The richest man in the world starts with 100 million sign-ins every day

Chapter 382 Chapter 383, Yao Xiaoyun: I'm Not Going

Chapter 382 Chapter 383, Yao Xiaoyun: I'm Not Going
The imperial capital of Longhan.

In an ordinary group rental house.

Yao Xiaoyun was packing his bags with a bitter expression on his face.

It has been more than half a year since he returned to the imperial capital from the beautiful country, but in the end all he could take away was the contents of two suitcases and a backpack.

When she was in the beautiful country, she was a top student.

But after returning to China, she was just an ordinary job seeker.

Fortunately, she met a pretty good company.

This company is a website focusing on e-commerce platforms.

In this day and age, it can be called a pioneer.

However, the reality is not as beautiful as the story.

In the story, both the hero and the forerunner can win the final victory.

In reality, the pioneers are also the first to fall.

If there is no Qingyun Mall, then Yao Xiaoyun's company can survive at least for a while.

However, all major domestic e-commerce platforms are now in a bleak state.

Except for a few, Qingyun Mall still has the confidence and funds to fight for a future after its super high performance.

Most e-commerce platforms are already dead on the road.

The same is true of Yao Xiaoyun's company.

There are only tens of thousands of sales per day, and no more than 10,000+ sales.

Before Qingyun Mall's 20 billion sales myth that day, it seemed so helpless and ridiculous.

Put away the photo frame from the desk, the eighteen people in the photo are the founding team of the company.

And Yao Xiaoyun was fortunate to be one of them.

At that time, everyone laughed so happily and presumptuously.

As if the future will be created by your own hands.


When Mr. Ma said that the company had closed down, everyone's eyes darkened.

Yao Xiaoyun couldn't help but think of the past six months of suffering and tears, happy and happy days that happened to her...

In August of the Year of the Rat, Yao Xiaoyun, who stayed at home for half a month, finally couldn't bear the nagging of his mother day and night, and came to the imperial capital from Jinmen to find a job.

From the very beginning, she just thought that the imperial capital was close to home, and that she could go home whenever she had something to do.

And it can avoid the discomfort of living with parents.

It's a good idea, and of course the result is also good.

That day, as soon as she arrived in the imperial capital, she came to the talent recruitment market on the imperial capital side, and saw Amibaba's recruitment booth.

Later, after entering the company, she realized that it was the last day of Amibaba in the recruitment market.

When he saw Mr. Ma's appearance which was different from ordinary people, Yao Xiaoyun sat opposite Mr. Ma in a strange way.

"Hi, may I ask if your company is still recruiting the head of the marketing department?"

This is where the story unfolds.

When she was in the beautiful country, Yao Xiaoyun was in charge of marketing.

During the internship, he was also praised by the leaders many times.

After just talking with President Ma for more than ten minutes, she was told that she had passed the interview and could come to work.

Yao Xiaoyun, who went to work after completing the entry procedures, still couldn't believe it.

When she applied for an internship in a company in the beautiful country, she had to go through 3-10 rounds of interviews.

Why did I pass the interview just a few minutes ago.

In the company, she also met the colleagues who will work together for the first time.


The working environment is actually in a two-story villa, which is a bit crude.

In this way, Yao Xiaoyun's work in Amibaba began.

During the several months of work, although I was very busy every day, I was very tired and very hard.

Yao Xiaoyun, who had always suspected that he had mild insomnia, found that it was not a problem at all before.

Insomnia is purely idle.

During the six months after joining Amoebaba, I basically fell asleep as soon as I returned to my group rental house every day.

At the end of September, the formal discussion of the project was completed.

At the end of October, after a month and the busy day and night of six technicians in the technical department, their website was launched.

It is different from other e-commerce platforms in China.

Most of those e-commerce platforms are targeting ordinary consumers.

As for the Amoebaba Mall, it is indeed facing some small merchants.

The business personnel in the team are responsible for negotiating prices and specifications with some large factories and enterprises.

Then after uploading the products to the website, they have to go offline to find these customers.

It's just that at this time, most of Longhan's domestic customers have no awareness of online shopping.

