The richest man in the world starts with 100 million sign-ins every day

Chapter 381 Chapter 382, ​​Zhuang Yiming's happy life

Chapter 381 Chapter 382, ​​Zhuang Yiming's happy life (seeking monthly ticket)
Recently, Zhuang Yiming found that the frequency of user interaction in Qzone is declining.

This trend is very slow, and even if you don't pay attention, you think it's just a normal data decline.

But Zhuang Yiming knows that the reason why the interaction frequency of Qzone is gradually decreasing is not an accidental event.

This trend has been around since years ago.

At that time, Su Ye's main energy was on Qingyun Mall, and he never paid attention to the situation of the QQ derivative department.

He didn't even know that various vegetable growing games had been launched in the domestic Internet industry.

After all, this QQ farm is just to give everyone a leisure.

Not really a game.

When Su Ye first released the QQ farm, the purpose was to increase the stickiness of QQ users.

When users can use QQ to chat, use QQ space to post mood updates, and steal friends' farms, it is difficult for these users to leave QQ.

This is the key strategy of Su Ye's QQ management in his previous life.

It can be called the king bomb.

Sure enough, after Su Ye used this skill, users have already abandoned other chat software and devoted themselves to the embrace of QQ.

However, all the major Internet companies now know about QQ's routine, and they also follow suit.

In other words, Su Ye didn't know about this situation.

Otherwise, you will definitely exclaim.

What the hell, there are still people who dare to copy... take away my idea.

Since various companies have launched farm-type games, the traffic of QQ Farm has been significantly diverted.

And for the first time in history.

The phenomenon of "buying users with money" has appeared on the Internet.

Register for the first time to send a 9.9 yuan red envelope.

When the farm level reaches level 10, an additional 9.9 yuan red envelope will be given.

In the industry, this matter has also caused a heated discussion.


Then it was quickly imitated.

At this time, because of the collapse of the Internet industry bubble in the beautiful country, a large amount of funds stayed in Longhan.

People like Original Cookies never imagined how rich a rich person can be.

The funds in their hands are at least tens of billions.

If a large-scale Internet company can be established according to Qingyun Technology's development route, then every penny spent now will be rewarded ten times, one hundred times, one thousand times and ten thousand times.

Some people have said that investing is actually a bunch of high-end gamblers.

It's just that they are not betting on Pai Gow poker, but on a company, an industry, and the unreachable future.

The decline in the interaction frequency of Qzone is actually just a signal.

When the other party's behavior spreads, it will be an evil wind.

A little carelessness may worry about the future of QQ.

This week after the year, Zhuang Yiming has been trying to increase the amount of user interaction.

But even if he used some unknown concealment methods, they had little effect.

Seeing that this matter could not be resolved, Zhuang Yiming thought for a long time on the way home.

Finally decided to report this matter to Su Ye.

As soon as I got home and took off my coat, my phone rang.

Zhuang Yiming picked it up and saw that it was Su Ye.

Subconsciously, he trembled.

Just now I was thinking about reporting this to Su Ye tomorrow, but I didn't expect Su Ye to call while humming.

"Hey, President Su, I was just about to call you."


Su Ye confirmed.

Hard hammered.

When she called Tang Lili just now, Tang Lili said she had something to do with him and she was about to call him.

As a result, the same is true for contacting Zhuang Yiming now.


Qingyun Technology now has a mantra that is about to call you as soon as you make a call.

"Okay, then don't just think about it next time, just call me."

"Mr. Zhuang, are you still in the company now?"

Hearing the noise over there, Su Ye thought that Zhuang Yiming was still in the company.

It's almost six o'clock now.

Could Zhuang Yiming be taking advantage of his absence from working overtime?

"No, no, I just got home, isn't Su always a bit noisy."


Zhuang Yiming looked at the girls in the living room making a fuss, watching TV and eating potato chips and other snacks, playing and frolicking all the time, but frowning.

"That Mr. Su, I'm a bit noisy, mainly because my girlfriend brought her girlfriends over to play."

"Wait a minute, I'll go to the study right away."

Zhuang Yiming glanced at the curvaceous and pretty girls in the living room, but turned around and walked into the study.

"Girlfriend's best friend."

Su Ye subconsciously thought of the beginning of dozens of Gou Ri's Chinese love movies, or a well-known section of a forum in Baodao Province.

Zhuang Yiming's life is really in dire straits.

Sure enough, the old saying is true.

Droughts die from droughts, and floods die from floods.

"Okay, Mr. Su, I really need you."

"Recently, related indexes such as the user interaction frequency of our Qzone have been declining."

"And the users of QQ Farm have fallen off a cliff."

"I have tried many methods these days, but..."

"Wait a moment."

Su Ye stopped Zhuang Yiming's words in time.

"The cliff-like decline is how much it has fallen."

"What is the main area, what age group is the user data declining, and the reason for the decline, have you checked it out?"

Li Qianqian who was next to Su Ye couldn't help being curious when he saw that he sat up straight suddenly, and he was no longer as lazy as before.

