Chapter 399 400, ET Company (Congratulations to Original Cookies for reaching Chapter 400)
Naturally, the promised hospitality could not continue.

Wang Yue also wanted to understand, based on Su Ye's conditions, based on his appearance, is it true that if you find a girlfriend, wouldn't it be better than doing this thing?

Some people will sink in when faced with temptation, while others will stick to the bottom line.

There is no right or wrong in this world, only whether you want it or not.

"Mr. Wang, when we talk about cooperation, we just need to do a good job of business products, and other sales will naturally come up."

"Doing these things, whether others like it or not, I don't like it."

"Come to my company tomorrow if you are free, and remember to bring a few subordinates who understand e-commerce."

"Oh really."

"Great, thank you, Mr. Su, thank you, Mr. Su."

Wang Yue was obviously taken aback.

He thought that Su Ye would not continue to cooperate with him.

After all, Su Ye is now the boss of Qingyun Technology, with so many employees and so many businesses, even if he loses such a little business as Wang Yue's, others will naturally make up for it.

Not to mention that Wang Yue's own products are of good quality and high prices, and it is not certain whether they can adapt to e-commerce channels.

"It's okay, I'll go first."

Coming out of Jenny KTV, Su Ye didn't call Hu Yidao to pick him up, but walked alone on the street.

It's been a long time, and he hasn't emptied himself like this.

He has to deal with the company's business desperately every day, but he doesn't know what other needs he has besides finding ways to improve the Internet development of the Longhan Empire.

The weather today is pretty good. During the day, Su Ye even saw colleagues from the company wearing short sleeves to work.

Even at night, it will be a pleasant temperature, more like an early summer night.

"Hey, President Su."

Su Ye vaguely heard someone calling him.

He looked back subconsciously, and saw Zhu Wenwen waving at him in a small shop on the street.

Zhu Wenwen held a few plush toys in her hands, and she knew at a glance that they were caught from the I want to catch the doll shop under Dianping.

Because there are a lot of similar dolls in Su Ye's house.

"Hey, Miss Zhu, what a coincidence."

Zhu Wenwen didn't expect that she would meet Su Ye, the boss of a big company, on the side of the road.

It stands to reason that such a boss will have a special transfer car to pick him up, so why would he walk alone on the side of the road.

"Boss Su, have you eaten yet? There is a good steamed bun shop in front of you, but I just couldn't eat any more."

"How about I treat you, just give me one."

Su Ye obviously didn't expect Zhu Wenwen to make such a request.

He froze for a moment, nodded in agreement.

After the meeting just now, he was taken to the KTV by Wang Yue before he had time to eat.

When he entered, another wave of young ladies who were spending the summer came up to help him solve the problem.

He was really hungry, so he ate a fruit plate among a group of young ladies.

But the fruit plate only had so many items. For Su Ye, the fruit plate was just for viewing. By the way, he could eat two pieces of fruit to quench his thirst, so he couldn't get full.

"Yeah, that's great."

Zhu Wenwen jumped happily, and walked with Su Ye to the shop she mentioned.

"President Su, do you know that although Jiangcheng is an inland city, there are many things that the Xinpo family does not have."

"Do you know how I found out about this soup dumpling shop?"

"There is a website here called Dianping. I saw this restaurant near the hotel, and there were more than 3000 reviews. The score reached 4.9 points, so I came to try it. I didn't expect it to be so delicious. .”

"There is no similar website in Singapore. If friends from other places come to play, they must be accompanied by local people to find authentic shops."

"It would be great if Dianping could open in Singapore. By the way, Mr. Su, you seem to be an Internet company. Have you ever heard of Dianping?"

On the way, Zhu Wenwen showed a completely different personality from that in the meeting room in the afternoon. She became very lively and talked a lot.

He also asked Su Ye if he knew about Dianping. Just kidding, no one in this world might know, but Su Ye could not.

Su Ye touched his nose subconsciously, and said embarrassedly: "Of course I know, Dianping is the company I founded."

"What? Really?"

Zhu Wenwen turned around and looked at Su Ye. She didn't expect that this handsome boy would be so talented.

Due to work reasons, Zhu Wenwen often travels to various places to collect news, calculate data and other information, but she has traveled to almost all developed countries in the world, and has never heard of companies or websites similar to Dianping.

"Of course, there is nothing to lie to you about this."

"Wow, then you are really amazing, so amazing."

"President Su, do you want to build a website like this in Southeast Asia?"

"Well, I will consider it."

Su Yexin said that you really love to worry about it. We,, haven't even done a good job at this domestic stall.

Still operating abroad...operating abroad?
Zhu Wenwen's words gave Su Ye a new inspiration.

