The richest man in the world starts with 100 million sign-ins every day

Chapter 376 Chapter 377, Agreeing to the request of the 3 silver consortium, Su Ye's conditions

Chapter 376 Chapter 377, Agreeing to the request of the Sanyin consortium, Su Ye's conditions (asking for a monthly ticket)

Su Ye picked up a piece of puffer fish meat with chopsticks and slowly put it into her mouth.

He didn't dip it in soy sauce or wasabi.

He is not used to Japanese wasabi and soy sauce, so he might as well just eat white.

Moreover, I believe that eating this way can taste the original taste of fugu.

The entrance of puffer fish meat.

Su Ye chewed slowly under the watchful eyes of Li Qianqian and Yang Qing.

However, you may be disappointed.

Su Ye thinks that puffer fish meat is just like that.

Faint, it does have a fragrant and delicious taste that is different from the usual food.

But you have to say how delicious it is.

From Su Ye's point of view, that's all.

"Qianqian, you should try it too, the taste is not bad."

Li Qianqian nodded and curiously picked up a piece of puffer fish and put it in his mouth.

After eating, the disappointment was hard to hide on the face.


When these words came out, a trace of embarrassment appeared on Yang Qing's face.

But quickly hide it.

"Su Yejun, Li Qianqian sauce, come and taste our Japanese-style sake bar."

She picked up a jug and poured a glass of sake for Su Ye and Li Qianqian respectively.

After tasting, Su Ye looked at Yang Qing.

"Miss Yang, if I remember correctly, you should have another identity called Gu Yanran, right?"

"I'm more curious about your identity and who you work for."

"I got news yesterday that you are from the Yang family in Hangcheng."

"I don't know if it's convenient for me to explain it to me."

Working with a person, the most important thing is integrity.

Su Ye has always thought so.

But Yang Qing on the opposite side, in his opinion, has at least three identities.

Gu Yanran.

Yang Qing.

A subordinate of the Three Silver Consortium.

Judging from the fact that she has always called Su Ye "Su Yejun".

The other party obviously cared more about her identity as a Chinese.

"Is such that."

Yang Qing smiled slightly.

"Su Yejun can call me Watanabe Nami, my real identity is an orphan."

"Adopted by the president of the Sanyin Consortium many years ago, she has always been by Miss Xiangzi's side, regarded as her bodyguard and maid."

Yang Qing simply revealed his identity.

In fact, she struggled for a long time whether she should explain it to Su Ye.

After all, she has her own mission to hide and forge her identity to enter the Longhan Empire.

Including joining a wine trading company in Haicheng, and then using the Yang family to make friends with powerful people in Hangzhou.

But Yang Qing also knew Su Ye before, and knew that he was a person who valued integrity.

In addition, Ms. Xiangzi and the president of the Sanyin consortium have great expectations for Su Ye and Qingyun Technology.

And trust.

That's why she chose to reveal her true identity to Su Ye.

"Okay, then I'll call you Nami Watanabe."

"Can you tell us what difficulties the Sanyin consortium you are in is currently facing?"

When you see the other party, you can tell your identity directly and straightforwardly.

Su Ye felt a little more at ease.

At least you know the origin of the other party, and you won't cooperate with them in a daze.

"It's like this. Gou Ri's domestic economy is now in decline, and the market conditions are very poor."

The president of the Triple Silver Consortium is considered a very discerning person.

It can be seen from the fact that he recruited some orphans as his team when his career was not as big as it is now.

As early as many years ago, he saw the potential of Long Han.

This country has a vast land and resources, and outstanding people.

A huge population means a huge market.

The Sanyin Consortium started out as a comic book producer. In recent years, the rise and popularity of the comic book culture in Gou Ri's Country has all been fueled by the Sanyin Consortium.

However, since the global economic downturn last year, the Internet industry bubble in the beautiful country has burst, and the technology industry has stagnated.

As a result, the global economic situation has changed from rising to falling.

Many large consortia of enterprises in Gou Ri's country are having a hard time.

In the case of external tightening, they have to turn their attention to the domestic market.

But at this time, they found out.

While these big consortiums have been expanding overseas markets, the Sanyin consortium is no longer limited to the original comics industry.

Film and television entertainment, literary creation, comics and animation, music and audio-visual industries have more or less had the presence of Sanyin.

In addition, not only in the cultural and entertainment industry, the Sanyin consortium has also extended its tentacles to many high-tech fields such as automobile manufacturing and electronic research.

If it only develops in the entertainment industry, although the major consortiums will also lose part of their market share.

But it will never launch a big offensive.

