The richest man in the world starts with 100 million sign-ins every day

Chapter 389 Chapter 390, Interview with Yao Xiaoyun

Chapter 389 Chapter 390, Interview with Yao Xiaoyun (please subscribe for monthly ticket)

Hearing what Su Ye said, Wang Yifei was shocked.

QQ Games has set up a branch in the imperial capital, and everyone is welcome to recommend and recommend.

It is almost conceivable that once this news spreads, how many people will leave messages under the official website of QQ Games.

And the employees of the Wangnan game department will also be restless.

They all have Wang Yifei's contact information. After seeing this news, some people can't help but ask Wang Yifei.

At that time, Wang Yifei can easily take down most of the people in the online game department without spending much effort.

However, there is a problem with taking down so many employees.

If Liu Fei can't be dealt with, then Ding Sanshi can rely on him to rebuild a game department.

Therefore, the key to this operation is still on Wang Yifei's side.

If he can take advantage of this wave of enthusiasm to persuade Liu Fei, then even if he wants to make games again in the future, it will be a million times more difficult than it is now.

"President Su, I understand."

Wang Yifei nodded at Su Ye, "I'll buy a ticket back to the imperial capital right away, and try to convince Liu Fei to come over."

Said Wang Yifei stood up and was about to leave, Su Ye hurriedly stopped.

"Wait, go to the imperial capital when you understand something."

Wang Yifei turned around and asked puzzledly: "President Su, don't you want me to take advantage of this wave of recruitment and take down Liu Fei, the pillar of NetEase Games?"

Su Ye nodded: "Yes, but you don't need to go to the imperial capital, let's find a way to get Liu Fei to come to Jiangcheng."

"Come to Jiangcheng?"

Wang Yifei was at a loss, Liu Fei has settled his family in the imperial capital now, how can he invite others to come over.

Eh, no, invite...

Wang Yifei fell into deep thought for a moment.

Seeing him like this, Su Ye was exhausted.

In order to train this guy Wang Yifei so that he can open up, no one else knows how much effort Su Ye has put in.

"I understand Mr. Su, you want me to find an opportunity, invite Liu Fei over, let him intuitively feel the corporate culture and working atmosphere of our Qingyun Technology, and let him join our company voluntarily, right? .”

"High, really high."

Wang Yifei figured it out, Su Ye's move is definitely a stroke of genius.

When he was in the imperial capital, he had done enough psychological construction for Liu Fei, but what he said was unsubstantiated. What you say is not as good as Liu Fei came to Jiangcheng to experience it first-hand.

Su Ye slightly shook his head with his hand on his forehead.

"Wang Yifei, what I mean is that when our QQ game recruiting staff was the most exciting to establish a branch, Liu Fei was pulled over to make Ding Sanshi mistakenly think that he had reached some agreement with us."

"You know, it's called yellow mud falling into the crotch, and Liu Fei won't be able to explain it when the time comes."

Wang Yifei was suddenly embarrassed.

He co-authored himself to guess twice, but it coincided with Su Ye's thoughts... What a fart.

It's completely the opposite, okay?

"Okay, President Su, I understand."

"I'll think of a way to recruit Liu Fei when I go back."

"go Go."

Su Ye waved helplessly to let Wang Yifei leave first. After waiting for a while, Su Ye remembered that there was something else to do today.

It seems to be related to Wang Yifei.

But this guy Wang Yifei has gone out now, Su Ye thought that the game department is not far from his office, so he walked out of the office.

During this period of time, Su Ye has not been in the company. At this time, he can also see the working status of the employees after the holiday.

Before, Su Ye would slack off a little after each new year, just like weekend syndrome.

But this year because he has been running outside for the past few days, he has no time to slack off.

At this time, I saw the employees in the company and found that everyone was in good condition.

"Mr. Su."

At this moment, Su Ye heard someone calling him, and when he turned around, it turned out to be Zhao Xiaojing from the Administration Department.

"Manager Zhao, what's the matter?"

"Boss Su, that Ms. Yao Xiaoyun from the imperial capital has already filled out her personal information. When is it convenient for you to come and interview her?"

This matter was arranged by Yao Xiaoyun when Wang Yifei returned to the company just now, asking Zhao Xiaojing to fill in the information for her first, and take her around the company if she is free.

But more than half an hour has passed since all this was done, and Su Ye has no follow-up arrangements.

