The richest man in the world starts with 100 million sign-ins every day

Chapter 392 Chapter 393, The Surprising Wang Yifei

Chapter 392 Chapter 393, The Surprising Wang Yifei (please subscribe for monthly ticket)

"Oh, talk about it."

Su Ye said indifferently.

But now he has been disappointed with Wang Yifei in his heart. It seems that this guy will not be able to have more inspiration to solve the current problem in the short term.

"President Su, our QQ space has been online for nearly half a year, and QQ farm is similar. From my own point of view, I have been a little tired when I go to the farm to harvest every day. Can we find a way to relieve this problem? kind of tired."

Hearing what Wang Yifei said, Su Ye gave him a surprised look.

Not only Su Ye, but other executives also looked at Wang Yifei.

Wang Yifei found out about this matter and said it, so they had a sense of identity.

Although most of these executives are not the kind of people who are addicted to games, they also played seriously for a period of time when QQ Farm was first launched.

It's just that for various reasons, everyone doesn't participate in the game very much now.

There is nothing wrong with what Wang Yifei said, because after a long time, everyone has become accustomed to the operation and various activities of QQ Farm. There are no eye-catching news and updates, and everyone pays less attention.

Especially when QQ payment was launched before, many people felt that the game was just like that after experiencing the fun of recharging and playing games.

The reason why the popularity of Legend of Blood remains high now is because all the recharges in it are only for one purpose of allowing you to play games, and it will not make you too strong to surpass other people by a large margin.

In this way, ordinary players can remain in the game, and local rich players will also like the feeling of having a large number of people and thus survive.

If Hot Blood Legend launched various activities like QQ Farm at that time, it would also reduce the lifespan of the game virtually.

"Then what is your solution?"

"I have two options."

"The first is to find a way inside Qzone."

"Update the gameplay of the game and update the new look of Qzone, which can attract some users back in the short term."

"But if we want to retain users for a long time, our update must become a normal work."

"In this way, users can continue to pay attention to our Qzone."

As soon as Wang Yifei finished speaking, Zhuang Yiming's eyes lit up.

These words really spoke to his heart.

Since the launch of QQ Zone, he has done a lot of work here. He successively bought music copyrights from various music companies, and then launched QQ Music, and also held QQ farm activities during the Spring Festival.

But at this time, he also realized that what he did was superficial.

No real in-depth users.

After all, what users do most in QZone is to interact with friends. Those marketing activities are just icing on the cake, and what really keeps users is the product.

Just like QQ, when users need to chat online, they will naturally think of QQ.

And Su Ye has been constantly adding new functions to QQ, from space, games, to payment, music, these are all in the software of QQ to continuously add new content, so that users can continue to focus on on QQ.

On the other hand, if Su Ye didn't care about QQ after it went online and just focused on marketing and promotion, then other companies would do the same.

QQ will not develop to the current scale.

As the person in charge of the QQ business unit, Rosen was also constantly reflecting on it.

Since QQ went online, Su Ye has been constantly adding content to him.

On the other hand, Rosen himself sat on some maintenance matters every day, and didn't put forward any constructive suggestions.

It seems that we have to learn lessons in the future, and use our brains to develop some functions that can improve the love of QQ users.

After seeing Wang Yifei finished speaking, most of the executives present were lost in thought, and Su Ye expressed his satisfaction.

He signaled Wang Yifei to pause for a while, and said directly: "Wang Yifei's idea coincides with what I thought before. We are Internet companies, and we must not be impetuous."

"We must always keep in mind that what we provide to users is products, services, ideas, and a new way of life."

"If we are all complacent, we will definitely be surpassed by companies that can provide users with better products in the future."

"Everyone is going to wake up."

"Brother Chen, the QQ Ranch plan we mentioned earlier can be launched, and it will be launched directly after the test on Mr. Zhuang's side."

"Alright Mr. Su."

Chen Nanfeng agreed and wrote down the matter in his notebook.

A long time ago, Su Ye talked about this matter with Chen Nanfeng, just to prepare for the current situation, and it can't help but be the QQ ranch, and the fishing ground, Chen Nanfeng has already done it.

"In addition, Mr. Zhuang, you should pay attention to Wang Xiaojing. As far as I know, she has been updating the decoration templates of QQ space non-stop during this period. You can make a plan after you understand it, and gradually upload these materials to QQ. space for users to use.”

"Oh well."

