Chapter 370 Chapter 371, Brother Dong? (seeking a monthly ticket)

Li Qianqian is working with colleagues in the team to study the matter of self-operated marking.

Once the product is labeled with the word self-operated, it will follow Su Ye's original meaning.

These marked products are all to be sorted with some inclination.

The weight will increase. Compared with ordinary non-self-operated products, these products will be displayed first when customers search.

But in this way, if Qingyun Mall still recruits merchants to settle in, it will not be able to give enough discounts and benefits in terms of conditions.

In this way, for the team recruiting merchants in the future, this is also a theory that cannot be used.

At that time, when they went to the merchant, it turned out that our self-operated products have the blessing of search weight, while the products of ordinary merchants do not.

Those merchants will definitely think that in Qingyun Mall, those self-operated products are their own sons, and those who are not self-operated are godsons, so why should they join Qingyun Mall.

Just now, the field department and the person in charge of the self-operated side were discussing whether they could find a way to solve this problem.

Li Qianqian felt dizzy when she realized that such an idea.

This is obviously a policy that is not good for merchants, why would Su Ye want to do this.

"That's it."

"Qianqian, and everyone, don't worry, let me ask you a question."

"What is the status of our Qingyun Mall in the country now?"

After hearing the questions from both of them, Su Ye didn't directly answer the questions but threw out a question first.

"Does it need to be said? Mr. Su, our Qingyun Mall is the number one in the domestic e-commerce field, no.1."

"That is, the sales on the day of launch exceeded 20 billion. I estimate that the sales of all domestic e-commerce platforms last year were not as much as we did in one day."

"Yes, and our Qingyun Mall is an e-commerce platform directly under Qingyun Technology, so we are the representative of quality in the hearts of buyers, and other platforms are simply incomparable."

Everyone talked in a hurry, and their words were full of praise and praise for Qingyun Mall.

Su Ye's complexion remained unchanged, and she motioned for everyone to calm down.

"Okay, since everyone understands the status of our Qingyun Mall, there is nothing to worry about."

"Isn't the problem already solved?"

Su Ye spread her hands and the corners of her mouth turned up.

Li Qianqian was the only one in the crowd who understood what Su Ye meant.

However, seeing Su Ye's smug smile, Li Qianqian couldn't help but roll her eyes.

This guy, obviously already the president of a company with several thousand employees, is still so mischievous and not stable at all.

"Oh, I see. We call it planting plane trees to attract phoenixes."

"As long as our platform gets better and better, naturally some merchants will contact us to cooperate."

"And when those merchants feel that our platform is self-operated, they will also switch from a cooperation model to a self-operated model."

"Boss Su, that's amazing."

After the speaker finished his reasoning, he couldn't help giving Su Ye a thumbs up.

It turns out that this kind of thing is not because Su Ye thought wrong or didn't expect it, but that Mr. Su had already expected that everyone would have such a question, so he thought about it in advance.

Sure enough, the capable can do anything, no wonder Su Ye was able to create such a big company at such a young age.

"Boss Su, awesome."

"Boss Su, that's amazing."

"President Su, but I still have a question."

In the midst of flattery, Su Ye saw a person who raised a different opinion.

He turned his head to look and was taken aback when he saw this person.


Su Ye was taken aback. This person looked at least nine points like Dong Ge from the previous life of Gou Dong.

Wearing a black suit, a red tie, and shiny leather shoes on his feet.


Liu Dongshan saw that Su Ye suddenly called Brother Dong in his direction, and turned his head in surprise, but there was no colleague named Dong behind him.

Could it be that Su Ye was calling himself?

At this time, Su Ye also realized that something was wrong. Now he is in the Longhan Empire, and the person in front of him just looks like Brother Dong.

"It's okay, it's okay, did you just say that you still have a question?"

"Yes, Mr. Su, my question is, when we meet merchants in other places, we can't tell them that."

"Just say how powerful our Qingyun Mall is. Those merchants found that it was not the case after entering. There must be a gap in their hearts."

"Also, the Internet industry has just started to develop. Even if everyone sees the current development momentum of Qingyun Mall, they may not necessarily have confidence in their e-commerce business."

"So, I think even if we recruit a large number of merchants in the early stage, we may lose more than half, or even more."

"As for the lost merchants, they will label us in Qingyun Mall in their minds, thinking that we deliberately induced them, and ended up spending time, energy and money, but did not receive the desired effect."

