The richest man in the world starts with 100 million sign-ins every day

Chapter 375 Chapter 376, risking death to eat puffer fish

Chapter 375 Chapter 376, risking death to eat puffer fish (seeking monthly ticket)

Su Ye told Li Qianqian how he met Yang Qing and Miss Xiangzi.

From being "kidnapped" by Xiangzi and her subordinates at the beginning, to meeting Hayata and calling him, wanting to exchange shares in Qingyun Technology.

Later, she met Weng Tianlong and Gu Yanran in Xu Cheng.

There was also the matter that the branch of Gou Ri's country met the Sumiyoshi Club before, but was inexplicably resolved.

After that, these things happened today.

"Su Ye."

"You actually encountered such a dangerous thing."

After hearing Su Ye's words, Li Qianqian hugged Su Ye's arm with a distressed expression.

She did not expect that Su Ye had received so many threats and dangers in the process of establishing Qingyun Technology.

In comparison, Liang Weinan was a little gentler.

From the beginning to the end, Liang Weinan was targeting Su Ye's company and did not pose a threat to his personal safety.

This meant that Su Ye didn't tell her that Liang Weinan had sent someone to block him in the alley.

The world is as black as crows.

Liang Weinan is definitely not a good bird.

"It's okay, Qianqian, everything is over."

Su Ye looked at Li Qianqian, but didn't tell her about Hu Yidao.

Otherwise, as long as Hu Yidao is with Su Ye in Jiangcheng now, Li Qianqian will definitely worry that this will pose a threat to Su Ye.

"That's not okay, I, I'm sorry."

"Su Ye, I didn't expect you to encounter so many dangers."

"I used to lose my temper with you all the time."

"Su Ye, don't worry, I will never be jealous in the future."

Li Qianqian was obviously terrified.

In these few incidents, if luck is not on Su Ye's side once.

That doesn't necessarily mean Su Ye and Qingyun Technology.

Li Qianqian didn't care much about assets.

She is now blaming herself for her past experience of being jealous.

When Su Ye meets every opposite sex, there is a certain inside story.

But she was chaotic because she cared, and she was hostile to the women who appeared beside Su Ye every time.

I believe this will also cause great trouble to Su Ye.


Su Ye took Li Qianqian's hand and walked towards the hotel.

"You can be jealous in the future, otherwise I will feel that I am not your boyfriend."



Li Qianqian subconsciously wanted to hit Su Ye.

After seeing Su Ye's doting expression, she also reacted.

Su Ye is aware of her character and deliberately found a way for her to step down.

"Su Ye, you are so kind."


In the early morning of the next day, Shi Jin called him and said that he would invite him to dinner, and also introduced him to a few people who could talk to him in the business world in Hangzhou and Zhejiang Province.

"Second brother, you can arrange the meeting until the evening."

"I have an appointment at noon."

"Oh, who are you dating?"

Shi Jin was a little surprised.

Su Ye's personality has always been that of a more obedient one.

It is an exaggeration to say that you will accept everything, but you seldom refuse others.

Not to mention his second brother.

"I made an appointment with that Gu...Yang Qing I met at the bar last night. She said she would invite me to dinner and talk about some cooperation."

"Oh fine……"


As soon as Shi Jin agreed, he reacted.

Things should not be that simple.

Su Ye.

Young and handsome, worth billions.

Whether it's looks, assets, figure, or other conversations and knowledge, they are all considered top choices.

Yang Qing.

Invincible charm, good figure.

She is also the only heir of the Yang family in Hangcheng. Although she is a woman, she does not give way to a man.

The two of them made an appointment to have dinner together at noon, so there must be something going on.

Could it be that Su Ye dislikes the poor and loves the rich?

Li Qianqian, who originally came up from the bottom with him, stayed for a long time and got tired of it, so she wanted a change.

Thinking of this, Shi Jin felt that he had to fulfill his responsibility as the second brother.

Only when he is at this level can he understand those who are willing when you are poor and when your future is unstable.

What a great woman who is willing to be by your side.

There are too many people in the world who hate the poor and love the rich.

A woman who is willing to share weal and woe with you must never be let down.

Moreover, Li Qianqian's appearance, figure, temperament and conversation are all excellent.

