The richest man in the world starts with 100 million sign-ins every day

Chapter 373 Chapter 374, Draw continuously, open 2 bottles of wine

Chapter 373 Chapter 374, ten consecutive draws, open two bottles of wine (seeking monthly ticket)
Li Qianqian covered her mouth after listening to Shi Jin's words.

She turned her head to look at Su Ye.

This guy is indeed skinny at times, but he is more reliable in major matters.

However, when he is angry, it is really dumbfounding, and people can't wait to beat him up.

"Okay, third child, and younger siblings."

"Let's settle this matter. You should be tired from the last flight in the morning. Take a rest at the hotel in the afternoon."

"In the evening, I will take you to experience the enthusiasm of the people in Hangzhou."

After accomplishing the major event, Shi Jin felt relaxed.

The second generation of those brands always didn't believe what he said, so he invited Su Ye over tonight.

Don't believe those people still don't believe it.

Su Ye turned her head when she heard the words, and winked at Shi Jin.

Shi Jin froze for a moment, then followed Su Ye's gaze to see Li Qianqian next to him.

I immediately understood.

Give Su Ye an OK gesture to indicate acceptance.

Looking at the two of them, Li Qianqian couldn't help being curious: "What are you doing?"

"It's nothing, come and eat vegetables."


In the evening, Su Ye, who slept in the hotel for a while to refresh himself, was dragged directly to a bar in Hangzhou by Shi Jin.

I'm Here.

That's the name of the bar.

When he walked in, Shi Jin leaned close to Su Ye and whispered in a low voice, "Third brother, I never thought you would be such a muddy person now."

"Brother, too. I ate and lived with you for four years in college, but I still haven't seen your true nature."

Su Ye looked confused, and asked him blankly: "Second brother, what are you talking about? I don't understand why."

Shi Jin looked clear.

"Okay, it's so noisy here, my siblings can't hear it."

"Didn't you ask me to arrange the dinner at night because your younger siblings are here?"

"You can do it, kid. You're having a great time playing now."

"I'm not, I'm not, you're talking nonsense."

Su Ye repeatedly vetoed it.

"Shi Jin, I gave you that wink at noon, which means I told you not to arrange drinking at night."

"Who knows, you even got me to the bar directly."

The complacent expression on Shi Jin’s face froze, and then he seemed to realize something, and said with a smile:
"Okay, I understand, I understand."

"I haven't noticed before that you are so impeccable in your work, third child."

"As expected, he is worthy of being in charge of such a big company as Qingyun Technology."


Shi Jin gave him a thumbs up, then turned and walked towards the booth he had reserved.

Su Ye wanted to explain something, but saw that Shi Jin had already walked away.

In the booth, there are a few children from rich families who look like they are pampered.

"Damn it, Shi Jin really brought Su Ye here."

Someone was shocked when they saw Su Ye behind Shi Jin.

At this moment, Shi Jin walked to the booth ahead of time, and he saw the man exclaimed with a proud face.

But he said in his mouth: "Okay, okay, look at the way you make a fuss."

"I told you a long time ago, Su Ye is my brother in the same dormitory, I am his second brother, can he not give me face?"

Everyone immediately burst into compliments.

"All right, all right, Su Ye brought his girlfriend here today, so pay attention to what we say later."

"Otherwise it will make people unhappy, don't say brother won't help you."

When she walked in just now, Li Qianqian was going to the bathroom.

Only then did Shi Jin get the chance to talk to Su Ye alone.

But this is in a bar, there are many beautiful women, but there are not many who are as beautiful and temperamental as Li Qianqian.

Moreover, Li Qianqian still has the innocence and vigor of a college student.

These temperaments appearing in one person at the same time, Shi Jin knew that this was a fatal temptation for those bar veterans.

Let Su Ye go to the bathroom and wait.

"No problem, Brother Shi, I, Chen Qiang, was originally a pure boy, but I was spoiled by you guys."

"That's right, Brother Shi, I, Zhou Ding, are still a student now, but you keep bringing me to such a smoky place like a bar, it really spoils the kids."

Everyone laughed and laughed, Shi Jin saw Su Ye and Li Qianqian walking over there, and hurriedly quieted everyone.

"Su Ye, come on, these are the buddies I told you about earlier."

"This is Chen Qiang. His father is in the daily chemical industry. He owns 40% of the domestic daily chemical industry market share."

"This is Zhou Ding. His family makes clothing. There are more than a dozen factories in Zhejiang Province and Suzhou Province, with tens of thousands of workers."

"Who is this……"

One by one, Shi Jin introduced the young and old around him to Su Ye.

Su Ye also nodded and shook hands with everyone.

Chen Qiang was not tall and had a bald head, as if he had just been released.