Especially those small and medium-sized businesses, most of them will go to the local wholesale market when purchasing materials.

After all, for many people, e-commerce platforms are still a novelty.

I remitted the money by myself, what if the other party does not deliver the goods.

Moreover, another disadvantage of online shopping is that the quality of the goods can only be seen through photos.

Once the businessman's heart is darker, it is possible to buy a Baolu for the price of a BMW.

Every merchant is shrewd, and they half-believe the Amoebaba Mall.

Because of poor management, Amoebaba's operating expenses were stretched, and Mr. Ma went to the bank several times but failed to get a loan.

In desperation, Mr. Ma sold his house in the imperial capital in November.

Then, because of advertising, in December, Mr. Ma sold his second house, which was also his last fixed asset.

Mr. Ma, who has been working in Longhan state-owned enterprises for the past few years, has saved a lot of money in his spare time.

I bought my own house many years ago.

But this time for the Amoebaba company, he asked his parents to live back in their hometown in the countryside.

At this time, Mr. Ma, in the eyes of everyone, is like a gambler who has lost his eyes, putting everything on himself, just for the future of Amoebaba.

At the end of December, the impact of the epidemic gradually dissipated.

Lao Cai, Amoebaba's chief financial officer, suggested to Mr. Ma that he could try to contact the investment bank to inject capital into Amoebaba because he had been working in an investment bank before.

At the same time, because of the advantages of QQ payment, Mr. Ma observed for more than a month, went to Jiangcheng himself, and signed a cooperation agreement with Qingyun Technology.

Yao Xiaoyun remembered.

Mr. Ma, who came back from Jiangcheng, told everyone what he saw in Jiangcheng with an excited expression.

Especially Qingyun Technology.

He said that Amoebaba will also become a great company like Qingyun Technology in the future.

Everyone just laughed and no one took it seriously.

But when he said this, Mr. Ma's eyes shone with determination.

Perhaps, everyone thought what he said was crazy.


He believed it himself.

In January, Mr. Ma started running an investment company under Lao Cai's suggestion.

Finally, the emperor pays off.

At the end of January, an investment company from the beautiful country was very interested in Mr. Ma's Amoebaba.

After a series of investigations and analyzes in the early stage, the company believes that Amoeba has the potential to grow.

If there is no problem, the first batch will invest 2000 million in Amoebaba.

Future investments will depend on the development of the company.

The investment approval manager told Mr. Ma that.

"Old Ma, you have a good idea. When everyone is focusing on B2C, you can actually propose a B2B idea against the trend."

"To be honest, the value of this idea alone is at least 2000 million."

"Do it well, as long as the approval from the head office is completed, the funds can be transferred to your account on the same day."

Mr. Ma was very happy that day.

Like a kid who came back from outer space.


At this critical moment...

The advertisements of Qingyun Mall began to overwhelm Longhan's Internet.

The headquarters of the investment company also had to temporarily put aside the matter of this investment.

It is also an Internet e-commerce business, if Qingyun Technology enters the market, the consequences... It is hard to predict.

Mr. Ma waited day by day.

The time for February 2 is also slowly approaching.

Investment bankers are also waiting.

Those in the mobile phone industry are waiting.

People in the computer industry are waiting.

As a result, the next day, Qingyun Mall voluntarily disclosed its sales on February 2.


Shock the world.

No one has ever thought that the potential of e-commerce platforms is so great.

Even the beautiful country e-commerce company, which developed very early on the Internet, now has a daily sales of only one million dollars.

Some experts predicted it.

If the e-commerce platform wants to develop, it must break through one barrier after another.

From daily sales of 1, to 10, 100 million, 1000 million.

In the end, it may be hundreds of millions.

And on this road, e-commerce companies need to break through these barriers one by one if they want to go on.

For at least three years, it is impossible for any company in the world to achieve daily sales of hundreds of millions in the e-commerce industry.

As a result, this Qingyun Mall came out to slap her in the face.

Even, this can't be called a slap in the face, it's simply murder.

For a while, the founders of domestic e-commerce companies in Longhan were desperate.

