Chapter 371 Chapter 372, Thank you for my dad

"President Su, isn't this, isn't it a bit too fast?"

"I've only been in the company for two months."

Liu Dongshan, who has always been confident and even somewhat conceited, blushed slightly.

He really didn't expect Su Ye to be so determined and courageous to promote himself, a newcomer who had just joined the company for two months.

Compared with his previous four-year experience in a state-owned enterprise, Liu Dongshan couldn't help feeling that the speed of promotion was really too great.

He had worked in a state-owned enterprise for four years before, from a vigorous college graduate to a veteran in the workplace.

See people talking, see ghosts talking.

Push everything you can, and let everything you can.

If it weren't for the rules in the company, he wouldn't have had much time to think about what kind of life he really wanted.

Then I used my spare time to set up two shops, and started the business of electronic digital products step by step.

"It's okay, you have been in the company for two months, you are considered an old employee."

Su Ye said calmly.

"After a short contact this morning, I feel that you are a person with ideas."

"And I heard that you were not a field worker before?"

When he came to Su Ye's office just now, Li Qianqian briefly reported Liu Dongshan's work experience in Qingyun Technology to Su Ye.

When it was learned that he was in charge of marketing when he first entered, and later jumped to Qingyun Mall to be in charge of category operations, and he joined without hesitation when the company formed a field team.

There are only two possibilities for such a person in Su Ye's opinion.

One is employees who are loyal and loyal to the company.

Such employees will give full play to their subjective initiative, regard the company as their own career, and devote themselves to their work.

However, Liu Dongshan should not be such a person.

Otherwise, I would not have worked in the previous company for four years and would have resigned directly to join Qingyun Technology.

The second is people with big ambitions.

Such people enter the company with various purposes.

Some are in order to gain higher status and status, to achieve the transition from ordinary people to elites.

There are also ulterior motives, in order to inquire about the various secrets of Qingyun Technology.

There are also people like Liu Dongshan.

Su Ye thought in his heart that Liu Dongshan showed such a high character value, first of all, it showed that the other party's character was reliable and he would not do anything harmful to the company.

As the saying goes, loyalty is only because there are not enough bargaining chips for betrayal.

And if you want to instigate Liu Dongshan, an executive of Qingyun Mall with such a high character value, the cost will definitely be huge.

Now the bosses of some e-commerce platforms in China should not be so discerning, and they could contact Liu Dongshan in advance before Su Ye discovered his talent.

After all, Su Ye was able to discover Liu Dongshan entirely because of his similar appearance to Brother Dong in his previous life.

Otherwise, among the thousands of people in the company, even if Liu Dongshan has reached the manager level, there are at least a few hundred manager-level employees of Qingyun Technology, and it is impossible for Su Ye to know every one of them.

Therefore, Su Ye can be sure that Liu Dongshan is not the kind of person who enters Qingyun Technology for other purposes.

Then there is only one possibility left, he wants to prove himself.

Being able to stay on the front line so steadfastly, and understand the company's operations, the daily work and mentality of grassroots employees through different positions, means that the other party is preparing to make a lot of money.

When the accumulation reaches a sufficient amount, it will be like luminous gold, and it will be seen by people wherever it goes.

But Su Ye is not going to let Liu Dongshan continue to waste time at the grassroots level.

With his professional level [-] management skills, with his talent is e-commerce.

In addition, Li Qianqian in the company lacks energy to manage two platforms now.

Su Ye made a decision to let Liu Dongshan be the general manager of Qingyun Mall.

"Well, yes, Mr. Su, I have done marketing and category operations in the company before, and I was transferred to the field department just after the year."

"Okay, then from today onwards, you won't go to the field, and you will directly serve as the general manager of the Qingyun Mall department."


Su Ye turned around and said to Li Qianqian: "In the past two days, you will hand over the Qingyun Mall matter to Mr. Liu, and then concentrate on"

"In the future, I hope that the two giants in the e-commerce field will be the two of you. In the company, we will also engage in healthy competition."

"Let me set a small goal and see which of the two platforms can be the first to achieve daily sales of [-] billion, and there will be rewards at that time."

"Ten billion in daily sales?"

"President Su, this is impossible."

Li Qianqian's eyes widened.

When Qingyun Technology was launched before, its sales reached more than 22 billion a day.

This achievement, whether it is within the company or looking at the entire Longhan Empire, is unique.

No one has ever thought before that the sales scale of e-commerce platforms can reach 20 billion yuan in a single day.