But fortunately, there is a famous brand that makes him feel like a big brother.

Zhou Ding looked like a student, with a pair of black-rimmed glasses on his face, and he was dressed in red and smiled when he saw Su Ye.

"Mr. Su, hello, we have been famous for a long time."

"Good evening, Mr. Su, I must have had a good time today."

Most people complimented Su Ye directly, but some people found another way.

"Yo, this should be my sister-in-law."

"Hi sister-in-law, I'm Wang Li, the one with strength."

"You are much prettier in real life than on TV. Standing with Mr. Su is like a golden couple."

A chubby guy saw everyone surrounding Su Ye, so he ran to Li Qianqian and disliked Qinqin.

This man has small eyes, but he is very measured in his actions.

When Su Ye saw him shaking hands with Li Qianqian, he just tasted it and then let go.

He speaks beautiful words, but acts like a gentleman.

"Third brother, this is Wang Li. Their family makes women's underwear."

"Fatty, what are you doing, stay away from my siblings."

"Okay, Steve, I'm coming."

Fatty Wang Li walked up to Su Ye, bent slightly and stretched out his hand: "Boss Su, I saw you today."

"You don't know, Brother Shi told you that there are few on the earth and not many in the sky in front of us. We didn't believe it at first."

"Now that I see you in real life, I realize that Steve was wrong."

Having said this, Wang Li deliberately stopped talking and did not continue.

He opened his mouth slowly when he attracted the attention of everyone, especially the curiosity in the eyes of Su Ye and Li Qianqian.

"I think Brother Shi must not be good at Chinese when he was in school."

"There are only two words in his mouth to describe Mr. Su's coming and going. What's awesome, what's the fuck, superficial."

"In my opinion, Mr. Su is wise and powerful, a man of heaven and earth, a man of the day, a man of great success and fame, a mark of history, famous, world-renowned, like thunder, his voice vibrates the world, his prestige is constant, he fills the sky and bathes in the sun, and he is romantic." Characters, in full bloom, young dragons and phoenixes, heroes of the world, unparalleled in the world, a branch of Guilin, stand out from the crowd..."

Fatty Wang Li said countless words of praise in one breath, and everyone who watched, including Su Ye, Li Qianqian, Shi Jin, was dumbfounded.

I'm afraid this buddy didn't come through Yue Yunpeng.

Not to mention anything else, just this set of Guankou speaking is urgent and fast, the words are clear, orderly and not messy at all.

Moreover, after so much has been said, Su Ye didn't even see the other party take a breath.

I think the lung capacity is pretty good too.

"Fatty, stop, stop."

Shi Jin hurriedly interrupted, "Fatty, are you flattering or talking about cross talk? I think Lausanne in this year's Spring Festival Gala is at your level."

"Okay, third child, brothers and sisters, sit down."

Su Ye smiled at Wang Li, and then sat in the booth under Shi Jin's guidance.

"Brother Shi, you interrupted me again, didn't you see that someone was talking about it?"

"President Su, you are this image in my heart, and I'm not exaggerating at all."

"Okay, thank you Brother Wang Li, I am also very happy to see you guys today."

"We are all the future of Longhan, let's have a toast for this first."

As Su Ye said, he poured himself a glass of wine, touched everyone, and straightened his neck.

"Second brother also told me about everyone's affairs."

"Originally, according to the group's regulations, even if I am the boss, I will inevitably have to go through a wave of procedures."

"But the second brother told me that those who can be invited tonight are all reliable brothers, and he is willing to guarantee everyone."

"So, it's no problem for everyone to stay in Qingyun Mall."

"I suggest, let's toast the second brother with the second cup."

Su Ye sold a good one to Shi Jin, then poured wine, and did it directly.

After lighting up the empty glass with everyone, Su Ye picked up the wine bottle and poured himself another glass.

"Everyone, my girlfriend is not very good at drinking. In order to express my apology, I will apologize to everyone first."

After speaking, another glass of wine was finished.

Su Ye drank three cups in a row, which also made everyone a lot closer to him.

He still learned this trick from Zhou Yuanyuan.

There are two purposes of doing this, not only can quickly get in touch with other people, but also can use the amount of alcohol to calm down those who want to get him drunk.

Zhou Yuanyuan didn't say a word.

If you still can't suppress others by doing this, then everyone can only rely on their true skills.

Anyway, since she was a child, she has never been afraid of anyone, whether it is a class party, a colleague party, or going out to socialize.

"Boss Su is polite."

"Thank you, Mr. Su, we will keep this in mind."

"Thank you Shi Ge, it's all in the wine."

Seeing that Su Ye was so approachable, everyone relaxed, and the atmosphere gradually became lively.

