Chapter 374 Chapter 375, Yang Qing?Gu Yanran? (seeking a monthly ticket)

Su Ye and the others were not made to wait.

After a while, a woman in a white slim-fit suit came over holding a bottle of wine with a blue background and a gold rim in her hand.

"Sister Yang."

"Hello, Miss Yang."

"Sister Yang is in the store today."

A group of second generations hurriedly stood up to say hello.

This made Su Ye even more surprised.

It can be seen from the performance of these second generations just now that they are by no means approachable.

At this time, he was so respectful to a woman.

The identity of this woman is...

When the woman named Sister Yang approached, Su Ye couldn't help but stare.

This person turned out to be Miss Gu Yanran who was by Weng Tianlong's side when he was in Xu Cheng.

However, why did the other party become Sister Yang from Hangcheng again?

Gu Yanran, uh, no, it should be called Yang Qing now.

When she saw Su Ye, she couldn't help but shrink her eyes.

Why did the boss of Jiangcheng Qingyun Technology go to Hangzhou?

"I wonder who is thinking about my two bottles of Hennessy Hao today. It turns out that they are Shao Shi, Shao Chen, and Shao Zhou."

"This is a face-to-face, I don't know which young Junyan it is."

Yang Qing flirted with Su Ye indiscriminately, pretending that he didn't know him at all.

Whoever imagined it happened to be seen by Li Qianqian who was beside Su Ye.

Li Qianqian couldn't help being angry when she saw that a woman whose appearance and figure were not inferior to her was actually an old acquaintance with Su Ye.

This Su Ye is really restless wherever he goes.

The women I know are all top-notch in appearance, figure and temperament.

And look at Miss Yang's appearance.

Li Qianqian guessed that she should have a lot of energy in Hangzhou.

"Sister Yang, this is our famous President Su."

"President Su? Which President Su, wouldn't it be..."

"That's right, Sister Yang, this is the founder of Qingyun Technology, Mr. Su Ye, who you have been talking about all the time."

Talk about it every day?

Li Qianqian was almost out of anger.

She gave Su Ye a bad look, then moved forward, leaning against Su Ye.

As soon as Yang Qing saw Li Qianqian like this, he knew what she was thinking.

I intended to tease this little girl, but thinking of the problems that the Sanyin consortium of my young lady's family is facing now, I can only hold back temporarily.

Su Ye's sudden appearance in Hangzhou today is obviously an opportunity for the Sanyin consortium.

If Su Ye can help, then Sanyin Group will definitely overcome the difficulties in front of it.

Thinking of this, Yang Qing smiled slightly: "Hello, Mr. Su, it's really better to be famous than to meet."

"Everyone, please sit down. Today, this bottle of Hennessy Hao will be given to Mr. Su and Ms. Li as a gift."

No one asked why Yang Qing didn't know Su Ye but knew Li Qianqian beside Su Ye.

Hearing that Yang Qing was willing to give this bottle of wine directly to the two of them as a gift, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

The sources of these two bottles of wine are old, and they also carry some of Yang Qing's experiences back then.

I usually treat it like a treasure, and at most I will show it to everyone, and I don't even have a chance to touch it.

This is also the reason why there are many rich people in Hangzhou, but after a few years, no one has been able to taste these two bottles of wine.

But now, Yang Qing actually gave one of the bottles to Su Ye directly.

How could this not be shocking.

"Okay, let's all sit down."

Yang Qing smiled slightly, gave Su Yefei another wink, and sat down to chat with everyone.

Seeing the calm demeanor, Su Ye couldn't help being puzzled by how familiar the properties of the second-generation families and some recent events were.

This Gu Yanran, he once remembered to be Weng Tianlong's subordinate.

Later, when they entered the armored regiment together, she said that she was an employee of the marketing department of a trading company in Haicheng, and she came to Xucheng to press for the payment.

The result is the blink of an eye.

The other party became the owner of the I'm here bar in Hangcheng again.

The name also changed from Gu Yanran to Yang Qing.

This thing is a bit confusing.

Yang Qing has long sleeves and is good at dancing.

After all, except for people like Zhou Yuanyuan who open bars because they like it and don't care about the source of customers or income.

Most of them can quickly deal with the forces of all parties.

And Yang Qing has a secret that people can't see clearly in this woman.

Sitting among the second generation at this moment is not timid at all, everyone can be taken care of by her.

Even Li Qianqian, who was still a little hostile to her just now, has let go of her worries and started laughing.

"What, you are all going to live in Mr. Su's Qingyun Mall, and Mr. Su agreed?"

