The richest man in the world starts with 100 million sign-ins every day

Chapter 398 Chapter 399, it's nothing, they are helping me solve the problem

Chapter 398 Chapter 399, it's nothing, they are helping me solve the problem (please subscribe and ask for a monthly ticket)
After listening to Wang Yue's words, Su Ye didn't respond to him. She smiled and continued to walk into the meeting room to listen to the report.

There were a lot of people sitting in the meeting room. On the stage stood a girl with long hair and a pair of black-rimmed glasses, who was giving a speech incessantly.

This is Zhu Wenwen, the senior architectural designer invited by the Jiangcheng City Lord's Mansion from the Xinpo family, who has already won a French architectural design award at the age of 25.

"Jiangcheng is a city with historical heritage, but it is also a modern and open city."

"Our architectural design plan this time, after more than 40 days of sleepless design and demonstration, has formed a relatively perfect plan."

"I hope that all the officials here and the bosses of the enterprises in the Jiangcheng district can carefully read our design, understand our design, and sublimate our design."

"At this point, my presentation of the plan is over. Thank you for your careful listening."

Zhu Wenwen glanced at the CEOs and persons in charge of various companies stumbling around below, and couldn't help but sighed, then walked off the stage.

"Clap clap clap."

Compared with her flat speech, when Zhu Wenwen stepped off the stage, the audience applauded loudly.

This made Zhu Wenwen even more helpless.

She obviously spent a long time working with her colleagues to come up with the design plan, but in the eyes of these business executives, it seems that lack is not the same thing.

When she explained the content of the plan, those people either yawned, or went out to answer the phone, and some even brought poker up, openly fighting landlords in the conference room.

Except for that handsome young man, no one looked at her.

The host came to the stage: "Thank you all bosses for your careful listening. Now it's dinner time. Please move to the restaurant downstairs. The City Lord's Mansion will prepare a simple dinner for you."

"If any boss has some suggestions or ideas, he can also communicate directly with the designer."

Before the host finished speaking, a group of CEOs left the conference room chatting and laughing in twos and threes.

"President Su, let's go downstairs and have something to eat together."

At this time, Wang Yue also finished smoking and walked in.

"No need, Mr. Wang, you go down first, I have something to deal with first."

Su Ye said and shook the phone in Wang Yue's hand.

"Okay, then you are busy first, and we will come out to have tea together when we are free."

Wang Yue was thinking about Su Ye's Qingyun Mall. The company under him has been doing OEM for foreign brands for these years, and he has a thorough understanding of the production process.

However, people always want to go up.

Six months ago, Wang Yue was thinking about creating his own brand, so he recruited some designers with various names to enter the factory.

But in the past six months, several brands have been registered, and several sets of finished products have been released. However, because Wang Yue is used to high-end underwear products, the establishment of sales channels has been stagnant.

The underwear produced has no sales channels, which is the most troublesome thing for him.

As a result, when Su Ye's Qingyun Mall was born years ago, Wang Yue saw an opportunity.

Our products cannot be sold offline, so why not try online.

He didn't pay much attention to Jiangcheng's development of this new area before, but when he heard that the new area was led by Qingyun Technology, Wang Yue enthusiastically joined in.

But after waiting several times, only Yang Zhiyuan came here for the meeting, and he had never seen Su Ye's face.

"Mr. Wang, you are welcome. Mr. Yang told me that we hit it off with you. I heard that you have a new brand coming online. Do you want to consider our Qingyun Mall?"

"Yes, of course."

"Boss Su, thank you, you really know me so well."

"In this case, you are busy first, and I will wait for you downstairs, and we brothers will have a good chat later."

Su Ye nodded and dialed Wang Yifei's number.

After talking to Wang Yifei, Su Ye hung up the phone.

He suddenly felt that someone was watching him, and when he turned his head subconsciously, he saw a woman with long hair and a shawl resting her chin on her right hand, looking at Su Ye with interest.

It was Zhu Wenwen, the designer just now.


Seeing Su Ye suddenly turn her head, Zhu Wenwen was startled.

Su Ye apologized again and again.

"Designer Zhu, you haven't left yet."

In order to ease the embarrassment, Su Ye asked casually.

"No, now there are a group of business executives fighting for wine. I came back to get my hat."

As Zhu Wenwen said, she pointed to the black wool cap on her head to Su Ye.

