The richest man in the world starts with 100 million sign-ins every day

Chapter 378 Chapter 379, I can't recruit people, I can poach the wall

Chapter 378 Chapter 379, I can't recruit people, I can poach the wall (ask for a monthly ticket)
Su Ye looked at Watanabe Nami.

Seeing the unlovely expression on her face.

"Miss Watanabe, have you written down what I just said?"

"There are four conditions in total, namely shares, technology, training, and funds."

"You have to convey all these contents to your president. I think, if your Sanyin consortium is really facing difficulties, then he will definitely agree."

"My contact information, I think you should have it, right?"

Seeing Su Ye's half-smile expression, Nami Watanabe couldn't help but nodded.

Since coming to Longhan a few years ago, he has never been so aggrieved.

The Three Silver Consortium had indeed encountered difficulties, but it was not as troublesome as she said.

At least, the current stage can barely support.

The president is not helpless.

As I said before, the president is now thinking of negotiating privately with a consortium that participated in the suppression of him.

Use Xiangzi in exchange for a moment of peace.

In the eyes of the real superiors, everything is just a bargaining chip for a deal.

It's just that the value of the chips also varies.

From the heart, Watanabe Nami, who has been with Miss Xiangzi, does not want Xiangzi to face such a situation, so she made the problem so serious.

But did not expect.

Su Ye looks fair and clean, he looks like a noob in the business world.

But his appetite is not inferior to those gluttons at all.

This opening is capital, technology, shares, and personnel training.

To be honest, Watanabe Nami was worried that if she submitted this condition, it was impossible for the president to listen to the details and reject it directly.

"I see, Su Yejun."

"I'm going to the bathroom now, you and Li Qianqian, please use it slowly."

Watanabe Nami forced herself to bow to Su Ye and Li Qianqian respectively, then got up, put on her shoes and left the room.

Here, every minute and every second of staying here made her feel breathless and out of breath.

After Nami Watanabe left, Su Ye and Li Qianqian couldn't help but glance at each other.

Seeing that Li Qianqian had a lot of questions he wanted to ask, Su Ye whispered in his ear, "I'll talk about it later when I go out."

As he spoke, he looked around the restaurant.

In this unfamiliar place, you should be more cautious in what you do and what you say.

In case he accidentally revealed his true thoughts when talking to Li Qianqian, the Sanyin consortium would definitely have a corresponding countermeasure.

I ate the so-called authentic Japanese food bite by bite.

Su Ye felt dull.

Instead of eating this thing here, it's better to go out and eat a rice bowl.

After eating for a while, both Su Ye and Li Qianqian couldn't help being extremely disappointed with the meal.

When the two were discussing about going out for a casual stroll and eating some local snacks in Hangzhou, Watanabe Nami came back.

"I'm sorry Su Yejun and Li Qianqian sauce."

"I have something to deal with at the bar, and I may not be able to continue the meal with the two of you."

"Two slow use."

Saying that, Watanabe Nami bowed deeply, and was about to take her own things and leave.

"No need, we are all authentic Longhan people, this Japanese food, um, I'm still a bit uncomfortable."

"So we're getting ready to leave, too."

As Su Ye said, she also stood up from the tatami and straightened her clothes.

"I'm sorry, I really treated you so slowly today, Changing Nami must apologize to the two of you."

Nami Watanabe bowed deeply again.


Let's wait until the cooperation is reached.

Su Ye said something in his heart, took Li Qianqian's hand and walked out the door on his own.

Watching the back of the two leaving, Watanabe Nami was speechless for a long time.

It was only then that I realized that I still had things to do, so I left in a hurry after picking up my things.

at night.

Under Shi Jin's arrangement, Su Ye and Li Qianqian met with the bosses of some large local enterprises in Hangzhou.

Some matters of cooperation between the two parties were agreed upon.

Originally, I planned to wait until the scale of Qingyun Mall was larger before recruiting these merchants.

Unexpectedly, with just a trip to Hangzhou, the matter will be settled.