That Yao Xiaoyun has been waiting quietly, but what is the meaning of Su Ye wandering around the company and not going to give interviews, to test the little girl's patience and endurance?

What the hell!

It was only at this time that Su Ye came to his senses, no wonder he always felt that there was something else in his heart.

It turned out that Yao Xiaoyun had been forgotten.

"Okay, where is she now, I'll go there now."

Coming to the reception room where Yao Xiaoyun was, Su Ye could see a girl in a long brown trench coat sitting quietly inside through the glass window.

It can be seen that the other party still attaches great importance to today's interview. He put on some light makeup and put his hair behind his head. From the open windbreaker, he can see that the other party is still wearing a white shirt.

Various details show that Yao Xiaoyun is an immature professional woman.

However, one should not be judged by one's appearance. Although Su Ye had such a judgment in his heart after seeing her clothes, he still knocked on the door lightly.

In any case, go in and talk to the other party first.

Yao Xiaoyun also has a good impression of Qingyun Technology.

After arriving at the airport in the morning, someone from Qingyun Technology came to pick it up, and the office area of ​​Qingyun Technology is also as free and spacious as it is spread on the Internet.

When Yao Xiaoyun was working at Amibaba, everyone worked in the villa.

It is said to be a villa, but in fact it is just a small two-story building.

Because many programmers often have to work overtime at night, if it is too late, they can only take a rest in the rest room on the second floor.

Therefore, Ami Baba said that he is working in a villa, but the overall environment is completely incomparable with Qingyun Technology.

After entering Qingyun Technology, Yao Xiaoyun also noticed that the employees here are basically dressed casually, and no one wears any suits.

Her attire was a little different, but luckily there was a windbreaker to cover it up.


Yao Xiaoyun, who was in deep thought, heard the knock on the door and looked up.

I saw a super handsome guy over 1.8 meters standing outside the door smiling at her.


Although Yao Xiaoyun had already searched for some Su Ye related information on the Internet before coming to Jiangcheng, but the information on the Internet did not feel like seeing a real person.

In such an instant, Yao Xiaoyun found himself believing in love again.

"Su Ye!"

A look of surprise appeared on Yao Xiaoyun's face, and then he realized something was wrong, and changed his name to Mr. Su.

"Hello, Yao Xiaoyun, please sit down."

Su Ye sat across from Yao Xiaoyun with a smile on her face, holding Yao Xiaoyun's personal information in her hand.

"Mr. Su, hello, please take care of me in the future."

As soon as Yao Xiaoyun said this, he regretted it. This is just an interview now, not a job offer.

Her own words were inevitably a bit too abrupt, but she secretly glanced at Su Ye and saw that he just smiled and didn't care, and then she felt more at ease.

However, there was a sense of loss in my heart.

"Yao Xiaoyun, you just graduated from the School of Business Administration of Falsmore University, an Ivy League school in the beautiful country, last year. During college, you have practiced in many Internet companies in the beautiful country. Your main work is marketing planning and formulation of operation plans."

"Yes, President Su."

"After returning to China last year, the family in the imperial capital is called Amibaba, Amibaba?"

"What does this company do."

Suddenly seeing this familiar name, Su Ye couldn't help asking curiously.

"President Su, this company is engaged in e-commerce."

Yao Xiaoyun still has deep feelings for Amibaba in her heart, and she is unwilling to say that Amibaba has now closed down.

However, it was obvious that Su Ye would not let her get what she wanted.


"Can you tell me about your job in this company?"

Yao Xiaoyun regained his composure before slowly opening his mouth: "Boss Su, my position in Amibaba is the director of the marketing department. My main job is to be in charge of advertising on the company's website and planning some activities on the platform."

"Can you be more specific?"

Su Ye felt that Yao Xiaoyun didn't know the reason, and he just talked briefly about the previous job, but the other party kept silent about what he really wanted to know.

"Well, yes."

"The business I am responsible for in the company mainly has two aspects. Advertisement placement is to place links to our Amoeba platform on major Internet platforms in China to attract users to click and then turn them into our customers."

"However, due to various reasons, the number of users on our platform has not increased significantly, and there are only a few hundred daily active users."

"Only when we engage in activities will there be a significant increase in active users."

"In addition, because our Amoebaba is different from all the e-commerce platforms on the market, we are considered a B2B e-commerce company. Unlike the current B2C, our customers are some small businesses in the market."