He came to Su Ye's side and put his ear next to Su Ye's phone.

"The number of users who have dropped is at least 200 million, accounting for less than one-twentieth of our normal daily activities (average number of daily active users)."

"And the age groups are relatively balanced, and there is a similar decline in our dominant age group."

"There is no way to determine the area yet, but I have found the reason."

"Oh, talk about it."

Zhuang Yiming told Su Ye some of the information he had learned before.

In particular, it seems quite disdainful to say that those companies have used the method of "spending money to buy users" one by one.

But hearing Su Ye here, he let out a long sigh.

It's coming, it's coming.

Su Ye knew that spending money to buy users is a product that will inevitably appear after the market develops to a certain stage.

It's just that he didn't expect it to appear so soon.

According to Su Ye's estimate, it will take at least 5-8 years until the means of buying users with money appears.

However, now that it has started, Su Ye is not afraid.

Isn't it just money...

Facing the direct competition from other companies, Su Ye also made up his mind.

About the idea of ​​poaching from major Internet companies.

Although he had this idea before, Su Ye did not have an accurate time when he would start to act.

If there is no cooperation with the Three Banks consortium, then Su Ye may not start this plan for a long time.

If you do this, you are born to be scolded.

Anyone who wants to recruit talents through hard work will be attracted by your reputation such as money, welfare, development, company scale, market prospect, historical status, etc. of Qingyun Technology.

But I can only drop a bamboo basket to fetch water in vain.

When Su Ye wanted to poach people from Mumu Company before, Liang Weinan was forced to issue a non-employment agreement.

It's just that before the agreement took effect, Mumu Company had already been hollowed out by Su Ye.

Except for a small number of people who did not leave for various reasons.

Even administrative and logistics personnel have joined Qingyun Technology.

In the face of Su Ye's poaching, a Mumu can't help but come up with restrictive measures, so what about other companies.

You know, that guy Liang Weinan is a good contractor, well, he can barely be regarded as the boss of a decoration company.

He can think of a way, those social elites, the veterans in the workplace, will they admit defeat after two tricks with Su Ye?
However, since it is a war started by other companies first.

Morally, Su Ye is at least tenable.

If you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous.

You chose to start the war.

Then when it will end and how it will end, it is up to me.

Thinking of this, Su Ye couldn't help a dark smile on his face, and Li Qianqian was so frightened that he couldn't help but back away from him.

Before Su Ye noticed it, he took the mobile phone and told Zhuang Yiming: "It's okay, Mr. Zhuang."

"They want to fight, we will fight."

"Isn't it just burning money, isn't it just subsidies?"

"This time, let all Internet companies in Longhan's country see the money-making capabilities of Qingyun Technology."

"You turn around and pull all the bosses of the QQ department to let everyone know."

"When I return to Jiangcheng, we will start this battle."

Su Ye just heard the news today, so the counterattack is naturally a counterattack.

He didn't worry about burning money or anything.

The problem is, if you just burn money as simple and straightforward as other companies, it would be too childish.

He needs a better way to do other things while burning money.

For example: Digging the wall...

"Okay, Mr. Su, then I'll discuss it with Mr. Luo, Mr. Wang, and Mr. Sun when I turn around."

"Hey, no, Mr. Wang is in the imperial capital now. I'll call him later and ask him to come back."

"do not."

"Don't worry, don't worry."

"Wang Yifei stays here in the imperial capital, I'm still of great use."

When talking about this, Su Ye remembered when Wang Yifei recommended headhunters to him in the office.

He said that the headhunter's ability to do things is really good.

I found the contact information of Liu Fei, the head of NetEase's game department, for him.

On the way to poach the wall, it must be better to have multiple friends and multiple paths.

Su Ye even had another thought in his mind.

If, I mean if.

If Su Ye could integrate the power of the headhunter now, it would be a huge power.

Even, if possible, integrate headhunting and then pull it to the QQ recruitment department.

Will Qingyun Technology's only shortcoming now become stronger?

Think about it, what a pleasure it would be to have every famous talent in the country under his command in the future.

Tang Taizong Li Shimin once said, "All the heroes in the world are in my pocket", and I think he is as happy as he is now.

"Mr. Zhuang, start a group and tell everyone about this matter. After all, one person counts on disadvantages, and two people count on strengths. Multiple people can always think of different solutions."

"Wang Yifei's side, I will also arrange some work for him. In the short term, he may not be able to go back."

"Okay, Mr. Su, then I'll turn on the computer to chat with you right away, and tell everyone about it first."

"Oh, by the way, what are you looking for?"

"About Tang Lili's resignation. Didn't you say that you were going to find two classmates the other day? Would they be willing to come over?"


"Both are willing, but Lin Shang in the beautiful country has encountered some problems now..."

Only then did Zhuang Yiming give Su Ye the process of communicating with those two people.

Lin Shang is now working as the vice president of an Internet company in the beautiful country.

He also knows a little about Qingyun Technology.