In the afternoon, Su Ye had already called Liu Dongshan and told him what he had gained in Hangzhou.

Liu Dongshan was overjoyed.

Being able to join Qingyun Mall now is an excellent opportunity for both parties.

In a short period of time, Qingyun Mall can form a head monopoly in the industry.

If other platforms enter in the future, it will be later than Qingyun Mall.

In addition, for the current economic downturn in the market, those merchants have also found a new sales channel.

After Liu Dongshan finished talking with Su Ye, he regrouped the employees who were preparing to go on a business trip and conducted a simple training.

At the same time, Liu Dongshan also made some innovations in the arrangement of personnel.

It is no longer about letting pure salesmen go out to negotiate with merchants.

The company's category operation colleagues have been added to the team.

Although these salesmen who went out to negotiate were also transferred from other positions.

But not everyone understands the operation mode of Qingyun Mall and plans sales plans for merchants.

Simply put, let them brag and talk about their feelings.

The cake painting has to be done by professionals.

Facts have proved that this group of carefully matched business teams can be said to be invincible after arriving in Hangzhou.

I have been on a business trip for more than two months and have not returned to the company.

But the results they bring to the company are also huge.

Dragons do not live with snakes.

Those who can get in touch with Qingyun Technology are some big brands and big businesses.

Which boss didn't point out his contacts.

Someone heard that he had stayed in Qingyun Mall, and they felt itchy, so they asked him to recommend him.

So back and forth.

When the business team of Qingyun Mall came back, some of the largest domestic brands of Longhan Empire basically moved into Qingyun Mall.

And those users of Qingyun Mall are even more satisfied.

I thought it was an online platform for selling digital and other big-ticket commodities.

Unexpectedly, Qingyun Mall satisfied everyone again and again.

Liquor, books, sportswear, women's clothing, cosmetics, bags, shoes and clothing are all available.

And all the products go into the warehouses established by Qingyun Mall in various places.

Basically place an order today and receive it the next day.

The wishes of buyers are met in a timely manner.

This is not only good for Qingyun Mall, but also makes Shunfeng Logistics gain recognition from buyers.

From thrift to extravagance.

When people are used to shopping today, the ultra-fast logistics that can be delivered within 1-2 days and think this is a normal phenomenon.

Those logistics that take three to five days or even longer to transport the goods to arrive are not favored by buyers.

In addition, Qingyun Technology has been subsidizing Qingyun Mall in terms of freight.

Buyers do not need to pay extra for this better service, so it is self-evident what choice they will make.

Bad money drives out good money?

Under Su Ye's command, he will try his best to avoid this kind of thing from happening.

After dinner in Hangcheng, Su Ye and Li Qianqian rested for the night.

After saying goodbye to Shi Jin who came to see him off the next day, the two boarded the green leather train to Haicheng.

At first Li Qianqian was a little puzzled.

It's not that Su Ye doesn't have money.

Moreover, even if they have no money, the travel expenses provided by Qingyun Technology are enough for them to take the newly opened Haihang high-speed railway.

But Su Ye said to Li Qianqian: "Take the green leather car again. In the near future, this car will become history."

"I will never find it again."

Su Ye's eyes were deep, but Li Qianqian's expression was incredible.

The Longhan Empire has just started building the Haihang high-speed railway.

The Longhan is also operating for the first time.

No matter how fast the development is, it is impossible not to see green leather cars in the future.

Seeing Li Qianqian's appearance, Su Ye didn't explain either.

Let the facts speak for themselves.

In the world, no one understands the horror and speed of the Longhan infrastructure maniac.

On the premise of ensuring quality and quantity, the Longhan Empire will soon turn all domestic railway transportation lines into high-speed railways.

Now only one Haihang line has just been opened to traffic, but at the same time, more than a dozen other lines are being built.

In the future, only when Longhan really rises will people realize it.

How much power is contained in this country known as the Eastern Lion.

"Go, get in the car."

