The richest man in the world starts with 100 million sign-ins every day

Chapter 391 Chapter 392, Mr. Su, I'm Here Again

Chapter 391 Chapter 392, Mr. Su, I'm Here Again (Please subscribe and ask for a monthly ticket)
The next day, Su Ye called all the current executives in Jiangcheng to the headquarters of the Youth Innovation Park.

Discuss how to face the attacks and poaching actions of other companies in the market on Qingyun Technology.

"Boss Su, I don't think it's necessary, just forcefully go back."

"They have money, but we have even more money. This month, I am willing to hand over all team building expenses for our game department employees to the company."

As soon as the meeting started, Wang Yifei began to speak out his thoughts aloud.

Su Ye looked at him meaningfully for a long time before slowly opening his mouth, "Wang Yifei, I think the support company is fake, and your real intention is to get back the team building fee."

"No, no, I, Wang Yifei, am dedicated to the company, how could I do such a thing."

"Colleagues present can testify for me. I, Wang Yifei, am I stupid. I still want to refund those team building fees."

Wang Yifei stood up and looked around the meeting room, only to see...

Rosen nodded.

Chen Nanfeng nodded.

Zhao Feifei nodded.

Sun Xiaolei nodded.


Not to mention these old people, even Yao Xiaoyun, who had just joined the job, chose to nod along with the crowd when he couldn't figure it out.

"You guys, hey, forget it, pretend I didn't say it."

Wang Yifei sat in his seat dejectedly.

"Okay, let's not talk about gossip, our meeting this time is mainly about how to deal with the attacks launched by our competitors."

"Boss Yao, tell me what you think."

"Huh? Mine?"

I just joined Qingyun Technology yesterday, and I don't know anything about it. As a result, Su Ye was the first to call his name in today's meeting.

What is this.

"Yes, it's you. Let me introduce myself first."

Su Ye encouraged her with a gratifying tone.


Yao Xiaoyun stood up and looked at the senior executives of Qingyun Technology in the room, and unexpectedly came up with an absurd idea of ​​what would happen if a bomb exploded in the conference room at this time.

"Hello everyone, my name is Yao Xiaoyun. After graduating from university last year, I worked in an e-commerce company in Imperial City. Due to various reasons, the company closed down. I was forced to resign and came to Jiangcheng to join our former rival Qingyun Technology Company. Please invite everyone in the future Take care."

"What, she used to work for our opponent's company."

"That's right, didn't you just say that you are working in an e-commerce company, Mr. Li, Mr. Liu, you are to blame."

Someone gloated and said to Li Qianqian and Liu Dongshan.

Li Qianqian doesn't care, she is no longer in charge of Qingyun Mall.

However, Liu Dongshan was a little embarrassed. He raised his hand to signal, "Well, I'm sorry, Mr. Yao. I'm Liu Dongshan who is in charge of Qingyun Mall. What's the name of your company?"

Yao Xiaoyun also regretted it at this time.

I couldn't stop talking just now, so I said something like this.

Since she came to Jiangcheng, Su Ye and other people in Qingyun Technology have been very kind and tolerant, and never had any bad thoughts because of her young age.

Hearing Liu Dongshan's question, she stood up blushing and bowed to everyone present.

"I'm sorry everyone, my previous company didn't close down because it was targeted by Qingyun Mall, but because of the follow-up reaction brought about by the strong rise of Qingyun Mall, the boss of the company couldn't support it and closed the company."

"I'm sorry everyone, I'm sorry, Mr. Su."

"It's okay, it's okay, we don't mind."

Everyone felt uncomfortable when they heard Yao Xiaoyun's words just now, but seeing her admitting her mistake in time, they didn't say anything more.

"Mr. Yao, go ahead and answer Mr. Liu's questions."

When Su Ye chatted with her yesterday, he knew that Yao Xiaoyun was a very emotional girl.

Such a person can miss the old master, and after staying in Qingyun Technology for a long time, he will naturally know the benefits of Qingyun Technology.

"Okay, Mr. Liu, my previous company was called Amibaba, and it was mainly engaged in B2B e-commerce."

Yao Xiaoyun naturally wouldn't say too much at this time, and answered Liu Dongshan's question lightly.

Unexpectedly, Liu Dongshan's eyes lit up after hearing this, "Mr. Yao, then your company is closed, and those employees, can you bring them to Qingyun Technology as well?"

"Uh, this..."

Seeing Liu Dongshan's black-faced appearance, Yao Xiaoyun thought that he was trying to harm him, but he didn't expect that he would be concerned about the resigned employees of Amibaba.

"Here, let me try, but most of them are in the imperial capital."

