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Chapter 397 Chapter 398, New District Planning Was Killed

Chapter 397 Chapter 398, New District Planning Was Killed


Hu Yu only said two words, but it surprised Liu Ye and Jiang Hua beside him.

Once before, Dongshanju Studio had negotiated an acquisition with a company, but at the last moment, Hu Yu suddenly opposed the acquisition.

Because the three of them had discussed it a long time ago, when making a decision on anything, all three of them must agree before doing or not doing it.

At that time, because of Hu Yu's refusal, Liu Ye and Jiang Hua still had some complaints in their hearts.

But it didn't take long for the company that wanted to acquire Dongshanju to be exposed to various problems. The company's leadership was almost wiped out, and all of them went to jail.

Only at this time did Jiang Hua and Liu Ye feel lingering fear.

If it hadn't been for Hu Yu's reminder at that time, Dongshanju Game Studio would have become the only high-quality asset under the company, and it would have been sold off in the end.

After that, Hu Yu still prevented everyone from making decisions several times because of his intuition, and it turned out that this usually taciturn classmate had a keen intuition like a prediction.

Unexpectedly, this time because of Qingyun Technology's acquisition, Hu Yu directly agreed.

And his theory is based on his own intuition.

Backed by Hu Yu's intuition, Liu Ye and Jiang Hua looked at each other and nodded together.

"Since this can be done, then we have to think about how to discuss the acquisition with them. The most important point is the arrangement for us in the future."

Jiang Hua said loudly.

Dongshanju is the hard work of their three good brothers, and they don't care too much about money.

Although Qingyun Technology is powerful, if they don't want to, they can't buy and sell by force, right?

So the first issue to be negotiated is whether Dongshanju will continue to operate independently like Houlang after it is acquired, or whether it will be directly merged into the QQ game department like Lianzhong Technology back then.

"I think we are likely to be merged into the QQ game department."

"Because Qingyun Technology posted an announcement on the official website that day, saying that the Imperial Capital branch is about to be established. I think the acquisition of our Dongshanju is their first step in entering the Imperial Capital. With the help of our name, they will recruit some games later. It is much more convenient for talents from the industry to come in.”

Liu Ye expressed his opinion.

But he didn't know that the main purpose of Wang Yifei's coming here was actually the game department of NetEase, and Dongshanju was not his main goal at all.

After all, Dongshanju is a tough nut to crack, and almost everyone in the industry who is interested in developing in the game industry knows it.

"But you want to merge into the QQ game department. If you merge into it, all our previous investment and hard work will be gone."

"Although QQ Games has also made a game with a dragon and Han style, they will not be as determined as us. You can see it from the three professions of Legend of Blood."

"Except for a Taoist profession that is related to our Dragon Han, although the Warrior profession wears a set of classic Longhan armor, it is essentially a warrior profession in the context of Western fantasy novels, let alone a mage, that is completely Occupations in a Western magical setting."

Jiang Hua shared his own analysis. In fact, how did he know that Legend of Blood was completely created by Su Ye based on the previous Legendary game, and occupations and maps were all determined by inherent thinking.

The only thing that can't be done is the art, but after talking to Wang Xiaojing at the time, Wang Xiaojing perfectly made his idea a reality. This is why Jianghua and the others think that Legend of Blood is just a game that has a layer of dragon-like skin reason.

"In that case, we will add one more item to the negotiation with Qingyun Technology. Even if our Dongshanju is acquired, we need to operate independently. At the same time, we must adhere to the production style of Long Hanfeng."

"But I don't think they will agree to this negotiation with Qingyun Technology. What is the difference between this request and not buying us?"

"With such conditions, it's not so much that they bought us, but didn't they invite a master back?"

Liu Ye couldn't help complaining halfway through the analysis.

Jiang Hua nodded in approval. If they really put forward such conditions, would Qingyun Technology buy them?
If news spreads out in the future, no one will speak well of Dongshanju, because the conditions are too harsh.

"Don't worry, although Qingyun Technology will not agree to our condition, it will also give us the greatest degree of freedom."

"But financially and marketing certainly won't be what we were before."

After hearing what the two said, Hu Yu's tone must be speaking.

Among the three, because he is a technical professional, he has the most meticulous analysis of one matter.

Don't look at Jiang Hua as the general manager of Dongshanju, but Hu Yu's opinion should be consulted for many things.

"You mean that Qingyun Technology will give us the biggest advantage, but will control the core business?"

Hu Yu nodded.

"Okay, then let's make two preparations."

"If Qingyun Technology can give us enough freedom, then we directly agree to the acquisition."