Even if it was a green leather car, Su Ye chose to give himself better conditions.

In addition, in his past and present lives, he has never enjoyed the treatment of a high-class car.

This time, I also spent more expensive than the high-speed rail fee, and I took the high-end box of the green leather train.

Life is all about experience.

As a result, as soon as he got on the train, Su Ye received a call from Wang Yifei.

"Hey, let's fly."

"President Su, I'm in the imperial capital right now, and the Haidian District Court just finished its trial."

"The case of Wang Yihan's lawsuit against Longhan TV has already come to trial."

Wang Yifei couldn't hide his excitement.

Su Ye can know the result just by listening.

But he still asked face-saving: "Oh, how did it turn out?"

"President Su, we have won the case."

"For the first time in the history of the Longhan Empire, we won the case where the staff sued the employer."

"Longhan TV Station must not only complete all the resignation procedures for Wang Yihan as soon as possible, but also compensate her for a series of mental damage expenses totaling 1 yuan."

"Mr. Su, Mr. Su, wait a minute, Wang Yihan is here, and she wants to talk to you."

Coming out of the court, Wang Yihan, who repeatedly rejected a series of interview requests from reporters, came to Wang Yifei's side, took the mobile phone and said excitedly: "Mr. Su, Mr. Su, thank you, we succeeded."

"Well, it's good to succeed."

"Reporter Wang, you can be regarded as keeping the clouds open and the moon shining."

"Next, rest in the imperial capital for a while, and come to Jiangcheng with Yifei when you feel better."

"When the time comes, I'll catch you up."

Su Ye said calmly.

For this case, he contributed both money and effort.

They also specially hired Tang Zhirou who came back from the beautiful country.

If this still can't win the case, then he really has to doubt Sifa and Gongzheng.

"President Su, there is no need to rest."

"During this period, I have had enough rest and I want to work."

"After the matter on my side is settled, I will rush to Jiangcheng immediately."

"Otherwise my body will be rusted."


Hearing what Wang Yihan said, Su Ye couldn't dampen her enthusiasm.

He agreed and hung up the phone.

"Qianqian, this time Wang Yihan is here, you can ask her to help you."

Su Ye originally thought that Wang Yihan could do two jobs after entering Qingyun Technology.

One is Houlang News.

Make Houlang a software similar to Toutiao.

Constantly distribute content that interests users.

At the same time, it can also call on the whole people to write, so that the news content in Houlang can be richer and more diverse.

The other is culture.

There are a few novel websites that Su Ye usually likes to read, one is under a big tree, and the other is a small one.

I like the text content in both websites.

Under a big tree, the articles here can satisfy Su Ye's a little bit of Wenqing's thoughts.

Another starting point is to embark on the development path of online literature.

Su Ye likes these two platforms very much.

After Wang Yihan joins the job, if she is willing, Su Ye will focus on these two platforms, and then buy a wave of popular online literature websites and merge them into an independent cultural company under Qingyun Technology.

The main thing is to output the content.

At the same time, in the future, the company will also focus on literary creation, and on this basis, expand audio, publishing, animation, games, film and television, and other related peripheral businesses.

However, He Zaijin is managing Houlang now, and I don't know how Wang Yihan will choose at that time.

If she wants to go to Houlang, it's her old job.

Su Ye will also adjust He Zaijin's position.

If she wants to join the cultural and creative group that has not yet been established, she may have to wait for a while.

However, on Houlang's side, Su Ye also wanted to find a suitable editor-in-chief for He Zaijin.

After all, He Zaijin's strength lies in management, and when it comes to specific business situations, he needs a big boss in the industry to sit in charge.

"Help me?"

Li Qianqian said in his heart that Wang Yihan is a reporter and host.

You asked her to help me.

Su Ye shouldn't think that everyone wants to be Li Qianqian.

"Su Ye, I think you like to employ people casually when you don't have anyone at hand."

"Others are okay to say, the key is my side."

"Look, from the beginning of administration, to recruitment, to the acquisition of Houlang, to the preparation of Qingyun Mall."

