Chapter 393 Chapter 394, Liu Fei is leaving
"The main function of QQ Red Diamond is to allow users to use the QQ show to show netizens their personality traits and ways of being a person according to different DIY methods."

"But now, if you want to view the QQ show of a netizen, you have to click on the other party's profile picture to enter the other party's profile to view it."

"I wonder if we can have a better way to show the QQ show to netizens."

After Wang Yifei finished speaking, he waited for Rosen to reply.

But for a while, Rosen didn't have any good solutions.

Chen Nanfeng spoke at this time, "Mr. Luo, may I ask what is the situation of the users who recharge QQ Red Diamond now?"

"It's falling."

Rosen moved his body and said, these numbers have always been engraved in his mind.

"From the peak of at least one million people recharging every day, the number of people recharging or renewing every day has dropped to about 40, and this trend is still slowly declining."

"The reason I thought about it before was that many people signed up for annual memberships, and we gave away a lot of members as gifts, but I really didn't think about it."

"Ok, I see."

Chen Nanfeng turned his head and looked at Wang Yifei again.

"Mr. Wang, what is your idea? Do you need the QQ show to be directly displayed in the chat window of both parties?"

"But in this way, the space occupied by QQ will increase again, and the burden on the computer will also be heavy."

"To be honest, judging from the current computer level commonly used in the market, QQ's cache has reached a limit."

"If it increases again, users will experience lag when using other software. For example, when they are chatting and playing games, the speed of the computer will slow down."

"Then why don't you add it for a while?"

Wang Yifei said helplessly that he also had this idea when he was chatting with others, but since Chen Nanfeng said it couldn't be solved, then he couldn't help it.

"Wait a minute, I have a solution for this."

Su Ye was very happy to see that everyone was able to participate in the brainstorming. He only had some ideas of his own about the QQ show.

"Brother Chen, can you change the display method of the QQ show? Now we can only click to see it. My idea is that when the user moves the mouse to the avatar of the corresponding character, a window will pop up, which can display The other party's name, QQ level, opened QQ business, and QQ show."

Since Su Ye put the QQ rank online before, the direction of the cause is actually not particularly big.

Nowadays, no matter whether it is in an Internet cafe or on a work computer, there are not many people who hang on to QQ during the day, which is one of the reasons why Zhuang Yiming found that the activity of users has declined recently.

When QQ is not a must-have software for users every day, then other software will have an opportunity to take advantage of it.

If users can directly see the QQ level and QQ show of netizens and the related services opened, it will definitely stimulate a wave of consumption, and at the same time, more users will come back.

Now the number of QQ users in Longhan China has reached 7 million, but the number of people who log into QQ once a day is actually less than 2 million.

Chen Nanfeng thought for a while, then nodded slowly.

"President Su, this idea is achievable. I'll try it when I go back next time."

"However, to display the services opened by users, this needs to call the underlying data, but this data will not be very large and within an acceptable range."

"Okay, then do this first, and see the effect then."

"Mr. Luo, and everyone who has QQ-related business in their hands should pay attention to this matter. After the function is launched, look at the user's data feedback."

"Alright Mr. Su."

The crowd answered in unison.

The meeting lasted until one o'clock in the noon, and everyone didn't even eat lunch.

One by one, I expressed some of my ideas when using various software, some of which cannot be solved in a short time, and some of which can be started immediately.

"Okay, it's getting late now, let's have a meal as soon as possible and start working."

"I can tell from the situation and results of today's meeting that everyone is still very concerned about our company's business."

"In the future, we will hold such meetings from time to time. At the same time, everyone can also carry out such brainstorming in their respective departments and companies, so that all colleagues in the company can contribute their ideas and suggestions."

"Of course, I would like to declare here in advance that this is an activity involving employee resources, and everyone should not make it a forced task."

"Okay, let's go."

Everyone filed out, leaving only Li Qianqian, Wang Yihan, Yao Xiaoyun, and Zhao Feifei.

Li Qianqian wanted to wait for Su Ye to eat together.

Wang Yihan wanted to wait for Yao Xiaoyun to obtain the personnel list of their company as soon as possible.

"Yao Xiaoyun, let me solve your problem first, and you can go have dinner with Wang Yihan later."

"It's like this. I feel that you have an advantage in event planning that other people in the company can't match. Therefore, I want you to become the company's chief event planner. The salary and rank are the same as Mr. Li. how about."

"I, I'm fine."

