The richest man in the world starts with 100 million sign-ins every day

Chapter 379 380, Su Ye: I found a new business opportunity

Chapter 379 380, Su Ye: I found a new business opportunity (ask for a monthly ticket)
Li Qianqian looked at Su Ye, her eyes widened.

"Su Ye, I didn't expect you to be such a person."

"Do you understand that this is vicious competition?"

"Vicious competition?"


Su Ye shook her head, and put her arm around Li Qianqian's shoulder.

"Qianqian, tell me, among Longhan's Internet companies, which one can compete with us?"

"Whether it is the three heroes of Longhan before, or the current group of heroes."

"I just ask, which company can threaten the status of our Qingyun Technology."

"It doesn't even count as competition, so how can there be vicious competition, right?"

Su Ye said lightly.

Li Qianqian wanted to refute, but found that she couldn't speak.

Although what Su Ye said sounds like it may make the bosses of other companies feel uncomfortable.

However, the words are not rough.

Su Ye was right.

At present, the number of users of Qingyun Technology in China has reached an astonishing more than 7 million.

It has more than a dozen related businesses.

The number of companies has also reached more than 2000 people.

The daily revenue and various businesses add up to more than 5000 million.

No matter from any point of view, Qingyun Technology is currently the giant in the Internet industry of Longhan Empire.

No one can match it.

Since there is such a big gap between those companies and Qingyun Technology.

So is it necessary for Su Ye to engage in vicious competition with them?

Everything Su Ye is doing now is to surpass himself.

Even if you look at the world, except for a few companies that started earlier than Qingyun Technology.

Qingyun Technology is at least one of the top ten companies in the global Internet industry.

"However, Su Ye, why are you doing this?"

"It's an easy question."

"Integration of resources."

"Integration of resources?"


That's what Su Ye thought.

Now the domestic Internet industry belongs to the era of separatist rule.

Except for Qingyun Technology, which has just reached the top in the past half a year, the other companies are basically of the same size.

In Su Ye's eyes, no matter what the Three Heroes of Long Han or the newly established company are all younger brothers.

If I use one word to describe the current industry status of Longhan Internet, it would be——

One super, more is not strong.

However, although the development scale of each company is far behind Qingyun Technology.

But they still have a lot of merit.


Su Ye is now running Qingyun Technology. Whether it is the number of employees, business scope, or benefits, the average daily sales have reached a peak.

If he doesn't find a breakthrough.

Then Qingyun Technology can only maintain its current state for at least two or three years.

But where is this breakthrough?

Others didn't know, but Su Ye knew it very well.

It's about talent.

Don't look at the fact that there are more than 2000 people in the company now.

But that is the combined figure of more than a dozen business departments. If we look at small departments and business areas, there are still many talents that are lacking.

Now Qingyun Technology is neither short of money nor short of jobs.

The future direction of development has also been determined.

The only constraint is the problem of talent.

If the talent problem can be solved, Qingyun Technology will usher in an explosive period of strength growth and business expansion.

Although, Qingyun Technology is still at the end of the first explosive period.

In half a year, the business scope covers chatting, games, entertainment, music, news, payment, mobile phones, investment, real estate, automobile manufacturing, computers and other businesses.

This is Su Ye's staking action while the Internet industry is still in the desert period.

Judging from the current situation, the overall situation is not bad.

But, it can only be said to be good.

Most businesses are started, but not developed in depth.

Like group buying, investment, music, games, payment and so on.

Focusing on one direction can become a unicorn in the industry, but with so many businesses going into battle, Su Ye lacks energy on the one hand, and lacks talents in related industries on the other.

Take music for example.

If Su Ye now has enough talents in the music industry in his hands, he can cover everything from composition and lyrics to sales and distribution.

Then he can directly expand the music business.

Cooperate with various TV stations to hold music auditions.

Cooperate with various audio-visual companies to hold large-scale concerts.

Even taking the team abroad to collect awards.

Now Longhan is only showing signs of rapid development.

Except for Su Ye, even those who formulate development policies do not know what the final result will be.

Therefore, the self-confidence of the people of Longhan has not yet been cultivated.

If a music company can win awards frequently abroad.

Regardless of whether they know about this award, in everyone's eyes, it is a good thing to win glory for the country.

You will have a good impression of this company.

In addition, he can also cooperate with the Spring Festival Gala and some public welfare organizations to expand the influence of his stars.