"It's all right, as long as it's talents in the industry, I want it here."


Before Yao Xiaoyun could react, he heard a woman's voice.

Turning his head, he saw Wang Yihan who was sitting next to Li Qianqian.

After yesterday's understanding, Wang Yihan also knew the current progress of the project in Li Qianqian's hands.

Nothing but a project plan.

At this time, it was hard to hear the news of a talented person. If Li Qianqian can't do it, why can't Wang Yihan do it?

"Mr. Liu, there are a lot of talents in Qingyun Mall now, and our has not even set up a shelf. Can you give us the team of Amibaba?"

Seeing Wang Yihan's appearance, Liu Dongshan smiled wryly.

Although Qingyun Mall has always been in a situation of shortage of talents, it is much better than, which Li Qianqian is directly in charge of.

Moreover, he was the one who picked the peaches from Li Qianqian in Qingyun Mall, and he felt a little guilty towards Li Qianqian in his heart.

Seeing Wang Yihan speak suddenly at this moment, he could only nod his head in agreement.

Wang Yihan smiled, and said to Yao Xiaoyun: "Mr. Yao, your team is all in the Imperial Capital, right? Give me their contact information later, and I'll call them one by one to invite you."

"Well, well, okay."

Although Yao Xiaoyun has experience as an intern in a foreign company, he has never been a senior manager. When he was in Amibaba before, when he encountered a problem, everyone discussed and solved it.

Su Ye couldn't stand it anymore when he saw this, he picked up a pen and tapped on the table a few times, "Okay, Wang Yihan, if you want someone, I'll have a private communication with Mr. Yao after the meeting is over. The issue is how to face competition from other companies.”

"Mr. Yao, you continue."

Yao Xiaoyun's face flushed red.

She felt that it was a mistake for her to come to Qingyun Technology.

Yesterday, I entered the job in a daze, and today I said something wrong in the meeting, and then I was robbed face to face by Wang Yihan and Liu Dongshan.

Now Su Ye wanted her to express her opinion again, but she still didn't know what the company was facing and how to express her opinion.

Su Ye talked back and forth about how a company should respond to competition.

But this topic is too big.

Yao Xiaoyun's professionalism told her not to panic when encountering problems, but to fully understand all the problems before starting to solve them.

"Well, Mr. Su, what kind of problem is the company facing now?"

Seeing that Yao Xiaoyun's face was as red as a red apple, and his voice was so low that he couldn't hear it, Su Ye realized it.

The matter that Zhuang Yiming said was known to several relevant persons in charge in the company, but she, Yao Xiaoyun, only joined the job yesterday, so how could she know the problems she was facing now.

"My fault, I'm sorry, Mr. Zhuang, please introduce the current problem to everyone first."

"President Yao, please sit down."

Yao Xiaoyun sat down and felt that many people were watching her jokes.

In fact, it does not exist at all. Except for a few people, most of the executives in Qingyun Technology were promoted by Su Ye.

Luo Sen, who was just a director of the technical department before, is now the head of the QQ department at Qingyun Technology.

Chen Nanfeng, who was just a technician before, now leads a team of hundreds of people and two companies by himself.

Li Qianqian, let alone a senior student, is preparing her graduation thesis, but she has already completed the acquisition of one project and successfully incubated two Internet projects by herself.

I believe that Yao Xiaoyun will not be worse than others after growing up in Qingyun Technology for a period of time.

Zhuang Yiming briefly introduced the current situation of the QQ derivative department. In the narration, people such as Lawson will also add some content to it.

Although the loss of users this time is only showing a little sign, we have to be vigilant.

The embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed in the ant's nest.

If Qingyun Technology cannot face the various problems that have occurred in itself, it will inevitably decline in the future.

After several people finished talking about the current situation, Yao Xiaoyun couldn't help nodding.

If there were such measures in the Amoeba company before, then with everyone's concerted efforts, the company would not go bankrupt so easily.

"President Su, I have already understood the current situation. Regarding this phenomenon, I think we can divide it into two steps."

After Zhuang Yiming finished speaking, Yao Xiaoyun stood up and expressed his thoughts.

"First, the business volume of our Qingyun Technology is much larger than that of other software. We can make up for one aspect of the problem from other aspects. I think this is also the long-term vision of President Su to lay out multiple industries in advance."

"The problem now is still in the business under the QQ derivative function department, while our main QQ and QQ games are not affected much."

"So my idea is to expose QQ music, space, and other related businesses in the QQ chat interface and QQ games as appropriate, and filter the data. If possible, it can be used as a long-term internal promotion method in the future."

"Yes, Not Bad."