Yao Xiaoyun heard Su Ye's suggestion, and agreed after thinking about it for a while.

Rather than asking her to be the person in charge of Dianping, she prefers to do what she is familiar with.

And event planning, marketing itself is her main job.

"Okay, then go back and tell Zhao Xiaojing yourself. Except for today's executives, no one in the company knows about you. I will talk about it in the company's executive group later."

Now that there are more and more executives in Qingyun Technology, Su Ye even forgot how many stars he reached Qingyun.

Luo Sen, Zhuang Yiming, Wang Yifei, Sun Xiaolei, Zhao Feifei, Zhou Yuanyuan, Li Qianqian, Wang Yihan, He Zaijin, Yang Zhiyuan, Cao Wei, Liu Dongshan, Yao Xiaoyun, Tang Lili.

With such a count, there are 14 people, and more talents will be needed in the future.

Su Ye has a small goal, first get him 36 stars in Tiangang.

After that, there will be Qingyun Real Estate, which needs to set up one or two general managers.

At the Qingyun Research Center, it seems that only Mr. Liu Qianming can be promoted.

There is also Qingyun Automobile, Yang Zhiyuan recommended it for a long time, and Su Ye didn't have time to ask about him.

There is also a new person in charge of group buying, but there is no one yet.

There is also Zhao Xiaojing, as the veteran of Qingyun Technology, she has been in the position of manager for a long time, and she should be promoted.

There is also When Li Qianqian prepares for a similar situation, Su Ye is also going to hand it over to the newcomer.

Let her concentrate on preparing for her graduation.

In this way, as long as there are still six people to be reported or recruited, there will be enough 20 executives.

There are still sixteen short of 36, and this will have to wait until later.

Su Ye didn't know yet, he subconsciously forgot Zhang Xing, who had just founded the daily group buying website in Haicheng.

Otherwise, it would be Qingyun Fifteen Stars now.

Su Ye sorted out the content of today's meeting, and then drew a √ on the notebook.

Next, it's time to deal with the scientific research center, and the recruitment can only be done at will.

As a result, when he just walked to the door, he saw Wang Yihan, Wang Yifei, and Yao Xiaoyun walking over.

"President Su, we are going on a business trip."

"Go, just report this kind of thing to Zhao Xiaojing of the Administration Department. It's not the first time you've been on a business trip, Wang Yifei."

"President Su, I want money."

"This time when we go to the imperial capital, the three of us have several things to do. The first is to set up a branch of Qingyun Technology in the imperial capital, and bring together those colleagues who were in the imperial capital before."

"Secondly, just now Liu Fei from NetEase called me and said he wanted to talk to me. I think he may have already had the idea of ​​leaving NetEase, and strive to eat their team by going there this time. "

"In addition, Wang Yihan wants to meet with the former Amoebaba team, and at the same time, President Li will also go."

Su Ye knew that they were talking about Li Qianqian, but Su Ye had just arranged for himself the next job, and he didn't want to travel for a short time.

"Okay, then you all go together."

"Let Li Qianqian control the money, and she can invest directly if she says she can."

"Spend what should be spent. In addition, the office, environment, and employee benefits in the imperial capital have also been checked. This time I went to Haicheng to see that many colleagues did not receive last year's welfare Hanlai car."

"When you go, pay attention by the way."

"Oh, by the way, President Wu of Qingyun Real Estate will also go to the Imperial City to open a branch office in the near future. You'd better discuss the office address in advance."

"Alright, President Su."

"Wait a moment."

Su Ye stopped a few people, "Yao Xiaoyun, please come up with a plan for that event as soon as possible, and then show it to Mr. Zhuang and me. If there is no problem, your probationary period will be over and you will start to work officially."

"No problem, Mr. Su. The event will definitely come out within three days. The main reason is that I still need to learn more about the company's existing business."

"Okay, let's go."

The three of them went back to prepare the items and required materials for the business trip. Su Ye strolled to the completed Qingyun Research Center after having a meal.

There is nothing special about the construction of the scientific research center. From a distance, it looks like a residential area. They are all blue cement brick houses, and the floors are only six stories high. However, if you look at it from a high altitude, you can see different.

Su Ye simply and rudely put the laboratory into the word Qingyun. In the future, if you take aerial photos, you don't need to advertise. You can know that it is Qingyun Technology directly when you see the text.

Moreover, these experimental buildings cost a lot of money. Even the decoration of the county magistrate was done by a team specially hired by Liu Qianming from the imperial capital to decorate the laboratory.