Except for a few wealthy and powerful companies who see hope, most people can't help feeling when they review their company's performance:
What kind of thing is this made by myself.

The same is true of Mr. Ma.

On the day when Qingyun Mall's sales came out, he locked himself in the office on the second floor for a whole day.

Do not eat or drink.

On the second day, the investment company that originally said it would invest in Amoeba also sent a message.

It is suggested that Mr. Ma can change the business direction as soon as possible.

Now is not the best time to do B2B at all.

When Qingyun Mall was born, global e-commerce merchants will focus on B2C.

Amoebaba is the first batch of e-commerce websites. If they transform in time, the investment may still be approved.

If not changed...

The approval manager didn't continue, but everyone knew what he meant.

At a time when Amoebaba has entered a desperate situation, there is no source of funds, which means that the company cannot continue to operate.

The next day, Mr. Ma called the other party back to inform him of his decision.

There will be no change in business direction.

The matter of investment is naturally yellow.

But what should be the next step? At this time, colleagues in the company have nothing to do.

Mr. Ma did not know where to find a sum of money, and after sending everyone 500 yuan for the festival, he asked everyone to go home for the Spring Festival.

As for what will happen to the company in the end, he still needs to use the Chinese New Year period to think about it.

Seeing the calm expression on Mr. Ma's face, everyone just thought that he had found a way out for the company, and left one after another after saying goodbye.

But a few days ago, the first day of work after the year.

Mr. Ma took a stack of dismissal letters and handed them to everyone one by one.

"I'm sorry everyone, I can't give out red envelopes for everyone when I start work this year."

"For reasons known to all, the company closed down."

"However, before that, I have fired everyone, haha."

"According to the Labor Law of the Longhan Empire, when the company dismisses an employee without reason, it needs to compensate the employee for three months' salary."

"This compensation will be sent to everyone's account by the bank today."

"Thank you, thank you all, in the past six months, yes, yes..."

As President Ma spoke, tears flowed uncontrollably.

Everyone was surprised to receive the dismissal letter suddenly.

I didn't expect Mr. Ma to say such a thing.

"Mr. Ma, don't be like this. The company has no money. Where did you get the money to compensate us?"

"Yes, Mr. Ma, we don't have to pay if the company closes down. There is still hope for our amoebaba."

Everyone around couldn't help but speak to persuade.

Yao Xiaoyun, who was usually dazed and slow to react, also realized what happened.

It turned out that the calmness of years ago was all pretended by Ma Zong.

In the face of such a crisis in Amoeba, it is impossible for him to have any solution.

The reason why he pretended to be calm was to let everyone have a good year.

Also, the three-month salary compensation given to the employees who were dismissed without reason, I don’t know where he borrowed the money from, just to give everyone a compensation.

As one of the few girls in the team, Yao Xiaoyun and a few art workers were in charge of the reception, and the eyes of the girls who received her immediately turned red.

"Haha, it's okay, you don't need to persuade me."

Mr. Ma forced a smile, but that look was uglier than crying.

But at this time, no one was in the mood to joke with him anymore.

"This money is for the company to compensate everyone."

"I, Ma Qingyun, may not be able to fulfill the promises I made to everyone."

"I'm sorry everyone, I, Ma Qingyun, am a person without credibility and ability."

"It took everyone for half a year, but in the end it ended like this. I'm sorry for everyone."

"If possible, we will meet again in the future."

After Ma Qingyun finished speaking, he left the villa regardless of everyone's obstruction.

Only then did Yao Xiaoyun notice.

Usually Mr. Ma came to work in a small Accord, but today he left on a bicycle.

At this time, she also understood.

It must be Mr. Ma who sold his car in exchange for everyone's compensation.

Rubbing the corners of his eyes, Yao Xiaoyun realized that he had been looking at a single photo for so long.

Putting the photo frame into her backpack, she put on her backpack, dragged the suitcase and opened the door.

In the past few days, she has completed the rent and formalities.

Tonight, just take the bus back to Jinmen.

Emperor Capital, this sad place, Yao Xiaoyun will not come back unless necessary.