Especially since the end of last year, after Qingyun Technology launched its overseas plan, the instant messaging software from Longhan has become a common topic of discussion in the global Internet industry.

Or a phenomenon.

After all, in the eyes of foreigners in the past, Longhan's development level was relatively low, and the cultural level of the people was not high.

Some people even asked whether the Longhan people still wear braids, and women must bind their feet if they cannot go out.

All of a sudden, a convenient, fast, and most importantly, free chat software has expanded globally.

All the foreigners were shocked.

What followed was sneering sarcasm.

Long Han, isn't that the desert of the Internet? What useful chat software can they make?

That is to say, countless Chinese people will be very excited when they hear the news of their motherland abroad.

The domestic development speed is too fast, and it is possible to make a software that goes abroad.

Countless people who have given it a try and supported the ideas of their old family members, after using QQ, they can't put it down and can't stop.

Countless Chinese, overseas students, and Longhan people working abroad have consciously become the tap water of Qingyun Technology.

In school, at work, on the roadside, on the subway, in restaurants...

Countless Longhan people and ethnic Chinese are recommending the software from Longhan—QQ to their friends and colleagues.

When they recommend, they will hold their heads high and hold their chests high.

This is not the first time that exciting signals have come from China.

But this is the first time that domestic software has gone global.

The Internet in foreign countries represents the advancement and the future.

Since the Internet bubble in the beautiful country triggered the economic crisis, the global Internet industry has been in a downturn.

At this time, a company from Longhan, an Internet desert, developed a software that they had to admit was "easy to use".

The capital market is boiling.

Foreign Internet counterparts are excited.

The extremists abroad are sour.

But no matter what they think, whether they are envious or jealous, or they don't believe in shock.

Qingyun Technology and QQ are here, there is no sadness or joy.

It was also at this time that Lin Shang knew and learned about the company Qingyun Technology.

It's just that at that time he didn't know that his good brother Zhuang Yiming would join such a great company after returning to China.

He only found out when Zhuang Yiming contacted him a few days ago, and then he was completely shocked.

He wants to go home.

He wants to go back to Longhan.

Days abroad, it sounds like you are in a developed country.

But what developed countries are developed is their economy, their technology, and their comprehensive strength.

Their humanistic environment is not as developed as imagined.

Lin Shang has encountered situations of being looked down upon many times during his years abroad.

The same two people who entered the company, others did not do as well as him, their performance was not as high as his, and their management ability was not good.

But when it came time to get promoted, someone else got promoted.

The same goes for a raise.

In the beautiful country, the status of Longhan people or Chinese descendants is ranked below white and black.

However, Lin Shang couldn't help hesitating when he thought about returning to Longhan and working in Qingyun Technology.

Now he just married his girlfriend.

And the hospital also found out that his wife was pregnant with a child.

At this time, it is inconvenient for him to return to China alone or with his wife.

Because his parents, his wife's parents are in the beautiful country.

Go back at this time, and wait until the child is born and there is no one to take care of it, so what should I do.

Therefore, although he was very moved, Lin Shang still rejected Zhuang Yiming's invitation.

But at the end of the communication, he still told Zhuang Yiming.

"Yiming, you know me, I've been wanting to go back to China for so many years."

"But it has been delayed for various reasons before."

"Now what you told me has also made me realize that our Long Han has really developed."

"I was lazy before, but now it's because my wife is pregnant. However, my desire to return to China has never been as strong as it is now."

"After the child is born, I will rush to Longhan."

"At that time, no matter whether Qingyun Technology has a chance or not, I will come back."

Su Ye had also heard from Zhuang Yiming that this Lin Shang really wanted to return to China.

However, no final decision was made for various reasons.

In fact, whether he will come or not at this time is not a big problem for Su Ye.

But Su Ye was also very happy to see that people who had gone abroad were willing to return to Longhan.

There is no shortage of people willing to serve the country in this country at any time.

No matter how difficult or difficult it is, there will always be people who will return without hesitation.

Lin Shang was able to make such a decision under the stimulation of Qingyun Technology Branch, Su Ye was of course very happy.

"However, the other one, where did you say you worked?"

"Will he or not."

"She is currently unemployed, but she has no management experience, should we recruit?"

"What are you afraid of?"

"Since the other party is willing to come over, it is to give you face, but you are reluctant to get up here."

"Okay, I'll leave this matter to you. Help them arrange accommodation and bus tickets, and I'll interview in person when I go back."

"That's fine too."

Zhuang Yiming replied unwillingly.

"Old Zhuang, come out and play cards."

"Today Sasha said she won't sleep until she wins back what she lost last time."

Zhuang Yiming's girlfriend's voice sounded outside the door, and the noisy voices of other girls could be vaguely heard.

Su Ye listened for a while without (xian) helplessness (mu), and said: "Okay, Lao Zhuang, you can go and play with your daughter-in-law."

"It's also my fault that I didn't see the time today. I'm sorry for disturbing your rest."

 Thank you Fengyue God for the reward
(End of this chapter)

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