The richest man in the world starts with 100 million sign-ins every day

Chapter 369 Chapter 370, Su Ye is an old Versailles

Chapter 369 Chapter 370, Su Ye is an old Versailles

The head of Imperial Airlines headquarters was also impatient with these calls.

The good Spring Festival of the Year of the Ox turned out to be a meeting for all the subordinates to cry and sell miserably.

On the first day of work after the festival last week, I called Yao Xichuan specifically and asked him to help other branches to carry out online ticket sales business based on the interests of the group.

"Brother Yao, don't worry about it."

"I can directly contact your headquarters here. As long as the data is connected and the ownership division is done, then the branches in various places can directly enjoy the sales growth brought about by the online ticketing business."

When Su Ye heard Yao Xichuan say that, he couldn't help but almost laughed out loud.

During the entire Spring Festival, Imperial Airlines sold tickets from Jiang Province. It is conceivable how much money that was.

It is normal for major branches to be jealous.

And now, Imperial Airlines has decided to fully access Qingyun Technology's online ticketing business, which also represents a small step forward in Su Ye's plan.

From the Internet to the reality, let the Internet change the living habits of Longhan people, so that Longhan Internet companies can embrace the world together.

This is Su Ye's goal and idea all along.

The recognition of Qingyun Technology by Imperial Airlines is just the first step of the Internet into reality.

There is still a long way to go in the future.

Moreover, Su Ye estimated that after Imperial Airlines reached a comprehensive cooperation with Qingyun Technology this time, it is estimated that other airlines will also be jealous.

Soon, those companies will also find Qingyun Technology to discuss cooperation matters.

Su Ye will focus on this matter with Sun Xiaolei next time.

When signing an agreement with Imperial Airlines, one must be careful not to be led by the nose.

In case you see something unique, unique, only such words, you must be careful.

As a platform, QQ payment must be tolerant to all rivers.

If you only cooperate with one airline, then there is no meaning of a platform at all.

In the end, the tail is too big, and what you do depends on the face of Imperial Airlines, which Su Ye is absolutely unwilling to do.

When starting a company, the most important thing is to be happy.

If it is restricted and controlled by someone because of the contract, then QQ Payment will become a ticket sales company under Imperial Airlines.

"Okay, of course you have this idea."

"I'll report to the leader right away. Now the headquarters is going to set up a special department to be responsible for the current online ticket sales. I will fly from the imperial capital to Jiangcheng in three or four days. I will be a matchmaker at that time. people."

"You can just talk to them. If you have any conditions or requirements, just open your mouth and don't give brother face."

"Don't worry, Brother Yao, I will never be soft on this matter."

Su Ye smiled and hung up the phone.

The opportunity to cooperate with Imperial Airlines, when the cooperation is reached, Su Ye will definitely have to publicize it vigorously.

As the most famous airline company in the Longhan Empire, and also the most famous airline company in the entire Asia region, Imperial Airlines has a wide range of businesses.

At present, Qingyun Technology is still taking over part of the other party's business in China, and the cooperation is mainly achieved through the database of the Suzhou branch.

However, Imperial Airlines has its own airports, aircraft and crew in many countries and regions abroad.

Especially some countries in the Afka region.

If Su Ye can also take down this part of the business, then it will definitely be regarded as a half-national enterprise in the future.

At that time, maybe, with the help of Imperial Airlines' resources and connections, they can push QQ internationally.

When Su Ye was working on airplanes and high-speed trains, he had seen advertisements on the backs of many chairs.

Especially when airplanes and high-speed rails first entered the lives of the people, most of the people who took these two modes of transportation were corporate white-collar workers or some high-end business people.

If QQ can establish its own brand name and reputation among the leading foreign groups, then the up and down will work, and QQ's promotion from the private sector will get a big enough bonus.

This is also a major impetus to the pace of QQ internationalization.

Regardless of the fact that QQ now has almost 12 billion users in foreign markets.

But compared with the tens of billions of people in the world, such a small number can only be regarded as a small part.