Su Ye nodded, no wonder Yao Xiaoyun and the others couldn't do it.

At present, Longhan's domestic Internet users are estimated to be more than 8 million at most. Qingyun Technology now has more than 7 million registered users, but less than 50% of them are active every day.

Su Ye also knew that the number of users in the company was definitely not enough, but this was unavoidable.

For example, Su Ye himself has two QQ accounts.

He also cannot rule out that there are only two other users, and some people may even have more QQ accounts.

But even if you don’t look at the number of registered users, if you just look at daily activities, QQ is a well-deserved leading company in the field of instant messaging in Longhan.

At this stage, even Qingyun Technology has such a large number of users, so the situation of other companies can be imagined.

However, the more he listened to Yao Xiaoyun's introduction, the more Su Ye felt that this amoeba company was a bit like the Forty Thieves company in his previous life.

They all started with small teams, and they all started in the B2B field.

The only difference is that after the Forty Thieves Company in the previous life failed to do B2B, the company finally transformed into B2C, and it has been out of control ever since.

But now Amoebaba has closed down because of the emergence of Qingyun Mall and failed to get the most critical investment.

"Miss Yao, please comment on your previous company in one sentence."

"Well, wait a minute."

Although curious why Su Ye was so interested in Amibaba, Yao Xiaoyun still relaxed and felt his emotions.

For Amoeba, she really has complicated feelings.

This is her first job.

It was the product of her first time saying no to her parents.

It was a rare happy time for her in recent years.

But it's also the softest part of her heart that she doesn't want to be touched by others.

"President Su, I've made up my mind."

"Amibaba is where my dream started. If it weren't for Qingyun Mall, I don't think we have no chance of success."

Yao Xiaoyun's firm tone surprised Su Ye.

From the moment I entered the door, I started talking to her. This girl acted like a good girl in front of Su Ye. I didn't expect her to have such a firm side.

In that case, Su Ye also decided to give her a chance.

"Miss Yao, do you know what position you are interviewing for when you come to Qingyun Technology?"

Yao Xiaoyun shook his head.

She really doesn't know this.

I asked Zhuang Yiming and Wang Yifei before, but neither of them gave him an accurate answer.

After all, Su Ye had asked the two not to disclose the news that Dianping was going to recruit a person in charge.

Yao Xiaoyun asked in a hurry, Zhuang Yiming just said perfunctorily that the company was short of people for a project, but colleagues in the company recommended reliable friends, and the specific project could only be confirmed after chatting with Su Ye when it came.

It can be said that Yao Xiaoyun has a big heart and came to Jiangcheng without knowing anything, not afraid of being sold by Zhuang Yiming.

"Does Dianping know?"


Years ago, Dianping had already entered the imperial capital market, and Yao Xiaoyun would see some promotional posters posted in the store when he was free to eat outside.

I know that there is a website like Dianping, and I also know the slogan of Dianping, "Let's eat something good together".

This slogan was finally decided by Su Ye.

At that time, Tang Lili also said that only writing about good food would limit the future development of Dianping.

Su Ye said it was fine.

When a company is in the development stage, it is absolutely impossible to get everything you want, otherwise it will become more and more complicated, and users and consumers will not know what your website is for.

That being the case, let's make a point first to let everyone know the platform of Dianping.

In the daily life of the people, the opportunity to eat is the most.

Eat it in the morning, eat it at noon, eat it in the evening, and eat it in the middle of the night.

Happy to eat, sad to eat, celebration to eat, bulk to eat, everything to eat.

As the saying goes, food is the paramount necessity of the people. If Dianping can instill the concept of food in the minds of users, then Dianping will be half the success of the website.

Su Ye was overall satisfied with Yao Xiaoyun's interview process today.

The most important thing is that it touched him.

Yao Xiaoyun said that Amibaba's event planning was done by her, and at the same time, this idea also entered Amibaba from her.

Now is not the era when the major e-commerce platforms in the previous life had activity discounts every day.

Amoebaba's daily sales were not good enough, and it was only because of Yao Xiaoyun's event planning that it could barely continue.

Now that Dianping has basically settled in major and medium-sized cities across the country, it can be said that the basic layout has been completed.

The next job is to expand the scope of business, and at this time, it is time to really open up the gap with other group buying networks.

The arrival of Yao Xiaoyun just filled in the most critical link for Dianping.

"The position we are recruiting for is the person in charge of Dianping."

(End of this chapter)

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