If Su Ye really did such a thing behind Li Qianqian's back, he would definitely regret it in the future.

"Third brother, the second brother will tell you a few words, don't you don't want to listen to it."

"Qianqian is so nice, beautiful and gentle."

"You can't do things that are sorry for others."

"Then Yang Qing looks like he's looking at Yan Xing charmingly, don't break up with Qianqian because of her."

"My ugly words are up front. If you do something wrong to Qianqian at that time, don't blame the second brother for showing you the strength and masculinity of men."

Shi Jin has always liked to exercise besides eating, drinking and having fun.

That muscular body is no less than that of the coaches in the gym.

Even though he didn't fight much, it shouldn't be a big problem to deal with a small bean sprout like Su Ye with his strength.

"Second brother."

"How much do you distrust me? I'm really talking about cooperation with that Yang Qing."

"Besides, Qianqian and I really love each other, how could we do anything wrong to her."

Su Ye was a little helpless.

This second brother looks like a flamboyant young man, but his view of love is still worth learning.

Shi Jin always thought so.

When you are single, it doesn't matter how you spend or how you play.

But once they have a suitable girlfriend, the two start dating.

Then we must be single-minded and persistent in love.

How this point of view was formed we need not delve into it.

But in love, you have to be specific to your partner, which Su Ye still agrees with.

"Wait, give me the phone, let me talk."

Li Qianqian happened to walk to Su Ye at this time, and seeing Su Ye's helpless face, she wanted to explain to Su Ye.

"Hello, second brother, I'm Li Qianqian."

"Dinning with that Yang Qing today, Su Ye will take me with me, don't worry."

"Oh, oh, okay, then I'm relieved."

"Okay, then you have a good time, tell Su Ye, I will treat him to dinner tonight and let him know some people in Hangzhou."

"Okay, thank you, brother."

Li Qianqian hung up the phone and couldn't hide the smile on Su Ye's face.

"Look, look, I just said last night that I will not interfere with your contact with the opposite sex in the future, and someone will help me fight the injustice today."

"Su Ye, you must love me more in the future."

After speaking, Li Qianqian got into Su Ye's arms like a kitten.

"That's natural."

"In this life, I will only love you, and I will never change my heart."

Hearing Su Ye's loyalty to her, Li Qianqian couldn't help but kiss her.

The two got bored in the hotel for a while, went downstairs to eat some breakfast provided by the hotel, and then started shopping in the shopping mall downstairs.

The extremely happy Li Qianqian bought a set of sportswear and two pairs of shoes for Su Ye.

Su Ye has always said that wearing a suit is uncomfortable, and he doesn't like the feeling of being restrained.

From then on, Li Qianqian and Su Ye mainly went to some sports brand stores together.

It's just that Longhan's economy is still on the rise.

In Hangzhou and Jiangcheng, you can't see too many sports brands, only Adidas Nike.

"Let's go, it's almost time."

Putting the things in his hand into the hotel, Su Ye checked the time and took Li Qianqian downstairs together.

To be honest, it's not very easy to take a taxi now. Su Ye and Li Qianqian walked on the side of the road for about ten minutes before getting a taxi.

This also strengthened Su Ye's determination to find a way to speed up the Internet process of the Longhan Empire.

When he needed a taxi in his previous life, he always called Didi directly.

Wait for the driver to take the order before going downstairs.

You don't have to worry about being exposed to the sun and rain, and you can arrange your own time reasonably, which is so convenient.

But to realize this idea, the most basic thing is to have a smartphone.

Now Qingyun Mobile is still producing candy bar feature phones, and I don’t know when it will be able to produce smartphones.

If you go back to Jiangcheng this time, you must urge the progress of the scientific research center.

I don't know how far the renovation has progressed.

Li Qianqian fell into deep thought when she saw Su Ye get into the car, not knowing what she was thinking about.

After she whispered to the driver to go to Qiantun Izakaya, she sat in the back row and stared blankly at Su Ye's thinking.

"Girl, here we are."

"A total of 32."

Li Qianqian took out the money from her wallet and handed it to the driver, then touched Su Ye who was still thinking with her arm.

"Here we are, get out of the car."

"Ah, oh, it's here so soon."

Su Ye was still in a daze for a moment, opened the car door, and looked at Su Ye thoughtfully at Qiantong Izakaya, which was close at hand.