"If Qingyun Technology doesn't propose it, we will take the initiative to express our ideas. If we disagree, then the acquisition will be considered a failure."

"What do you think?"

"Okay, as you said."

Hu Yu and Liu Ye nodded in agreement at the same time.

In front of the two of them, Jiang Hua called Wang Yifei.

"Hello, Mr. Wang, I'm Jiang Hua from Dongshanju."


After hanging up the phone calmly, Wang Yifei threw his fist directly at the void, almost yelling.

As for Dongshanju, he just called with the idea of ​​giving it a try, but unexpectedly, the other party really agreed to his acquisition request.

If this news is told to Su Ye, it will definitely be praised.

It's just that it's hard for Wang Yifei to make a judgment on the suggestion put forward by Dongshanju.

Judging from Su Ye's various operations, he still attaches great importance to the game industry.

It is good news to be able to acquire Dongshanju, but it is boring to acquire this Dongshanju without management.

Qingyun Technology is a philanthropy, free to help Dongshanju whose management and promotion are very chaotic.

So Wang Yifei's answer to Jiang Hua was that he needed to think about it.

But, how should I tell Su Ye about this matter.

Wang Yifei thought about it for a long time, and finally decided to call Li Qianqian first to ask her what to do if she encountered such a thing.

Li Qianqian, who had just arrived at the airport, received a call from Wang Yifei in surprise.

"Hey, Wang Yifei, why are you calling me?"

Li Qianqian looked curious, because she had something to do, so she set off later than Wang Yihan and Yao Xiaoyun.

But she had already sent her itinerary information to the two of them before, why did Wang Yifei call suddenly at this time.

"It's Mr. Li, I have something I want to discuss with you."

Wang Yifei spoke out the appeal of Dongshanju.

Li Qianqian was very excited when she heard about Dongshanju. She used to live alone in Jiangcheng, with only one Aunt Liu taking care of her at home. Her parents usually work in the imperial capital, and her brothers are all in the army, so she didn't even go home easily.

When she was bored, she liked the game of coming to Dongshanju.

After finishing her homework every night, she would turn on the computer and play games by herself.

It can be said that in the absence of Su Ye, several games produced by Dongshanju were her best friends.

"Wang Yifei, are you kidding me, is it really possible for us to buy Dongshanju?"

"Didn't their founders say that they are not short of money?"

Dongshanju cannot be acquired. This news is not only known to the game industry and players, but even many people who don’t play games know more or less that a company founded by three students in Imperial City cannot be acquired by any company.

At the same time, the games that Dongshanju has continuously produced over the years are all classics. Even though the new game Swordsman Love has not yet come out, countless players are already looking forward to it.

Can Qingyun Technology acquire such a rebellious company?
"Of course, Mr. Li, now Qingyun Technology is also a first-class Internet company in China. Even in the world, Qingyun Technology can at least be in the top fifty."

"Dongshanju is also a game studio that I like very much, so I contacted them with the mentality of giving it a try. I didn't expect them to agree. It's just that this condition is a bit inappropriate."

"It's fine, it's fine."

In Li Qianqian's heart, it was Dongshanju. She never expected that her company would be able to acquire Dongshanju one day. If she told this news to her high school and junior high school classmates, they would be very surprised.

"Okay, let me call and ask Su Ye what he means. This matter is really hard to say."

"Okay, then please Mr. Li."

"It's okay, besides Dongshanju, there are several game studios in China that imitate Dongshanju. You can contact them one by one to see if they are interested in joining our Qingyun Technology. I will discuss it with Su Ye later. Alright I'll call you back."


After hanging up the phone, Li Qianqian did not call Su Ye immediately.

She had been to Su Ye's home in Xu Cheng before, and she said that the house must not be empty, but she could also see that Su Ye's home was not a wealthy family when he was in school.

Didn't see that because of the influence of the family, the current Su Ye doesn't have the ugly appearance of those poor people who become rich.

Of course, there is one thing that I like to pretend to be aggressive. In other respects, Su Ye wears sportswear for clothes. Although the price of a few hundred yuan is not low, Su Ye is a billionaire with a net worth of billions. If the entrepreneur dressed like this, someone would gossip, but Su Ye didn't care at all.

There are other things. In terms of food, Su Ye just needs to eat enough. He doesn't need any big fish and meat. Although he bought some houses near the Youth Innovation Park before, he bought them for the convenience of employees who live far away.

Otherwise, why didn't he buy a big villa, instead he bought an ordinary residential building.

Looking at it this way, Su Ye should have never played Dongshanju games before. During college, he also told Li Qianqian before that every day except for class, he would go out with his brothers in the same dormitory. Contact less.