Su Ye nodded in agreement.

Zhuang Yiming, Luo Sen, and Wang Yifei also looked at each other, seeing surprise in each other's eyes.

They only came up with this method after being reminded by Su Ye. They didn't expect Yao Xiaoyun to come up with it so quickly.

It seems that the little girl Su Ye recruited is not useless.

At least in terms of reaction ability, it is faster than most people.

"Secondly, our QQ users have not been added for a long time, and if the DAU is still declining, it means that our users are rapidly decreasing."

"I need more data to support the next operation plan."

"However, I can come up with an activity plan for the linkage of various projects today."

"Okay, send it to me for a look after the plan is ready."

Su Ye looked at Yao Xiaoyun, who was completely different from before, and said that he felt that it was inappropriate for such a good talent to go to Dianping.

In the future, whether it is e-commerce, O2O group buying, or other projects within the company, activities will be needed to support it.

Another one is games. As long as the activities are done well, players will spend a lot of money.

Su Ye wondered if it would be possible for Yao Xiaoyun to give full play to her strengths and take the position of Chief Event Operations Officer in Qingyun Technology.

The bottom specially recruits a group of expert talents for activities, who are responsible for the activities of the group's various businesses.

Starting from the Spring Festival, Double 11, 618, Double 12, Christmas, Valentine's Day...

Every year, just arrange the plan according to the time of each festival, and the other is to update the gameplay.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt that there was something wrong with this matter, Su Ye said to Yao Xiaoyun: "You can find me after the meeting, I have something to discuss with you."

"Alright Mr. Su."

"Anyone else have any ideas?" Su Ye turned his head and asked, then looked at Wang Yifei who was trying to lower his head.

"Wang Yifei, seeing how high your head is, let me tell you."


"Wang Yifei almost lowered his head under the table and was called by name."

"In this situation, one can tell that he has never been a poor student, and he doesn't even know how to avoid the roll call,"

Amidst the laughter of the crowd, Wang Yifei stood up slowly, "President Su, I have no idea for now,"

"No idea?"

"No, you, as the person in charge of QQ games, have to figure out a way."

"Now the daily activity of Qzone is declining, what will you do if a new game appears in the future and threatens our blood legend."

Hearing what Su Ye said, Wang Yifei had no choice.

But after thinking about it for a while, he didn't have any clues for the time being, so he turned his attention to Wang Yihan who was beside Li Qianqian for help.

But at this time, Wang Yihan was burying her head in writing and drawing in her notebook, but she was thinking about the entrepreneurial team in Yao Xiaoyun's previous company.

After learning about the current situation of yesterday, Wang Yihan has been in a relatively tense state.

She has completely forgotten that she will be the head of the cultural department after entering Qingyun Technology, and instead thinks that she is a member of the preparation team of

Wang Yifei saw that seeking help was fruitless, and then turned his attention to other people, but those people also looked at him with smiles, and some even came up with random ideas.

It seems that others can't count on it, Wang Yifei can only stand there with his head sullen and thinking.

Su Ye didn't speak, just waited there quietly.

Seeing those people who kept laughing at Wang Yifei, he silently wrote down their names in his heart, and called them one by one later.

"President Su, I have it!"

"Oh, talk about it."

"Cough cough."

Wang Yifei coughed twice, and then he said to everyone with a complacent look: "My method is actually very simple, that is, use the same way to give back to the other."

"However, this is not simply to compete with the other companies, but to identify the target first, and then find the weakness of the other party to attack. This will not only prevent us from taking action against the other party without knowing the situation, but also make the other party targeted Throwing rats."

Wang Yifei used two idioms in a row, obviously proud of his attention.

"Then what if the other party's company only has one project."

Compared to Wang Yifei's ignorance of the situation, Su Ye has seen the situation of those competing websites. They all launched something similar to QQ Farm, and then advertised desperately on the Internet.

Come and get a 18 yuan red envelope, and there will be a 30-38 yuan red envelope after logging in for 88 consecutive days.

If the other party is a company with multiple businesses like Qingyun Technology, it's fine, but the other party only has this one business, so how to target them.

Wang Yifei was speechless for a moment.

He wanted to defend himself, saying that if this didn't work, he would directly confront the other party.

But he also knew in his heart that although Su Ye was rich, he had never been stingy with spending money, but Su Ye never played this kind of capital crushing game with other companies, which was too low-level.

But facing the current situation, no matter how Qingyun Technology treats it, it will not be of great help.

After all, these companies of the other party have become popular, and each company now has millions of players, and once it starts to spread, the speed of spread will be faster.

"President Su, I have another idea."

Wang Yifei said in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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