Earlier, Zhuang Yiming said that he introduced Lin Shang, who works in the beautiful country, and Yao Xiaoyun, who works in the imperial capital, to come to interview for the position of general manager of Dianping.

However, Lin Shang was temporarily unable to return to China due to various reasons, and after Yao Xiaoyun joined Qingyun Technology, Su Ye felt that he was more suitable for the work of event planning and marketing planning.

Therefore, the candidate for the general manager of has not been finalized yet.

But just like what Zhu Wenwen said just now, the business can be developed abroad.

Now that the domestic group buying business is in a melee, Su Ye has already deployed two websites in China, Dianping and Tiantiantuan. Is it possible to start a new one abroad and start from scratch?

As for this candidate, it should be the best choice for Lin Shang.

Before Zhuang Yiming conveyed to Su Ye Lin Shang's decision that he could not return to China to work, Lin Shang also specially called Su Ye at night in the beautiful country.

On the phone, he talked a lot about his views on the group buying business, and also expressed his infinite desire to return to work in China, but due to practical problems, the fastest time for him to return to China will be one year later.

All kinds of apologies to Su Ye, all kinds of embarrassments.

Through the phone, Su Ye could also sense the other party's perception of the group buying business. Could it be possible for him to directly set up a group buying company in the beautiful country, and then start staking the land directly when there is no awareness of the group buying market in the world.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt it was possible. Even at such a moment, Su Ye thought of the name of the foreign company and called it directly——

【everybody talk】

Everyone can discuss.

Abbreviated as [ET] Company.

"Well, that's all, it's very good, and I can touch porcelain ET, I really am a genius."

Su Ye couldn't help but muttered to himself, and then his consciousness returned, and he saw Zhu Wenwen who was waving her hands in front of him.

"Mr. Su."

"President Su, wake up."

"Oh, oh, sorry."

Su Ye looked at Zhu Wenwen in front of her, "I was lost in thought just now, let's go."

It should be morning in the beautiful country, and Su Ye is not worried that there will be any problems if she contacts Lin Shang later.

"Let's go, thank you for helping me think of a good idea, let me treat today's soup dumplings."

With a big wave of Su Ye's hand, he led Zhu Wenwen to eat soup dumplings with pride.


Back home by subway at night, Su Ye sorted out her thoughts, and then called Lin Shang.

At this time, Lin Shang was facing a major hurdle in his career.

The company is laying off employees.

He just rejected Su Ye for a few days, and he was embarrassed to call Su Ye and say that I want to go back to China to work now.

Every day at home in the beautiful country, he can take care of his family to some extent, which can be regarded as making up for the busy work before.

However, living in the beautiful country, if you don't work for a day, you can't support your family.

But now that the economy is depressed, most of the companies in the beautiful country are laying off employees, and Lin Shang is a Chinese, so he has sent out more than a dozen resumes, but they all seem to have disappeared without any news.

If he still can't find a job after February, Lin Shang plans to go to a Chinese restaurant to wash dishes.

"Honey, get me some toast, how about we have garlic toast this morning."

Lin Shang's wife is an authentic beautiful Chinese, and she is still in good shape when she is just pregnant.

"No problem at all."

Lin Shang took out a pack of toast from the freezer in the refrigerator. He subconsciously glanced at the inventory at home, and there were only two packs of sliced ​​toast left.

If he couldn't find a job, then Lin Shang could only go to Chinatown to buy steamed buns to eat.

"Hey, Doris, can you hold my phone for me, my hands are full of ketchup now."

When eating toast, Lin Shang prefers to add a little ketchup on it, but at this time the phone rang suddenly.

Of course Doris knew that Lin Shang was working hard to find a job, and she was also worried that this was a call from the employer.

After putting down the slice of bread in her hand, Doris quickly ran to the living room to help Lin Shang get the phone, and pressed the answer button.

"Hello, Mr. Lin, is it convenient for you to talk now?"

Lin Shang saw the number on the caller ID just now, and there was a number +86 in front of a series of numbers, so he knew in his heart that this was a call from Longhan.

"I am, please tell me."

"I'm Su Ye from Qingyun Technology Company. I suddenly had an idea just now. I want to invite you to join us as the general manager of Everybody Talk, an overseas subsidiary of Qingyun Technology. I wonder if you will consider it."


Lin Shang was stunned for a moment.

Regardless of the ketchup on his hand, he took the phone directly from Doris, "Mr. Su, what do you mean by that? What does this everybody talk company do?"

Su Ye then told him about his vision for this company.

In fact, to put it simply, it is the English version of Dianping.