Then follow the law of singing and acting well, and enter the film and television industry.

However, after thinking so much, Su Ye did nothing.

Why, isn't it because of talent.

"So, Qianqian."

"The current domestic situation is like this. Instead of letting those talents be scattered in various companies, it is better to come to Qingyun Technology."

"In the current situation, no one can see the huge potential of Internet companies."

"Then I will make Qingyun Technology into a template."

"Let everyone see how a successful Internet can have a huge impact on empires and lives."

"Isn't there a saying that is very good?"

"Get rich first and then get rich, and go to the road of prosperity together."

"We at Qingyun Technology must become the one who gets rich first, so as to attract more people to join the Internet industry."

"Longhan has a population of 30 billion. If we can pay a little attention to the Internet, the scene... tsk tsk."

After hearing so much from Su Ye, Li Qianqian also recovered.

What is rich first and then rich.

What makes Qingyun Technology a role model for everyone.

What is the integration of domestic Internet talent resources.

to be honest.

Su Ye is the one who is greedy for talents from other companies, and wants to get all of them from Qingyun Technology.

Li Qianqian couldn't help but give Su Ye a blank look.

"You man, I never found out that you can find such a high-sounding reason for yourself when you do bad things."



"I like."


Su Ye was stunned.

He thought that Li Qianqian was the kind of person with moral and spiritual cleanliness.

Hearing him say that, his behavior will definitely be reprimanded, dissatisfied.

In the end, I didn't expect this girl to be unambiguous at all, and said that he was wise.

Sure enough, it's not that a family doesn't enter a house.

Li Qianqian is destined to be his daughter-in-law.

"Ah what, hurry up, let's think about recruiting talents in those fields now."

"Now that the company is maintaining its existing business, the most important thing is which aspect to expand."

"It's a deal this time. Even for our internal business, we have to make selective arrangements one by one."

"Otherwise, it will be the same as you before, with a hammer here and a stick here, and you will definitely not see results in a short time."

"Makes sense, makes sense."

"Qianqian, I think we should start recruiting talents from games, animation, literary creation, film and television, etc."

"In my mind, there's a huge upside to doing that."

"What good."

Li Qianqian was a little dissatisfied.

She just said it, starting from one aspect.

As a result, Su Ye directly said several directions, and said that there were huge benefits.

She doesn't believe it.

"The purpose of our doing this is to cut off the way out for those companies."

"Look, does the current daily revenue of our Legend of Blood account for the largest proportion of the company's revenue?"


"Then you say, if we don't cut off the back road of other companies' games."

"We poach one of them today, and if they have money, they can continue to recruit one."

"If this continues, when will we be able to recruit the talents of their company."

"Also, if the game output value of the other company is high, will it be more difficult for us to recruit people?"


"That's right."

"As the saying goes, when the two armies are at war, the road ahead should be decided first."

"After cutting off their source of funds, will the talents in their company leave the company and wander around looking for another home?"

"And at this time, we can gather the remnants."


"Compared to poaching people one by one, I prefer to take the pot away."

"You, this is too cruel."

Li Qianqian was stunned for a long time before saying such a sentence.

Before, she just knew that Su Ye had a good business sense.

As a result, Li Qianqian saw Su Ye's ruthless side when he was having dinner with Nami Watanabe at Qiantun Izakaya yesterday.

I thought that what happened yesterday was Su Ye's limit.

Then, after hearing these words, Li Qianqian realized that she still knew too little about Su Ye.

I heard that once a man and a woman have confirmed their relationship, they will stick together like glue every day, wishing not to separate for a moment.

Li Qianqian's classmates at school, many boys and girls live in dormitories and rent houses at the school gate.

It looks like a young couple.

Li Qianqian, who had been dismissive of this before, turned to look at Su Ye's profile.

Can't help but start daydreaming.

Su Ye has invited herself to live with him in Tianyue City several times, and they can commute to get off work together every day.

It sounds good, but Li Qianqian is not stupid, how could he not know what Su Ye thought.

It's just that the education she has received all along and her established worldview made Li Qianqian not agree to Su Ye's request.

But now.

When Li Qianqian realized that she knew so little about Su Ye, she felt a sense of urgency.

As Su Ye's girlfriend.

She has the responsibility and obligation to have a comprehensive and three-dimensional understanding of Su Ye. about agreeing to Su Ye's request and living under the same roof with him?