The problem is that the Sanyin consortium has too much appetite.

When everyone was developing overseas, Sanyin actually dug out the roots of several major consortiums.

Enter the exclusive industry of the big consortium, tap their talents, and snatch their market.

You must know that the reason why the consortiums of Gou Ri's country have been able to aggressively conquer cities and territories abroad in recent years is that they have mastered the core technology.

At present, it seems that the Sanyin consortium has only just entered these industries for a few years.

But it's been a long time.

When the strength and technical level of the Three Silver Consortium can catch up or reach the level of these consortiums, then the Three Silver Consortium will definitely not be willing to be just a younger brother.

Those who know a person best are not his friends, parents, children, or even his lover.

but his enemies.

How those big consortiums developed, the Sanyin consortium will follow the same or similar path for development.

All of Gou Ri's domestic companies are well aware of this point.

This cannot be tolerated.

The market is so big, if you eat three silver, we will eat less.

If you, Sanyin, are strong enough to take the bowl away, we will have nothing to eat and can only watch.

Whether it is a person, a company, or even these large consortiums.

If you starve for a long time, you will starve to death.

Therefore, several large consortiums discussed together.

Instead of living on a diet of our own, it is better to defeat the one who eats too much.

The extra food is enough for everyone to share and survive this global economic winter.

So, there is the present scene.

Several major consortiums went down in person and suppressed the Sanyin consortium from various channels.

In the short term, the Sanyin consortium can still barely support it, but after a long time, the Sanyin consortium will surely fall.

The president is a man of vision.

But in the face of the current situation of relying purely on strength, he has nothing to do.

The only way out is to jump out of the market of Gou Ri's country and look for a bigger market.

Long Han.

Nature is the best choice.

Nami Watanabe received the order from the president, so she was very active in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, Jiangsu Province, and Haicheng during this period.

As one of the most economically developed regions in Longhan, if she can find a place for Sanyin to settle down here, she will be a contributor to the consortium.

The great hero who turned the tide.

Maybe she can rely on this feat to finally enter the management of the Three Silver Consortium.

However, the ideal is very full, and the reality is very skinny.

She thought well, but there is no fool in Longhan.

I helped you with the Sanyin consortium, but I didn't get any benefits of the same value. Whoever wants to do this will do it.

At the same time, there is now a company in Longhan that can rely on its own strength to support the Sanyin consortium.


There are also many.

But these are Longhan's state-owned enterprises.

State-owned enterprises help you a foreign company to tide over difficulties, what do you think?

As a result, Watanabe Nami found herself with nowhere to go.

There are not many private enterprises with strength, and they are unwilling to support Sanyin.

State-owned enterprises are more powerful, but they will not do such a thing.

Nami Watanabe can only stay in Hangzhou alone, thinking hard and thinking about it, there is no way.

In this situation, not only her, but also the person in charge of the Sanyin consortium in Guangcheng has nothing to do.

The person in charge in the imperial capital has no choice.

This is a dead end.

Recently, the president of the Sanyin Consortium has started to make up his mind about his daughter Xiangzi.

The heir of a consortium who participated in the suppression of the Sanyin consortium happened to be of marriageable age.

The other party also implicitly stated that if Sanyin is willing to marry them, they can mediate from it.

Help Sanyin solve the current problems.

Although the president also knows that this kind of interest alliance formed by the marriage of children and in-laws is not stable at all.

But, he really has no choice.

"Su Yejun, we really have nothing to do this time."

"If you can't help, Miss Shoko will marry that scumbag Jiro Toyama."

"That scumbag is not only a scumbag, he also has that tendency. There are as many as five girls who died in his hands before."

"Even if you don't look at the face of the Sanyin consortium, please save our lady."

Speaking of this, Watanabe Nami unconsciously shed two lines of tears.

He looked at Su Ye and Li Qianqian with an aggrieved expression.

I want them to be able to save the Sanyin consortium for Xiangzi's sake.

Li Qianqian was inevitably moved with compassion.

Miss Xiangzi, she heard what Su Ye said yesterday.

Knowing that this is a girl who dares to love, dare to hate, and even a little silly.

If she got rid of the factor of nationality, she would even be willing to be a good friend with such a girl.

Think about it, just because of a photo of Su Ye, I fell in love with Su Ye.

Then in the middle of the night, he came up with a plan to kidnap Su Ye back.

This is how many girls can do such a thing.

Moreover, looking at the other party's appearance, it is obvious that he does not only love Su Ye's appearance.

When Watanabe Nami investigated Qingyun Technology and Su Ye, she must have collected a lot of Su Ye's information.