"Brother Su, what is our current cooperation model like?"

"I bought a computer at Qingyun Mall before. I placed the order in the middle of the night, and it arrived in the morning."

"This speed seems to be a bit fast."

Chen Qiang bought a computer before, and the delivery time was fast.

He also used Shunfeng Express to send gifts to several of his girlfriends on Valentine's Day, and the fastest delivery was today and the next day.

How could Su Ye be able to place an order in the early morning and receive the goods that morning.

"That's right, Brother Su, I downloaded 10 computers, and they were delivered in the same afternoon."

"Fuck, Erbing, why did you buy ten computers?"

"Didn't you see it when you placed the order? It was advertised in Qingyun Mall that a mechanical keyboard and mouse would be given away immediately. I'm going to draw ten times in a row to see if I can win."

"Then did you win?"

Zhou Ding was nicknamed Erbing because of his eyes.

Hearing someone asking him if he won the lottery, Zhou Ding's expression froze, he shook his head slowly and said, "No."

In the end, he gave Su Ye a resentful look.

Su Ye almost jumped up in fright.

What does your look mean.

I didn't do anything that was irresponsible to you.

"Well, the reason why the goods can arrive so quickly is because our Qingyun Mall has prepared warehouses in various places."

"Some big cities like Haicheng, Imperial Capital, Hangcheng, Wuhan, Guangcheng, etc. have stocked up in advance, so they can be delivered so quickly."

"As for the mechanical keyboard that Brother Zhou said, I'll give you a set later. It's a bit extravagant to draw ten consecutive draws or something."

Su Ye was a little embarrassed.

When he asked Zhou Yuanyuan to present a surprise gift, he mainly took into account the three places of the imperial capital, Haicheng and Guangcheng.

Hangtown, he only put 5 sets.

If Zhou Ding can win the lottery with such a small probability, then his luck is really against the sky.

Even if you draw ten times in a row, there is no probability bonus.

"It's okay, Brother Su. Later, I found someone to buy it, but the price was a bit too much for me. I spent almost the price of a computer for a set of keyboard and mouse."

When he said this, Zhou Ding still had a look of flesh pain on his face.

The other young and old all felt sorry for each other.

They spent 5000 yuan for a set of keyboard and mouse, and they have never done such a crazy thing.

However, everyone also knows that Zhou Ding is obsessed with computer hardware.

The ten computers he bought were probably given away in the end, and the set of keyboard and mouse was what he really wanted.

"Hey, there's no wine, waiter."

Shi Jin was pouring wine for everyone with a wine bottle. He was fascinated by what they said, and accidentally poured wine all over the table.

"Waiter, help me clean up the table and bring me another bottle of wine."

"Yes, I still want this."

The waiter nodded and was about to leave, but he heard someone talking behind him.

"Wait a moment."

He turned his head to look at Su Ye and asked, "What else do you need?"

"Do you have Hennessy Hao at home?"


"Well, give me those two bottles of that."

"Ah, this..."

The waiter froze for a moment.

The Hennessy Hao that Su Ye mentioned is the treasure of the bar, and there are only two bottles in total.

The single bottle is priced at 128888 yuan.

These two bottles of wine were specially brought back from Fernbran by the owner of the here bar, and they belong to the limited edition collection.

It is usually placed in the store for everyone to watch.

In the current era when the monthly income is only about 3000, a bottle of wine is priced at more than [-], and few people can afford it.

And if you can afford it, you have also drank the regular version of Hennessy Hao, so you don't need to spend extra money.

"Third, do you really want to open two bottles?"

"Go, it's rare to be happy today, of course I want to drink some good wine with everyone."

"It's okay, tonight's consumption is mine."

Su Ye drank a lot and was a little dizzy when speaking.

He had drunk this wine twice in Zhou Yuanyuan's bar before, and he thought it tasted alright.

It just so happens that now he has the opportunity to meet a group of young and playful peers, and he also thinks about it a little bit.

"Okay, you go and get it."

Shi Jin waved at the waiter, and then turned to Su Ye and said, "Okay, third, what do you need to spend when you come to Hangzhou?"

"Brothers, tell me, can we let Boss Su buy our order tonight?"

"That must not be possible. Mr. Su rarely comes to Hangzhou and asks him to pay the bill, then we don't have to go out to meet people in the future."

"Yes, Brother Su, you are here in Hangcheng, just leave everything to us, don't worry about the rest."

Seeing that everyone was persuading him like this, Su Ye was also puzzled.

I just bought two bottles of wine.

Although the price of Hennessy Hao is not low, it should not be a big deal to the young and old in front of us.

A bottle of more than 3000, why all of them have become like this.

Could it be that there is something else hidden in it...

(End of this chapter)

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