Chapter 380 Chapter 381, Sorry, Su Ye (seeking a monthly ticket)

Qingyun Technology, Dianping office area.

Tang Lili was listening to her subordinate's report with a solemn face.

"Mr. Tang, I have a classmate who works in Haicheng Industrial and Commercial. His news is absolutely reliable."

"Also, I'm worried that it didn't just appear suddenly in Haicheng."

"In other parts of the country, cities, there must be similar situations."

"As the first company to develop group buying business in China, Dianping has been caught up by others."

Tang Lili also looked serious.

She didn't expect that things would turn out like this just a few days after the new year's holiday.

The news reported to her by her subordinates was that as many as seven companies had registered in Haicheng after the beginning of the year.

And their business area is the group buying business.



The group buying website was newly established.

This kind of news let Tang Lili know that Su Ye has always predicted that the era of chaos and chaos in the group buying online industry is coming.

Haicheng established seven companies.

What about the imperial capital?

What about Guangcheng?

What about the five sweats?

If all the statistics are counted, there may be more than [-] group buying network companies established in the country at this time.

Coupled with the original Dianping, Jiajiatuan.

The group buying market will usher in the most terrifying stage of competition ever.

Numerous group buying websites will enter the battle for merchants to compete for the market.

In such a turbulent environment, as the first domestic website engaged in Internet group buying business.

Where should the public comment go.

And at this crucial point, Tang Lili had just told Su Ye that she was going to resign.

There is no leader within Dianping.

External competition is fierce.

It is very likely that Dianping will become the first project that Qingyun Technology fails.

"Okay, I see. I will discuss this matter with President Su later."

"You tell the colleagues below, don't worry, we Dianping is behind Qingyun Technology."

"Our business will definitely continue."

Tang Lili wanted to reassure her subordinates.

But the subordinates thought in their hearts that everyone knew that the business would continue.

Just like the previous QQ recruitment, now it can only be half-dead.

That is also a way of being.

It is also a way of existence to think about QQ games, QQ payment, and QQ derivative functions.

If Dianping can’t take the lead in the current group buying market, it’s very likely that the result will become an embarrassing project within the group just like QQ Recruitment.

It would be a pity to lose it if it cannot be developed.

"Okay, Mr. Tang, I understand."

After Tang Lili waited for her subordinates to leave, she looked up relevant information on the computer.

This cannot be checked.

Haicheng has set up 7 group buying networks, which is not too many.

In Imperial Capital, 12 related companies were established.

There are 11 in Guangzhou.

There are 6 in Wuhan.


Tang Lili silently counted the newly established group buying websites, and came up with an astonishing number.

51 homes.

This is just new.

Including Dianping and Jiajiatuan, there are now 53 domestic companies operating group buying business.

At this moment, Tang Lili was deeply suspicious.

Facing so many competitors.

Can Dianping really stand out in an environment surrounded by wolves?

At least……

Tang Lili felt that she could not bring Dianping to the number one position in the industry.

She was afraid.

At this moment, Su Ye's phone rang suddenly, which startled Tang Lili.

"Su Ye, you scared me to death."

"I was just about to call you, too."

"Oh, what is it?"

Su Ye and Li Qianqian were sitting on a resting place in the shopping mall, and they were also curious when they heard this.

Recently, he also discovered that no matter who he calls.

The other party will say, oops, I just happen to be going to call you too.

If you want to fight, just hit it.

Why do you keep waiting for me to call you.

"It's like this. Just now, a subordinate told me that there are now 7 companies related to group buying established in Haicheng."

"Then I checked on the computer, and there are now more than 50 websites and companies operating group buying business across the country."

"Su Ye, is only one-fiftieth of this. Do you think we can make it to the end?"

"of course."

Su Ye did not hesitate.

If you have experienced various battles and competitions in your previous life, the remaining two companies are Dazhong and Every Group.

And now behind Dianping is Qingyun Technology with [-] to [-] million users.

It is QQ payment with a daily turnover of more than a dozen or two billion.

It was supported by his investment of 10 billion Longhan coins after Su Ye.

It is the accumulation of development and expansion of business in various cities with foresight and foresight several months in advance.

If there are so many favorable conditions, Su Ye finally wiped out Dianping, that would be ridiculous.

"Tang Lili, don't be so panicky."

"Didn't I tell you this kind of thing before?"

"Calm down a little bit, we can't always do our own business, and the market is not something we can eat."

"Being yourself and working hard to be yourself is what we should do at this stage."

"Let me ask you, what is the coverage of Dianping now."

Hearing Su Ye's question, Tang Lili was suffocated.

These days, she has been thinking about how to start a business after she leaves her job and how to build her own brand.

But he completely forgot that now he is still receiving the salary of Qingyun Technology.

Sitting with the general manager of Dianping company.

For more than a week, she didn't care about the company's business at all.

"Well, I've been busy recently, and I haven't had time to look at this aspect of things."