"In this case, it will be very detrimental to the word-of-mouth development of our Qingyun Mall. After all, those bosses or bosses who do business have their own corresponding circles."

Liu Dongshan slowly opened his mouth to express his thoughts, and Su Ye could not help frowning.

What he said was indeed possible.

Even in previous lives, many people were deceived when they were merchants or buyers on

At that time, the development of the Internet was similar to the current level of the Longhan Empire, and the people were terrified of online shopping.

Coupled with the help of some caring people, the time for e-commerce to really develop should be from [-] years or even [-] years later.

Although Su Ye has considered the feelings and attitudes of those merchants, there are so many merchants, most of them must have left Qingyun Mall as Liu Dongshan said, and then spread their failure experience everywhere.

At that time, the situation may be difficult to control.

While Su Ye was thinking to himself, the others couldn't help being brought into this emotion by Liu Dongshan and became silent.

That's right, the merchants they have worked so hard to recruit will definitely be disappointed because their expectations do not match the actual situation.

After all, most of the merchants who can be pulled into Qingyun Mall at this time are those who are more radical or good at accepting new things.

Qingyun Mall has maintained a stable development trend from years ago to now, and it will naturally attract some people who want to make a fortune and leave, and at the same time, there will be some people who really see the future development prospects of Qingyun Mall.

But such people are a minority after all.

"Manager Liu, what do you think?"

For a while, Su Ye couldn't think of any good way to directly ask Liu Dongshan what he meant.

Being able to consider this problem, Liu Dongshan also has his own solution after thinking about it.

"I have two thoughts."

"First, tell the truth about the situation of Qingyun Mall to all merchants, explain the self-operated and ordinary models clearly, and let the merchants choose by themselves."

"Second, it is to suspend our pace of recruiting merchants and wait for them to find us on their own when they see an opportunity."

After Liu Dongshan finished speaking, he didn't continue. He looked at Su Ye, wanting to see what choice this legendary boss would make.

Seeing that Liu Dongshan only said these two sentences, Su Ye knew that he was hiding something.

It seems that Liu Dongshan's plan to enter Qingyun Technology is not small.

Subconsciously, Su Ye glanced at Liu Dongshan's personal attributes.

【Name: Liu Dongshan】

【Occupation: Manager】

[Professional Level: Professional Level [-]]

[Character value: 96]

[Special Talent: E-Commerce]

Talent ah this is.

Not surprisingly, this was the second person Su Ye saw with a special talent.

The first one is Zhou Yuanyuan, whose special talent is drinking.

Unexpectedly, this Liu Dongshan turned out to be e-commerce.

Su Ye's eyes couldn't help showing a trace of excitement. If Liu Dongshan could be left in the company and let him be in charge of Qingyun Mall, it would definitely be much better than Li Qianqian, a layman.

Nodding to Liu Dongshan, Su Ye said to everyone: "Comrades, let's put this issue on hold for a while. When the final result comes out, I will ask Mr. Li to inform everyone. Let's go away first."

"By the way, Liu Dongshan will stay for a while, and Qianqian, you also come to my office."

Li Qianqian couldn't figure out what Su Ye was going to do, calling Liu Dongshan would not work, but calling herself.

Following behind Su Ye, a smile appeared on the corner of Liu Dongshan's mouth.

It has been almost two months since he joined Qingyun Technology, and he finally managed to attract Su Ye's attention.

At that time, Qingyun Technology had just announced the launch of QQ payment, and he had a faint consciousness in his heart.

Your own time is coming.

For this reason, he disregarded the opposition of his family leaders, resigned from his stable job in a state-owned enterprise, and sold out several CD-ROM stores he ran in his spare time. He came to Jiangcheng from the imperial capital alone to join Qingyun Technology.

Because, he knows that Qingyun Technology has what he needs.

In January, Li Qianqian issued an announcement within the company, saying that the company would set up an e-commerce department and let everyone sign up by themselves. Liu Dongshan knew that this was the opportunity he had been waiting for for a long time.

When Liu Dongshan, who was originally doing marketing, signed up to join, Li Qianqian was still a little reluctant.

After all, the main work of Qingyun Mall at that time was to sort out product SKUs, optimize pages, and calculate specifications. There were many and troublesome things, and a dedicated person was responsible for the advertising and marketing that matched his major.