However, in terms of affiliation, the two companies have no relationship at all.

ET Company is an independent overseas group buying company, not an overseas branch of Dianping.

Even if ET company develops well in the future, it may not be certain to enter the Longhan market from abroad.

"I'm interested, I'm very interested."

"To tell you the truth, I haven't had a job for a long time. If there is no more income, our family can only drink northwest wind."

Because he often hangs around in Chinatown, although Lin Shang has never been back to Longhan, he has heard some of these words in China.

When communicating with Su Ye last time, Lin Shang was already facing the crisis of unemployment.

However, considering that his wife Dai Lisi was just pregnant, it would be bad for the unborn baby to rush to Longhan at this time, so Lin Shang refused.

Unexpectedly, in just a few days, the company had already given him a vacation.

After saying that he would be compensated in accordance with relevant regulations, Lin Shang went home.

If he had known this earlier, he might as well have taken the risk of taking Doris back.

But now that Su Ye called, Lin Shang was very excited.

"Okay, that's no problem. You can go to Archangel City to handle the specific entry process."

"Then you can open your office in the city where you live."

"No problem at all."

"President Su, to tell you the truth, the economy of the beautiful country is currently in depression, many talents cannot find jobs, and many people are facing the risk of unemployment at any time."

"When we start a company at this time, it can be said that we are entering the market at the bottom, and we can spend as little money as possible to accomplish more things."

"In this way, the initial investment cost of our company can be reduced as low as possible."

Lin Shang, who accepted Su Ye's invitation, began to help Su Ye analyze the benefits of starting a company now.

Now that the beautiful country is in a recession, a senior manager like Lin Shang only needs a monthly salary of US$1500-2000.

If their ET company signs a long enough contract with these talents now, then these talents can be tied to the ET company in the future.

"It doesn't have to be."

Su Ye shook his head and interrupted Lin Shang.

"Lin Shang, let me just call you Mr. Lin."

"You haven't stayed at Qingyun Technology Headquarters in Longhan, so you don't know much about our corporate culture."

"Our company's culture is people-oriented. Only when the company's employees are satisfied, happy, and their income increases, can they work better for the company."

"Forget it, if I say this, you may not understand for a while. Later, after you complete the entry procedures in Archangel City, come to Jiangcheng and experience it for yourself."

Lin Shang could not agree with Su Ye's idea.

In the beautiful country, every entrepreneur has all kinds of slogans that will be blocked, but in actual work, there is exploitation all the time.

Moreover, not only business owners will exploit, but even those unions (homophony) that speak out for workers will do everything possible to squeeze workers.

I really don't understand how a thought like Su Ye's made the company so big.

"President Su, wait a moment, I need to discuss with my wife, can I send you a QQ reply later?"

Now Lin Shang's family's income is really stretched, so Lin Shang also hopes to save as much money as possible in every aspect.

"Of course there's no problem. You don't need to stay in Longhan for long. A week should be enough."

"Please confirm the departure and return time and send them to me together."

"No problem, thank you President Su for giving me this opportunity."

After Lin Shang finished speaking, he frantically threw the phone into the sky after Su Ye hung up the phone, and then hugged his wife tightly.

"Doris, Doris, I have a new job."

"The former boss of Longhan Empire said he wanted to start an overseas company and asked me to be the general manager of their company."

"We're making money again."

"Yeah, that would be great."

With long arms, Doris accurately grasped the falling mobile phone and gave Lin Shang a pop.

"Honey, I knew you could do it, I like you, I love you, I like every Longhan person, including your Longhan boss."

"Thank him for giving you a job."

After the two warmed up for a while, Lin Shang put Doris on the ground. Now his wife is pregnant, so don't cause any terrible consequences because of a moment of excitement.

"However, dear Doris, I need to go to Archangel City to complete the entry procedures, and then go to Longhan for about a week to complete...complete the training."

For a while, Lin Shang didn't know how to express Su Ye's purpose for letting him go to Longhan, he could only say it was for training.

Coincidentally, didn't Su Ye say that he didn't understand the corporate culture of Qingyun Technology, so this time it should be regarded as a training trip.

"One week, that's great. Last week, Lisa and Paula asked me to go to the farm for vacation."

"Honey, you have to work hard, I'll wait for you to come back."

Hearing what Doris said, Lin Shang was deeply moved.

Lisa and Paula are Doris's best friends, but since the economic downturn this year, the contacts between several people have become much less.

After all, everyone has so much money, and they don’t have the money to buy and buy when they go shopping, so they can only do some farm work on the family farm to make ends meet.

 Congratulations to the original cookie for achieving 400 chapters, it's not easy

(End of this chapter)

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