At least two companies in the beautiful country and an instant messaging company in England far surpass Qingyun Technology in terms of user scale.

Qingyun Technology still needs to work harder.

After dealing with these matters, Su Ye had time to call Zhao Yun, the boss of the dormitory.

During the Chinese New Year, he just copied the New Year greeting text messages sent by others, edited them a little, and then sent them to friends in the mobile phone address book, and did not contact Zhao Yunshijin and Wang Ziyu and his brothers.

"Hey, boss, what are you doing?"

"I'm in the office, Mr. Su, happy Chinese New Year."

"Uh, happy new year."

Su Ye sweated for a moment. It was originally a New Year greeting for the boss, but he did not expect to receive the other party's blessing first.

"Boss, how is Shishang doing during the Chinese New Year?"

"You also know that you care about Shishang, and you can be regarded as a conscientious shareholder."

Zhao Yun made fun of his words, and then talked about the business situation during the Chinese New Year.

Originally, he planned to give all employees a holiday during the Chinese New Year. After all, there is only one holiday a year in the catering industry.

But after Su Ye knew the news, he directly blocked his thoughts.

During this Chinese New Year period, it is true that most of the crowds and families will get together.

But the world is so big, there are always people who cannot go home due to various situations.

Just like the orphan Su Ye in his previous life, he wanted to go home, but he really had no home to return to.

You may not pay attention to such a group of people, but during the Chinese New Year they will fall into a situation where their living standards are worse than usual during the Chinese New Year.

Especially people living in cities, without vegetables, fruits, rice noodles, grains and oils, can only live on instant noodles every day.

If there is a store that is still open during the Spring Festival at this time, it will definitely provide you with some different meals and food choices, and at the same time, it will warm everyone's hearts.

Zhao Yun was dubious, and launched a new product during the Spring Festival-dumplings.

Because Shishang is considered a light and fast food restaurant, the main products in the store are noodles, rice bowls, fried dough sticks, rice balls, rice porridge and other products that can be ordered quickly and easily.

These products were chosen not only for their ease of manufacture, but also for their ease of transport.

Zhao Yun built a factory in the imperial capital to produce frozen semi-finished products.

In this way, when the goods are delivered to the store, they can also be stored easily.

However, during the Spring Festival, Zhao Yun has been really busy for a while to add a brand new product called dumplings. It took Zhao Yun a lot of thought from the selection of original ingredients, the selection of flavors, the matching plates, saucers, and the selection of dipping sauces. .

After all, that's what Su Ye suggested to Zhao Yun at the time.

It doesn't matter if you don't make it, but once you decide to make a certain dish, it must be exquisite.

At least after people eat it, they will think about eating it next time they come to the store.

Instead of just eating it once and ending it.

Unexpectedly, during the entire Spring Festival, all the stores of Shishang were full.

There are not only migrant workers who are unable to return home after working outside the home, but also customers from whole families who visit relatives during the Chinese New Year.

Before the Spring Festival, the highest turnover of a store in a single day was just over 1 yuan.

But during the Spring Festival, almost every store can reach this level.

This made all the employees of Shishang Catering Company, including Zhao Yun, feel incredible.

During the seven-day Spring Festival holiday, none of the dozens of branches in the imperial capital and Jinmen were vacant.

Even after eating, many people will sit in the store for a while to feel the crowded atmosphere during the Chinese New Year.

"Su Ye, do you know that during the seven days of Chinese New Year alone, our store has generated 400 million sales."

"400 million, Su Ye, do you know how much it is?"

"400 million, not much."

Su Yehun said nonchalantly, "We don't count QQ, Qzone, and QQ games, these old business systems, but the newly launched Qingyun Mall, whose daily sales can reach more than 500 million during the Spring Festival. sales."

"It's just that we are not familiar with the business situation and the goods are not sufficient, which restricts our sales from continuing to grow. I will definitely discuss with Qianqian how to solve this problem later."

Zhao Yun listened to Su Ye report the data to himself with a speechless face.

