The richest man in the world starts with 100 million sign-ins every day

Chapter 388 Chapter 389, Dig out the root of the network difficulty

Chapter 388 Chapter 389, Dig out the root of the network difficulty

Su Ye returned to Jiangcheng with Li Qianqian the next day.

After arriving in Jiangcheng, Hu Yidao came to pick up the car on time.

At the same time, he also brought him a piece of news that Wang Yifei and Wang Yihan and Yao Xiaoyun will also return from the imperial capital today, and the driver of the company's small car class has also picked up the plane. It is expected that they should be able to pick up people at this time.

Unexpectedly, Wang Yifei moved so fast. Within a few minutes after returning to the company, he saw Wang Yifei bringing the two of them to his office.

"Qianqian, you can wait too, talk to Wang Yihan later, and let her help you prepare in the future."

Li Qianqian nodded in agreement.

Now her graduation thesis makes her feel a little nervous when she works. It would be great if Wang Yihan could come to help.

"Dong dong!"

"President Su, we are back."

After Wang Yifei knocked on the door, he opened the door and walked in, but Su Ye saw that there was only Wang Yihan behind him, and Yao Xiaoyun who came to Jiangcheng for the interview was not there.

"Well, it's not easy, Reporter Wang, thank you for your hard work."

After Su Ye shook hands with Wang Yihan, he turned around and patted Wang Yifei on the shoulder.

"President Su, you can't call me Reporter Wang anymore. From now on, I will be a member of Qingyun Technology."

Although Wang Yihan looked tired from the journey all the way, his eyes were shining.

It seems that she has completely recovered from the previous departure incident.

"Well, yes, yes, I didn't think carefully."

Su Ye laughed, and then said with a straight face: "Wang Yihan, do you need to rest for a few days this time, if you don't need it, I will arrange work for you."

"Thank you, Mr. Su, I don't need to rest, please arrange work for me."

"If I rest any longer, my body will be rusted."

"Well, that's it."

Because of Wang Yihan's resignation, Houlang now has a new person in charge.

At the same time, due to too many things recently, Su Ye has not yet started preparations for the cultural company under Qingyun Technology.

"So, Wang Yihan, you have two choices now."

"The first is to go to Houlang Technology and serve as the editor-in-chief."

"He Zaijin will be responsible for the management work in the future, and you will be responsible for the specific work matters."

"The second is to enter the yet-to-be-established Qingyun Technology and Culture Department. However, during the preparation period of the company, you need to temporarily follow Li Qianqian to familiarize yourself with the company's management and other aspects."

"What are your options?"

After Su Ye finished speaking, Wang Yihan fell into deep thought.

If you enter Houlang, the job is very close to your previous experience, and there is no big problem if you enter the job directly.

But after experiencing the resignation incident of Longhan TV Station this time, Wang Yihan didn't know why, but he felt uncomfortable when he heard words like reporter and editor.

In addition, after entering Houlang, she still has to work with He Zaijin.

To be honest, Wang Yihan had no chance before and could only struggle in the journalist industry.

Although her mentor can be regarded as an old group of reporters and hosts in Longhan, decades of media experience has accumulated a lot of relatives and friends.

But her mentor strongly recommended her to start as a reporter when Wang Yihan graduated.

Because only journalists can be on the front line and really understand the stories recorded in the news.

This can not only greatly increase Wang Yihan's life experience, but also lay a solid foundation for her to take up leadership positions in the future.

Therefore, although Wang Yihan has a powerful mentor, she also came out of the grassroots step by step like other students.

Coupled with the impact of the Longhan TV incident, Wang Yihan's world view has undergone major changes.

She believes that in such a world, you must have power in your hands in order to truly control your own destiny.

"President Su, I have chosen to be the person in charge of the cultural company."

"If Mr. Li needs it, I am very willing to learn from her."

Wang Yihan just thought about it and made his own decision.

At the same time, he turned his head and smiled at Li Qianqian.

Li Qianqian also returned a smile.

"Okay, then follow your own ideas and follow Li Qianqian to do's work for the time being."

"In addition, I am also planning to acquire two online literature websites in the near future, Dashuxia and Qixiaodian. From now on, our cultural company will build its own industrial chain based on these two companies."

"Next, if you have time, you can read the corresponding information and learn about the situation of the two websites."


