Chapter 377 Chapter 378, Su Ye, you are a robber (ask for a monthly ticket)
Li Qianqian couldn't help opening her mouth wide.

The smile on Watanabe Nami's face froze.

They all thought that Su Ye was really a kind person who was going to help the Sanyin consortium for free.

After all, although Su Ye had some problems with the people from the Sanyin consortium, Miss Xiangzi also helped Su Ye.

Even if one was exchanged for another, the Sanyin consortium would not owe Su Ye any more.

However, never expected.

Su Ye actually asked for conditions.

You said that it's fine if you put forward conditions.

You want some policies, benefits, everyone can understand.

But you asked for the shares of Sanyin Group, which is a bit of a lion.

At this moment, not to mention Nami Watanabe, even Li Qianqian was stunned.

You know, the current stock price of the Sanyin Consortium has...already...

Li Qianqian's train of thought suddenly froze.

Although the Three Silver Consortium is powerful, she really doesn't know what the current stock price and market value are.

"Nami, what is the current market value of the Sanyin consortium?"


Watanabe Nami thought about it in her mind, and then said: "Li Qianqian, the market value of the Sanyin consortium has reached 300 billion U.S. dollars."

"If it is converted into Longhan coins, it will have a market value of about 2400 billion Longhan coins."

At this time, she was thinking smoothly, and turned to look at Su Ye: "Su Yejun, what you said just now is the shares of the Sanyin consortium."

"I, I didn't, you heard me right."

Hearing Nami Watanabe's words, Su Ye couldn't help but gasp even though he was prepared.

The strength of the three silver consortium seems to be greater than what I imagined.

"You heard right."

Su Ye looked at Nami Watanabe, who was a little overwhelmed, and continued.

"Now the Sanyin consortium is struggling, and the market value is just empty talk."

"The current valuation of Qingyun Technology still has 500 billion Longhan coins in the eyes of those investors, but do I have 500 billion now?"

"not at all."

"So, about market value, just listen to these words, don't take them seriously."


Watanabe Nami suddenly became anxious.

It is different from the Internet company Qingyun Technology founded by Su Ye.

Why did the Internet bubble burst in the beautiful country last year, which caused a global economic crisis.

The reason is that the products developed by Internet companies must be used by someone.

If you develop a mailbox, only a few hundred people are using it.

No matter how powerful the function of the mailbox is, no matter how many people are optimistic about it, it is useless.

The capital market is the most practical.

The most they can give you is a few million dollar quote.

Not going any higher.

Of course, if you continue to operate, the number of users that can be affected by the product will reach millions, tens of millions of people.

At this time, capital will judge that your product is popular with the public.

With such a user level, even if you have no way to cash out for the time being, the capital market will flock to you.

Correspondingly, the valuation will also rise.

Tens of millions, hundreds of millions, or even billions are possible.

Like Qingyun Technology, it has a successful business model and its own way of monetization.

If you want to go public, it is a proper blue chip stock.

Even if it is now listed, the market value may be billions of dollars.

But if it takes a long time, under the control of Su Ye, Qingyun Technology's business volume will increase steadily, and new products that users love will continue to be developed.

Then the capital market's valuation of Qingyun Technology will be even higher.

This is why some companies in the pharmaceutical and energy industries once develop a press conference to publicize that they have made a breakthrough in a certain area.

The stock market will rise accordingly.

Conversely, when some bad news comes out, capital and users' judgments and ratings of a certain company will be lowered, and the company's stock price will also fall.

Compared with conventional traditional industries, the Internet industry is even more eye-catching.

As an asset-light industry, the biggest costs of the Internet are labor costs, office costs, and rent costs.

For some Internet companies with a valuation of tens of billions, the monthly expenses may be around one million.

When the market is not optimistic about the industry, the valuation of tens of billions is a bubble.

Even if you wanted that asset to pay the debt, it would be insolvent.

It's also what caused the economy to collapse last year after the dot-com bubble burst in the beautiful country.

At that time, the beautiful country was simply too strong in the Internet industry.

The development momentum is good, the company has bright prospects, and the realization channels are clear.

Almost all the hot money from all over the world is pouring in.


With a snap the bubble burst.

The global economy is naturally affected.

And this is only one aspect. When the Internet industry bubble bursts, investors will become more cautious in a short period of time.

Even Naskoda in the beautiful country does not have a turnover of more than 1 million US dollars in a day.

Worse than the bursting of the bubble is the panicked hearts.

However, Watanabe Nami was very unconvinced after hearing Su Ye's words.

Although the Three Silvers consortium is now in ruins, it has been besieged by various people.

But even if the Sanyin consortium went bankrupt in the end, its assets would still be worth billions of dollars.