"By the way, can you stop calling me Designer Zhu? It sounds so obedient, and I thought it was Designer Zhu."

"Haha, how come, then I will call you Miss Zhu."

Su Ye said embarrassingly, while saying that he was still packing his things.

Seeing that Zhu Wenwen was coming up to help, he quickly turned off the computer screen.

Just kidding, he had been reading novels downstairs when Zhu Wenwen was explaining the design plan, and now he would be embarrassed to say that he was caught.

However, although he moved quickly, Zhu Wenwen next to him still saw a title:
The richest man in the world starts with a daily check-in of 100 million.

When she saw this sentence, Zhu Wenwen felt a little bit emotional. She really deserved to be Su Ye who succeeded in a young age. With this hard work, she will succeed one day.


At this moment, Su Ye dropped a pen on the ground because he moved too fast.

"I'll help you."

As Zhu Wenwen said that, she bent down and wanted to help Su Ye pick it up.


But he didn't see that Su Ye bent down subconsciously because the pen fell off, and the two of them bumped their heads firmly behind the conference table.

Seeing that Zhu Wenwen was in so much pain that she was about to shed tears, Su Ye quickly took out a tissue from her pocket and handed it over.

"Sorry, I didn't notice it just now, it hurts you."

Zhu Wenwen's tears flowed uncontrollably.

On the one hand, it was really painful, and on the other hand, it was because she was so embarrassed.

She has been like this since she was a child, except that she has made some achievements in the field of architecture, she is confused in other aspects.

Now helping Su Ye pick up something and colliding with others.

"it's okay no problem."

Zhu Wenwen said repeatedly, took the tissue handed over by Su Ye and covered her eyes.

Su Ye didn't care about picking up things now, so she just waited quietly and looked at Zhu Wenwen.

This Zhu Wenwen looked average when she was on stage (he didn't look at it at all), but he didn't expect to find that she was quite beautiful when he looked closely.

Wearing professional attire to pretend to be mature, with some light makeup on his face.

It stands to reason that the other party is also a well-known young designer in Singapore, and it is really unbelievable that he is still so young in terms of speaking and doing things.

"Su, Su Ye, isn't my design very bad?"

"It's okay." Su Ye, who had never even glanced at Zhu Wenwen's design, casually said.

"Oh, so you think it's not bad?"

"It was the first time I designed an architectural plan for a domestic city in Longhan. Before that, I designed some museums or large-scale humanistic sculptures."

"This is the first time for the design of the commercial area, but, is my design too fancy and not in line with the aesthetics of the people of the Longhan Empire? I have seen many corporate bosses doing other things below. matter."

What kind of things do you do yourself, don’t you count them yourself?

However, Su Ye himself hadn't read Zhu Wenwen's design plan, the main reason was that the host at the beginning was too rambunctious, and Su Ye simply read online novels when he had nothing to do.

"I feel it's ok."

After Su Ye comforted her, he packed all the things in his briefcase.

"I'm sorry, Miss Zhu, I'll leave now if I have something to do. If you have any questions in the future, you can contact me."

After all, he bumped into someone just now, and Su Ye wasn't the kind of ruthless person who pulled out anything. Before leaving, he gave Zhu Wenwen a business card.

Come to think of it, this girl probably won't catch up.

When he went downstairs, he saw Wang Yue waiting for him at the door.

"President Su, let's not eat at the restaurant anymore, let's go, brother will make arrangements for you."

Su Ye still wanted to refuse, but was dragged away by Wang Yue.

After telling Hu Yidao who was waiting in the parking lot that he didn't have to wait, Su Ye got into Wang Yue's Mercedes.

Authentic imported Mercedes-Benz S750, this car starts at least 300 million in the current Jiangcheng.

But seeing the blistered Su Ye on the car, he couldn't help but smack his lips.

These days, everyone buys a car just to pretend to be aggressive. Who cares about car film, environmental protection and so on.

At that time, maybe with hard work, another Mercedes-Benz will be built.

Sitting in the car, Su Ye saw that the back seat was also in a mess.

There are leftovers from children's snacks, half a bag of dog food for large dogs, and a little Nene with a string.

Rao even Wang Yue couldn't help but blush even though she was shameless.

"Boss Su, Boss Su, this car is usually driven by my wife, and my car was sent for maintenance today, please forgive me."

Su Ye pouted, but said nothing.