Presumably Miss Xiangzi finally fell in love with Su Ye from these materials.

Li Qianqian turned her head and glanced at Su Ye beside her.

How could this guy be so lucky.

Obviously he didn't do anything, but he could attract a girl to fall in love with him.

Later, when Qingyun Technology Gouri's national branch encountered trouble, Ms. Xiangzi took the initiative to help solve it.

This is how deep-rooted ah.

"I can't be jealous, I can't be jealous."

Li Qianqian silently read a few words in his heart.

She also knows that she has no way to intervene when the current situation involves the cooperation of two groups.

Everything depends on Su Ye.

Li Qianqian looked at Su Ye.

Watanabe Nami also looked at Su Ye.

Su Ye nodded slowly.

The expression on Watanabe Nami's face changed from crying to laughing instantly, she hurriedly stood up and bowed continuously at 90 degrees towards Su Ye.

"Thank you Su Yejun, thank you Su Yejun."

"Thank you for helping the Sanyin Consortium. You will be a friend of the Sanyin Consortium in the future."

"Our consortium will never forget your kindness today."

"Miss Xiangzi will definitely be very happy when she finds out."

I don't know if it was Su Ye's illusion.

He felt that the kimono Watanabe Nami was wearing today didn't fit very well.

A bit small.

Especially in the waist, buttocks and other positions, the curves can be clearly seen as she bows again and again.

"Cough cough."

"Miss Watanabe, please sit down."

"I promised to help the Three Banks consortium not for free."

Su Ye said slowly.

"No problem Su Yejun."

"Our consortium will agree to all your requests."

"Thank you very much Su Yejun."

Nami Watanabe bowed several times before sitting down with the help of Li Qianqian.

There were still tears on her face, but the corners of her eyes were full of smiles.

It seems that there is a feeling of pity for me.

As Watanabe Nami, who has undergone long-term training, she naturally knows what kind of state men like best.

However, as an old driver who has read countless films.

In this regard, Su Ye can directly give himself a buff that is immune to 99%.

In the words of Master Su.

Although I haven't had a girlfriend before, I don't understand anything.

What type 36, what nine what one.

What game, what scene, what props.

cough cough.

Off topic.

Su Ye sat upright and didn't look sideways. Li Qianqian was very pleased with this appearance.

"Miss Watanabe, don't rush to thank me. Although I agreed, you must know it."

"There is no free lunch in the world."

"If you want to get my help, you must pay accordingly."

Nami Watanabe was stunned.

She thought that Su Ye made this decision for Xiangzi's sake.

In addition, with the cooperation reached, Qingyun Technology will also become the first Internet company in Longhan China to fully cooperate with a large foreign consortium. (Nine Wind Games is not with the consortium, nor is it fully cooperating)
This name alone is enough to make Qingyun Technology famous both at home and abroad.

Why, Su Ye wants more.

Or, to put it bluntly, Su Ye also wanted practical benefits, not those empty names.

What is the permanent friend of the Sanyin consortium, Longhan is the first Internet company to go abroad.

Such a name, more or less, is not of much use to Su Ye.

In addition to the top ten outstanding youths in Longhan, let him know that he has been commended and recognized by the Longhan government, and at the same time, he can also get the happiness of his parents.

Those other honors and titles are completely dispensable to Su Ye.

"Su Yejun, may I ask, may I ask, what do you need from our Sanyin consortium?"

Nami Watanabe kept a smile on her face as much as possible.

After all, she was trained.

You will never be rude at this time.

"What I want is actually very simple."

"I can provide a venue for the Sanyin Consortium, assist the Sanyin Consortium to enter the Longhan market, and enable the Sanyin Consortium to achieve growth during this global economic downturn."

"I can even increase the strength of the Sanyin consortium so that one day they can return to Gou Ri's country."

Su Ye spoke word by word.

Nami Watanabe became excited every time she heard a sentence.

Especially the last to hear.

Su Ye actually said that there is a way to make the Sanyin consortium return to Gou Ri's country in the future.

This made her even more excited.

Rich and noble do not return home, such as brocade clothing at night.

Now that the three silver consortiums have been chased away by those large consortiums, they must look forward to the return of the king one day.

"Then, Su Yejun, what does our Sanyin consortium need to pay?"

Seeing Watanabe Nami's appearance, Su Ye smiled slightly.

He stretched out a finger and said, "First, I want the shares of the Sanyin consortium..."

 At the end of the month, ask for a monthly pass, and the outbreak will be announced in advance on March 3. .Thank you book friends for your special reward of 5 points.

(End of this chapter)

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