After all, as a traditional offline enterprise, the investment in various industries is mainly some fixed assets.

To put it bluntly, the Sanyin consortium can sell a lot of money even if the refrigerator is sold as scrap iron.

Why do you Qingyun Technology have the confidence to compare with the three silver consortium.

If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, Nami Watanabe would spray Su Ye's face with a sip of salt soda.

"Su Yejun, I, I don't quite agree with your statement."

"It's okay, this is just my first condition."

"Then there are two more conditions. After you listen to them, you will pass them on to your president. As for how to choose, it's up to your president."

Su Ye was full of disdain.

You Gou Ri's country really thinks that we Longhan people are stupid.

Go to help you for no reason, and then swallow me when you become stronger.

We learned the story of the farmer and the snake in elementary school.

Moreover, everyone knows what happened in the Tang Dynasty.

This time, no matter whether the cooperation can be achieved or not, Su Ye plans to dig a piece of flesh from the Three Silver Consortium.

There are so many investments in Qingyun Technology, and talents in the fund industry are waiting for this time.

"However, Ms. Watanabe, don't be too nervous. I won't take too many shares in the Sanyin consortium."

"The specific amount, we will discuss it later."

"My second condition is technology."

"Now Qingyun Technology is also preparing to enter the related industries such as automobile manufacturing and mobile phone electronics. As a veteran in the industry, I think..."

"The Triple Silver Consortium will definitely be willing to help me, a junior."


Nami Watanabe was speechless.

In the past, I only thought that Su Ye was quite handsome and had a good temperament. I thought he was a gentleman.

Who knew, this guy turned out to be a robber.

Under the pretense of helping Gou Ri's friends from the country, it is actually harboring evil intentions.

Automobile manufacturing and mobile phone electronics are also the factors that have touched those big domestic consortiums.

If these industries and technology accumulation can be discarded, wouldn't the efforts of the Sanyin Consortium over the years pave the way for Qingyun Technology and make a wedding dress?
Co-authored by us, the Sanyin Consortium charged forward and fought bloody battles.

As a result, you are now being besieged by your opponent, and you Qingyun Technology appeared as an ally, but you stabbed me.

I want to take all the fruits of our victory for myself.

Su Yejun, you really have a good plan.

Watanabe Nami no longer had the slightest smile on her face, and looked at Su Ye calmly.

She wanted to see how much more extreme conditions Su Ye could come up with.

"Third, training."

"For a long time, I have admired Gou Ri's country for two industries, one is the film industry, and the other is what I want, the comics industry."

"To be honest, since I was a child... no, I have always liked to read Gou Ri's country comics."

"The Sanyin Consortium is Gou Ri's largest comic producer and distributor in China, and has many comic creators under its umbrella."

"To be honest, I am very interested in this area, so my third condition is."

"The Sanyin consortium must help Qingyun Technology train no less than 300 practitioners in the comics industry every year."

"Of course, after Longhan's domestic comic market gets up, we can work together to make better money."

Hearing Su Ye say that he has always liked to read Gou Ri's country comics.

Li Qianqian next to her couldn't help rolling her eyes.

It has been two months with Su Ye.

This guy is indeed a good boy in life, and he doesn't have too many bad habits.

Don't slap your mouth when you eat.

Sleep without snoring. (Uh, I can't say this)
I also like to clean up the room, and the clothes are washed and changed frequently.

Overall, all aspects are in line with Li Qianqian's expectations.

But to say that this guy likes to read comics is pure bullshit.

After Su Ye was free, his greatest interest was reading novels.

If possible, use the computer to read novels in the hotel.

When the conditions are inconvenient, I turn on the mobile phone, search the URL of "cmfu.con", and read novels on the small screen of the mobile phone.

In short.

Li Qianqian believed that Su Ye liked to read novels.

To say that he likes to read comics is pure nonsense.

But how did Li Qianqian know that Su Ye really doesn't read comics very much now.

But Su Ye in his previous life was a loyal fan of comics.

He likes to read such manga and anime as "My Sister is Teacher Huang Man", "Fate" and "Fan Niang", as well as "Inuyasha", "Gintama", "One Piece" and "Naruto".

At that time, Gou Ri's country comics were very popular in China.

Countless knowledgeable cartoon talents will find ways to learn from foreign advanced comic development experience.

It is hoped that this will develop the domestic comic industry.

Since this regret cannot be made up in the previous life, now that Su Ye has the ability, he will never miss the opportunity to develop the domestic comics industry.

However, the Sanyin Consortium happened to start from the comics industry.

Its various comic talents, peripherals, and copyright operations are among the best in the industry.

Cooperating with Sanyin, Su Ye and Qingyun Technology will definitely be able to enter the comics industry faster and better.