"Almost every time I do a good job, I drop a department and change a job."

"Let me tell you, this is my sincerity. Otherwise, if it were someone else, I would have given up on you."

Li Qianqian became more and more angry.

Since entering the company, she has said that she only wants to be a front desk.

In the end, Su Ye abruptly placed her in the position of the company's administrative director.

You know, before Li Qianqian joined the company, she was just a receptionist at the Entrepreneurship Service Center.

From being a worker, I suddenly became a manager among the workers.

Do you know how... uneasy Li Qianqian feels.

She is just a 21-year-old young girl who is still in her junior year.

You, Su Ye, have the heart to throw such a heavy burden on her alone.

Moreover, being an administrator at Qingyun Technology is fundamentally different from doing it at other companies.

For other companies to do administrative and financial affairs, they only need to do some basic work.

What about paying wages and printing forms? Generally speaking, although the income of doing this kind of administrative position is not very high, it is better than being relaxed.

So you can see that half of the company's administrative and financial affairs are more girls.

But what about Qingyun Technology?

Not to mention doing basic work like other companies, but also working as a babysitter for employees.

Give them food, drink, and supplies.

Su Ye is also a person who can't stay idle, and has to have a meal and hold a team building from time to time.

Fortunately, when I went to the holy place of Banno Island last time, all the work was handed over to Zhao Xiaojing.

Li Qianqian was so tired that he was just playing around.

Speaking of her work experience in Qingyun Technology Company, Li Qianqian became more and more angry.

More so now.

As soon as Qingyun Mall was finished, it was handed over to Liu Dongshan.

She was arranged by Su Ye to prepare some

"Qianqian, I'm sorry for this matter."

"Why don't we go out and play around after we're done with"

When facing girls angry.

What you are trying to do is absolutely not explaining.

It is a sincere admission of mistakes and suggestions for improvement.

"Come on."

Li Qianqian said unhappily: "If President Su can really give me a holiday, I will just lie in bed every day and do nothing, and take a good and serious rest."


Speaking of this, Li Qianqian thought of something: "Su Ye, I'm still a student, and I have to work on my graduation thesis this year. I really need Wang Yihan to come over and help me."

"Otherwise I wouldn't be able to graduate."

"Okay, no problem, call Wang Yihan tonight and tell her that you want her to come here."

"For the time being, there is He Zai Jin sitting in Houlang, and there is no shadow of Wenchuang Company for the time being."

"It's just right, I'm going to Haicheng this time, and let Sister Zhou set up the shelf of Wenchuang Company."

"Haha, I'm such a genius."

Li Qianqian glanced at Su Ye speechlessly.

This guy, to put it bluntly, makes the best use of his talents and resources.

To put it bluntly, it means squeezing labor.

Most executives in a company hold several positions.

Chen Nanfeng, the person in charge of the technical department, also manages a server company.

Wang Yifei, the person in charge of the game department, also has a film and television company under his control.

Zhou Yuanyuan, the person in charge of the investment department, also has to follow up on various matters of Qingyun Real Estate.

Sun Xiaolei, the person in charge of the payment department, is also responsible for the investment and income of overseas funds.

Zhao Feifei, the person in charge of Broadcom Electronics, although she doesn't seem to have any supervisory work, Li Qianqian feels a little sorry for throwing a little girl into Broadcom Electronics' factory with hundreds of people.

"Su Ye."

"We really should be hiring."

"Executives today wear multiple hats and are overwhelmed with time and energy."

Li Qianqian told Su Ye about this.

Su Ye also nodded.

"I also want to find someone, but at this time, where can I recruit so many professional talents?"

"It was difficult for Wang Yifei to dig the corner of the net before, but now..."


Su Ye suddenly realized.

He stared straight at Li Qianqian, and said like he was dreaming: "I can't find anyone, so I can poach someone..."

 Starting in March, ask for a monthly pass, and at the same time it is a new week.Come on, everybody

(End of this chapter)

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