After driving all the way to a KTV in the urban area, Wang Yuecai invited Su Ye to get off the car.

Jenny KTV.

Su Ye doesn't hang around much in the urban area, and has never been to this store.

But Wang Yue should be a frequent visitor here, as soon as he entered the door, a young lady with a snake face led the two of them into a room.

"President Wang, and this President Su, please enjoy yourself to the fullest."


Before Su Ye realized what to enjoy, she was dragged into the box by Wang Yue.

"Good evening, Mr. Wang."

"Good evening, Mr. Su."

As soon as he entered the door, Su Ye saw more than a dozen beautiful sisters in cool summer clothes facing him and Wang Yuefu. Don't say it, it's really interesting.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Wang, I have a question."

"If you have any problems, the girls here can solve them for you."

Su Ye obviously didn't believe it. He looked at these young ladies in cool clothes, then turned his head and asked, "Really?"

Wang Yue didn't speak, but raised her hand to ask the girls to answer Su Ye's question.

"Of course, Mr. Su, we can help you solve any problems you have."


Su Ye asked again.

Those ladies and sisters didn't give in now, they rushed up one by one and put Su Ye on the sofa to sit down.

"President Su, what problem do you have, we can definitely solve it."

"That's right, there is no problem in this world that we women can't solve. If one woman can't solve it, then two..."

Many young ladies burst into laughter instantly.

Su Ye looked dignified, glanced at several people one by one, pointed to them one by one and said, "This is what you said."

Those young ladies and sisters nodded in various gestures, indicating that there is absolutely no problem.

Su Ye directly pulled out a piece of white paper from the briefcase, picked up a pen to write and draw on it.

The two young ladies beside Su Ye looked at Su Ye's writing curiously, and their expressions gradually changed.

The people who were a little further away didn't realize what kind of big move Su Ye had made, and they were still booing and laughing beside him.

"The horizontal conveyor belt is running at a speed of 2m/s, and the horizontal distance between two sections is l=8m. A block with a mass of m=2kg is gently placed on end A of the conveyor belt, and the block moves to the right under the drive of the conveyor belt. If the friction coefficient between the block and the conveyor belt is μ=0.1, then in the process of transporting the block from A to B, regardless of the size of the block, G is 10m/s2, and the average power and sum of the work done by the friction force The power of friction to do work."

After writing the topic, Su Ye thoughtfully drew a conveyor belt under the text, and added a small square object to the conveyor belt.

The young lady next to Su Ye: (`д′)
What did you draw?

What did you write?

Why do I know this long string of words, but I don't know what you are writing after connecting them together.

Wang Yue, who was still standing at the door, saw Su Ye and the young ladies having so much fun, lit a cigarette and started puffing at the door.

Su Ye doesn't smoke, and she doesn't like other people smoking in front of her.

When Wang Yue was at the door of the meeting room in the afternoon, she remembered Su Ye's preference.

So this person is doing things first by being a human being.

It is necessary for Su Ye to understand that Wang Yue is an open-minded person and a person who is meaningful to friends, so that he can gain more benefits in future cooperation.

Of course, if friends want to get along longer, it is not reliable to rely on interests to maintain.

The key is to have an emotional foundation.

But when it comes to feelings, Wang Yue said that he is not afraid of anyone.

He can quickly become best friends with a person as long as he wants.

Otherwise, why did he grow from a small factory worker to the boss of more than ten companies with tens of thousands of workers.

Wang Yue, who was recalling his glorious past, suddenly found that the anger in the box had cooled down.

Although the music was still playing and the singer on the TV was still singing hoarsely, the atmosphere was gone.

A burst of anger suddenly rose in Wang Yue's heart.

I invited all of you girls here to please Su Ye, but in the end, you all didn't drink wine or sing songs. Now it's even more excessive, and you don't even say anything.

Do you think that Boss Wang makes money easily, so he can stop working hard.

Wang Yue stomped out the cigarette, pushed the door aggressively and looked at the scene inside.

I saw that Su Ye was inside alone, holding a toothpick and eating fruit with a toothpick.

The dozen or so young ladies around were gathered together, not knowing what they were studying.

"Hey, Mr. Su, what are they doing? You don't sing, drink or anything."

Wang Yue walked up to Su Ye with a smile and asked.

"It's nothing, they are helping me solve the problem."

(End of this chapter)

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