"Su Yejun, there is no problem with this."

"I can promise you now that the Sanyin Consortium can reach a comprehensive cooperation with Qingyun Technology in the field of comics."

"Cultivate at least 300 talents in the comics industry for Qingyun Technology every year, from comics production, story plot, animation change, business operation, copyright operation, and even film production can be satisfied."

"However, Su Yejun, are you thinking about the above two conditions?"

For Su Ye's condition, Watanabe Nami certainly has no problem.

As the largest manga dealer in Japan, the Sanyin Consortium has been committed to promoting Japanese manga overseas.

It's just that they have just entered the Longhan market at present, and the development horrible.

If Su Ye's Qingyun Technology is behind it, Watanabe Nami believes that the group's business will expand rapidly.

When the young people of the Longhan Empire are used to the cartoons of Gou Ri's Kingdom, then there will be no problem for other things from Gou Ri's Kingdom to enter Longhan.

Including lifestyle, including way of thinking and so on.

It's a cultural invasion.

Subtly, the younger generation of Long Han would have a good impression of Gou Ri's country.

Barbarians who wear Han clothes, practice Han etiquette, speak Han dialect, and do Han things are Han people.

In the same way, if the Han people change their thinking, their living habits are no longer Han people.

(It may be a bit extreme, and I dare not write any more)
Nami Watanabe hoped to fully agree to Su Ye's third condition in exchange for Su Ye's compromise on the first two conditions.

But Su Ye shook her head.

"Miss Watanabe, please be sure to write down the conditions I proposed today, and then pass them on to the president of the Sanyin Consortium intact. I will only talk to him directly."

The subtext is that what you say doesn't count.

You are not qualified to bargain with me.

If you want to negotiate, let your president come.

You can not.

Nami Watanabe, as the regional director dispatched to Longhan by the Sanyin Consortium, naturally has exquisite thoughts in all aspects.

As soon as Su Ye finished speaking, she understood the meaning of this sentence.

No matter how good her self-cultivation was, Watanabe Nami couldn't help but blushed.

"Su Yejun, you..."

"Don't talk, let's talk about my fourth condition."

"The fourth condition?"

Watanabe Nami blurted out.

Didn't you, Su Ye, just say that there are only three conditions?

"Su Yejun, didn't you just say that there are three conditions?"

"Why is there a fourth condition now?"

"Oh, did I say only three conditions?"

Su Ye turned to ask Li Qianqian next to her.

Li Qianqian nodded subconsciously, then shook her head when she saw Su Ye's eyes.

"Um, I don't remember either. It seems that Su Ye said that he wanted to raise some conditions."

Li Qianqian said with a confused face.

Just like a harmless little white rabbit.

Su Ye couldn't help giving Li Qianqian a thumbs up.

Nami Watanabe next to her was completely speechless.

The two of you came together to bully me alone, right?

"Then, well, Su Yejun, please continue."

Anyway, in Su Ye's eyes, she was just a role as a mouthpiece.

Not to mention four conditions, you only have one hundred conditions, and she can't help it.

"Okay, then I will continue."

"The fourth condition is funds. Qingyun Technology has paid so much for the Sanyin consortium, so it's impossible not to get any benefits."

Su Ye subconsciously ignored Watanabe Nami's eyes and continued talking.

"My idea is that the Sanyin consortium provides Qingyun Technology with an interest-free or low-interest loan, which can last a little longer."

"Now that the Longhan Empire is in a period of rapid development, Qingyun Technology will naturally have to keep up with the times."

"I think the Sanyin consortium is not willing to cooperate with a weak company, right?"

Su Ye has previous experience.

The currency of Gou Ri's country has been in a state of depreciation.

Now borrowing 300 billion, it may be exchanged for 10 billion Longhan coins.

But in a few years, maybe the 300 billion can only be exchanged for 5 million Longhan coins.

If that's the case, Su Ye is naturally not afraid to borrow more money from the Sanyin consortium.

Borrow money to grow your company, only to pay back a small portion of it when you pay back the money.

Even after a few years, the annual sales of the industry that Su Ye wants to expand will be much higher than this loan.

Why not do this kind of business.

Su Ye had been controlling the development speed of Qingyun Technology before, because his energy could not keep up, and at the same time, there were not enough talents in all aspects.

If the Sanyin consortium agrees to this loan, then Su Ye can let go of his hands and feet with great fanfare.

Anyway, the money is not my own, and I don't feel bad if I lose money.

 Cookie knows that the ship girl and the fate series are mobile games, and it seems that they are comics that came out later.Because I really don't read manga very much, so I can barely use it to make up the number.But I watched One Piece.

(End of this chapter)

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