Li Qianqian's face was flushed, and she didn't dare to look up at Su Ye.

"Am I also called ruthless?"

"Generally average, the third in the world."

Su Ye hadn't seen the change in Li Qianqian's expression, so she said on her own.

But after not seeing Li Qianqian's response for a long time, Su Ye turned around wondering.

I saw her blushing alone.

This will not only be red in the face, but also red in the ears and neck.

This, what is the situation.

Let's have a good conversation, your sudden shyness is really irresistible.

Su Ye put his arms around Li Qianqian's shoulders, smacked, and stamped her face.

He once saw a teaching video series.

What to do when your girlfriend is angry.

What to do when your girlfriend is happy.

What to do when your girlfriend is helpless.


The entire video kept asking questions, and when Su Ye watched curiously to the end, the person directly gave a method that was tried and tested, and the medicine could cure the disease.

Just give your girlfriend a stamp.

When she has so many emotions she wants you to express, it is ultimately a purpose.

Seeking attention.

As long as you put your attention on her, all her problems are not a problem.

no way.

Girlfriend is such a lovely animal.

"What are you doing?"

Li Qianqian was in a daydream (thinking blindly?), and was taken aback by Su Ye's embrace.

"It's okay, I like you, Qianqian."

"I hate it, there are so many people."

Li Qianqian subconsciously looked at the environment in the car.

However, the VIP box of the green leather car was empty, not even a flight attendant, so no one was watching them at this time.


This time when he came to Haicheng, Su Ye didn't call Zhou Yuanyuan in advance to ask her to receive him and Li Qianqian.

Haicheng, such a big city.

To be honest, he hasn't been here since time travel.

Now that you have money and leisure, of course, you should first take a good look around the big city of Longhan, which is the city of magic.

It was around 9 o'clock when we left Hangzhou in the morning, and it was only 11 o'clock when we arrived in Haicheng.

It just so happened that Su Ye and Li Qianqian were a little hungry, so they took a taxi and went out to find a place to eat, and then started a large-scale shopping operation in the afternoon.

Eat, drink, play, have fun, everything.

But while playing, Su Ye found a problem.

In the previous life, I walked on the commercial street, especially when it was a bustling commercial street.

The milk tea shops are next to each other.

Milk tea shops with various styles and marketing gimmicks have become an integral part of a city.

But on the current Haicheng commercial street, he didn't see a single milk tea shop.

When I took Li Qianqian to play in the afternoon, when I was thirsty, I basically bought some drinks to quench my thirst.

Could it be that this is also a business opportunity?
Su Ye walked with Li Qianqian all afternoon, besides playing, he also put some thought on this.

I also found a juice shop similar to a milk tea shop.

However, such a healthy thing, how can young people drink it now.

We all drank milk tea of ​​various flavors.

"Qianqian, I found a business opportunity."

"What business opportunity?"

"milk tea."

Su Ye said with a mysterious face.

"milk tea?"

"Isn't that what people in Baodao Province like? What kind of business opportunity is this?"

Seeing Li Qianqian's attitude, Su Ye understood.

Even Li Qianqian, a student who specializes in business management, has never heard of milk tea.

That specialized business is stable.

However, this milk tea Su Ye definitely can't make it by himself.

The most suitable ones are definitely Zhao Yun, who is doing catering, and Tang Lili, who is planning to expand her small restaurant.

As for Zhao Yun, Su Ye just arranged a steak business for him some time ago.

He may not have the time and energy to do this in a short time.

That leaves Tang Lili.

In the previous life, milk tea was a market with sales reaching hundreds of billions.

No matter men or women, old people or children, they will buy a cup of milk tea while walking on the street.

Everyone drinks milk tea not because of thirst, it has become a new way of life.

Some young people even feel uncomfortable if they don’t drink milk tea for a day.

Many people who are not so important to milk tea also said:

It's not interesting to drink too much milk tea. For a day, one cup each in the morning, afternoon and evening is enough.

This shows the impact of the milk tea industry on people's lifestyles.

Shopping, watching movies, bored at work, at the entrance of the university, you can see milk tea appearing in your life in almost every scene.

Hand over the matter of milk tea to Tang Lili, and let her stay in the company as the person in charge of Dianping by the way.

No problem, just such a happy decision.

Su Ye picked up the phone, gave Li Qianqian a look that I would tell you later, and called Tang Lili.


(End of this chapter)

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