Gou Ri's country has indeed developed well in some high-tech industries such as optics and electronics.

Even if the scientific research center under Qingyun Technology goes all out, it will be difficult to overcome too many academic problems in a short period of time.

If you can take this opportunity to reach a cooperation with the Sanyin consortium over there.

That may not be impossible to obtain some technical information.

At this time, Yang Qing, who was already waiting in the box of Qiantun Izakaya, couldn't help shaking.

"It's quite warm in this room, why is it suddenly a little cold?"

Yang Qing picked up the remote control and raised the temperature of the air conditioner by two degrees.

"Dong dong."

"Kulimasa, Miss Yang, your guest has arrived."

Su Ye followed a waitress in kimono to the door of the box.

Yang Qing hurriedly sat up, walked over from the tatami and pushed open the door.

"Su Yejun, good afternoon, please come in."

She saw Li Qianqian following Su Ye at a glance, and she was inevitably disappointed.

It seems that some of today's plans are useless.

Naturally, Li Qianqian didn't know what she was thinking, and followed Su Ye into the room.

Qiantun Izakaya is the first Japanese restaurant in Hangzhou.

All the ingredients, decoration materials, environment layout, including the waiters are all from Gou Ri's country.

When Hangzhou first opened, it really attracted many wealthy businessmen.

Su Ye couldn't help but nodded while looking at the layout here.

No wonder people can focus on high-end catering, and the level of care is worth the price.

Naturally, Su Ye didn't have the slightest liking for Gou Ri's country.

He is a proper patriotic young man.

But at some point, it has to be admitted that Gou Ri's country has been able to develop in economy, culture, entertainment, science and technology in recent years, and it is definitely not a fluke.

Learn from the barbarians to control barbarians.

Su Ye will not treat them as a scourge just because he doesn't like this nation.

To learn from other people's great things and make them your own is what a wise man does.

"Su Yejun, Li Qianqian sauce, good afternoon."

"Thank you very much for coming to the appointment."

"Arigado Pocket Emas."

As Yang Qing said, he directly bowed at 90 degrees to Su Ye and Li Qianqian.

"Okay, in Longhan, you can speak Long Chinese."

Su Ye frowned and said something calmly.

Generally, except in romance/action movies, he doesn't have any interest in Gou Ri's language.

"Okay, Su Yejun."

"Please sit down."

Yang Qing took off his shoes and knelt down on one side of the table.

In order to adapt to the National Day of Longhan, the tatami mats in Qiantun Izakaya are also specially set in a mode where the table can be raised and lowered.

In this way, even Longhan people who are not used to kneeling and eating can sit on tatami to eat normally.

Seeing Yang Qing take off his shoes, Su Ye frowned again.

Eat and take off your shoes.

Although he knew that Yang Qing would definitely not have any sweaty feet, he still felt awkward.

Yang Qing keenly felt Su Ye's displeasure, but at this time she had nothing to do.

After all, when she was in Gou Ri's country, she had been studying like this all the time.

I just hope that this negotiation will go smoothly.

"Su Yejun, Li Qianqian, I understand that the two of you have never been to our country before."

"So I also take this into consideration when choosing dishes today."

"This dish is the famous salt-baked saury in our country."

"This dish is salmon sashimi."

"This is a fresh vegetable salad."

"The raw materials of these dishes are airlifted from China to Hangzhou every day, ensuring freshness and allowing you to eat authentic Gou Ri Chinese cuisine."

"In addition, today, Master Fujii from Sentu Izakaya happened to be here, so I ordered a fugu on my own."

"Master Fujii is also a famous master of fugu cuisine in our country. I will invite Su Yejun and Li Qianqian to taste the delicious fugu later."

Su Ye was not surprised to hear Yang Qing introduce the previous things.

The dishes look good now, but that's about it.

For Su Ye, what really surprised him was the blowfish.

Three or two peach blossoms outside the bamboo, the spring river plumbing duck prophet.

The reed sprouts are short, which is exactly when the puffer fish wants to go for it.

This is the number one foodie in the Northern Song Dynasty, the scene described by Su Shi and Su Zizhan in Hui Chong Chunjiang Evening Scene Poetry.