"However, by the end of the year, our group buying business had covered most of the first-tier cities in China."

"Such as the imperial capital, Haicheng, Guangcheng, and Wuhan already have merchants we cooperate with..."

"What about the business volume?"

"In terms of business volume, we can only rely on some of our own traffic because we haven't received any recommendation from QQ."

"The current turnover is about 1 yuan per day."

"Too little."

Su Ye, who was still very excited just now, suddenly calmed down.

Tang Lili didn't have a detailed understanding of the things she was responsible for during the week she started working.

Why should she stay.

Moreover, Tang Lili seemed to work very hard from the beginning of Dianping.

Go and talk about individual merchants in person.

I often can't eat and don't rest well.

Looks like an effort, but in the wrong direction.

As the person in charge of a company, what you need to do is to control some things in the general direction.

Those little things don't require you to do it yourself.

Otherwise, Su Ye's salary of tens of thousands per month, no one can recruit, does it have to be you, Tang Lili?

From beginning to end, what Su Ye needed were talents.

A talent who can stand alone.

With Tang Lili's performance like this, Su Ye had no choice.

Since she also wants to leave, it's better to let her go.

Such Tang Lili may be a little clever, but she can't keep up with the pace of Qingyun Technology.

To develop, to learn, to progress.

It is not terrible for others to give up on you.

The terrible thing is to give up on yourself.

No one can save you when you think you can't handle the stress of your current life and work.

"Okay, then you can put aside the matter on Dianping."

"I let headhunters find a successor before."

"I called you just now because I have some news to tell you."

"Well, Su Ye, tell me."

Tang Lili might also have noticed that Su Ye was depressed.

Needless to say, it must be because she didn't understand the business situation of Dianping just now, so Su Ye felt that she was irresponsible.

For this, no one should be blamed.

Tang Lili could only pretend to be okay and talk to Su Ye.

"It's like this. I have a college classmate who invests in the catering industry."

"I called him that day and told him that you wanted to start your own business, and he was still very interested."

"I will make an appointment later for you to meet and chat, and see if we can reach a cooperation."

"Of course, Tang Lili, I also support the idea of ​​you going back to start your own business."

"I'll invest in you too."

"Work hard and strive to develop and grow your restaurant."

"I still have something to do here, so I won't talk to you for now."


Tang Lili hung up the phone, feeling inexplicably depressed.

She felt as if she had lost something important.

Heart, so uncomfortable.

Taking another look at her office, Tang Lili opened her notebook and wrote down the content of her work handover.

In fact, there is nothing to write about.

Her job is basically to follow Su Ye's orders.

Now Dianping, to be honest, there is not much difference between Tang Lili and without her.

In addition to group buying, she is also responsible for the claw machine project.

This project was also given to her by Su Ye before.

But after such a long time, Tang Lili did not officially push forward with this matter.

I also visited some local stores in Jiangcheng with Su Ye before.

But it doesn't stop there.

Except for a few in Jiangcheng, there are no claw machine shops in other cities at all.

It seems that let alone being a good person in charge, I can't even be a good executor.

Tang Lili couldn't help crying while writing her work records.

In the past few months, she was able to secure her position as the general manager of Dianping. Her only reliance was actually because she was Su Ye's classmate.

Without this relationship, Tang Lili felt that with her own ability, she would not even be qualified to be a salesperson in Dianping.

If the initial foundation is not laid well, if Su Ye or a new person in charge takes over the company in the future, the things to be done will be more troublesome than re-establishing a company.

At the end of the book, Tang Lili silently wrote a few lines.

Su Ye:

It was you who made me look at work and life from the height of a big company in Jiangcheng from a small city.

Thank you for allowing me to experience life that I have never experienced before.

However, if it is not your own, you cannot force it after all.

thank you.

But sorry.

My ability cannot meet the requirements of the person in charge of Dianping.

Not only did we fail to develop the company during our tenure, but many competitors thought we were easy to bully and entered the market one after another.

please forgive.

It was my lack of ability that made the company fall into such a situation.

For this, I am deeply sorry.

Tang Lili, February 2th in the Year of the Ox

After writing this passage, Tang Lili burst into tears.

I don't know what I'm regretting.


"Su Ye, what's wrong with you?"

Li Qianqian felt something was wrong when she heard Su Ye call just now.

Just now, Su Ye obviously had something very happy and wanted to tell Tang Lili.

But when he called, he didn't say anything.

He just listened to Tang Lili's report, but he didn't seem very satisfied.

The one mentioned later made Zhao Yun invest in Tang Lili's restaurant.

Speaking of this matter, in Li Qianqian's view, it was a matter for Su Ye to have nothing to say.


"Qianqian, I might lose a friend."

"Let's go, let's go to the hotel to have a rest, and go back as soon as possible after finishing the work in Haicheng tomorrow."


Seeing that Su Ye was clearly in a bad mood, Li Qianqian didn't say anything.