As a result, it has not been a few days, and before February is over, Su Ye actually proposed a plan to sell tens of billions of dollars a day.

Well, it's not a plan, it's a goal.

Li Qianqian just felt that it was going to be dark, and hadn't registered a company yet, so she was thinking about the goal of selling [-] billion a day.

Su Ye, isn't our small goal set a little too big?

Liu Dongshan was also overwhelmed by Su Ye's small goal.

When Qingyun Mall achieved daily sales of 20 billion, he was so excited that he didn't sleep for two days.

He also felt more and more that his choice of coming to Jiangcheng was the right one.

However, now that Su Ye had set a small goal of tens of billions, Liu Dongshan instantly felt Alexander.

The exhilaration brought about by Su Ye's appointment as the person in charge of Qingyun Mall instantly turned into a heavy burden on his shoulders.

Sure enough, nothing comes for free.

"Why, you two are not confident?"

In the Double Eleven of the previous life,’s turnover has not been less than 4982 billion since one or six years ago. On the day of Double Eleven in 5000, the turnover reached [-] billion, which was almost over [-] billion.

The current population of the Longhan Empire is larger than that of the previous life.

So not to mention the sales of 200 billion, it is the goal of 2 billion. Su Ye estimates that it will be 3-[-] years away.

And don't look at Qingyun Mall is one step ahead and has achieved a daily sales of 20 billion, but is a type of accumulation.

If Li Qianqian can really bring to the level of his previous life, it is estimated that no one in the Longhan Empire will not know him.

When Li Qianqian goes abroad to talk about things, the leaders of the ministries of commerce of various countries, and more likely the rulers of some countries, will be with him, just like Papa Ma back then.

Frequently meet and discuss business with the leaders of those European and American countries.

"Have confidence."

Li Qianqian said weakly.

"I, I have confidence too."

Liu Dongshan lowered his head slightly.

At this time, he also realized that Su Ye, who was opposite him, was the one who personally built Qingyun Technology, the Internet carrier.

No matter how conceited he is, Liu Dongshan is no match for Su Ye at least at this stage.

"Okay, as long as you have confidence, Mr. Liu, Qingyun Mall will be handed over to you next, come on."

"Qianqian, you should hand over the affairs of Qingyun Mall as soon as possible, and make sure that Mr. Liu can take over everything."

"no problem."

"Thank you President Su for your trust, I will definitely report it with all my heart."

At this time, Liu Dongshan's heart was already filled with passion, and he wished he could immediately integrate the troops and complete the task given by Su Ye.

"Okay, let's go, let's go."


Three days later, Su Ye and Li Qianqian appeared in Hangzhou at the same time.

Shi Jin personally drove the two of them to the private room he had reserved long ago.

After ordering, Shi Jin waved his hand to let the waiter go down first.

Then he hugged Su Ye, and said in his mouth: "Su Ye, third child, Mr. Su, it's very interesting for you to hide from me, isn't it?"

Looking at Shi Jin, who was already wearing short sleeves this day and showing his super thick arms, Su Ye was not afraid at all.

He smiled slightly, "Second brother, aren't you afraid that you will borrow money from me if you find out?"

After Liu Dongshan was appointed as the person in charge of Qingyun Mall that day, Su Ye waited for Li Qianqian to hand over the job and planned to take her to Haicheng together.

After all, Zhou Yuanyuan had promised to go meet and chat with that Zhang Xing, but when she was about to leave, Shi Jin from Hangzhou called.

Let him take the time to come to Hangzhou, and thank him as the host.

Su Ye had been putting Qingyun Technology's servers in Shi Jin's Jiuzhilong Company before.

But with the rapid development of the company's business, Shi Jin has a lazy personality. He worried about the company's affairs at first, but after a long time he also felt bored, and it was quite difficult for him to manage a company with hundreds of people.

At that time, Qingyun Technology was preparing to establish an overseas branch, purchased a batch of servers abroad, and simply set up a server company by itself.

This company is now under the command of Chen Nanfeng from the technical department.

But Su Ye didn't expect at that time that he just became the top ten server leasing company in China just for the convenience of taking over Qingyun Technology's server business.

Chen Nanfeng told him several times that he didn't have enough energy to manage it, and wanted Su Ye to find someone to replace him.

Su Ye did have this idea in his heart.

Chen Nanfeng is reliable in his work and is a conservative person.

But everything entrusted to him can be done for you without any leaks.

But I don't know whether it's because of his personality or his limited talent. When it comes to things like business expansion and expansion, Chen Nanfeng often performs worse than his subordinates.