This is a high-tech research and development laboratory, which has extremely strict requirements on various temperatures, humidity and dust, so there are still no such high-tech equipment in the field.

In addition to the decoration requirements, the scientific research center is also very fancy about security.

Knowing that several of Li Qianqian's elder brothers were working in the Longhan army, Su Ye also invited several elder brothers to support a group of smart and powerful security teams to enter the company.

After walking around the scientific research center, there is no one there except for the decoration workers.

Su Ye and Liu Qianming previously agreed that they would not be able to move in until May, but now it looks like it will be March.

I wish time had passed faster.


imperial capital.

NetEase Technology.

"What, are you leaving your job?!"

In the CEO's office, Ding Sanshi looked at Liu Fei in confusion.

"Yes, Mr. Ding, please approve."

After this difficult month, Liu Fei, who was originally chubby, has lost some weight.

The smile on the face has also decreased a lot.

Last night, a colleague from the game department called him and said that there was a news update on the QQ game website and asked him to take a look.

No matter how Liu Fei asked, the other party just didn't say anything, and insisted on going to see it in person.

After Liu Fei turned on his home computer and entered the official website of QQ Games, he saw the message on the top.

"QQ Games is about to set up a branch in the imperial capital, welcome recommendations and self-recommendations from people of insight."

The moment Liu Fei saw this sentence, he was immediately moved.

Qingyun Technology's game department is currently the leading place in the industry, and even some foreign game companies cannot compare with Qingyun Technology's game department.

In the field of stand-alone games, foreign companies may still have a slight advantage, but in the field of online games, Qingyun Technology is at least 3-5 years ahead of the current market.

If you can work in the game department of Qingyun Technology, it will definitely be beneficial in terms of benefits and career development.

Liu Fei really can't bear to live in Wangnan now.

He never thought that he and Ding Sanshi would start such a company back then.

Not at all human.


"Liu Fei, I, Ding Sanshi, treat you well. When you know that I am going to vigorously develop the game industry, you still ask me to resign. Do you consider my feelings?"

"Do you have to be like an outsider and take a knife in my heart to make you feel comfortable?"

Ding Sanshi naturally knew how Liu Fei had been treated in the company recently, but his original intention was to beat Liu Fei and the increasingly arrogant game department.

Now their game is doing the same as Shi, so the company's internal staff are not allowed to say a few words.

In addition, recently, the shareholders of NetEase Technology will come to the company from time to time to see Ding Sanshi's movements.

To be honest, they couldn't bear Ding Sanshi to make money again. Isn't the failure of the previous Westward Journey not enough?

Do you have to ruin this family fortune and wait for the acquisition of Qingyun Technology?

This was a sentence that came out during the last private meeting of shareholders, and Ding Sanshi naturally knew who it was addressed to.

But the first attempt failed, what can Ding Sanshi do.

If it weren't for the jewels and jades of the Stone Age and the Legend of Blood, Ding Sanshi's Journey to the West might not be perfect, but it would not be as bad as it is now.

But in real life, everything doesn’t go well. He also saw that the Stone Age and Legend of Blood made the market so big, so he wanted to come in as soon as possible to get a share of the pie, so he accelerated the speed of the game department, and imitated and learned some of the two games of success.

A failed person does not deserve to have the right to speak, so during the shareholder meeting, Ding Sanshi would not say a word, thinking silently in his heart.

30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, now my brother has not made the game, you all have this face.

One day with a gun in hand, I will kill all the heartless dogs in the world, the amount is wrong, and one day when I succeed, it will be the day of Chang'an.

But Ding Sanshi, who had been comforting himself for a long time, received a message from Liu Fei early in the morning, saying that he was leaving the job.

"Liu Fei, Liu Fei, why did I treat the game department like this before? Those employees don't know, don't you understand?"

"What is the situation now? It is the time when the domestic game industry is developing at a high speed. If you leave your job at this time, where will you go?"

"Although the imperial capital is big, if you want to make games, you can only choose to stay in Wangnan, and you can't go to other places."

"I don't care about this matter. If you don't know the good and the bad later, don't blame me for agreeing to your application without showing affection."

The scolded Liu Fei slowly walked back to the office area with his resignation letter, casually threw the resignation letter on the table, picked up his cigarette and walked out.

But he didn't know that after he left, a sharp-eyed subordinate saw the three eye-catching characters on the document on his desk...

(End of this chapter)

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