I thought Su Ye was definitely old Versailles.

But it's true, the registered users of Qingyun Technology are rushing to 20 billion, and the sales of several million a day are really not in the eyes.

Zhao Yun was flirting with the blind.

Will Su Ye care more about the multi-million dollar business, or the achievement that can only be achieved in seven days.

"All right, all right, you, Mr. Su, are messing up now, and don't look down on us poor brothers."

Zhao Yun couldn't help teasing.

"Don't, boss, Shi Shang will definitely become a giant in the future, why are you in a hurry."

"By the way, I told you earlier what you think about starting a steak chain."

"Damn, don't mention it."

Zhao Yun originally planned to ponder this matter during the Chinese New Year, but in the end, he was dragged by the hot business during the Spring Festival.

He also worked part-time in a restaurant near his home for several days. He was so busy that he didn't touch the ground every day, so he didn't have time to think about the steak chain.

This happened when I called Su Ye earlier.

Zhao Yun said that Shishang has opened so many stores so far, and after the New Year, it will open up franchisees to fully promote its brand and reputation.

Of course, even if franchising is open, Shishang will open a flagship store in every city it joins.

It can not only obtain the real evaluation of the brand from users, but also timely control the operation of the brand by each franchisee.

While talking about this, Su Ye asked him if he wanted to open a steak chain restaurant.

Now steak is still a unique dish in some high-end restaurants.

It has not penetrated into the lives of ordinary people.

Everyone's perception of steak is that it is expensive, one steak is not enough, and two steaks are too extravagant.

What's more, the steak needs to be served with high-end red wine, various French-style meals, a candle is lit, and there is a person wearing a waiter's uniform serving beside him.

Some high-end western restaurants even invite piano students to play the piano part-time, or invite violin players to play.

When eating in a western restaurant, what you eat is not the specific thing at all, but the atmosphere.

At the same time, in many film and television movies, the hero and heroine must go to a western restaurant when they go out on a date. While showing a sense of style, it also makes the owners of the western restaurant laugh from ear to ear.

Isn't this an ad placement?

Many young people in Longhan will grit their teeth and spend a month's salary to take their girlfriends to eat an expensive meal and buy a cognitive Western food.

When Su Ye and Li Qianqian went to the imperial capital to play, they went to a western restaurant to experience it.

A lot of money was spent, but what is the food called? It’s better to buy a pancake on the street and eat some fruit.

Feeling this, Su Ye asked Zhao Yun about his thoughts on establishing a chain of steak restaurants.

I just want to return the steak to its original value.

Those who ride Tang Seng are not necessarily white horses, and those who eat steak are not necessarily nobles.

After Zhao Yun's success in Shishang, he was of course very interested in Su Ye's new idea.

It's just that he really couldn't find the time for a while, and didn't conduct in-depth research on it.

"Then how about this, first look for the place of origin, as the main supply base of domestic beef and mutton, you can go to the prairie to enclose a pasture."

"In the future, we will directly use the signboard of self-built ranch, while ensuring the quality of beef, we can also obtain cheaper purchase prices."

"Hey, that's a good idea, what you said is very interesting."

"Then you give the new brand a name, and I won't bother the two masters."

"The food trend from before is still very good. Many customers call our shop very kind."

"Call Niu Benben."

"Bull running? Which cow, which ben?"

"Go back and look it up in the dictionary. Anyway, there are seven characters for cow in the three characters, which can also highlight the characteristics of us as a steak restaurant."

"Okay, I see. There is a classmate in our college class named Wang Xiaoben. Don't think I'm uneducated."

"Okay, I'm going to work. If there's nothing else, you can kneel down."


"I really have something to ask for you. I have a classmate who is working in Qingyun Technology now, but she wants to go back to her hometown and start a restaurant by herself. I wonder if your side also has the nature of investment. Why, are you interested. "

"Whether you are interested or not depends on whether Mr. Su is willing to give you the opportunity to guide your business ideas."

"What I mean here is that as long as you guide me, I will go."

