spring Festival.

"Brother Su, this year's Spring Festival travel, our Imperial Airlines accounted for all the QQ payment. It's not just after the Spring Festival, our company's leader issued a notice, asking me to help introduce it."

"Imperial Airlines will start a comprehensive cooperation with Qingyun Technology. From now on, those customers will no longer need to go through the airport transportation background of our Suzhou Province to purchase tickets from other regions."

What Yao Xichuan said was the truth.

The top and bottom leaders of Imperial Airlines have never experienced cooperation with Internet companies, so they are very cautious in the face of this online ticket purchase from top to bottom.

Yao Xichuan has achieved a lot in the short term, but what about the long-term future.

In case something goes wrong, even if the leaders who made the decision now step back, they may be talked about by the latecomers.

However, when the airports experienced unprecedented crowds during the Spring Festival travel season, the heads of those regions couldn't sit still.

Under the banner of paying New Year's greetings to their leaders, they all asked whether their provinces could start cooperation with Qingyun Technology to expand online ticketing business.

 Let's all start working. I wish you all the best and good health in the new year.

(End of this chapter)

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