Su Ye said to stop here, and looked at the four people present, especially Wang Yifei for two more seconds.

"For the time being, only a few of us know about this matter. Don't you all want to know about it?"

Everyone nodded.

Among them, Li Qianqian and Wang Yifei and Su Ye must be at ease.

The reason why I let my eyes stay on Wang Yifei for two more seconds just now is to let him pay attention to this matter.

Wang Yihan is his girlfriend now, and it is inconvenient for Su Ye to say some things directly, so he can only say them in a way similar to joking.

The main reason is that although the two websites, Dashuxia and Qixiaodian, have no profits for the time being, they are completely supported by the founders' own funds.

But Qingyun Technology is rich and powerful after all, Su Ye is absolutely unwilling to use money to test human nature at this time.

In case someone leaks that Qingyun Technology is going to acquire their two platforms, then there is no need for any bad idea to make this matter rise out of thin air with many twists and turns.

"Okay, Wang Yihan, then you leave with Qianqian first, get familiar with the current situation of and the next work plan, Wang Yifei, you go and close the door."

Li Qianqian took Wang Yihan away, although she is only a senior student now, but after six months of experience in Qingyun Technology, her temperament and aura are not inferior to Wang Yihan, an elite woman who has been in the workplace for a long time.

The two left arm in arm and talking, Wang Yifei closed the door and came to Su Ye lightly, like an underground gallant going on a dark street.

"President Su, what's the matter with you leaving me alone?"

"Okay, don't play tricks, I have a business to find you."

"What's the current status of the Wangnan case?"

At the beginning of February, Qingyun Technology invited Tang Zhirou to be its attorney to sue Netease for publishing false news, which caused a huge negative impact on Qingyun Technology.

As a result, because there is currently no corresponding legal provision in Longhan, Ding Sanshi tried to escape the catastrophe by turning major incidents into minor ones.

The reporter who released the news is a non-staff reporter of the company, and now the account of the other party who released the news has been permanently banned. At the same time, the "temporary worker" in charge of the review has also been criticized and educated accordingly and fired.

There is nothing the imperial court can do.

On the one hand, there is indeed no relevant law in Longhan at present, and the judge can only try his best to let the plaintiff and the defendant communicate in court and reach an understanding.

On the other hand, Ding Sanshi worked hard behind the scenes, and the judge formed a complete verdict on the case.

Although what NetEase is doing is against common sense, because the empire currently does not have any regulations, there are no guidelines or legal provisions for online speech.

What's more, the NetEase party has already made concessions. The account of the person who released the news was banned, and the person in charge of the audit was criticized and educated and then fired from the company.

On the other hand, if the other party has borne it again and again, if you still hold on to Qingyun Technology, don't you feel a little aggressive.

After Wang Yifei reported the matter to Su Ye, Su Ye directly ordered the decision to poach the game department of NetEase.

Note that it is the game department, not a certain person in charge or a certain talent of the game department.

He wanted to ask Wang Yifei about this yesterday, and he happened to meet today, and Su Ye also wanted to know more about it.

"President Su, I didn't stay in the imperial capital for a long time this time, but I still found an opportunity to meet Liu Fei."

Next, Wang Yifei briefly talked about the whole process of his meeting with Liu Fei.

After the start of work after the year, because of the failure of Westward Journey, NetEase's game department is still in a downturn.

Ding Sanshi was also having a hard time during the Chinese New Year, and was questioned by many shareholders.

One of those people's words were worse than the other.

After all, if Ding Sanshi doesn't make games, then they can have another fat year this year.

After Qingyun Technology launched Legend of Blood, the appearance of making a lot of money also made NetEase shareholders jealous, so they acquiesced to Ding Sanshi's actions.

But after the game went live in February, the highest number of people online was just over 2.

It's not even as good as the average number of people online on weekday mornings in Legend of Blood, which gave them another excuse to attack Ding Sanshi.

Why NetEase does not have an "online game gene" now, what NetEase is originally an Internet media, and it will take at least 3-5 years to adapt to the online game industry rashly.

During this meeting, Ding Sanshi was taken aback by what the shareholders said.

Is the sun coming out west?

Why do a few people who usually know nothing about the Internet industry speak these high-end words so slippery, almost to the point of blurting them out.