"You still rely on me, don't you? By the way, didn't you say that Shishang has my shares in the company, and the dividends will be paid out."

"This one……"

Talking about this, Zhao Yun is also a little embarrassed.

To be honest, his company was established entirely by Su Ye's creativity and business ideas.

Now dozens of branches have opened, not only covering the imperial capital, but also a branch of Shishang in Jinmen.

To be honest, I did earn a lot of money, but basically all of it was invested in the next wave of expansion.

Before adding Su Ye, I told him that now is the lowest housing price in the Longhan Empire, as long as you can buy it, you must buy it in time.

Ten years later, the money to buy a house now is only a few months' rent.

Zhao Yun currently has dozens of stores under Shishang Company, and more than 80% of the stores have completed the purchase procedures or are in the process of purchasing.

So, not to mention the money earned, Zhao Yun even asked his father Zhao Jinshan to support tens of millions for this.

"Well, Su Ye, Mr. Su, Brother Su, you also know that the company is now telling the development period that there are many places that need funds in all aspects..."

"Stop talking nonsense and be serious."

Su Ye said seriously.

In fact, how can he still see a little bit of dividends from Shangshishang at this time.

Even if Shi Shang gave him all of his turnover in the past few months, it would not be much to Su Ye.

He did this to remind Zhao Yun.

Cooperate with yourself now, and your dividends can be paid later.

But if the company goes public in the future, you have to refuse to pay the dividends you promised to shareholders, or delay the time.

Speaking of this, Su Ye was also a little puzzled.

In foreign countries, stock trading is a way to make money, but there are also many ordinary people who do not pay attention to the stock situation at any time.

But those listed companies really pay dividends to shareholders every year.

At present in Longhan, Su Ye has never heard of anyone receiving dividends from listed companies.

"Su Ye, don't worry, next time will be sure."

"Okay, I'm busy first, I'm free to chat."

After Zhao Yun finished speaking, he quickly hung up the phone, which reminded Su Ye that he had promised some novel authors.

When those authors coded up a ticket and asked readers for a recommendation ticket or a monthly ticket, Su Ye would be funny and reply below with a certain sentence next time.

But, so to speak, Su Yeke never gave himself a recommendation ticket once.

When I called Zhao Yun, I wanted him to invest in Tang Lili's restaurant, but in the end, Su Ye had to help.

But there is no way, both sides are Su Ye's classmates, and they can help.

The main plan for this year is mobile phones, computers, and Qingyun Investment. None of these things have been done, but other miscellaneous things have been covered.

Su Ye couldn't help feeling that he was a hard worker.

After leaving the office, he came to Tang Lili and told her Zhao Yun's phone number, and went to Zhuang Yiming's to ask about the situation.

Su Ye came to the office area of ​​Qingyun Mall.

It can be said that Li Qianqian was really cheated when he took over Su Ye's task this time.

Now the domestic e-commerce industry is still in its infancy, and Li Qianqian didn't come through time travel like Su Ye. Many things have to be explored, learned, and summed up by oneself.

Many times, she has to communicate and exchange ideas with her subordinates online.

As a result, more than Qingyun Mall was given, and Su Ye also threw the matter of on Li Qianqian.

To be honest, Su Ye wasn't with Li Qianqian a few days ago.

It is because Li Qianqian said that she wants to study the distribution of various commercial areas in the country, and she wants to be able to find various industrial belts in a targeted manner and recruit merchants after the New Year holiday is over.

Walking into the office area, seeing Li Qianqian having a heated discussion with several subordinates, Su Ye touched his nose and wanted to turn around and leave.

But unexpectedly, the sharp-eyed Li Qianqian saw it.

"President Su, come here."

For a while, many employees in the office area saw Su Ye who was about to leave.

Su Ye also couldn't come and go quietly, so he turned around and nodded at Li Qianqian.

"Well, Mr. Li, what's the matter here?"

"Well, come on, we just encountered a problem, see if you can solve it."

(End of this chapter)

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