"Jingle bell, jingle bell."

At this time, Yao Xiaoyun's cell phone rang suddenly.

It was so late, and someone still called her.

Yao Xiaoyun's mood was still in the sadness just now, and he picked up the phone without looking at the number, so he asked fiercely: "Who, call me so late, don't you want to sleep?"


"Yao Xiaoyun, you won't go to bed so early, it's only after six o'clock."

"I am willing, Zhuang Yiming, if you have something to say, say it quickly, if you fart, I am in a bad mood."

"Hey hey, okay."

"Our President Su invited you to Jiangcheng for an interview, and you will be reimbursed for travel expenses and related accommodation expenses."

"Yao Xiaoyun, Mr. Su knows that you came back from the beautiful country and is proficient in marketing, but he cares about you very much. Come here quickly, and I will book a ticket for you."

"Don't go!"

Yao Xiaoyun said firmly.

"Huh? Why?"

"Didn't you say you were willing to come and try?"

Zhuang Yiming was stunned.

When he called Yao Xiaoyun before, Yao Xiaoyun heard that he was working at Qingyun Technology and invited her to Jiangcheng for an interview.

Yao Xiaoyun readily agreed.

But after only a few days of hard work, he changed his mind.

This speed is a bit fast.

"Before was before, now is now, my old lady doesn't want to, you still come to the capital and tie me there."


Zhuang Yiming's head was sweating immediately.

Yao Xiaoyun has always been a docile girl.

What happened today, you broke up with your boyfriend?
So much resentment.

"No, Ms. Yao, Sister Yao, I just called Mr. Su. He wants to invite you over as soon as possible. The company can't wait."

"Also, if you feel that Qingyun Technology is not suitable for you or you don't like it, you don't have to come at all."

"We Longhan people must keep our promises. You make it difficult for me to do so."

"Please, if you really don't like it, I can't force you, right?"


Yao Xiaoyun hesitated for a moment.

She did promise Zhuang Yiming that she would come to Jiangcheng for an interview.

But at that time, she just wanted to see how many people there were in Qingyun Mall, which could make 20 billion in sales a day.

The reason why I couldn't say anything just now was just out of anger.

She has always been very honest, how could she do something that broke her promise.

The point is, if she really doesn't go to Jiangcheng, then Zhuang Yiming will definitely not stand down in front of President Su.

This is honesty and a friend, and Yao Xiaoyun knew in his heart that if she really didn't go, it would definitely be inappropriate.

Zhuang Yiming heard Yao Xiaoyun's hesitation, and immediately decided to make another kick.

"Yao Xiaoyun, President Su attaches great importance to you."

"He specifically told me to let me help you book a flight ticket, and also help you solve the problem of accommodation and travel when you come to Jiangcheng."

"It can be said that Mr. Su really attaches great importance to you, why don't you come here?"

"If you really don't want to work here, it's good to come to Jiangcheng to play around and meet my old friend."

"Here, all right."

"However, I may have to wait two days, I have to go home."

"Okay, no problem. Do you need help? Our company also has a branch in the imperial capital. If you need help, I can ask my colleagues there to come to you."

"No, I've made arrangements to contact you as soon as possible."

It took less than 20 minutes to say this.

Yao Xiaoyun didn't even think that he would call Zhuang Yiming so soon.

At the gate of the group rental housing complex.

Yao Xiaoyun was going to die of grievances as she drove one taxi after another and ignored her waving.

In the imperial capital in February, the weather was still cold.

Yao Xiaoyun was shivering outside with two huge suitcases and a backpack on his back.

No matter how thick the gloves and hats are, they can't help being so cold.

A gust of cold wind blew by, and Yao Xiaoyun called Zhuang Yiming.

Half an hour later, the phone of Yao Xiaoyun, who was sitting in a small restaurant eating noodles in the imperial capital which had already completely darkened, rang.

"Hello, is this Ms. Yao Xiaoyun? I'm Wang Yifei from Qingyun Technology. I'm at the gate of Jixiang Community. Where are you..."

(End of this chapter)

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