That is the super advertising maniac team of Qingyun Mall.

They once created a feat of burning 8000 million advertising fees in three days, which can be called the most money-spending wave of people in Qingyun Technology.

Although Liu Dongshan has a good level, he has not been included in this team before.

But the number of people who signed up at that time was enough to meet the needs of Qingyun Mall, so Li Qianqian accepted many colleagues like Liu Dongshan who did not match their majors to work in Qingyun Mall.

Unexpectedly, this Liu Dongshan really gave Li Qianqian a big surprise. At work, he can not only complete all the tasks perfectly, but also drive his colleagues to complete the work tasks together.

At that time, due to the tight schedule and heavy tasks, Suyet approved the right of everyone in Qingyun Mall to work overtime, and Liu Dongshan was a person who worked overtime so desperately.

Every day he is the first to come and the last to leave.

Years later, Li Qianqian was going to start recruiting a field team to create a group of capable field teams for the establishment of in the future. At this time, Liu Dongshan, who had just been promoted to manager level, also enthusiastically signed up.

Became one of the three leaders of the field team.

Today, it was also because Liu Dongshan discovered a busy point that Su Ye hadn't considered when researching the company's strategy, so he went to the operation department to communicate with everyone.

"So, when you came to Qingyun Technology, you gave up at least a year's income of more than 20 yuan and a stable job, just for your dream?"

In the office, Su Ye asked Li Qianqian and Liu Dongshan about his experiences after they sat down.

Of course, Liu Dongshan would not hide his purpose of coming to Qingyun Technology.

He knows what kind of subordinates a real manager likes.

Subordinates who are ambitious and capable, but can be controlled by themselves are definitely gold medal subordinates.

And does Liu Dongshan have any idea of ​​seeking to usurp the throne? He came to Qingyun Technology just to show what he has learned in his heart, not to wear off his edge in a state-owned enterprise.

That kind of life, he has lived for four years after graduating from university.

The ancients said that one stands at thirty.

Liu Dongshan hopes that when he is 30 years old, he can really stand up in this world.

Su Ye couldn't help admiring after hearing his experience.

In the current Longhan Empire, those who can earn more than 20 a year in all aspects are elites.

Either they are in business by themselves, or they have special skills, or they are executives in some foreign companies.

Liu Dongshan was able to reach this level of income through his own efforts in four years only by relying on his pension income from a state-owned enterprise, at least it shows that the other party's ability is really there.

Plus Liu Dongshan's personal attributes and character values ​​that Su Ye could see.

For Liu Dongshan, he was extremely relieved.

"In this way, Qianqian, if you want to build Qingyun Mall and, you really can't have enough energy. You choose one by yourself, and give Liu Dongshan a try on the other platform."



Hearing Su Ye's words, both Liu Dongshan and Li Qianqian were stunned.

The two looked at each other, eyes full of disbelief.

Although I already had a guess in my heart, knowing that Su Ye called Liu Dongshan to the office alone must have seen his ability, and he should be reused in the future.

But neither Li Qianqian nor Liu Dongshan expected it.

This came so fast.

He felt that Liu Dongshan was good on the front foot, and he was directly promoted to take charge of a platform on the back foot.

Mr. Su, isn't this speed a little fast?

Liu Dongshan was nervous and excited.

He is confident in his abilities, and he firmly believes that he will definitely succeed in Qingyun Technology. In the future, he may be someone like Wang Yifei, Zhuang Yiming, and Yang Zhiyuan.

But after all, he joined Qingyun Technology a few months after it was established. Compared with those veterans, his qualifications are inherently inferior to others.

He once estimated that according to the current development speed of Qingyun Technology, if he still can't get ahead in three years, he will leave his job and leave Qingyun Technology to make a living by himself.

Unexpectedly, Su Ye acted so generously.

Just after meeting Liu Dongshan, he decided to promote him.

With this consciousness and courage alone, Liu Dongshan felt that he was far inferior.

Li Qianqian was also a little stunned.

Su Ye's operation is too beautiful.

Years ago, Su Ye said that he would lighten his burden. On the first day of work after this year, when he saw Liu Dongshan, he asked him to take charge of a platform.

Is it too obvious that you are doing this.

Although Liu Dongshan has some abilities, Li Qianqian still doesn't know what ability the other party has to take charge of the development of an emerging e-commerce company on his own.

(End of this chapter)

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