The point is, the formation of a server company gave Su Ye a sudden inspiration.

One of the hottest concepts in the previous life was big data.

Although this thing has mixed reviews, the overall advantages outweigh the disadvantages, especially for companies.

Be able to accurately obtain the needs of each customer, and provide targeted services to customers.

This can not only better serve customers, but also obtain greater profits.

As the saying goes, what you buy is what you need.

Not only the value of the item itself, but also the pleasure it brings after the purchase.

As long as the customer service is good, then there is no need to worry about the company making money. (Haidilao service has become a phenomenon)
So Su Ye planned to combine the server company with the big data center.

Although there is no shadow of the big data center at all.

But this does not prevent Su Ye from finding out the future development direction for him.

The success of the server company, coupled with Su Ye's participation in the Longhan Ten Outstanding Youth Awards Gala at the beginning of January, completely gave his name a little bit of popularity in the Longhan Empire.

Shi Jin didn't watch TV, and Zhao Yun accidentally said it later when he was chatting with his boss Zhao Yun on the phone.

In Zhao Yun's mind, Su Ye is already one of the top ten outstanding people in China to invite you, so what are you doing without telling Shi Jin? Shi Jin should know the moment it is broadcast on TV.

When Shi Jin learned that his good brother who lived with him for four years had created such a big company as Qingyun Technology, he still couldn't believe it.

how can that be.

That kid Su Ye is just a bit more handsome, and his other professional courses are basically at the same level as his Shi Jin. ;
How could he start a company as big as Qingyun Technology.

But after he got to know it, he realized that it was actually true.

After graduating from university, Su Ye worked in Mumu Company for two months before resigning to start Qingyun Technology.

Then with just a few people, an epoch-making software-QQ was developed.

Then continue to add flesh and blood to QQ to make it more plump.

It can be said that the current QQ is a giant in the Internet industry.

Later, during Chinese New Year, Shi Jin heard from his father that their real estate company was also cooperating with a company called Qingyun Real Estate in Haicheng, and it dawned on him.

There are always more than [-] well-known construction companies in Haicheng.

Why did Qingyun Real Estate only take a fancy to his father's company.

It must be Su Ye.

Except for Su Ye, who would take such good care of Shi Jin's father's company.

It's fine if Su Ye didn't have time for Chinese New Year, but now that Qingyun Technology has started construction, Shi Jin immediately called to invite Su Ye to come to Hangzhou for a gathering, thanking him for taking care of his father.

I heard from my father that the ten pieces of land acquired by Qingyun Real Estate in Haicheng are all worth tens of millions.

And ten million is only the lowest level, and the price of the land king is one billion.

Although Shi Jin's father is a real estate company, he is considered a leading company in Hangzhou, but his own assets are only a few hundred million.

This still includes fixed assets, real estate that has not started construction, and the cost of purchasing land.

All together, it is only a few hundred million.

In terms of cash, there really isn't much.

Now Shi Jin hasn't told Dad that the reason why he was able to take over Haicheng's project is not because you are awesome, but because your son is awesome.

Fortunately, he met a brother who was close to him when he was in college. It was his brother's care that allowed him to show his face in the real estate industry in Hangzhou.

"I borrow money from you? Are you kidding me..."

In the middle of speaking, Shi Jin got stuck.

He still instinctively thought that Su Ye was the brother in his university dormitory who looked ordinary in everything.

But Su Ye is now the founder of Qingyun Technology, and the company's current valuation has reached tens of billions.

Many institutions analyzed that as long as Su Ye is willing to list Qingyun Technology, he will become the youngest richest man in the Longhan Empire.

At the same time, he will also become the youngest billionaire in the world.

"Forget it, I won't compare with you. In the future, my brother may have to borrow money from you if he is in trouble."

As Shi Jin spoke, he picked up a glass of red wine from the table.

"Su Ye, third child, thank you for my dad this time."

"It's all in the wine, brother does it first."

After Shi Jin finished speaking, he raised his neck and cleared half a glass of red wine.

"Oh, no, it's about your father."

Su Ye was confused.

He didn't even know what Shi Jin was talking about, so he saw the other party drank the wine with his neck raised.

"Okay, you're still pretending to me at this hour."

"That's boring."

"Third brother, sit down, let me tell you, don't care about what you will become now and in the future, how amazing you are, in my heart, you are the third child in our dormitory 323, and will never change."

Shi Jin let out a cry of pain, and then shouted loudly outside the door:
"Waiter, let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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