The ancients have always said that they risked their lives to eat puffer fish.

Fugu tastes delicious, mellow, and has a high nutritional value.

However, many parts of the body are highly toxic, and if you are not careful for a while, you may be poisoned.

Therefore, some big hotels, after serving the fugu dish, will ask the chef who made it to eat a mouthful of fugu in front of the diners to show that it is non-toxic.

Su Ye is now worth billions, so eating puffer fish should be no big deal.

But he is afraid of death.

I have never dared to try this dish.

Unexpectedly, there is a meat dish in Qiantun Izakaya today.

"Qianqian, have you ever eaten fugu before?"

"No. I'm afraid of death."

Li Qianqian had the same idea as Su Ye.

Even she has made a decision that she will not eat the fugu anyway when it comes up.

"Okay, I'm also afraid of death, so let's not eat together."

Yang Qing watched the two whispering there, but couldn't hear what they were talking about.

Of course, if she found out, she would definitely be angry and depressed.

Yang Qing kindly ordered this puffer fish for the two to taste.

As a result, you are afraid of being poisoned and dare not eat it. This is too shameful.

Because the preparations started in advance, the box was only quiet for a while, and then a fat man wearing a chef's hat came in with a dish.

Japanese style plate.

There are about a dozen slices of fresh, smooth and tender fish fillets on top.

There is also a small section of green broccoli on the side as a decoration.

"Miss Yang, two distinguished guests, I am Kenji Fujii who made this puffer fish sashimi for you."

"I have processed all the poisonous parts of this puffer fish, and I guarantee that there will be no poison in it."

As Fujii Kenji said, he took out a pair of chopsticks from the pocket of the chef's uniform, picked up a piece of fugu meat, and put it directly into his mouth.

During the process of his tasting, Yang Qing translated what he said for Su Ye and Li Qianqian.

When I saw that Fujii actually ate a piece of puffer fish meat and there was nothing abnormal.

He even smiled and bowed to them before leaving slowly.

"Su Ye, look at that chef, he really tasted a piece of fugu meat."

Li Qianqian looked at the back of Fujii Kenji leaving, and couldn't help but be moved.

This fugu meat is said to be extremely delicious.

If it is not poisonous, then it is not bad to experience it.

Su Ye smiled slightly, he naturally knew that Li Qianqian was a bit greedy.

Yang Qing obviously also saw Li Qianqian's emotion.

He picked up two jars from in front of him and placed them lightly in front of Li Qianqian and Su Ye.

"Su Yejun, Li Qianqian sauce, this is mustard and Japanese soy sauce, if necessary, you can put some on the plate."

What Gou Ri's country learned from the Tang Dynasty is the meal sharing system.

When the family eats together, they will not put the dishes in front of them for the guests to taste.

"Su Ye..."

Li Qianqian looked at Su Ye coquettishly.

Su Ye struggled inwardly.

The chef just picked up the top piece and ate it.

In Gou Ri's country, eating fugu is very popular. I heard that there are other kinds of fugu with rice and fried noodles with fugu.

I think the chef specially invited over there should have richer experience in handling fugu.

If that's the case, it's okay to taste it.


Su Ye glanced at Yang Qing in front of him.

She found Su Ye because of the current state of Sanyin Group and wanted to find a business partner from outside.

In Gou Ri's country, it is obviously impossible to avoid those opponents who are suppressing the Sanyin consortium and find allies.

But in Longhan thousands of miles away, it is entirely possible.

Qingyun Technology is another emerging Internet company with light assets and high returns.

Now there are billions of cash lying in the bank in Qingyun Technology's account.

If Yang Qing hadn't lost his mind, he wouldn't have thought about murdering Su Ye and Li Qianqian.

"Miss Yang, you can eat a piece first."

Su Ye stretched out his hand forward.

Seeing Su Ye like this, Yang Qing smiled softly.

"No problem at all."

"Su Yejun's vigilance is really good."

As she said that, she poured a little Japanese soy sauce on her plate, picked up a piece of puffer fish, dipped it in soy sauce, and put it in her mouth.

"Su Yejun, Li Qianqian sauce, Master Fujii is indeed a famous master of fugu cuisine."

"This taste, I believe that you two will not regret it after tasting it."

(End of this chapter)

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