Yang Qing heard that Su Ye came to Hangzhou because of Shi Jin's invitation.

At the same time, he also helped these companies behind the second generation move into Qingyun Mall, and he couldn't help being shocked.

The current Qingyun Mall is the sweet pastry in the eyes of all domestic brand owners.

From the launch of Qingyun Mall on February 2, the news that the sales of the day broke 11 billion broke out the next day.

Those domestic brands can't sit still.

Everyone desperately asked for the contact information of Qingyun Mall, wanting to move in.

Not to mention the families and companies behind these second generations in Hangzhou, even the president of the Sanyin Consortium has heard the news.

Call Yang Qing specifically, and ask her to find a way to make some of Gou Ri's domestic products available for sale in Qingyun Mall.

As I said before, the Sanyin Consortium mainly deals in electronics, audio-visual products, cultural entertainment and other things in Gou Ri's country.

At present, in Gou Ri's country, this market is already facing saturation.

Therefore, the president has been promoting the culture going overseas, and the Longhan Empire, a market with a huge population and deep market potential, has naturally become their first choice.

Although the Sanyin consortium has already invested in some domestic Internet companies in Longhan, especially e-commerce companies.

However, due to the market environment, the sales of various products have not been very good.

I thought this should be a grind, so I could only wait.

Unexpectedly, Qingyun Mall was born at this time, subverting the cognition of all those who pay attention to the e-commerce market.

A day's sales can reach 20 billion. Wouldn't it be possible to reach 8000 billion in that year?

Even if this value is unlikely, a scale of 800 billion can always be achieved.

And with such a large market, even if the products of the Sanyin Consortium accounted for only a small part, it would still be a business of hundreds of millions, billions of dollars.

in case……

If Yang Qing can find such a good market for the consortium, the share price of the Sanyin consortium will definitely rise to a certain extent.

It is even possible to directly break the Sanyin consortium from the status quo of being suppressed by other consortiums.

When looking at Su Ye again, Yang Qing couldn't help showing a trace of fire in his eyes.

"President Su, I didn't know that Qingyun Mall still has alcohol suppliers."

"If not, I can provide red wine and foreign wine to enter the venue."

Yang Qing said reservedly.

"No way, Sister Yang, you actually want to settle in Qingyun Mall?"

"Sister Yang, the wine brands you represent are all big international brands. Do you want to expand sales channels now?"

"of course."

Seeing everyone's doubts, Yang Qing smiled sweetly.

"No way, the current global economic situation is not good. I am a landlord and I have no food left."

"If I can become President Su's big ship, then I may have the opportunity to directly win one of the three famous wineries in France."


All the second generations couldn't help raising their voices.

While I and others are still looking for famous cars and watches every day, and going out to take girls for a ride, Sister Yang has already started to set her sights abroad.

The three famous wineries in France, Lafayette, Latour, and Aubian.

If you win one of these, you will be a world-class businessman.

Why is Yang Qing in such a special position in Hangzhou now?

In addition to her family background, it was more because she represented several famous wine brands in France.

Some people thought of making trouble in the bar before, but the whole city of Hangzhou was buzzed with phone calls from the embassy and the Foreign Affairs Bureau.

It is the goal of the French nobles to let the wine culture go to the world.

Anyone who dares to obstruct is not giving France face.

And the trouble at that time was only caused by Yang Qing under the hint of those winery people.

It is to show the determination of France.

As a result, this disturbance did nothing to other people, but let everyone in Hangzhou know about Yang Qing's background and energy.

Since then, no one came to Yang Qing's bar to make trouble.

Unexpectedly, it has only been a few years.

Yang Qing, who had to follow the instructions from France at that time, had already made plans to acquire the winery.

This is turning around and calling the shots.

"Of course it's true, but I don't know if President Su can give me a chance."

Yang Qing smiled sweetly, her eyes rolling.

Li Qianqian, who was sitting next to Su Ye, tensed subconsciously.

He tightly grasped the corner of Su Ye's clothes with his hands.

Feeling Li Qianqian's nervousness, Su Ye stretched out his hand to comfort Li Qianqian's hand.

"No problem. Since Miss Yang has this idea, I will naturally help."

"I hope that our domestic companies in Longhan can go hand in hand and let the world see the power of Longhan."

"Okay, then thank you, President Su."

Yang Qing stretched out his hand to shake Su Ye lightly, and stuffed a note into Su Ye's hand.

Su Ye calmly put the note into his pocket, and then continued to chat with everyone.

After chatting for a while, Yang Qing said goodbye and left.

He also specifically said that in order to thank Su Ye for his help, today's table is free.