How did he know that this was just Su Ye's handwriting.

In order to cooperate with Wang Yifei's plan, Su Ye talked to He Zaijin and asked them to report more negative news about Wangnan games during the Chinese New Year.

Now, the game department of NetEase is the little mouse drills the bellows - getting angry at both ends.

The entire industry market is not optimistic about NetEase's game making.

This is an external cause.

Similarly, within the company, Ding Sanshi's attitude is also obvious.

The game department as a whole is in an embarrassing situation where grandma doesn't love her uncle.

Speech attacks, unknown future, family company, they feel that there are people pointing at them wherever they go.

During the period after the start of work after the year, some colleagues in the game department of NetEase have already thought of leaving their jobs.

Someone even added Wang Yifei's QQ before, and even asked him whether the QQ game department is currently recruiting.

In the current era when Nine Wind Games relies entirely on agents and Wangnan Games is overwhelmed, only Qingyun Technology's QQ Games is the only one that stands out in the game industry.

Then everyone's eyes will naturally be on Qingyun Technology.

But Wang Yifei is so bad.

He neither refused nor agreed to the man's inquiry.

Instead, he kept telling that person that he was in the imperial capital now, this matter was more important, and he had to go back and ask Su Ye for instructions.

At the same time, because the shutdown of the two companies is relatively tense, if the employees of NetEase switch to Qingyun Technology, they may be gossiped.

"Brother Wang, you don't have to worry about this. If you are dissatisfied, say that our game department is a small transparency in the Internet. No, it is just a trash can. As long as there is no major incident, there is not even a colleague who is willing to come and chat with us. "

"And to be honest, the relationship between the two companies is tense, but that doesn't mean that we migrant workers also look down on Qingyun Technology."

"Oh, it's not just your personal idea." Wang Yifei asked with ulterior motives.

"What is my personal opinion? Many people in our department said that if Qingyun Technology was not located so far away in Jiangcheng, our entire department might have quit."

"Really? Thank you very much for your recognition of Qingyun Technology. However, your situation is not good now, so Mr. Liu should be fine."

"how is this possible?"

"The one who suffers the most is Brother Liu."

Wang Yifei's question directly opened up the other party's chatterbox, detailing the unfair treatment Liu Fei received in the company one by one.

The same veteran who joined the company when NetEasy was founded, the others have already taken charge of one side, and the lowest position is the boss of the first-level department. Only Liu Fei, who has followed Ding Sanshi for so long, has worked hard, and turned out to be like an honest man. People are generally bullied.

Now the game department is only a secondary department of NetEase.

In Wangnan, the grade of the department is linked to the salary performance of everyone in the department.

The first-level department and the second-level department, two employees of the same rank, have a salary difference of about 780 yuan a month.

"President Su, look, this is simply digging one's own grave."

"I don't care about the veterans of my company. I'm looking forward to his future development!"

"It's still up to you."

Su Ye couldn't help laughing.

If NetEase hadn't faced the current attack from Qingyun Technology, as long as Ding Sanshi withstood the pressure, he would feel the dividends brought about by the explosion of the game industry in at most 1-2 years.

At that time, relying on Lin Run brought by the game industry, they will have more opportunities to wrestle with Qingyun Technology.

For Su Ye, he has always had the idea that danger must be nipped in the bud.

Only dead enemies are the best enemies.

Since Ding Sanshi of Wangnan is playing Tai Chi with himself now, when they become stronger in the future, they will definitely burst out with greater ambitions, maybe they will compete with Qingyun Technology in other fields.

Moreover, in Su Ye's heart, even if Ding Sanshi can't compete with Qingyun Technology, he will find a way to disgust himself.

Therefore, the top priority, the best way is to directly dig out the root of Wang Difficulty, and let him follow the old path of Houlang in the future.

"Yifei, since the public anger within their company is already so great, then you can announce the news on the official QQ game website later."

"what news?"

Wang Yifei was taken aback for a moment.

He was talking to Su Ye about the difficulties of the Internet. Why did Su Ye's thoughts jump so fast, and he jumped to the official website of QQ Games again.

"what news?"

The corner of Su Ye's mouth grinned, quite evil.

"The QQ game department is planning to set up a branch in the imperial capital. Recommendations and self-recommendations are welcome."

(End of this chapter)

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