Naturally, there will be no chance to play games. Both Wang Yifei and Li Qianqian are fans of Dongshanju games, and they will feel that the conditions proposed by Dongshanju this time are a bit too much, let alone Su Ye who has no affection for Dongshanju.

After thinking for a long time, Li Qianqian still couldn't think of any solution.

At this moment, Su Ye called.

"Hey, daughter-in-law, have you arrived at the airport yet?"


"Oh, that's good, take care of yourself in the past, and I will accompany you on a business trip next time I am free."

Li Qianqian's face collapsed, this guy definitely deserves to be a straight man.

She doesn't even know how to care about people, but she won't be able to answer after saying such a blunt sentence.

Li Qianqian decided to take the initiative, "Su Ye, let me tell you something, have you heard of Dongshanju Game Studio?"


Dongshan Residence?Su Ye wondered if he heard it wrong. In his previous life, he had heard that there was a Xishan residence, but it turned out that there was a Dongshan residence in the Longhan Empire.

What is this playing, axisymmetric graphics?
"Dongshanju, a game studio."

"Wang Yifei called just now and said that he wanted to buy this game studio in the imperial capital, but he didn't dare to make decisions because of the conditions put forward there, so he wanted to ask your opinion."

"Then why didn't he tell me himself, instead he asked you to tell."

"He didn't dare to tell you. The other party's conditions are relatively harsh. Wang Yifei was afraid that you would think he was not good enough, so he asked me to check your words."

"Okay, since this matter is entrusted to him, as long as he can help me spend money, that's fine."

"Spending money?!" Li Qianqian had question marks all over her face.

"No, no, I was wrong. As long as he, the person in charge of the QQ game department thinks it is necessary, he can do it. Ask me for my opinion on everything. After that, if there are more projects in the company, I will be too busy. gone."

"Okay, that's what I said, but I'd like to convey Dongshanju's request to him. They want to ensure their independent design and planning capabilities, and the studio's financial and personnel rights can be directly handed over to the head office. "

"Well, that's no problem. Let Wang Yifei start the acquisition process, and, Qianqian, is this Dongshan residence famous?"

"Of course it's famous."

Li Qianqian looked like this, "Dongshanju is the first company in China to make stand-alone games. Over the years, they have produced many games that are popular with users. Now their new game Swordsman Xianyuan is about to be released. Join us when the time comes." If we come to Qingyun Technology, it will definitely sell a lot of money."

"Well, okay, then you give Wang Yifei, forget it, let me call him, I don't know this bad habit I have learned, and I still want you to blow my pillow."

"What kind of pillow wind, I hate it."

Li Qianqian couldn't take it anymore when Su Ye spoke inappropriately.

"Okay, I won't tell you anymore, I will send you a message when I get to the imperial capital."

With that said, he quickly hung up the phone.

Su Ye shook his head, and was about to call Wang Yifei back. At this moment, the door of the meeting room opened in front of him. A 1-meter-tall, rough-looking man walked out of it. He saw Su Ye holding a phone in his hand. , suddenly made a joke.

"Hey, Mr. Su, you are reporting your whereabouts to your family."

The name of this rough man is Wang Yue. Although he looks like a hunk, he is actually the boss of a factory specializing in women's underwear. There are tens of thousands of employees under his banner. When it comes to women's underwear, it is the foundation without stop.

"Mr. Wang, don't make fun of me. What does the designer mean?"

"Oh, don't mention it."

Wang Yue shook his head, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, and signaled to Su Ye. After Su Ye waved his hand and refused to drop it, he put the cigarette in his hand and did not light it.

"The designer said that our previous conception was too shallow, and it was impossible to reflect the unity of Jiangcheng's strong historical and cultural heritage and the rapid development of modernization. Therefore, the planning of the new city needs to be redone."

"This place is also free. If you have nothing to do, you know how to mess with people. The new district, isn't it just clean and tidy? What cultural concepts and artistic heights are needed. How can ordinary people see that stuff."

Su Ye responded with a smile and didn't say a word.

The reason why he couldn't go to the imperial capital with Li Qianqian was because the city lord's mansion notified that a project team for the construction of a new city had been set up. Yuan Wei was the team leader himself, and he even invited a designer who was said to be famous from Xinpo's house .

It turned out that it had been two days, and after the big designer looked at the new city planning plan they had prepared before, he directly said no, and directly killed it.

You know, before Su Ye, Wang Yue and several other bosses, they specifically contacted Jiangcheng's Academy of Fine Arts, Design Institute, and some government departments of urban construction planning for communication and negotiation. It took a long time to finalize this plan. .

As a result, the other party just said these two words, and he was killed directly. Who can be angry about this.

(End of this chapter)

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