Immediately, the second generation shouted: "Sister Yang, let's open another bottle of Hennessy Hao."

An angry Yang Qing gave him a hard look before turning around and leaving.

Seeing that it was almost time, Su Ye pulled Li Qianqian out of the bar.

Su Ye was here just now, and those second generations couldn't let go.

This time Su Ye came to Hangzhou in person and agreed to their request.

With a relaxed mood, they all let loose.

That is to say, Shi Jin said that he was going to send Su Ye off, but was rejected.

"Second brother, go back and play with those friends."

"I'll send some people over later to connect with companies in Hangzhou."

Qingyun Mall has not been online for a long time, and many people still don't understand the mode of operation.

Therefore, it is necessary for Su Ye to send some business personnel over first.

Moreover, there is next.

"Okay, then you go back first, and I will treat you to dinner tomorrow."

When Shi Jin heard what Su Ye said, he didn't think much about it.

After making an appointment to meet tomorrow, I returned to the bar.

Walking in Hangzhou late at night, Su Ye and Li Qianqian were speechless for a moment.

He put his hand in his trouser pocket only to find that there was a note that Yang Qing gave him just now.

I took it out and saw that there was a string of phone numbers and a few words on it.

"If it's urgent, call me."

"Qianqian, let me make a call."

Li Qianqian glanced at it, but didn't say much.


"Miss Yang, I don't know why you came to me all of a sudden."

The phone rang once and was quickly picked up by the other side.

Su Ye judged that Yang Qing had been waiting for news from him.

"Su Yejun, Miss Xiangzi encountered some difficulties and needs your help."

"Excuse me, where are you now, I'll go talk to you."

Yang Qing on the opposite side spoke very hastily.

As soon as Su Ye heard the title, and the words "Miss Xiangzi", he immediately knew who Yang Qing was working for.

Before, two girls from two countries who had lived for a long time came to accompany him to eat barbecue in the middle of the night, and then he would fascinate himself later.

Fortunately, Su Ye activated the lucky card at a critical moment.

Otherwise, that night, there would definitely be no way to reject the so-called Miss Xiangzi.

And then...

Su Ye also knew that after only one day, that Miss Xiangzi was released on bail.

Another man with a strange accent called Su Ye, saying that he wanted to acquire Su Ye's Qingyun Technology.

At that time, Qingyun Technology was invited by the then Longhan Internet Association to join.

Thanks to Li Qianqian's behind-the-scenes efforts, Qingyun Technology was spared.

However, unexpectedly, this Yang Qing was also working for Gou Ri's country.

"No need."

"I don't know whether I should call you Miss Yang or Miss Gu."

"Besides, I have nothing to talk to people from Gou Ri's country."

"As for Miss Xiangzi, I'm sorry, please don't contact me again in the future."

Su Ye was about to hang up the phone after speaking.

Yang Qing over there was really in a hurry.

"Wait a minute, Su Yejun."

"Did you forget that Qingyun Technology's branch in Japan was threatened by the Sumiyoshi Society?"

"If the lady hadn't come forward to ask the president for help, I think it would be difficult for Su Yejun's business in Gou Ri's country to develop."


Su Ye suddenly remembered.

After the epidemic ended, Qingyun Technology decided to go overseas.

But neither Europa nor the branch in Melia Continent has any problems.

It happened that a lot of things happened in Gou Ri's country and Big Bangzi country.

A few months later, Su Ye has already investigated the reason why Big Bangzi Country can let Qingyun Technology go.

Although this matter was not directly settled by Hu Yidao, it has something to do with him.

Instead, it was Gou Ri's country.

No matter how he investigates, there is no clue.

It was as if Sumiyoshi, who wanted to eat meat at first, suddenly turned into a kitten.

From the looks of it now, Miss Xiangzi from the Sanyin Consortium should be behind the scenes.

Others helped themselves.

And it's never been said before.

Apparently that Miss Xiangzi was not the one to repay her kindness.

If Yang Qing hadn't said it now, Su Ye might never have known that Xiangzi did this.

Regarding Gou Ri's country, Su Ye said directly that he did not like it.

But for those who helped him, it was difficult for Su Ye to refuse them.

"Su Yejun, are you still listening?"

"Well, you can arrange a place. I'm a little sleepy today. Let's set the time tomorrow."

"Okay, Mr. Su Ye, thank you. At noon tomorrow, I will be waiting for you at Qiantun Izakaya in Hangzhou."

After hanging up the phone, Su Ye saw Li Qianqian's questioning eyes, and began to explain his relationship with several people to her.

"Qianqian, it's been almost half a year since we talked about this..."

(End of this chapter)

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