She took the initiative to pick up the things she bought just now, and walked beside Su Ye.

"No, I'm just a little depressed."

"I'll get it."

Seeing Li Qianqian's appearance, Su Ye wanted to take those things from her.

"No, if you want to cry, I can lend you a shoulder to lean on."

Li Qianqian looked at Su Ye with a half-smile.


Su Ye measured her body directly, leaning her head on Li Qianqian's shoulder.

"Oh, you're really here."

"I hate it, so many people are watching."

There are also people coming and going in the mall now, and countless people who don't have to go to work or school look at Su Ye and Li Qianqian with surprise.

However, there was no mockery in their eyes.

But envy.

Subconsciously looking at the people around him, he also put out this thought.

It's really not that easy to show affection in front of the crowd.

Especially the two young lovers.

The man is as handsome and handsome as a book friend of Original Cookies.

The girl is beautiful and tall, just like a book friend and girlfriend with original cookies.

How enviable.

"Okay, are you still depressed?"

Walking out of the shopping mall, Li Qianqian looked at Su Ye and asked.

"It's much better, not depressed anymore."

"Sure enough, there is a good wife in the family, and life is beautiful."

Once she got out of that state, Su Ye became the smooth-tongued look before.

"Okay, you're done, aren't you?"

"Tell me, what just happened to make you so depressed."

"If you haven't heard what bad emotions say to people, are you only half left?"

"Well, let me tell you something."

Only then did Su Ye tell the contents of the phone call he had with Tang Lili just now.

Li Qianqian couldn't help frowning.

Don't look at her running and playing around with Su Ye every day.

But her phone is also switched on 24 hours a day, and QQ is also online at any time.

I'm afraid that if someone finds something, she won't be able to find it.

It stands to reason that Li Qianqian is almost doing nothing now.

Qingyun Mall has been handed over, and has not yet been established.

There should be no one looking for her.

But even so, she can check the company's group at any time to keep in touch.

Tang Lili stayed in the company every day, but she didn't care about the things she was responsible for.

To be honest, it's a bit inappropriate.

Li Qianqian can also say this by himself.

After all, Tang Lili was Su Ye's old classmate.

In case she showed some disliked emotions and caused Su Ye's displeasure, then there is no need.

The company belongs to Su Ye, and the people belong to Su Ye.

It's impossible for someone as smart as him not to be aware of this situation.

Isn't that what it is now.

Su Ye said that he didn't want Tang Lili to leave after chatting several times before.

One is that people are not easy to recruit now.

The other is that Tang Lili did pretty well overall, and she was Su Ye's classmate.

Su Ye didn't want her to leave unless necessary.

After all, since the establishment of Qingyun Technology, people have been joining, and no one has left.

"It's okay, Qianqian, she, Tang Lili, has her own life, and I can't tie her down and just work for me."

"Besides, I have already asked Mr. Zhuang to help find talents. I will go back to the hotel later. I will call Mr. Zhuang and ask."

"He gave two candidates at the time, and I don't know if those two people are willing to come."

"If they all come here, it's really hard to arrange."

Li Qianqian nodded silently.

The more Su Ye was like this, the more she felt distressed.

Su Ye is not only the boss of a company, but also a person.

a young man.

He should not only have work in his life, but also friends and brothers.

Instead of running around for the company's affairs every day.

"Su Ye, has Ye Wen started filming now?"

"If we don't wait for the things in Haicheng to finish, let's visit the crew."

"To be honest, I've never seen a movie being made, nor have I visited a class."


Su Ye did remember.

After that guy Wang Ziyu went to Hong Kong City, he groaned every day.

Say which star you saw today, and what happened tomorrow.

Li Qianqian had this need, and he couldn't help being a little curious.

I heard that visiting the class is very interesting.

It is a means used by various stars to pretend to be X.

Your status in the crew depends on the status of the person who visits you.

When you come to visit the class, what gifts will you bring to everyone?

Wang Ziyu went to the production team on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, so he should also express his concern.

In addition, let the crew know that this guy is covered by Su Ye.

Don't want to bully anyone.

At this time, Wang Ziyu, who was carrying props in the crew, didn't know why.

Suddenly there was an urge to cry.

"I don't think I'm homesick."

"No, no."

"The outside world is wonderful, but the outside world is helpless."

"But I just don't want to go home."

Wang Ziyu wiped away her tears and continued working with props in her arms.

In the afternoon, he still has a play.

He has been in the crew for more than ten days, and he has been doing various preparations.

It was my first time filming, and to be honest, I was a little nervous.

I don't know what the state of the corpse I played is.

Su Ye returned to the hotel and called Zhou Yuanyuan first.

Tell her that she has arrived in Haicheng and will meet directly at the company tomorrow.

It's best to have an interview with Zhang Xing in the afternoon.

Then, Su Ye called Zhuang Yiming again.

I don't know how those two senior talents with experience in the United States thought about it...

(End of this chapter)

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