Zhuang Yiming promised not to speak too much.

Wang Xiaojing's art department is the most powerful art department in the company. Before that, the pictures of the legend of blood were all completed by the team led by Wang Xiaojing. To be honest, the characters, scenes, and equipment with the characteristics of Long Han style all made Zhuang Yiming at that time My eyes lit up.

However, he hadn't cared about Wang Xiaojing's work for a long time, and it took Su Ye to remind him to realize his problem.

Naturally, he had no face to speak.

"Wang Yifei's suggestion is very good, please go ahead and give your second suggestion."

"Alright Mr. Su, my second suggestion is to release a new web game based on the existing one."

"I think if there are new games added, it will definitely attract a group of users back."

"In the future, the QQ derivative department can also set up a game department dedicated to the development of WEB games."

"Clap clap clap."

After saying this, Su Ye couldn't help applauding Wang Yifei.

This guy really deserves to be the talent I fancy. He usually looks free and undisciplined. He doesn't even bother to use his brain if you don't force him.

Among so many executives in the company, Wang Yifei was the one Su Ye had the most high hopes for.

The other Luo Sen, Zhuang Yiming, and Zhou Yuanyuan all joined Qingyun Technology after having successful experience.

There are also Li Qianqian, Sun Xiaolei, Liu Dongshan, and He Zaijin who were promoted only after they discovered the shining points in them.

Only Wang Yifei was an executive who was promoted by Su Ye when he hadn't shown any talent or ability.

In the past six months, no one has said that Wang Yifei achieved such great development by relying on luck and being the first batch to enter the company.

But Su Ye put these rumors aside and never told Wang Yifei.

In the previous December, he was really too blind to beat him. Unexpectedly, Wang Yifei would actually be able to launch the Legend of Blood at the end of the month, which greatly exceeded Su Ye's expectations.

Now that he has put forward such an excellent suggestion, if Zhuang Yiming could have such a talent as Wang Yifei, then the QQ derivative department would have already become the first department in the company, and there would not be so many problems that required a company meeting to solve the problem. solve.

This guy Wang Yifei just needs to be beaten and forced so that he is willing to release a little bit of his talent.

"Clap clap clap."

"Clap clap clap."

After seeing Su Ye applaud, everyone also realized the benefits of Wang Yifei's suggestion, and they all applauded and looked at Wang Yifei with incredible eyes.

This Wang Yifei usually looks out of shape, but he didn't expect to pay attention to such details.

You know, when Su Ye asked Wang Yifei just now, everyone was waiting for his suggestion as if they were watching a joke.

Wang Yihan was also awakened by this burst of applause, and when he saw that the applause was for Wang Yifei, he couldn't help showing a little puzzlement and a little pride in his eyes.

This guy also has advantages.

Wang Yifei was even more excited after seeing Wang Yihan's eyes.

Su Ye's praise made him happy, and Wang Yihan's eyes made him even more elated.

It seems that we still need to do more things to show our faces in the future.

Zhuang Yiming even slapped his thigh excitedly, why didn't he think of such a simple thing.

And Wang Yifei said it was one suggestion, but it was actually two suggestions.

Let the department launch a new game, and set up a page game department at the same time.

This gives the QQ derivative department hope for long-term development in the future.

"Okay, everyone be quiet."

"President Wang, please sit down too."

Hearing Su Ye's address to him, Wang Yifei couldn't help slandering himself.

When I was talking casually, I called him Wang Yifei, but now that I have given good advice, I called him Xiaotian... oh no, I called him Mr. Wang.

Su Ye seldom calls him Mr. Wang in the company, and always calls him by his first name.

Now that he called Mr. Wang, Wang Yifei felt flattered.

"Mr. Wang's suggestion is very useful and constructive, which I ignored before."

"Mr. Zhuang, you should implement this suggestion after the meeting. Set up a web game department in the derivative department as soon as possible, and then design a new game."

"I'll give you a suggestion after the meeting, you can see if it works."

"Okay, President Su, I will do it as soon as possible."

The meeting has been held until now, and Yao Xiaoyun has provided an idea, which is to let multiple departments work together to promote each other's daily activities.

Su Ye had thought of this before.

QQ has been online for so long, and it is time for users to know the services covered by QQ.

Wang Yifei's first suggestion was to develop a new gameplay in QQ Farm. Su Ye has already done it. If Chen Nanfeng and Zhuang Yiming cooperate well, it can be launched directly within 1-2 days.

And Wang Yifei's second suggestion gave Su Ye a sudden inspiration.

That is to grab a parking space.

Although this game was not as popular as the farm in the previous life, there were not a few players who participated after it went online.

If these three methods are promoted together, it can be expected that QQ will not encounter any big opponents for a long period of time in the future.

And after this incident, I believe that other executives in the company will also have some vigilance in their hearts.

Not to mention creatively adding new features to the product they are responsible for, but at least let their eyes return to the product.

Gold always shines. Su Ye has the time and enough background to wait for the launch of every new business.

"Okay, do you have any other ideas?"

"Today we say that we are consulting for the QQ derivative department, but when the brains collide, everyone will definitely have a lot of inspiration, and maybe other departments can also use it."

"President Su, I have an idea."

Zhao Feifei, who had been silent since she came in, suddenly spoke.

She stood up and said, "Currently, there are quite a few companies and businesses under Qingyun Technology, and we, Broadcom Electronics, still bear the previous name, so many colleagues in the company don't even know that we belong to the company."

"I want to change our company name to Qingyun Computer or Qingyun Digital."

"This one……"

Su Ye obviously didn't expect that Zhao Feifei had a problem for herself as soon as she came up.

It is a bit of an idea that he has not changed the name of the brand.

It's just that it's not convenient to tell everyone now.

"We will discuss this later."

"No, Mr. Su, now Mr. Yang's mobile phones are all prefixed with Qingyun, why can't we Broadcom Electronics?"

Zhao Feifei is firm.

From the very beginning, she felt like an orphan.

After joining Qingyun Technology, he was dumped to a remote industrial area to take up his post.

Several times later, Su Ye said that he would support the development of Broadcom Electronics, but the scientific research center has not yet been built, and the funding that Su Ye promised before has not yet arrived.

Under various circumstances, Zhao Feifei had to make her own voice.

"Well, I have an idea, but it's not convenient to say it out yet, hey," Su Ye sighed, "How about it, Mr. Zhao, you can stay after the meeting later, and I'll explain it to you. "

"Then do you have any suggestions? If you don't have any suggestions, please sit down first."

"I have a suggestion."

Seeing that Su Ye explained to her after the meeting, Zhao Feifei's attitude eased.

"However, my suggestion is not for the QQ derivative department, but for QQ."

Rosen sat up straight immediately, looking at Zhao Feifei without blinking.

"Mr. Luo, I often use QQ to negotiate the price of raw materials with some suppliers, but the quotations sent by the other party always need to be sent by email."

"This slows down the efficiency of our communication a bit, and at the same time, we cannot reply to each other in time."

"So my idea is, can I have a function in QQ that can receive and view files online."


Luo Sen hadn't spoken yet, but Chen Nanfeng who was on the side spoke directly.

He roughly passed the technology that Zhao Feifei needs to use for this demand in his mind, and found that the current QQ can completely do this.



Rosen and Zhao Feifei asked in unison.

"Of course, this function is technically easier to implement, and the only disadvantage is that it will increase the occupation of the server."

"But right now we haven't tried it and don't know what the increase will be."

"Let go and do it."

Su Ye made a final decision at this time.

"We use as many servers as we need, and if not enough, we can buy them again."

A wry smile appeared on Chen Nanfeng's face.

I'm going to buy a server again.

He's really out of his wits now.

"President Su, the server company..."

Seeing Chen Nanfeng's troubled expression, Su Ye had no choice.

"Brother Chen, the server company still has to support you, but don't worry, I'm already recruiting corresponding managers."

"As soon as the personnel are in place, you can concentrate on managing our technical department."

Su Ye said against his will.

He did recruit the managers of the server company, but he hasn't recruited yet.

In addition, he is still waiting for news from Nami Watanabe.

If the Sanyin consortium can even accept Su Ye's harsh requirements, then the bold idea in Su Ye's heart can be realized.

Now it's just a server company, and compared with Su Ye's big plan, it can only be postponed helplessly.

Rosen quickly recorded Zhao Feifei's suggestion in his notebook, and bowed his hands gratefully to her.

Zhao Feifei expressed that you are welcome.

On the other side, Wang Yifei raised his hand again to speak.

"Boss Luo, I also have a suggestion."

"That's about QQ Red Diamond..."

(End of this chapter)

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